Those times when on hearing or seeing something I am triggered in a way that nudges something deep down inside me. That perception by the senses stirs something in me. It can be good or bad, or maybe in that moment I am unsure what the feeling is. But that something in me has been triggered is certain.

Such things don’t happen without a cause, and an investigation into that cause can be helpful. It can reveal a purpose as yet uncovered, an aspect of my personality as yet unknown, or some pain that needs healing.

And yet in that moment I am occupied with something else, distracted by the demands of others, or maybe adverse to wanting to explore what the cause of that trigger is. Then before I know it that feeling is forgotten about, subsumed under the activities of life. But it wont go away. It just lies dormant until a fresh trigger brings it back to the surface, returning the sensation back to consciousness and awareness.