🌧️ We have woken up to wind and rain this morning. I am singing! 🎢

There was a sprinkling of rain last night and this morning grey clouds are lurking above. I welcome the rain when it falls here. If we get too much sun, a subjective measurement depending on my mood, I can yearn for an overcast day or days with rain falling.

This might sound ungrateful to those experiencing more inclement weather. I put it down to me growing up in Britain, for which the weather (and its unpredictable and not always very pleasant nature) is quite often a topic of conversation, if not the opening gambit….and hey, look at this post, a Brit talking about the weather!

I like some variation in weather.

I have said it before on this blog, that we live in one of the wetter parts of Maui. All the same, we are going through a dry winter - I can see the grass in places starting to adopt a hay like hue. So on top of and more important than me wanting rain, the island is in need of rain. The storm a few weeks back dumped a lot of water on us, but the plants will use that up in time.

A dry winter, usually the wet season, does not bode well for the summer ahead. Here’s hoping that the rain starts falling soon. A little is forecast tomorrow and Wednesday, so fingers crossed.


A review of the movie, The Room Next Door. The reviewer liked the film despite finding it a little wordy initially and felt that it asked important questions about voluntary euthanasia. Also mentioned was the use of colours in the staging of the film.

Last night we sat around a fire saying goodbye to old friends, welcoming a visitor to the island and catching up with news from close family and friends. Above us an inky black sky dotted with stars and a sliver of a setting New Moon.

The VOG has now gone, but all that volcanic dust in the air sure did produce some beautiful sunsets. This one looking over the West Maui Mountains a couple of evenings ago.

A peaceful landscape at dusk features a glowing orange horizon over a silhouette of the West Maui Mountains and a faintly visible cityscape.

Grass Therapy

The author’s bare feet, at the end of bare legs with blue shorts just visible, are standing on a patch of lush green grass.

🀞 The wind is just beginning to pick up. I hope that this means that the VOG will be gone soon. Being outside is not pleasant. The VOG is just hanging in the air. It has been like this for two days now. Sometimes the wind dies down to nothing at night, but I hope that this increased breeze is the beginning of change in the weather and clearer days ahead.

Those Moments

The author reflects on cherished memories of sharing Fred Basset cartoons with their late father, highlighting the bittersweet nature of reminiscence after his passing.

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πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ The VOG is intense this morning. No wind is not helping. KΔ«lauea has been busy.


A picture of Robert De Niro in a suit is alongside a review for the limited series Zero Day saying it was entertaining, praising the acting but suggesting improvements could be made to the script and plot.

Mural on one side of the Queen Ka’ahumanu Center.

A vibrant mural depicting abstract human faces adorned with floral motifs and geometric shapes covers the side of a building.

Another rainbow appeared later this morning. Perhaps it is rainbow season? 🌈

A lush green landscape is set under a cloudy sky with a faint rainbow in the distance.

This morning’s rainbow 🌈. A double rainbow. They actually arched right across the sky in a perfect arc, but it was raining at the time and I would have got soaked trying to capture that.

A vibrant double rainbow arcs over a lush green landscape with cloudy skies.

I took a while to see this through, but it was worth it.

A review of the Tattooist of Auschwitz. Liking and recommending the series, how it shows the horrors of the holocaust.

Yesterday afternoon’s rainbow 🌈

A vibrant rainbow arches over a lush green landscape with dense foliage and a grassy field.

This morning’s rainbow 🌈

A rainbow arcs over a lush green landscape with grass and shrubs under a clear blue sky.

We have classical music playing on this Sunday morning, and it is bringing back memories of my childhood.

Of my mother having breakfast in bed and reading a Sunday newspaper, all brought to her by my dad.

My dad deeply immersed in one of the difficult Sunday crosswords, or on his second crossword of the morning.

Then late morning, the smells of a Sunday roast emanating from the kitchen.

Everyone quietly getting on with their Sunday morning thing, to the background of classical music.

We’ve just finished watching this series on Apple TV+.

A review of the Apple TV+ series about the Vietnam war, regarding it as good.

This morning’s, faint, rainbow out over the ocean 🌈

A lush, green lawn extends towards distant hills under a partially cloudy sky, with a small structure visible in the background. Behind that, out in the ocean, is a small, faint rainbow.

Following Amazon’s announcement that it will no longer be possible to download and backup Kindle books from February 26th, I have now been through my list of Kindle books, downloaded those not yet downloaded and saved them in Calibre.

I have also brought my Kobo Libra H2O out of retirement. I’ll be returning to the Kobo store. I bough the Libra a few years back wanting to move away from Amazon. However, I returned to Amazon as I preferred the reading experience on Kindle.

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