April 2022 newsletter letter
Saturday, April 30, 2022

April 2022
Hello Friend,
Welcome to my roundup of posts from April 2022. This is my first newsletter for a couple of months. No sooner had I re-booted my newsletter in the month of February, encouraged by Manton Reece introducing a newsletter feature to Micro.blog, my blogging platform, then I pressed pause for March.
March was a challenge for me, and when it came to putting together the final touches to that month’s newsletter, the process of sharing just felt too vulnerable a move. Ironically, aside from anything that I might have said in the accompanying letter, all other posts are available to view on my website. However, I like to give each newsletter some context and in that moment I felt that I could not, and so I pressed pause and took the subscribe page down from my website.
I write this as April draws to a close. Not all of the challenges of March have passed, but I feel in a clearer space to share another newsletter.
One of the posts shared below speaks to the times in our lives when we consciously cross thresholds into new phases in our lives - March had brought me a change of citizenship as a US naturalized citizen. However pronounced or otherwise that crossing might be, while in that moment we know something has changed, we do not know completely what the change will bring. Only time will tell.
As the the northern hemisphere moves from winter to spring, and the southern hemisphere from summer to autumn, I wish you well in any changes that you are bringing into your life.
Now onto a selection of my posts from April.