Monday April 1, 2024 Newsletter letter

Reflections from the week by David Johnson. A letter head for my weekly newsletter. Black writing on a blue background with a drawing of a tree to the left

Monday April 1st, 2024

Dear Readers,

I had to laugh this morning. It’s related to the post that I put out yesterday around busyness (see it below). I had been trying to slow myself down, to be focused and get done what needed to be done, but obviously it was not working. I forgot that this newsletter was going out today.

That’s humbling and at the same time an opportunity to try that little bit harder and see where I can improve.

I think back to a story that an old Buddhist friend told me. He was talking to our teacher, a Tibetan monk who had grown up and been trained in a time and place that no longer exists - old Tibet. The Tibetans have done a great job of preserving their culture in exile since the Chinese invasion, especially in India, but the conditions will never be quite the same as the Tibet of old.

Anyway, back to the story. My friend was talking to our teacher (Geshe Damcho Yonten - Geshe-la for short) about a project that he was involved with. My friend said something which I guess we have all said at sometime in our lives, “I’m doing my best," to which Geshe-la replied, “No your not."

It was typical Tibetan humour to make a point. Geshe-la never disrespected the efforts of others. However, if he sensed that someone could hear what he had to offer, he would share some words for them to reflect on. In this case, yes you are doing well, but you have the potential to do better….and better again. Don’t forget that.

So as we enter the fourth month of the year, I sit and remind myself - I am doing well, and I can do better.

Thank you, as always, for reading.

