This morning I headed out on the second run of the Watch to 5K program. I chose the same route that I did for last week’s run, a path that runs along the edge of the Kahului airport here on Maui. The weather was beginning to heat up, but I find it a pleasant path - not too busy, good views of the island, and the smell of the ocean nearby. Like my first run, I stuck to the emphasis of focusing on running and not racing. Watching my pace. After all I am training.

Interestingly on this second attempt at the Watch to 5K I am noticing more people who are out running and more importantly not trying to break records. Just setting steady paces that work for them.

By picking the route that I have I am meeting more runners which I am thinking is good for me. I can use their example to influence my own pace. Let’s just hope that I don’t meet many pro-runners!