Monday March 4, 2024 Newsletter letter

Reflections from the week by David Johnson. A letter head for my weekly newsletter. Black writing on a blue background with a drawing of a tree to the left

Monday March 4, 2024

Well it has been a long while since I sent out a newsletter to subscribers. The pause was initially caused by an illness last summer when I got pneumonia while visiting Portugal. Then that pause turned into a larger gap.

I am now remedying this omission but with a slightly different frequency.

Previously I sent out the newsletter on the first of each month with a hand curated selection of posts that I had made to my blog that month. I am now experimenting with sending out the newsletter every Monday with all posts from the last week. I will continue to include a accompanying letter.

There are two projects that I have started since the last newsletter, both of which can be followed via my website’s menu - all updates to these projects will also appear in subsequent newsletters, as part of my weekly feed of posts. They are:

I hope that you are happy with the changes and continue to subscribe. This last week we have had family visiting and so it has been a quiet week post wise.

If you have any comments, please do get in touch at ctt @ My email address is at the bottom of the newsletter.

Thank you for reading,
