So I now have a Shortcut accessible from my iPhone Lock Screen. When I press on icon to launch it, I am presented with a window to type some text. When I am finished typing I press Done. I’m asked if the text has a category on my blog, and from there it is published. Like this one 🥳



What is this voodoo? :)

David Johnson

@peroty I created a Shortcut that allows the user to type in text that gets published straight to Ideal for short posts. It needs to be tidied up a bit, has some superfluous leftovers from another Shortcut, but works.

As it is useful for a quick thought that I want to post, I thought that it would be great if I could access it from the Lock Screen. Enter Quick Launch which amongst other things, allows you to run a Shortcut as a Lock Screen widget.

So now I can press the icon for the Shortcut on the Lock Screen, am taken to a screen to enter text and from there to publishing it to


Quick launch looks very cool! I’ve played with Shortcuts but always end up getting frustrated and giving up.

I’ll have to check out quick launch as that may be a missing piece for me.

And I would be interested in seeing the shortcut if you want to share.

David Johnson

@peroty Quick Launch, in some of its uses makes use of Shortcuts, and so it can seem like a Shortcut dance at times, but it is over quickly, is unobtrusive in my opinion and does get the job done.

I need to tidy up the Shortcut. Once I have done that, I’ll share it.


wow! Got to try it


Sounds awesome!

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