Moving from YouTube to Vimeo
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
I’m exploring moving my videos, which to date are all concerned with meditation, from YouTube to Vimeo. I am on a trial account with Vimeo for a month and have started uploading my videos to the platform. This will take a couple of weeks because the Vimeo plan that I am on has a weekly upload limit.
So why move? YouTube is free, and I believe it has greater visibility than Vimeo. I have also heard that it is the second most popular search engine, though I cannot vouch for that. Added to which streaming, once mastered, is pretty easy on YouTube. With Vimeo that is only possible in a membership tear for which I cannot justify the price.
The move is prompted by my preference for the look of Vimeo, its lack of advertisements, and being a little further away from the all seeing eyes of Google. Of course the latter means, as I indicated above, that I loose the visibility that comes with the prominence that YouTube enjoys. I am telling myself that I can live without that for now. As for the streaming features, I rarely use them and when I do, I can reach for something else and save the video if I wish.
I’m in touch with Vimeo support to clear up a couple of profile issues which either aren’t working or I don’t understand correctly. In the meantime, for the next couple of weeks I shall continue to explore if this is the place where I wish to host my videos.