Monday March 18, 2024 Newsletter letter
Monday, March 18, 2024

Monday March 18, 2024
Hello there. It is David Johnson here with a weekly roundup of posts to my blog.
It has been a wet week here on Maui, especially in the area of the north shore where I live. This region is one of the wetter parts of the island, but even so this week saw more low cloud and persistent drizzle than we normally have. I love the moody weather, probably because of growing up in England, and anyway sun is not in short supply here on Maui - the change is welcome. However, the rain could have curtailed itself a little earlier than it did.
Warm, tropical, wet weather lends itself to mold and as soon as the rain backs off I’ll be out with a pressure washer to clean off the green and black that are slowly appearing on the concrete.
My running practice with the Watch To 5K program got back into swing this week, which I am pleased about. I am seeing progress and feeling stronger in my body for having a regular exercise routine.
This week I got out another in the “Story Behind the Photograph” series. I’m enjoying putting this together, and allowing myself to look back and reflect on what was a rich time for me in my life, defining the direction for a great part of what came next. Aside from just making the time to write, the major roadblock to a new chapter being published is the process that I am using to get slides to a digital format ready to publish online. Still it is working.
Please do get in touch if you have any comments or questions. I can be reached at ctt
Thank you for reading.