July 2022 newsletter letter
Monday, August 1, 2022

July 2022
Hello Friend,
Sharing reflections
July has been an unseasonably wet month in the part of Maui where I live. Parts of the island have been struggling with water shortages, while my family’s property is looking green and healthy. For that I am grateful, and at the same time I sense the wet weather ending and the drier weather of summer approaching.
Earlier this month I was on a Zoom call with a charity in the UK of which I am a Board member. All the UK based members were sitting there in summer clothes with that exhausted look of trying to manage the heat. I commented that it was hotter in Britain than here in Hawaii.
I feel as though the planet is under stress. One of the posts that I am sharing from the last month is about the death this last week of the British scientist, James Lovelock. Lovelock developed the Gaia hypothesis, positing that the Earth is a self-regulating system. Lovelock had been warning for years about the results of humans' actions on the planet, and indeed more extreme weather conditions now appear to be more the norm.
I have found myself more productive in my writing this last month, of which I am grateful. This has felt like a month of reflections. I share with you below some of my blog posts from July.
Wishing you all a very happy summer.
As ever, thank you for reading,