Falling Back
Sunday, November 6, 2022
While we were in Europe I appreciated that Sunday morning on October 29th when the clocks went back, and Daylight Savings Time in Europe (or British Summer Time as we referred to it in the UK) dropped away with the arrival of autumn. We had just completed a long drive into the foothills of the Italian Alps at the start of an Italian holiday weekend. This was something that I was not aware of at the time, and I had assumed that the roads were always this busy, and that the Italians enjoyed racing each other to see who could be the first to Lake Como. Alongside the time spent in the car was the emotional toll of dealing with the traffic on foreign roads. I wanted to rest and sleep.
Last night the clocks went back an hour here in the US, at least most of the US. A couple of States do not adopt Daylight Savings Time and so their clocks do not move. Hawaii is one of them. I woke up early this morning, looked at my watch and thought, “oh the clocks have gone back, it’s really 5:30,” but no. I had woken up at 4:30am.
I am happy that the clocks stay constant year round here in Hawaii, but maybe this morning it would have been nice to know that I had an extra hour in bed.