Yesterday I just watched the world go by. It was an interesting day.

I had contracted a virus, my wife tell’s me that it was the Norovirus. It appears to have gone almost as quickly as it came, though it is currently doing the rounds of family and friends as well. I am not completely well today, but certainly not where I was yesterday or Sunday night when diarrhea and vomiting were my personal evening entertainment.

I moved myself to another room to sleep on the night of the explosions, and spent all day there yesterday. I didn’t do much. Checked in with family overseas to see how they were. Had a look to see what the inauguration had produced. Said ”hello” to a couple of online friends. Otherwise I just lay there. Mind and body didn’t feel up to much. I think that I must have dozed off a few times?

I watched the sun move across the sky through the changing shadows in the room. I watched the weather patterns changing through the windows. I watched sunrise move to sunset…and with that the day was over. I lay there in the darkness looking back over the day and wondering where it had gone? It hadn’t seemed slow.