Evening light from a couple of nights ago.
March 2025
I wrote the poem below while sitting outside by myself at dusk. It was just a stream of consciousness that came to me at the light diminished and the day wound down.
One of those coming across some words just when I need them moments. The only thing to do when the sense of dread and low self-esteem tells you that you are not up to this is to wear it down by getting a little work done every day. ~ Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird And that is what I am doing right …
We were blessed with three rainbows this morning (or maybe they were manifestations of the same one?), shown below in the order in which they appeared. 🌈
I watched Look Back last night. 🍿
Finished reading: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis. I haven’t read it since I was a kid, and just felt like giving it another go. I was little surprised at the violence depicted in it, but enjoyed the story. I can see me slowly working my way through the whole series. 📚
I wrestled two duvets into their covers this morning. They were challenging fights, but I came out victorious in the end!
Listening to the Rain Passing Through: Through open windows this morning I could hear the rain approaching. … Have you ever been on the London Underground? If not and you have used another subway system, I wouldn’t be surprised if the experience on the Underground is very similar to that of any of the world’s subway systems? And …
🌧️ It is pouring. That came out of nowhere. I cannot see that far because of the heaviness of the rainfall.
This morning’s faint rainbow. 🌈
The weather had been hazy today, maybe VOG, though if so the wind kept it at bay. The day got increasingly cloudy and by sunset the sky turned a multitude of colours. Here are a few of the patterns that appeared.
I took my wife to the airport yesterday. Part of the drive home takes me along the coast, the north shore of Maui. Out of the corner of my eye I saw two whales breaching. I think that one was a mother with the calf behind her; they looked different in size from my perspective. Whatever the …
A (Praying) Mantis in the grass. I was pleased to see this one. It had been lying on some concrete 24 hours earlier looking none to happy. I had moved it to the earth beneath the grass. Assuming that it was the same one, it must be feeling better to have had some strength to climb up the grass.
They are coming thick and fast at the moment. This afternoon’s double rainbow. 🌈
While I was out of action this last week because of a migraine, a few rainbows appeared in the sky which I have not posted here. When my health and tolerance of light due to the migraine allowed me outside, I grabbed shots of some of those rainbows - one (maybe two?) a double. I’m sharing them here. …
There’s nothing like the right conditions being in place for me to experience a step back in time. Outside it is wet, overcast and windy…and there’s a nip to that wind. Inside classical music is playing, my wife is enjoying breakfast in bed…oh and I didn’t mention that it is Sunday. With all of this …
Finished reading: Being Peace by Thich Nhat Hanh. I read this book many years ago, and Thay’s teachings have been in my orbit for as long. With the current world climate, I felt that I needed a reminder, a good reminder of holding onto peace of mind when adverse conditions arise.📚
Outside it rains, steady showers, water trickling down the down pipes. Inside it is quiet. Please leave me here all day.
Another rainbow from this morning as the sun rose following last night’s showers. 🌈
This morning’s rainbow. This one has lingered for a good hour. 🌈
🤫 It has suddenly become very quiet, and I am sitting in gratitude of that. As Skoobs said on his blog recently, …the chaos of this world, to be able to sit or lay in a room with no chaos to speak of is a luxury that can’t be overestimated.
🍃 We appear to be experiencing weather of extremes right now. After a dry spell (grass starting to turn yellow), we have moved to very windy weather (with intermittent rain).
🤕 I’ve been offline for a couple of days now. A bad migraine has taken me down. I haven’t had one this bad for a long time. I’m waking up on day 4 still feeling a throbbing, albeit a lessening to what it was. A humbling reminder of how quickly things can change - good heath, bad health.
A Prayer for Peace H.H. Dalai Lama Released today, 14 March 2025 Today is the fifteenth day of the first month of the Tibetan Calendar, and the culmination of the annual Great Prayer Festival (Monlam Chenmo), a two-week-long festival that begins with the Tibetan New Year. In accordance with our …
I have just finished reading Colin Walker’s (@colinwalker) ebook It’s Only Words, based on his love of writing and his learnt experience of the challenge that he set himself, to post to his blog every day for a year. While not having undertaken such a challenge, I could hear within the …
These two photos capture either end of this morning’s rainbow, which although the ends were visible, there was no join in the middle. 🌈
This evening’s rainbow…just. I caught it just as it faded into the sky behind it. 🌈
The Bunker: Saturday 8th March, 2025:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
No sooner do I put up a post saying that there have been no updates to The Bunker recently, than there is…a new mural on The Bunker!
This morning’s rainbow 🌈
Droplets on a garden light.
The Bunker An Update: To those waiting for the next Bunker mural, I have not forgotten you. There simply have been no updates since the beginning of the year. When I started this series I had number of photographs of past Bunker murals and so I was able to get several photos out quickly. Now we are down to the regular …
Offa's Dyke Path: Offa’s Dyke Path is a walking trail, part of the United Kingdom’s network of National Trails. The path is a 177 mile (285 km) walking trail which follows the Dyke that was ordered to be built by King Offa in the 8th century. Offa’s Dyke runs the length of the border between England …
🌧️ We have woken up to wind and rain this morning. I am singing! 🎶
There was a sprinkling of rain last night and this morning grey clouds are lurking above. I welcome the rain when it falls here. If we get too much sun, a subjective measurement depending on my mood, I can yearn for an overcast day or days with rain falling. This might sound ungrateful to those …
Last night we sat around a fire saying goodbye to old friends, welcoming a visitor to the island and catching up with news from close family and friends. Above us an inky black sky dotted with stars and a sliver of a setting New Moon.
The VOG has now gone, but all that volcanic dust in the air sure did produce some beautiful sunsets. This one looking over the West Maui Mountains a couple of evenings ago.
February 2025
Grass Therapy
🤞 The wind is just beginning to pick up. I hope that this means that the VOG will be gone soon. Being outside is not pleasant. The VOG is just hanging in the air. It has been like this for two days now. Sometimes the wind dies down to nothing at night, but I hope that this increased breeze is the …
Those Moments: The author reflects on cherished memories of sharing Fred Basset cartoons with their late father, highlighting the bittersweet nature of reminiscence after his passing.
😶🌫️ The VOG is intense this morning. No wind is not helping. Kīlauea has been busy.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025 →
Mural on one side of the Queen Ka’ahumanu Center.
Another rainbow appeared later this morning. Perhaps it is rainbow season? 🌈
This morning’s rainbow 🌈. A double rainbow. They actually arched right across the sky in a perfect arc, but it was raining at the time and I would have got soaked trying to capture that.
I took a while to see this through, but it was worth it.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 →
Yesterday afternoon’s rainbow 🌈
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 →
This morning’s rainbow 🌈
We have classical music playing on this Sunday morning, and it is bringing back memories of my childhood. Of my mother having breakfast in bed and reading a Sunday newspaper, all brought to her by my dad. My dad deeply immersed in one of the difficult Sunday crosswords, or on his second crossword of …
We’ve just finished watching this series on Apple TV+.
This morning’s, faint, rainbow out over the ocean 🌈
Following Amazon’s announcement that it will no longer be possible to download and backup Kindle books from February 26th, I have now been through my list of Kindle books, downloaded those not yet downloaded and saved them in Calibre.
I have also brought my Kobo Libra H2O out of retirement. I’ll be …
I drove home yesterday evening coming down the Haleakala Highway. It affords one a view of the West Maui mountains in front, the south shore to the left and the north shore to the right. On a clear day the island of Molokai is also visible to the north west.
My forth time watching this Studio Ghibli movie, and I still love it. 🍿
When Shadow Throws Me a Curve Ball: I haven’t written much on my blog for a few weeks now. There were a couple of posts at the end of January related to a big storm that was passing through the islands, otherwise for the most part I have been silent for almost three weeks. Up until that point I was posting most days. It …
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 →
January 2025
24 Hours of a Storm Passing Through: Well last night was quite the storm. This storm was passing through the Hawaii Island chain. It had already battered Ni’ihau, Kauai and Oahu and was now approaching the county of Maui made up of the islands of Maui, Lana’i, Moloka’i and Kahao’olawe. Being a Kona storm, it came in from the south. …
⛵ I have not seen rain like this here for a long time. I find it fascinating and scary at the same time. I hope that everyone is safe out there. The grading of the land appears to be redirecting the water around our house with small rivers appearing. If not, I think that we might sail away.
⛵ I have not seen rain like this here for a long time. I find it fascinating and scary at the same time. I hope that everyone is safe out there. The grading of the land appears to be redirecting the water around our house with small rivers appearing. If not, I think that we might sail away.
⛈️ Well the winter storm that was heading for Hawaii has finally landed on Maui, and we are getting a drenching right now. The power went out here for a couple hours today. Fingers crossed it stays with us over night. Upcountry Maui has not been so lucky - trees down and power outages since early …
The Bunker: Wednesday 22nd, January 2025:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
On Wednesday of last week there was a new mural on the side of the bunker.
Finished reading: Catnip & Brimstone by Jessica Nickelsen 📚
This morning the skies are still grey. The land is starting to dry out after taking a real drenching last night. The cool air along with the dampness in it produced a few wispy clouds of mist in the valley this morning. It looked quite beautiful.
First I watched the skies darken over the ocean. Then the hazy sign of rain out at sea, the water changing a dark grey in reflection of what was happening above. As the rain got closer to land, the boundary between cloud, rain and ocean diminished until it completely disappeared into a grey wall. By …
Yesterday I just watched the world go by. It was an interesting day.
Some Short Thoughts On Writing:
I love writing. It is my therapy, my confidante, my playground of creativity, my place of exploration. It is a quiet place where I can go and get lost, forget the passage of time and come out refreshed.
The Bunker Friday 17th January, 2025:
Sorry no new murals on the Bunker today, but I thought to share a couple of other perspectives as to where the Bunker sits on the cliffs.
🐳 I went out for a walk at the cliffs again this lunchtime, checked on The Bunker...no new murals..., but the whales were jumping. I saw three water spouts, and then a big splash as one breached. This was followed by a fluke slapping in the water. Elsewhere I caught sight of a couple more breaches. …
🐳 I went out for a walk at the cliffs again this lunchtime, checked on The Bunker...no new murals..., but the whales were jumping. I saw three water spouts, and then a big splash as one breached. This was followed by a fluke slapping in the water. Elsewhere I caught sight of a couple more breaches. …
The Story Behind the Photograph: Lovina Beach, Bali:
In August 1988 I was nearing the end of what would be a 17 month journey. At this point I had spent a couple of weeks in the United States en route to New Zealand. In New Zealand a two week stay morphed into three months. From New Zealand I traveled to Australia where I spent a year. Now I was on …
As the saying goes, I do believe that at times, A change is as good as a rest. Around lunchtime today I felt that I needed to clear my head, take a short break. So instead of laying down or just sitting quietly, I took a drive to the cliffs for a walk, and to look out at and take in the ocean - in …
The Bunker: Wednesday 15th January, 2025:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
I stopped by the Bunker at lunchtime to see if there were any changes. This time just a small update to one of the side panels.
🤔 I feel as though I have missed a day somewhere. I could have sworn that today was Tuesday, but Wednesday it is. I guess that the week is moving faster than I thought?!
🤔 I feel as though I have missed a day somewhere. I could have sworn that today was Tuesday, but Wednesday it is. I guess that the week is moving faster than I thought?!
Sitting in silence as the world wakes up. I wish that I could stay here.
After spending the morning running through websites trying to understand and make sure that I was clear about a legal process, I was very grateful to stumble across someone who has been down the road that I was attempting to figure out, and had laid it all out step by step. Thank you to him. 🙏🏻
I’m catching up with some images from the weekend. Sunday was a good day for rainbows. Here are a few 🌈
The Bunker: Saturday 11th January, 2025:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
Some artists, or an artist was busy last night. This new mural was on the Bunker as I drove by today. I’ve included a few photographs to show what was created.
This evening’s rainbow 🌈
After a thunderstorm to end all thunderstorms last night, the rumbles shaking the house and the lightening illuminating the landscape, we woke up to snow on the summit of Haleakala (please excuse my iPhone Mini 13 struggling with the distance of the shot). It is sounding right now as though the …
I am not long home from my weekly sit with my men’s group. I’ve said it before on this blog, but I am grateful for these men.
A Car Ablaze:
A couple of nights ago we had not long turned out the lights and were dozing off when both my wife and I heard a thump sound outside. We had no idea what it was or where exactly it came from. My first thought was someone snooping around the house, something that thankfully has never happened and so …
I went to visit The Bunker this morning to see if there was any new art. Sadly not. Instead though, the view towards the West Maui Mountains took my breath away. The air was so clear and with that the Mountains were in sharp relief, etched against the deep blue colour of the sky. In addition to the …
I thought that the Trade Winds had returned, but with aircraft still landing over the ocean, it means that we are still experiencing Kona winds, southwest winds. The usual landing pattern in Trade Winds is to approach over the island, north to south. This video taken a couple of days ago shows a …
The windless days and nights that cast a spell over the island have now left us and the Trade winds have returned, keeping our days cooler…thankfully. However, we took advantage of the lack of wind and sat around our fire pit a couple of nights ago.
For the Pacific Wave Appreciation Society, while this video doesn’t show it clearly, the ocean was a dark blue today and glassy calm. And the these big waves broke out of that stillness. Beautiful.
The Story Behind the Photograph: Gazing at the Mountains:
I can remember being there when this photograph was taken, though I don’t know exactly where there was or who took the photo? I wasn’t even aware of it being taken. I was given a copy much later by a friend who I was traveling with and who took the picture.
The Bunker: Thursday 2nd January, 2025:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
There is an entrance around the back of the Bunker that lets one peer inside. It is possible to go inside, but that involves climbing over a railing, and for now I decided to make do with looking in.
A VOGgy (Volcanic fog) sunset. The magic in the air from earlier this morning has stayed with us. Having said that, being upcountry I would imagine it being a lot thicker and more uncomfortable to be in.
🧙♂️ There’s a magic in the air this morning. There is not a breath of wind. The air is cool, with the rising sun making little difference as it sits behind whispy, mist like clouds. All is still. A distant hum of a lawn mower accompanies the bird song. Nothing else. Just the magic.
🧙♂️ There’s a magic in the air this morning. There is not a breath of wind. The air is cool, with the rising sun making little difference as it sits behind whispy, mist like clouds. All is still. A distant hum of a lawn mower accompanies the bird song. Nothing else. Just the magic.
A monk seal sleeping at Ho’okipa this evening, while surfers slip pass her/him. We’d gone there to have a picnic at sunset. It was a beautiful evening with not a breath of wind. There was a volunteer on hand to make sure that people kept their distance from the seal. She was there until …
For the Hello Kitty fans out there.
The Bunker: Sunday 26th June, 2022:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
Last night I was happy to find this photograph of the Bunker from a few years back. Yet another capture of this small building to fill in its changing faces.
Word for the Year: While I have known others to do so and have read about others’ processes for finding theirs, I have never had a word that can inform me and be a beacon as I move through a year. The idea of having a word has sparked a curiosity in me, but finding that word has never come naturally to me, and I have …
I think simply because I do not see many whales breaching on the north shore, I was surprised but happy to see just that while sitting on a north shore beach early yesterday afternoon. Just looking up at the right moment, we saw the whale. A couple next to us, deep in conversation, missed it. A …
The Bunker: Thursday 2nd January, 2025:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
The first Bunker mural for 2025 with two views of The Bunker.
This morning’s rainbow. The first of the New Year 🌈
Finished reading: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. I’m still sitting with this one. It packed a strong emotional punch.📚
December 2024
The last rainbow of the year🌈 … … as the sun sets on 2024.
The Bunker: First Year/Month in Review:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
With 2024 drawing to a close, only 7 more hours left here in Hawaii, I thought that I would review the first year, first month actually of The Bunker project. Only a couple of new murals have been added since I started this project at the beginning of December, so most …
A couple of rainbows from this morning 🌈
An Evening at Polipoli:
Yesterday evening a group of us went up to Polipoli Spring State Recreation Area for sunset and a picnic. The views were spectacular, looking across the Valley Isle to the West Maui Mountains, with Lana’i in the distance.
🤔 It’s Monday morning but feels like Sunday to me. I think because it is that week. The stretch from Christmas to New Year always feels like the longest week of the year to me, and I get completely disoriented. I can’t decide whether I just want it to be over, or to simply wallow in the holiday feel …
🤔 It’s Monday morning but feels like Sunday to me. I think because it is that week. The stretch from Christmas to New Year always feels like the longest week of the year to me, and I get completely disoriented. I can’t decide whether I just want it to be over, or to simply wallow in the holiday feel …
This morning’s rainbow 🌈
Finished reading: This is Amiko, Do You Copy? by Natsuko Imamura. This was a short read, but both difficult to read the story, and sad. 📚
The Bunker: Friday 20th December, 2024:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
This photograph is of the ocean facing side of the bunker. If anything happens here related to art, it is usually random graffiti. However, I took this photo because of the cow and her calf sitting in the shade of the building.
Reflections on Christmas:
I watched A Charlie Brown Christmas on Christmas Eve afternoon, as I do each year. I say ”each year,” though it is a fairly new tradition for me, perhaps stretching back to a few years before the COVID outbreak. I find that this short animation touches the Christmas spirit on so many levels. …
The Bunker: Sunday 22nd December, 2024:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
When I went back to the cliffs to see the waves the day after the last posting, someone had defaced or graffitied over the image from the day before. So I thought to include that update here, as well as a photo giving another perspective of the location of the bunker. …
Wednesday, December 25, 2024 →
I still can’t get use to this being a Christmas scene. It was a lovely couple of hours, watching the surfers, chatting with friends, dozing. And at times it feels… I’m not sure what the word is, wrong doesn’t convey the right meaning? Despite spending a good many years, …
I’m sitting at home on Christmas night, just the lights of the Christmas tree on, listening to A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols from the Chapel of King’s College, Cambridge.
The Bunker: Saturday 21st December, 2024:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
Another double billing of the bunker. Aside from the front facing, main painting, some graffiti had also been added to the side, so I decided to share that as well.
☔ It’s raining outside. I didn’t see that coming. We have had such a long dry spell. Still it is welcome and I’m grateful for it.
☔ It’s raining outside. I didn’t see that coming. We have had such a long dry spell. Still it is welcome and I’m grateful for it.
I’m listening to A Child’s Christmas in Wales by and read by Dylan Thomas
OK. One more (maybe 😉) video of the big swell that has been going through the Hawaii islands. This one from yesterday afternoon.
One of my favourite Christmas songs is ”I Believe in Father Christmas” by the late Greg Lake. Here is a version of the song sung by Lake and accompanied by among others, Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull. It is filmed at St. Bride’s Church, Fleet Street, in the City of London.
The Bunker: Monday 18th November, 2024:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
I posted a photo of this smiley face on the bunker before I started The Bunker series, and so I decided to post two more angles of the building on that day.
Waves, Whales and Celebrations:
I was going to post this yesterday evening, but after starting to write on our return I was just too tired to finish it. So I’m completing it on the day after. I’ll leave the post in the tense fitting of my initial draft.
A video from yesterday morning, stopping off again to see how the big swell was developing.
While Cleaning the house I’m listening to the late George Winston’s December
The Bunker: Wednesday 7th October, 2015:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
In going back through my photographs I found this distant view of the bunker. Although the artwork is not clear, it can be seen if you zoom in. I also like how this photo gives another perspective on where the bunker sits.
One last photo today of the waves. This is looking west towards the West Maui mountains.
A lunchtime visit to the waves today. If I had brought a picnic, I could have sat there for an hour watching these come in.
A couple of friends grab a grandstand view of the waves coming in at lunchtime today.
The Bunker: Sunday 3rd December, 2023:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
The swell coming into the north shore of Maui continues to grow. This from this afternoon. As yet it has not peaked. I stand in awe of seeing these waves in person, and am grateful that I have the opportunity to do so. The raw power of nature is quite something to behold.
The Bunker Tuesday 22nd June, 2021:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
There is only a partial view of the bunker here, but I didn’t want to lose an opportunity to capture any record of The Bunker that I had.
Another of those mornings when although we live a mile away from the ocean, I can hear the waves crashing against the cliffs. 🌊
Wednesday, December 18, 2024 →
The big swell is starting to arrive this evening. My wife and I headed down to Ho’okipa to catch the first waves coming in. Apparently it will get bigger as we go into the weekend. The road and shore line was covered in a mist of water thrown up by the surf.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024 →
I was out walking and listening to an episode of the Tricycle Talks podcast. The podcast is an offshoot of the Buddhist magazine Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. In the middle of the podcast there was an advertisement for other offerings that Tricycle currently has, during which it was mentioned that …
Waves at Ho’okipa this evening. The calm before the storm, before the arrival of the big swell coming in in a couple of days. Something for the For the Pacific Wave Appreciation Society to look forward to.
Dusk at Ho’okipa this evening. The island of Moloka’i is visible in the distance.
I love this quote, the imagery, from author Steve Edwards from over on Bluesky. I’ve had enough of villain origin stories. Show me how that old man next door who sits in his lawn chair under a shade tree all summer–with a bowl of water for the neighborhood dogs–achieved …
The Bunker: Tuesday 24th January, 2017:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
🤕 After four days, the migraine that I have been nursing finally appears to be dissipating. I’ve been getting them for almost fifty years. In that time their intensity and frequency has varied. What has remained constant is that they come out of nowhere, start with with an aura around my eye until I …
🤕 After four days, the migraine that I have been nursing finally appears to be dissipating. I’ve been getting them for almost fifty years. In that time their intensity and frequency has varied. What has remained constant is that they come out of nowhere, start with with an aura around my eye until I …
Stories from the Road: Hitchhiking Memories: After mentioning some of my hitchhiking experiences in earlier posts, I came across this article by Hilary Bradt in The Guardian. In it she talks about her own hitchhiking experiences. At the age of eighty two she has been hitchhiking every decade of her adult life. While the mind can very easily go …
The Bunker: Monday 13th June, 2016:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
The Bunker: Thursday 28th April, 2016:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
I’m currently listening to A Charlie Brown Christmas (Expanded Edition) by Vince Guaraldi Trio. I love this soundtrack and the associated Peanuts TV special. I’ll be watching it again this year. 🎄
My wife: “I went into the bedroom to get my phone, now I can’t remember what I wanted it for.” Me: “Count it as one less thing to do.”
I’m sitting by myself at home listening to a Windham Hill Christmas Collection.
Letting Go of What I Can’t Get To: I’m talking here of my online life. Over the years I have tried various Read Later services, in the process building up a veritable library of articles that I don’t have time to read right now and so will put aside, neatly categorized, ready to be read later. In time that list gets too long despite …
The Bunker: Friday 1st April, 2016:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
The Bunker: Sunday 27th December, 2015:
All credit to the artist(s) 🎨
The Bunker: On the north shore of the Hawaii island of Maui, in the middle of a field that sits on the edge of cliffs dropping down into the waters of the Pacific Ocean, sits a small rectangular brick building that I call The Bunker. I have no idea of its original usage. Whatever that was, it now sits empty and …
I’m sitting outside working. First I hear the rain approaching from a distance, falling on nearby trees, rattling them like tracing paper, Getting closer… Passing overhead… Moved on now… Leaving just the sound of the water trickling down the downpipes. The air …
The Cow and The Sheep: Our next door neighbours have a field of probably two acres that is very overgrown. As an example of how overgrown it is, the field is also home to a cow and two sheep. There are times when it is not possible to see them. In fact unless they are walking by the hedge bordering our house, we don’t see …
🎶 Christmas Time is Here 🎶
🫰 Things change. After a few days of beautiful, still weather, Maui winter weather at its best, we now have wind and horizontal rain.
🫰 Things change. After a few days of beautiful, still weather, Maui winter weather at its best, we now have wind and horizontal rain.
App Defaults 2024:
Last year around this time, following Hemispheric Views’s podcast, Dual of the Defaults, many people shared their own default apps. Rob Knight curated them.
I was not one of those people, but with this year approaching its end and with some revisiting the status of their defaults from last year, I …
I said to myself that it would not happen again, that I am happy withwhere I have laid my hat, but here I am doing my periodic tryout of Mastodon apps. I’m checking out web based clients as well. The Mastodon iOS app has improved a lot since I last used it.
Finished reading: More Days at the Morisaki Bookshop by Satoshi Yagisawa 📚
The Phantom Ship: We have been going through a very dry spell on Maui. Being winter, the weather has been lovely to experience. Cool mornings, warm days, clear skies, no wind. There’s a little nip to a breeze and a reminder of the season when I step into the shade. Last night it broke. I woke up in the early hours …
This morning’s partial rainbow 🌈
All I want for Christmas is the use of a remote cabin, half way up a mountain. Give me the key, show me the way, and I’ll see you in the New Year.
Dying peony flowers.
Early morning sounds - birds singing, a machine tool running…silence. The sun rises on a new day.
Many years ago I remember reading an interview with a Western Buddhist monk. The monk was asked what he had got out of his years of meditation practice. I like the monk’s answer, I know that I get angry. Today I know that I was angry.
This evening was beautiful, crystal clear with hardly a breath of wind. A couple of friends dropped by to say “hello.” At sunset the conversation turned to what to do for dinner? So while I lit a fire, everyone else got busy in the kitchen and concocted a meal from leftovers. Our dishes …
November 2024
Setting the scene, from the garden.
A big “Thank you” to Andy Carolan for creating my seasonal owl avatar to take me through the holiday period…and maybe through the winter? This is my third owl avatar. Two by Andy and one by heyheymomo. Why owls? I lived in South Wales for just shy of two decades. While there I could hear owls …
Wednesday, November 27, 2024 →
Well that figures, the Inbox of my Drafts app is currently sitting at 666 😈 and the app is playing difficult to get, alongside my phone stalking and jumping around. Hopefully this addition to the Inbox will resolve that issue…that or simply turning my phone off and back on! 🤨
Wednesday, November 27, 2024 →
🔪 Sharpening knives ready for tomorrow…and it was an overdue job anyway.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024 →
🔪 Sharpening knives ready for tomorrow…and it was an overdue job anyway.
Hanging a Picture: Hanging pictures is not my forte. They usually end up too low, too high or lopsided. That along with the copious, probably visible marks on the wall as I try and measure where to place the picture and too many holes as I make up for afore mentioned mistakes, usually sees my wife going in search of …
I keep playing Between Two Points from David Gilmour’s new album Luck & Strange. While it ends with a signature guitar solo from Gilmour, it is the beat of the song alongside the hauntingly beautiful voice of his daughter Romany Gilmore who sings, that draws me back. Between Two Points was …
Lunch break at Ho’okipa Beach Park.
A wave like cloud at sunset this evening.
Aloha from Maui.
Back to Kagi Search: Well things change. Back in July I shared how after six months using Kagi search, I didn’t feel that the benefits over my previous search engine of choice, DuckDuckGo, were sufficient to justify carrying on paying for Kagi. In the last couple of weeks I have reversed that decision and am now back …
🥶 Brrrhhh! Upcountry Maui is windy and cold right now, though those in more northerly latitudes might question my use of the emoji I chose here?!
🥶 Brrrhhh! Upcountry Maui is windy and cold right now, though those in more northerly latitudes might question my use of the emoji I chose here?!
Well who would have guessed? I thought that I was a leak, but it appears that my Veggie ID is… Broccoli. What is yours?
I watched a film unknown to me while flying from London to LA last week. Daddio, staring Dakota Johnson and Sean Penn, with no other cast apart from extras in the background. 95% of the movie takes place in a taxi, maybe more? Johnson and Penn just talk. They had me. 🍿
These images are a week old. Over the course of a day these rainbows greeted me on the day after my return to Maui. Hawaii is known for its rainbows. Last Wednesday the skies over our corner of the island excelled themselves. 🌈
We watched My Neighbor Totoro a couple of nights ago with one of our grandsons. It was the third or fourth time that I have seen the film. I love this Ghibli movie. I find it beautiful to watch. There are pauses throughout the film, sometimes with some sounds playing, sometimes just silence. The …
This morning’s rainbow 🌈
☕ Somethings up, I don’t know what, but I’ve just made my third early morning coffee.
☕ Somethings up, I don’t know what, but I’ve just made my third early morning coffee.
In Gratitude of an AirTag: “I have never lost a bag,” I proudly and gratefully told my wife as we shuttled from one terminal to another while in transit at Heathrow Airport. We were on a bus, zigzagging around buildings and aircraft, occasionally disappearing underground. Nearing our destination we passed some open doors …
😒 “Oh the joys of jet lag,” he says typing away in the early hours of the morning while wide awake.
😒 “Oh the joys of jet lag,” he says typing away in the early hours of the morning while wide awake.
Finished reading: Days at the Morisaki Bookshop by Satoshi Yagisawa 📚
Heathrow airport on a gloomy afternoon…and a lot of aliens hovering above.
Changing tires.
I love how little kids, totally oblivious to the chaos around them at a busy airport, will play, stop to pull up socks and take their time (as it is so very important to do properly). Meanwhile stressed adults run sweating and read faced, moving from line to line, looking for gates, where next?
Adeus Portugal. Até à próxima. 🇵🇹
Playing with the camera.
Current weather in Lisbon. MAAT
Sometimes I find that for no reason at all, or at least no reason that I can put my finger on, a song gives me a strong sense of empowerment. This morning I was listening to a random playlist and the song Technicolor Beat by Oh Wonder came on. I was familiar with this song as I have played this …
We started watching the second series of The Diplomat on Netflix last night. We managed two episodes before sleep curtailed any further watching. If I had been wider awake, I could have watched more. I’m enjoying it because of great acting and the storyline pulling me in. Where will it go? I’ve just …
We went looking for Pink Flamingos this morning. If I understood this page correctly from the Alcácer do Sal municipal website, Pink Flamingos have recently returned to the area. If this is so, we were either unable to see them - the rice fields stretch a long way from the road - or they had moved …
October 2024
We are back in Alcácer do Sal after two nights in the Serra da Estrela, the highest mountain range in Portugal. I love the mountains and during a brief hike, looking out over these hills, I was reminded of The Black Mountains and Brecon Beacons in South Wales. I use to go hiking in those hills and …
I could sit and watch this movie all day.
Waking up to this, this morning, I don’t have much enthusiasm for getting out of bed and driving home today.
I am thinking that it has been almost a decade since I have been amongst trees in autumn, and I am so appreciating it. The colours, the damp smell, the cool air. It all takes me back to what I grew up with and spent so many years around.
Quiet, silence and stillness this morning. Visiting the Serra da Estrela here in Portugal for a couple of nights. Up in the mountains and appreciating the fresh air here. We are sitting at an elevation of just below 2,000m (6,562ft). Sun out, cool, cloud slowly drifting in.
Phew! Just got home. A late night drive back to Alcácer from Lisbon, not my favourite thing to do…though the bed at the end of the drive is very welcome. A day of meeting up with friends. Dinner with a couple who we know from our time living in the US Pacific Northwest who are in Europe, …
A calm River Sado hosts a flock of young seagulls on a Sunday morning.
🛌 My bed had an iron grip on me this morning. It was quite a fight to get out. I gave into the struggle a couple of times, but eventually won through. Coffee is now being made.
🛌 My bed had an iron grip on me this morning. It was quite a fight to get out. I gave into the struggle a couple of times, but eventually won through. Coffee is now being made.
For some reason I redownloaded Ulysses just now. I have not used it for a long time. I have been getting along just fine with my two workhorses - Drafts and iA Writer. Tot has also been a part of the mix. But not Ulysses. Not for a long time…until now. I am writing this with Ulysses. Maybe it is …
I’ve now heard back from Hawaii Elections. Your ballot has been accepted This message is from your County Elections Division. Your 2024 General Election ballot has been received, validated, and accepted for counting. Mahalo for voting! 🇺🇸🗳️
🏁 A first this morning. I drove from Alcácer do Sal to where we usually park in Lisbon without using GPS (Apple Maps). I’ll need it to get out this evening, but I’ll chalk that up as a win for familiarity and knowing my way round.
🏁 A first this morning. I drove from Alcácer do Sal to where we usually park in Lisbon without using GPS (Apple Maps). I’ll need it to get out this evening, but I’ll chalk that up as a win for familiarity and knowing my way round.
A reading nook.
Capela de Arraiolos.
The weather was so grey this evening at sunset, that it almost looked as though it had been snowing over Alcácer. While cooler than yesterday, snow though was very definitely not in the air.
My wife and I will be out of State on Election Day. Today we submitted our votes electronically. This is the first time that I have voted in a US Presidential Election since becoming a US citizen. What a first election this is. 🇺🇸🗳️
Finished reading: Instructions for Traveling West by Joy Sullivan 📚 The bus aisle is a long series of choices. My sisters and I would arrive home, caked with dust. As if God were baking with red four and sneezed. Even I know a sunset doesn’t save us but still I swerve to the side of 405 just to see …
Pedro Nunes looking out over his Square in his birth place of Alcácer do Sal.
(Some of) the colours of Alcácer’s bridge by night.
Night time is quiet here in Alcácer do Sal. I sit here now and the only sound that disturbs the quiet is the podcast that my wife is listening to downstairs and the crickets outside. Otherwise there is no sound…oh, the roof cracks and creaks occasionally as it cools down from a day of sun …
The first rays of sunlight striking this morning.
📰 I came across a British Sunday newspaper while out today, the FT Weekend for the curious. I love a Sunday newspaper but rarely see one these days (living in Hawaii, the weekend is almost over for most of the world by the time that we wake up). Being here in Portugal increases my chances of finding …
📰 I came across a British Sunday newspaper while out today, the FT Weekend for the curious. I love a Sunday newspaper but rarely see one these days (living in Hawaii, the weekend is almost over for most of the world by the time that we wake up). Being here in Portugal increases my chances of finding …
The clean up, stage two. I noticed as the washing machines started turning, that another level of stress felt released from my body. Finally being able to clean the mop up towels.
Process Zero and Music: Process Zero is a feature of the iPhone camera app Halide. My understanding of Process Zero is that it removes the processing that Apple apply to the photos that iPhones take. The result of Process Zero has been described as more film like, unprocessed. This morning I sat in our living room drinking …
Early dawn light this morning.
A Day of Extremes: If there is a movie buff in the family, it is my wife. I enjoy watching a good film, but my wife, loves movies and the movie industry. So when she heard that the Tribeca Film Festival would be holding a two day event in Lisbon while we were in Portugal, it became an immediate fixture on our …
🥱 Almost without fail, I wake up later in Portugal, sleep longer.
🥱 Almost without fail, I wake up later in Portugal, sleep longer.
I love stepping from the noise and hustle of the street, into the silence and calm of a bookshop. This evening it was Livraria da Travessa.
Where we spent a good part of today, here in Lisbon.
As my wife just said to me as she frantically mopped up a potential stain after spilling a drink on the couch, “I’m pleased that I did it and not you.” Me too! 😉
🚿 Well I didn’t ask for that, but I got a proper drenching getting out of the car. It was like being in a car wash. Water from all sides and a river rushing down the road to clean my shoes!
🚿 Well I didn’t ask for that, but I got a proper drenching getting out of the car. It was like being in a car wash. Water from all sides and a river rushing down the road to clean my shoes!
🌧️ There has been a Severe Weather Warning hovering over us since this morning, and now it appears to have arrived. With that said, the severity of that warning is changing rapidly. The forecast thunderstorms have currently disappeared and it now looks as though we’ll have moderate rainfall into the …
🌧️ There has been a Severe Weather Warning hovering over us since this morning, and now it appears to have arrived. With that said, the severity of that warning is changing rapidly. The forecast thunderstorms have currently disappeared and it now looks as though we’ll have moderate rainfall into the …
Caught in conversation.
Peppers for sale in Mercardo do Livramento, Setúbal.
Always worth a visit, though warmer days than today are better recommended. This was taken over the weekend.
👋 Olá Lisboa. Olá Príncipe Real. In Lisbon for the day with Maui friends. Saying goodbye to them tonight as they head home.
👋 Olá Lisboa. Olá Príncipe Real. In Lisbon for the day with Maui friends. Saying goodbye to them tonight as they head home.
View over the River Sado, Alcácer do Sal on a windy evening.
Well we arrived in Alcácer do Sal late at night yesterday, and it turned out to be the last day of a weekend festival. Alcácer does festivals well. Cars crawled to the venue, also on the route to our house. The festival is the Feira Nova De Outubro 2024. I am not clear what it was celebrating, but …
Olá Portugal 🇵🇹
Watching a fly climbing up the inside of a window of the airplane that I am on, oblivious of the fact (I assume!), that it is about to depart England.
A quiet Sunday morning in an overcast Britain. I’m moving on today and I’m sad about that.
I look at countries vying for power in the world, vying to be the most powerful…and ask myself, “Why?” I am from a country that use to have the largest empire the world has ever known, England, and where is that now? I am about to visit a country that had its own small empire, …
What a difference a few thousand feet make. These photos were taken six days ago as we approached London Heathrow. The first was taken up above the clouds as the first light of dawn made an appearance. As the plane descended into Heathrow we dropped into the cloud beneath us, and we stayed in it. …
Sunrise over Bristol a couple of days ago.
I spotted this character just down the road from my mother’s apartment.
🐦 There’s barely any light in the sky, but I can hear the first birds of the morning singing the early notes of the dawn chorus.
🐦 There’s barely any light in the sky, but I can hear the first birds of the morning singing the early notes of the dawn chorus.
😵💫 Well jet lag did its bit last night. I’m up before six having a cup oof coffee having managed probably less than two hours sleep. At least I can enjoy the quiet early hours…it’s beautifully quiet.
😵💫 Well jet lag did its bit last night. I’m up before six having a cup oof coffee having managed probably less than two hours sleep. At least I can enjoy the quiet early hours…it’s beautifully quiet.
🧟 Jet lag sucks. Last night, pill aided, I slept for 12 hours, after a day of feeling delirious as I tried to stay awake following my early morning arrival. Today (or yesterday, Tuesday, as I write this) fresh air, a massage and a good meal helped me relax and feel more back in my body. I went to …
🧟 Jet lag sucks. Last night, pill aided, I slept for 12 hours, after a day of feeling delirious as I tried to stay awake following my early morning arrival. Today (or yesterday, Tuesday, as I write this) fresh air, a massage and a good meal helped me relax and feel more back in my body. I went to …
I’ve managed to stick with learning Portuguese for 30 days. I’m surprised with myself and happy. I’m unclear as yet what that means for making myself understood or what I understand? Of course 30 days is little time on which to build such expectations, but I do congratulate myself …
September 2024
Finished reading: The Lady With The Dog by Anton Chekhov 📚
I feel as though I am pretty tolerant of different toilet facilities that one might encounter in daily life. This is especially so for me while traveling. I’ve used some very basic, very impersonal, very smelly toilet facilities. I’m not saying that I enjoy them or go looking for them, …
🥱 Waking up at LAX, or rather an airport hotel nearby. Heading to the UK to help see my mother and hopefully help with some water leaks in her apartment.
🥱 Waking up at LAX, or rather an airport hotel nearby. Heading to the UK to help see my mother and hopefully help with some water leaks in her apartment.
Thursday, September 26, 2024 →
I made mention that in an earlier post of the Pacific Golden Plover, or kōlea, which visits Hawaii for the winter. This morning I tried to capture some photos of a Plover feeding in our front garden. They are fairly tame, and there is still a limit as to how close that I can get to them. There is …
Thursday, September 26, 2024 →
A crescent, waning moon high in the sky at dawn this morning as I stepped outside.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024 →
I’m sitting outside. Everyone is out. The day is ending, this little corner of the world is quietening down. The wind is waning to a gentle breeze. The sun has set and the light is starting to fade. Scattered clouds fill the sky to the horizon, all slowly drifting westwards. The ocean from here …
Wednesday, September 25, 2024 →
OK, time to age myself. I was just looking at PCalc on my iPhone. I have the display set to that used by old LED calculator displays. I remember when such calculators first came out, the cool thing was to see what words you could spell out with the display. For example, 710.77345 would spell …
Wednesday, September 25, 2024 →
This morning’s rainbow 🌈
Wednesday, September 25, 2024 →
Hello Kitty - I felt as though I was being followed today.
🌃 6:10pm and I am in my pyjamas. Well I am home, eaten, showered, I'm not going out anywhere for the rest of the evening....so I figured that I might as well get ready for bed (though I'm not going there quite yet).
🌃 6:10pm and I am in my pyjamas. Well I am home, eaten, showered, I'm not going out anywhere for the rest of the evening....so I figured that I might as well get ready for bed (though I'm not going there quite yet).
I’ll celebrate this.
Finished reading: Soul Writing by Claire de Boer 📚
This morning’s rainbow 🌈
A self seeding fern growing out of fence post.
There is still a week and a half to go before September ends, and this is the site that greeted me when I walk into Lowe’s this afternoon. One of those big figures was singing Christmas songs. Meanwhile outside the sun beat down with late summer heat. Words escape me.
Thursday, September 19, 2024 →
Crazy Wisdom: I have found copies of old blog posts on my computer from an earlier incarnation of my website. This one was from I know not when, but will guess around 2010. I have edited the post lightly to provide link references and clarification where appropriate. While in New York last week for Thanksgiving …
Thursday, September 19, 2024 →
My 61st birthday today. I have just learnt that it is my cousin’s daughter’s 21st birthday today. That 40 year gap makes me feel old! The opportunities of youth, the perspective and learnt lessons (though probably a few more to learn!) of later years.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 →
Watching my grandson playing football (soccer) last Saturday morning. His team won 3 - 1. I was sitting to the left where there are a crowd of people on the touchline, but the sun was brutally hot and I had to take shelter under the shade of a tree. Those tent structures were all accounted for! …
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 →
Homemade egg pasta drying.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 →
I’m late to the game here. We started watching Slow Horses on Monday evening, and are now 4 episodes in. I now see what I have been missing. The positive side? I have three and a half seasons to go. 🕵️♂️
A thread on Mastodon made me go looking to see if website for the old Camino browser. Indeed it is. Camino use to be my go to browser. A blog post announcing the end of its development was published on Thursday, May 30th, 2013. I remember Camino fondly. It was sad to see development end.
I was driving home yesterday and found myself in a long line of traffic. I live not far off the Hana Highway here in Maui. This road turns into the Road to Hana, a journey which for very good reason, for its beauty and culture, attracts a lot of visitors each year. Morning time can find the road …
Be careful if you are up a ladder. I was topping the hedge this morning. I don’t think that I was doing anything irresponsible, but I almost fell backwards twice. Be careful.
Well the updating has commenced. Apple TV and my iPhone are on their way, downloading their respective OSs as I type. I’ll do my watch later. I am a little on the fence about my MacBook Air at the moment. It’s a 13-inch 2020 and has finally made it to the bottom of the list for Airs that …
😶🌫️ It’s a misty, wet and muggy night out there. I didn’t expect this end to the day. Good night everyone.
😶🌫️ It’s a misty, wet and muggy night out there. I didn’t expect this end to the day. Good night everyone.
This evening’s rainbow with a Plumeria tree in the foreground (and experimenting with Halide app’s Process Zero). 🌈
A STOP sign decorated in stickers.
We are fortunate enough to have A/C in our house…until we don’t. The split screen system decided to break down last week, and now the hot muggy weather from outside has made its way inside. Aside from keeping the inside cool and in my opinion more livable, the A/C also keeps the …
The 3,000th Post: Sometime in the last month I published my 3,000th post to this blog. When I hit publish on this post, it will be the 3,094th. That feels like a big number to me. Perhaps for some, they left that number in the dust a long time ago? But for me this feels like a lot. My blog started back in March of …
🌧️ Making coffee on a hot, muggy morning, and listening to the sound of rain as it dances off the concrete around the house.
🌧️ Making coffee on a hot, muggy morning, and listening to the sound of rain as it dances off the concrete around the house.
Saturday, September 14, 2024 →
🏃♂️ It’s the Hana Relay today. A 52 mile race from Kahului Airport in Maui to Hana, along the twist and turns of the road to Hana. Teams of 6 compete with each team member running 3 legs of 2 to 3 miles each. Waking up this morning I could see a big group of vehicles parked up for one of the change …
Saturday, September 14, 2024 →
🏃♂️ It’s the Hana Relay today. A 52 mile race from Kahului Airport in Maui to Hana, along the twist and turns of the road to Hana. Teams of 6 compete with each team member running 3 legs of 2 to 3 miles each. Waking up this morning I could see a big group of vehicles parked up for one of the change …
Changing where I sit an write really does help with my productivity, or with clearing my head and finding the words and ideas that I was looking for. Even choosing a different venue in the house. I look out on a different view, which seems to give me a new perspective even if I know the house well.
Well following my post last week about the new Reeder app, I have decided that it is not for me. For sure I will keep an eye on its development. I believe that through its production, developer Silvio Rizzi is exploring new ways that we can consume our online content, as is The Iconfactory with …
I visited the Rinzai Zen Mission near to Pā’ia this morning for their morning meditation and service. It was a beautiful way to start the day. Here is the closing prayer that we chanted. FOUR INFINITE VOWS All beings without limit I vow to carry over, Kleshas without cease I vow to cut off; …
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 →
🌬️ Yeh! It looks as though the Trade winds have returned. They are blowing through the open window this morning. After a handful of days of very hot, muggy weather, hopefully as today moves on through the conditions will be a little more manageable.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 →
🌬️ Yeh! It looks as though the Trade winds have returned. They are blowing through the open window this morning. After a handful of days of very hot, muggy weather, hopefully as today moves on through the conditions will be a little more manageable.
Spotted while out walking just off the shore line, at the end of last week. Someone or some people had been cleaning up debris that had washed ashore. Seeing the work of these good people reminded me of a quote that went something like this, You can’t throw things away. You can only put them where …
Picked from under the tree and ready for a quick lunchtime snack.
Can weather conditions affect WiFi strength and connectivity? I ask as yesterday some of my devices, all the same brand, lost connection with our home WiFi. Up until then they had been working just fine for the best part of six months. Tried as I might to reconnect them, the devices were not having …
The glow today is not from exercise, though I guess that it might as well be. The sun has been unrelenting today - the forecast said tops of 80ºF, though I would say it felt much hotter - and there were no Trade winds to take the edge off. Blue sky, little cloud. I wanted to finish trimming a part …
Quoted in the opening pages of Writing as a Way of Healing: How Telling Our Stories Transforms Our Lives by Louise DeSalvo. While I in no way claim the writing chops of Ray Bradbury, I can hear in his words a truth for me. So while our art cannot, as we wish it old, save us from wars, privation, …
Well I have played with the new Reeder App for a couple of days now. I can’t decide what I think of it? And I wasn’t going to write about it…but I am 🙃 Some thoughts… The convenience of having everything in one place, I like that. The find the reading experience and …
🌧️ Rain stopped play. I was outside topping the hedge and this cloud out of nowhere and dropped a quick but heavy shower. That stopped almost as soon as it started, but not for long. The rain is falling and I can see no blue sky in sight. So I've come inside now and am just seeing what is happening …
🌧️ Rain stopped play. I was outside topping the hedge and this cloud out of nowhere and dropped a quick but heavy shower. That stopped almost as soon as it started, but not for long. The rain is falling and I can see no blue sky in sight. So I've come inside now and am just seeing what is happening …
Wednesday, September 4, 2024 →
I’m not sure that I totally understand this, but I like it 🦖
Wednesday, September 4, 2024 →
Sitting here listening to The Lark Ascending by Vaughn Williams and I am transported back to an English summer day. I’m sitting on a hill top looking out onto a view of rolling fields stretching into the distance. Blue sky and sun above, scattered clouds, a light breeze. The lazy hours of …
🔌 Last weekend we got through a hurricane, tropical storm and tropical depression with no power outages. From my experience here, that is not what I would have expected. Today has been a beautiful day and it ends with the power going out an hour before sunset. An hour and a half in and still there …
🔌 Last weekend we got through a hurricane, tropical storm and tropical depression with no power outages. From my experience here, that is not what I would have expected. Today has been a beautiful day and it ends with the power going out an hour before sunset. An hour and a half in and still there …
And then there is this evening’s rainbow, two if you look close. Two minutes later it started raining and the rainbow was gone 🌈
A rainbow from yesterday evening 🌈
My 2020 13-inch MacBook Air running MacOS 14.6.1 is definitely crashing more than any Mac I have owned for a good number of years - I would almost say ever, going back to the 1990s. Maybe it is because I am running an OS that is pushing the Air to its limits, but I think not. I never install a new …
I might live to regret posting this commitment 🫠, but today I started using Duolingo to learn Portuguese. I realize that Duolingo’s Portuguese is Brazilian and those in the know tell me that there are differences, but I would like to use Duolingo to get me going. As a backup, I have another app that …
August 2024
A video for the Pacific Wave Appreciate Society. This one was taken on Maui’s north west coast. 🌊
😮💨 I’m exhausted. Today was a long day.
😮💨 I’m exhausted. Today was a long day.
A new thing to look forward to on Fridays - @iconfactory’s latest build of Tapestry.
I’m feeling that post exercise glow right now. I’m not long back from the next run in the Watch To 5K program that I’m following - or at least trying to; I came to an abrupt halt earlier this year when I attempted to make it to 5K. We have a Tropical Depression, essentially a Tropical Storm that is …
So I now have a Shortcut accessible from my iPhone Lock Screen. When I press on icon to launch it, I am presented with a window to type some text. When I am finished typing I press Done. I’m asked if the text has a category on my blog, and from there it is published. Like this one 🥳
From my phone’s Lock Screen to typing to posted blog - let’s see if this works.
“I hope that something good happens to you today.”
🥵 It’s humid today. Muggy, like walking through a think cloud of invisible warm water. I think a prelude to Tropical Depression Gilma arriving here this weekend. Gilma is waning which is a blessing. Last week it was a hurricane midway between the US west coast and Hawaii.
🥵 It’s humid today. Muggy, like walking through a think cloud of invisible warm water. I think a prelude to Tropical Depression Gilma arriving here this weekend. Gilma is waning which is a blessing. Last week it was a hurricane midway between the US west coast and Hawaii.
I’m slowly making my way back through the Watch To 5K program. I have just completed the second run of week 2. At the moment I feel that I am pacing myself better than last time. Not racing against myself, but rather trying to set a steady pace to work my way through the program. I’m enjoying the …
After a hot day and strong trade winds, yesterday evening the world seemed to settle down at dusk and take a breather. As the sun set and the sky darkened, we sat outside and chatted. I feel blessed to call this view home.
Watching and listening to an aircraft fly into the distance against a star filled, inky black sky tonight makes me think of scenes from the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I remember being taken to see the film by my grandmother when I was in my early teens. I remember the scenes where we …
A sticker encrusted sign at the local gas station.
🌞 Yeh! The sun is out. The first time for 48 hours. Hopefully it will remain so until the next storm arrives at the end of the week.
🌞 Yeh! The sun is out. The first time for 48 hours. Hopefully it will remain so until the next storm arrives at the end of the week.
🏄♂️ Meanwhile my stepdaughter’s partner and their son are off to find the good (big) surf thrown up by the storm. Island life.
🏄♂️ Meanwhile my stepdaughter’s partner and their son are off to find the good (big) surf thrown up by the storm. Island life.
Wet mornings.
🌧️ Now it’s coming in. Sideways and every other way that it can manage. Wind assisted.
🌧️ Now it’s coming in. Sideways and every other way that it can manage. Wind assisted.
Wind and rain this morning. Not as bad as the Big Island which is taking the brunt of the weather, but Tropical Storm, now Category 1 Hurricane, Hone has arrived in the islands.
🔌 Charging lights, phones, etc and making sure that candles are at the ready, just in case the power goes out tonight as Tropical Storm Hone arrives in the islands.
🔌 Charging lights, phones, etc and making sure that candles are at the ready, just in case the power goes out tonight as Tropical Storm Hone arrives in the islands.
As Tropical Storm Hone arrives in Hawai’i this weekend, it feels appropriate to read in Orion Magazine about All the Ways to Name Rain in Hawaiian. The are apparently over 200 words for rain in the Hawaiian language. This article touches on only a few of them, but oh how descriptive and nuanced they …
Nature's Friends: Last night my wife and I took our grandchildren to see the movie My Penguin Friend. Set in Brazil, it is based on the true story of an old man who saved a South American Magellanic penguin that he found washed up on a beach, almost dead and covered in oil. The man cleaned the penguin and nursed him …
Well this morning wasn’t planned. What was going to be a quick tidy up before I got on to other things ended up being an exploration as to how to navigate up and down Dictionaries in Apple Shortcuts. I delved into this a couple of weeks ago, and thought that I was done, as in figured it out. …
Coriander Micro Greens, almost ready to be harvested.
It looks as though Hawai’i is in the direct firing line of these two Tropical Storms. The eye of closer storm, Tropical Storm Hone, is due to be close to the Southern Point of the Big Island of Hawai’i Saturday night into Sunday morning. Then according to The National Weather Service, …Hone will …
🚿 Taking an outdoor shower with dark grey clouds rolling in, sprinkles of rain falling, wind blowing. Island life.
🚿 Taking an outdoor shower with dark grey clouds rolling in, sprinkles of rain falling, wind blowing. Island life.
This morning I was greeted with the moon and a faint rainbow hovering above it. 🌈
The moon was still up when I got up this morning.
I have an iPhone 13 Mini. Sometimes when I am traveling, perhaps on a flight to Europe, I like to be able to write. This can happen in my journal, and sometimes I want to write something electronically, perhaps for use when I land. I don’t own an iPad and I might not want to reach up to get my …
I felt fortunate on this morning’s run. I’d left my hat behind. I normally take it to shield my head from the heat of the sun. As I drove to where I run, the clouds started drifting over. Although it was hot, humid hot, I was blessed with the shade of the sun while I was completing the next stage of …
This has been the wettest summer that I have experienced here on Maui. Last week had made me think that the rain was over and that we were dropping into a drier month or so. This weekend would suggest otherwise. However, even this has to be said with some context. We live in one of the wetter parts …
A midweek stop during this last week. I’d grabbed a snack and so stopped to eat it at Ho’okipa Beach Park, to take in this view, and unwind before heading home - asking myself “why don’t you do this more often?”
Morning skies.
I’m growing some micro greens for salads, specifically coriander micro greens. I’m growing them from seed. I still get so much joy from seeing the young shoots lifting up through the soil for the first time. No matter how many times I see a seed sprout, it makes me so happy to see the young shoots.
Being a sucker for new texts and note taking apps I am testing out Quick Note Taking - Type, the app’s website here but available from the Mac App Store. I like what I am seeing so far. Quickly call up the note screen when you need it, type in what you want and then move on. A quick brain …
🛌 I had a bad night’s sleep last night. First I couldn’t get to sleep, then I had a few hours of fitful sleep, and finally I slept for a couple of hours and ended up oversleeping. Now I feel as though I am playing catch up and the day has hardly started.
🛌 I had a bad night’s sleep last night. First I couldn’t get to sleep, then I had a few hours of fitful sleep, and finally I slept for a couple of hours and ended up oversleeping. Now I feel as though I am playing catch up and the day has hardly started.
Something went wrong this morning. It is almost 11:00am and the bed still isn’t made. Trying to fix the WiFi connection on my mother’s iPad from 7,100 miles away (11,400 km for those who have sensibly, IMO, made the metric shift) is a part of the reason that the bed is still unmade. Kudos though to …
🤫 Sitting quietly. Reflecting.
🤫 Sitting quietly. Reflecting.
This morning I headed out on the second run of the Watch to 5K program. I chose the same route that I did for last week’s run, a path that runs along the edge of the Kahului airport here on Maui. The weather was beginning to heat up, but I find it a pleasant path - not too busy, good views of the …
An afternoon rainbow from a week ago. Its posting got forgotten in a software hiccup. 🌈
Tasty artwork.
Currently reading: The Story Handbook by Helen Whybrow 📚
Sprouting again. It feels rewarding to see the seeds grow.
☕ Yesterday was a five coffee day. I am already on my third coffee today, and it is not midday yet. Two is normally where I stop, apart from every now and again. A new pattern? What’s up? 🤷🏼♂️
☕ Yesterday was a five coffee day. I am already on my third coffee today, and it is not midday yet. Two is normally where I stop, apart from every now and again. A new pattern? What’s up? 🤷🏼♂️
I’m finding Logger for Shortcuts an indispensable tool for developing Apple Shortcuts. Available MacOS and iOS means that I can text Shortcuts regardless of which device I am using. I can track what is going on as Shortcuts run and don’t have to temporarily break Shortcuts to display a value. Highly …
Shadows in the night.
Well yesterday I restarted my attempt at completing the Watch to 5K program that for me came to a complete standstill four months ago. I did go for a run while we were in Portugal. At the time I thought that that would be my Watch to 5K restart. No such luck. One run and that was it. So yesterday …
☕ Oh dear. It’s a three coffee morning.
☕ Oh dear. It’s a three coffee morning.
I received this electronic sticker by email today. My first vote in a US Presidential Election since becoming a US citizen in 2022. The Hawaii Primaries.
A short wave video for the Pacific Wave Association. The wind was blowing hard that day. I felt exhausted by the time that we got back to the car, the wind blown out of my sails. The waves weren’t big, but the ocean was a choppy, choppy, choppy, with the ocean blowing strongly from east to west.
Those times when I have to do something that I really don’t want. I end up wasting time either doing other things that need doing, and are easier, or I simply waste time on mindless activities. …and then I get done what needs to be done. Whether I like it or not, and simply feel better for putting …
I’ve been remiss in my lack of videos for the Pacific Wave Appreciation Society. This one is from yesterday. I was driving home and stopped for a moment to look out to the ocean, get my feet wet and breathe in some sea air. As the sound indicates, it was very windy.
Whenever I’m unsure what the weather is doing here on Maui, I always remember a reply that my wife once gave in answer to a question as to what the weather was going to do? She said, Wait five minutes. It is sound advice here.
Young puppy, Mochi, my step-daughter’s little French Bulldog getting curious about the sheep next door. What is not shown is the other sheep and cow looking on. How wet it was that afternoon. How I had to push my way through a hedge to get to Mochi, and go back through it once I had Mochi. How Mochi …
This jigsaw puzzle was very satisfying to do, and the collage of images looks better in the completed puzzle than the image on the box. Some fun, whimsical pieces in there as well. 🧩
Oohh, I wish that I had a zoom lens just now. A white egret stood on our grey roof against the background of grey clouds. The weather is overcast. There is no extraneous sun shining through. The egret was in stark relief against the grey that surrounded it.
I am receiving more texts, spam texts, of late from numbers claiming to be USPS and telling me about packages addressed to me and awaiting clearance from customs. Clicking on a supplied link will apparently resolve the issue. I don’t know what has increased the appearance of these texts? 🤔
☕ The aroma of freshly brewed coffee drifts across the house this morning.
☕ The aroma of freshly brewed coffee drifts across the house this morning.
July 2024
Playing around again with Cinemin by Tinrocket, a couple of evenings ago.
I’m in the middle of doing this jigsaw puzzle showing a collage of various traditional British pub exteriors and signage. A puzzle that my mother gave to me. I love doing puzzles. The process relaxes me. Doing this one I’m finding is also making me homesick. There is nothing like a British pub and I …
Sunset this evening.
I’m testing a Shortcut where I’m entering the text for my post directly into the Shortcut. Here goes…
This morning’s rainbow 🌈
I’ve been playing around with Tinrocket’s relatively new app Cinemin. While admiring what they can do, I do not normally choose to use apps that give photographs a artistic look, this one I am enjoying though. The images that Cinemin produces is, Inspired by traditional animation art and films …
Well it took a couple of attempts, but with the new Tapestry TestFlight build, Micro.blog is now on my Tapestry feed.
This evening’s sunset view from home. Between the rainbow this morning and this sunset, the day has felt oddly discombobulated. Slowly productive, but sort of disjointed along the way.
This morning’s rainbow, accompanied by the moon 🌈
🥵 The last couple of days have been very humid. This morning outside it is like walking through a thick bath.
🥵 The last couple of days have been very humid. This morning outside it is like walking through a thick bath.
Monday 22nd July, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday 22nd July, 2024 Dear Friends, I don’t think that I am in the business of looking after dogs anymore, at least not puppies. Please don’t get me wrong, I love dogs. However, my step-daughter who has a young French Bulldog has gone away with her family for a week, and my wife and I are looking …
A part of the ruin of the old Sugar Mill in Paia, Maui.
Apparently today is National Ice Cream Day, at least here in the US, and I am sad to report we have no ice cream in the house. Thanks to President Reagan, we celebrate National Ice Cream Day every third Sunday in July, meaning July 21 this year. For more information on this important day, click …
I’ve been playing around with muting keywords on two Mastodon apps. I don’t know what is involved with the coding, though I would have thought that catching individual words is not that difficult? However, from my experimenting I’ve decided that each one catches some, but neither catch all.
Where’s that mute button when I need it?
I was out last night searching for slugs and snails who might be eating our young lettuces, and instead I found this spider standing guard.
I don’t know. Some days just feel to me as though all the pieces are not fitting together correctly. Today everything felt scratchy and irritating. Nothing felt smooth and as though it was running well. I’m hoping for a reset tomorrow. For now I will enjoy the quiet, still evening and the moon rise. …
Those times when on hearing or seeing something I am triggered in a way that nudges something deep down inside me. That perception by the senses stirs something in me. It can be good or bad, or maybe in that moment I am unsure what the feeling is. But that something in me has been triggered is …
Oohh, in the time for the weekend the first early beta build of The Iconfactory’s Tapestry project has just landed on TestFlight. I’m sorry, no screenshots or specifics to share as per The Iconfactory’s request. For now I am just happy to give this a whirl and see where the project is heading.
The moon casts ghostly shadows over the landscape last night. The images were taken through the windows of our house.
🚘 In other news, my eyes do not enjoy me driving at night. I’ve said it before on this blog, but my aging eyes find the glare of the car headlights, especially the bright LED lights, too bright for comfort.
🚘 In other news, my eyes do not enjoy me driving at night. I’ve said it before on this blog, but my aging eyes find the glare of the car headlights, especially the bright LED lights, too bright for comfort.
🔥 I’m back from sitting in the fire of what was my men’s group this evening - at least for me. That’s not necessarily bad, in fact from my experience it is good, though it can be uncomfortable at the time…and require some wind down time afterwards.
🔥 I’m back from sitting in the fire of what was my men’s group this evening - at least for me. That’s not necessarily bad, in fact from my experience it is good, though it can be uncomfortable at the time…and require some wind down time afterwards.
A boat moored on the River Sado. The photo was taken while out on the River Sado in a more modern boat, powered by solar power and completely quiet.
Rethinking Kagi Adoption: I’ve been using Kagi Search for about six months now. I am on the lowest tier of the paid plans which allow me 300 searches a month. It turns out that that is quite enough for me. I have never hit that limit. What I don’t know is if I need Kagi? Or perhaps to be more specific, if I should pay for …
While going through some old notes I came across these few lines: Who am I when others don’t see me? Who am I when I don’t see myself? But don’t let the second be an excuse for the first, because rest assured that the first does happen. I have no idea where this came from or what …
I don’t see these hammer head worms very often. This one I caught a couple of mornings ago. I have since learned that they are an invasive species to Hawaii.
🏝️ Island life. The power went down an hour ago, taking the internet with it. And where we live, the cell signal can be weak. It is improving, but we couldn’t get by without WiFi calling. There is no clear indication when the power will be back on, so it is probably an early night tonight.
🏝️ Island life. The power went down an hour ago, taking the internet with it. And where we live, the cell signal can be weak. It is improving, but we couldn’t get by without WiFi calling. There is no clear indication when the power will be back on, so it is probably an early night tonight.
Turn the volume up and listen to the bees busy at work this morning.
Monday 15th July, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday 15th July, 2024 Dear Friends, I’ll start this newsletter with a subject that the British are well known for talking about - the weather. Our return to Maui has greeted us with a lot of wet weather. Normally here summer is the dry season and winter is the wet season. However in our little …
Looking across to the West Maui Mountains from the Pukalani Community Center as I sat having a bite to eat on Thursday evening.
Speaking in ‘I’ Statements: I was introduced to the idea of speaking in ‘I’ statements when I first started sitting with a men’s group back in 2015. The idea behind this simple suggestion is that I take responsibility for my feelings. So for example, if a driver cuts in front of me, making me angry, later when I am sharing the …
👁️ I was sat watching a movie last night and started getting a migraine aura. Within ten minutes the aura was interfering with my view of the screen. The aura cleared and I waited for the pain of the headache. It did not come to much. I thought that maybe this time I am going to get off lightly. …
👁️ I was sat watching a movie last night and started getting a migraine aura. Within ten minutes the aura was interfering with my view of the screen. The aura cleared and I waited for the pain of the headache. It did not come to much. I thought that maybe this time I am going to get off lightly. …
I think that all looks good with the Shortcut. I realized that there was one error that had me banging my head against the wall, but I think that that is fixed. So testing this Shortcut one more time…and I hope that that is it for now. 🤞🤞🤞
If a post had no category was not working properly, and so testing again.
OK, I have to do one other test. Will the Shortcut work and post to Micro.blog if I choose not to add a title?
Testing Title addition from a Shortcut: Testing my Tot to Micro.blog Shortcut to see if it works when I want to add a Title to the post. This post doesn’t need a title…but hey, I can test the title addition if I don’t try and add a title! 😝
The weather cleared this morning and the fire burning on the side of Haleakala is clearly visible. The good news is that forward progress of the fire has been halted, it is 50% contained, the size of the fire has been downgraded to 355 acres, and there have been no evacuation orders.
🌄 It’s feeling warm before the sun is up. A warning of what is coming today? At least the Trade Winds are blowing.
🌄 It’s feeling warm before the sun is up. A warning of what is coming today? At least the Trade Winds are blowing.
Grilling two evenings ago.
I feel very happy with myself today. I have managed to write a Shortcut which will publish to Micro.blog from Tot, allowing the selection of a category if relevant. The text of the short post is then saved as a text file. Writing, learning…from Tot.
🌧️ It has been a wet, wet, wet, wet day so far, and doesn’t look as though it is going to let up anytime soon. This is more like winter than summer.
🌧️ It has been a wet, wet, wet, wet day so far, and doesn’t look as though it is going to let up anytime soon. This is more like winter than summer.
Another fire on Maui, this time on Haleakala Crater Road, upcountry. There have been no evacuations so far though residents are encouraged to prepare for that potential. 500 acres last night, currently down to 420 acres. More information and updates here.
A second test of sending a post to my blog from The Iconfactory’s Tot app. This time trying with the Micropub API. If this works, a hat tip to Jarrod Blundy, @jarrod, for his Publish to Micro.blog shortcut which I lightly edited.
Testing sending a post to my blog from The Iconfactory’s Tot app.
Well I got the outside work done just in the nick of time. It looks as though we have rain for the rest of the day, though the weather forecast deems to differ. There are times when I really like a wet day or afternoon. It just feels right.
Monday 8th July, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday 8th July, 2024 Dear Friends, Greetings from Maui. I pressed pause on this newsletter last week. I had returned to Maui a handful of days beforehand, and a combination of the travel and jet lag meant that I was exhausted, my body clock was all over the place and I had not shared much on my …
The Story Behind the Photograph: The Taj Mahal: While going through my mixed up and messily catalogued, that is a very generous term, slides, I came across these two images of the Taj Mahal. I am pretty sure that I have some more, but the state of my slide storage means that I am unlikely to come across them in a hurry, chance discoveries aside. …
A large egg has appeared outside of our front door.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s 89th Birthday Message
The Story Behind the Photograph: The Khunjerab Pass: This story started as an exploration of the speed of travel, but I decided that there was a story within that just about my traversing of the Khunjerab Pass. The Pass is closed for a part of the year simply because of snow, it sits at 4,693 meters (15,397 feet), and for the rest of the year is at …
Cadaqués, Spain by day and by night.
Nautical scene, Cadaqués, north eastern Spain.
The Bullring in Alcácer do Sal. I believe that there are very few bullfights there, maybe two or three a year. One was due to take place just after we left Alcácer mid-June. Bullring, Alcácer do Sal I find myself disagreeing with the idea of a bullfight. I don’t know what the majority feeling …
Poop Fright: Now there is a click bait title if ever there was one. However I am guessing that what I am going to write about below is something that anyone who has traveled can relate to in some shape or form (please excuse the uncomfortable imagery).I have even heard the Dalai Lama in a public talk make …
Back in the land of the rainbows. Here is this morning’s. If you look closely, it is possible to make out a faint second one above the first. 🌈
Somewhere around 2010 I went to an evening celebrating the anniversary of the massive eruption of Mt. St. Helens that took place in 1980. There were three speakers at the event. Gary Snyder, Ursula Le Guin and a scientist whose name escapes me, but who had worked at the blast zone since the …
🏝️ I drove up to my acupuncture appointment this morning with the windows open instead of the A/C on, enjoying the tropical smells and humidity of the island.
🏝️ I drove up to my acupuncture appointment this morning with the windows open instead of the A/C on, enjoying the tropical smells and humidity of the island.
The air, the landscape was so still and quiet this morning. You’ll probably have to turn up the volume to hear the bird song in the recording below.
June 2024
🥵 After the dry heat of Europe, I forgot how hot & humid Maui can be. My gratitude for the Trade Winds that keep the islands cooler than they might otherwise be.
🥵 After the dry heat of Europe, I forgot how hot & humid Maui can be. My gratitude for the Trade Winds that keep the islands cooler than they might otherwise be.
🙉 As we make our way back home, I find myself wanting to push back on the familiar sights, sounds and stimuli that are returning to us, and instead hold onto the tastes and experiences that the last three months have brought. Letting go is not always easy.
🙉 As we make our way back home, I find myself wanting to push back on the familiar sights, sounds and stimuli that are returning to us, and instead hold onto the tastes and experiences that the last three months have brought. Letting go is not always easy.
🛫 We will soon be taking off from Barcelona airport. San Francisco next stop. Starting the journey home…though I’m starting to wonder where that is right now?!
🛫 We will soon be taking off from Barcelona airport. San Francisco next stop. Starting the journey home…though I’m starting to wonder where that is right now?!
🛌 My bed wouldn’t let me get up this morning. At least that is my excuse and I’m sticking with it.
🛌 My bed wouldn’t let me get up this morning. At least that is my excuse and I’m sticking with it.
Out walking, pounding the streets of Barcelona.
Monday 24th June, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday 24 June, 2024 Dear Friends, Welcome to my newsletter coming to you from Barcelona. Last night was noise, noise, noise as Barcelona celebrated the Summer Solstice. I am writing this at eight o’clock on Monday morning and the fireworks only stopped going off a couple of hours ago. After …
🎆 Fireworks are going off all around us tonight as Barcelona celebrates the Summer Solstice and the lead up to the Festival of Sant Joan (St. John).
🎆 Fireworks are going off all around us tonight as Barcelona celebrates the Summer Solstice and the lead up to the Festival of Sant Joan (St. John).
Moon rise this evening near to Cadaqués.
Outdoor spaces at Salvador Dali’s house in Portlligat, Spain.
Manuel Moreale’s recent post on Celebrating Failure resonated with me. I’ve read it a few times now. You can ingest only so many success stories before starting to feel bad for not being one of them. It’s partly why social media mostly sucks. It’s performative. Everyone is showing the …
🌧️ We are waking up to a wet morning, the first for a long time. Gentle drizzle accompanying the sounds of small waves breaking. A quick glance at the weather forecast says that we won’t be going far for the next few hours.
🌧️ Waking up to a wet morning, the first for a long time. Gentle drizzle accompanying the sounds of small waves breaking. A quick glance at the weather forecast says that we won’t be going far for the next few hours.
This morning’s view.
Monday 17th June, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday 17th June, 2024 Dear Friends, This one will be brief. My wife and I left Portugal yesterday and are making our way across Spain to Barcelona where we fly back to Hawaii. I hope to pull over during our journey tomorrow to add this to the newsletter - it’s just how the newsletter system …
Do you want an ice cream? Selling ice cream cones at Estremoz Saturday Market.
The Caixa Forum, Madrid.
🚗 Starting the journey home. Driving across Spain to Barcelona to catch a flight. Writing this from a hotel in Madrid. The sounds (mainly traffic) of a busy city rumbles below. The wind blows around the terrace. A different world. Change. Reflecting on so much.
🚗 Starting the journey home. Driving across Spain to Barcelona to catch a flight. Writing this from a hotel in Madrid. The sounds (mainly traffic) of a busy city rumbles below. The wind blows around the terrace. A different world. Change. Reflecting on so much.
🐦 I like how in some Portuguese motorway service stations they play the sounds of birds. After the noise and stress of highway driving, the sounds of birds I find relaxing.
🐦 I like how in some Portuguese motorway service stations they play the sounds of birds. After the noise and stress of highway driving, the sounds of birds I find relaxing.
When I was younger and my grandfather came to visit he use to give me the empty end of an ice cream cone. I never knew the reason why, and asking my mother she does not know why either? My wife and I were eating at this very good Gelato place in Possanco, Comporta called Gulato, and I was reminded …
Some friends in Alcácer very kindly arranged a sunset boat ride for us along the Sado River yesterday evening. This was completely unexpected and a lovely gift. The boat was solar powered and so there was no noise of an engine or exhaust fumes. There was just the sound of water lapping against the …
We revisited Alcácer do Sal’s Railway Station today, and this time got to go inside as a goods train rumbled by.
Anyone would think that someone at Apple is making some announcements right now, going by the content of my timeline! #WWDC
Heavy skies over the beach at Carvalhal yesterday while we were out walking. That said it was warm when the sun broke through, and some people were I the water. The threatening clouds came to nothing.
Monday June 10, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday June 10, 2024 Dear Friends, I write this on Portugal Day, a national holiday, celebrated every 10th June. I did not know what Portugal Day actually celebrated and so I headed over to Wikipedia. According to the Free Encyclopedia’s entry for Portugal Day, It commemorates the death on 10 …
Anger and The Nun - or don't judge the book by the cover: This story share by Robert Rackley on his blog Canned Dragons reminded me of a story that I heard about a Tibetan Buddhist nun. A friend of mine, herself a Buddhist nun at the time, was studying at the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics in Dharamsala in Northern India. I’ll call my friend …
“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others. Monuments have lives woven into them.” ~ Pericles
Pine trees to distant rice fields.
Images of the Road: I have long loved rail travel. Sitting in a carriage, watching life go by. Gratefully allowing others to take the strain of the transportation logistics. Perhaps striking up conversation with a fellow traveler, or more likely than not sitting quietly reading, writing, watching, sleeping. When I got …
A stork with nest on top of large concrete structure on the edge of Alcácer do Sal.
⛈️ Well the weather has finally broken this time. At long last. I just heard the longest roll of thunder that I have ever heard - a couple of minutes?
⛈️ Well the weather has finally broken this time. At long last. I just heard the longest roll of thunder that I have ever heard - a couple of minutes?
🌧️ The air was getting heavier and heavier. It was feeling thick to walk through. Above the clouds were building. Dark clouds. Finally, just now, the impasse broke and there was a brief shower. Short, but enough to lighten the air and to allow us to breathe again.
🌧️ The air was getting heavier and heavier. It was feeling thick to walk through. Above the clouds were building. Dark clouds. Finally, just now, the impasse broke and there was a brief shower. Short, but enough to lighten the air and to allow us to breathe again.
Shall I, shan’t I? …. I did. I walked past this gentleman a handful of times as l was running errands in Lisbon. He appeared totally engrossed in reading his newspaper. Something I rarely see these days. Phones yes, I’m on mine now, newspapers no. As unobtrusively as possible, I …
These two donkeys lived in the hotel grounds that we stayed in while down in the Algarve over the weekend. They were not always in their corral, but sometimes were wandering the grounds. On our return one afternoon, the older one greeted us with some loud braying as we got out of the car and walked …
I finished reading: In Love with the World by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. This book felt like a gift that I am very grateful for. I took my time with it. An account of a young Buddhist monk setting off on a wandering retreat who then becomes severely ill and almost dies. What made this book special for …
Fresh fruit. Young grapes on the vine growing above us, and providing shade from the sun.
🛣️ Portugal, the home of straight roads. Seriously, I have never seen so many straight roads, even out in the countryside. They are a joy to drive, because you just point the car in one direction and go. Maybe a few ups and downs, but few turns. At least that has been my experience so far, and my …
🛣️ Portugal, the home of straight roads. Seriously, I have never seen so many straight roads, even out in the countryside. They are a joy to drive, because you just point the car in one direction and go. Maybe a few ups and downs, but few turns. At least that has been my experience so far, and my …
Shadows in the night.
The ground was moving with these little crabs everywhere. By the Canal de Travia, Luz.
This way.
Monday June 3, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday June 3, 2024 Dear Friends, Welcome to the first newsletter of June 2024. Today’s letter will probably be brief (I say probably because I am still writing it!) as we are on the road for a couple of days. This time exploring the eastern Algarve - quieter (in terms of the tourism impact) and …
An Algarve morning.
This is one way to protect your car from the heat of the day.
😧 That moment when I think that I have lost my credit card and driving license, or they have been stolen. That’s when I see how I can loose all sense of sanity very quickly. …. That moment, too many moments later, when I find that they dropped onto the floor of the car. 😮💨
😧 That moment when I think that I have lost my credit card and driving license, or they have been stolen. That’s when I see how I can loose all sense of sanity very quickly. …. That moment, too many moments later, when I find that they dropped onto the floor of the car. 😮💨
Shapes and shadows by a pool of water.
We returned home from Lisbon late last night. Keyed up from the drive home and hot because if the weather, I went for a walk. In the nearby park the fountain was running, offering cool air within its domain. I sat there and rested, watching it cycle through its colours. I’ve returned there again …
Yesterday’s exhibition. Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza Vieira at the Gulbenkian Museum. He is so prolific, even into his 90s, that I found the exhibition exhausting. Fascinating, inspiring, but exhausting.
May 2024
🫠 Melting this evening (today). Today hit 34°C. The house is warm, at least upstairs (living area)…downstairs (sleeping) is cool. Windows open everywhere to catch any breeze that might want to blow through.
🫠 Melting this evening (today). Today hit 34°C. The house is warm, at least upstairs (living area)…downstairs (sleeping) is cool. Windows open everywhere to catch any breeze that might want to blow through.
Church, Vila Ruiva, southern Alentejo.
Spotted while driving through Vila Ruiva is southern Alentejo today. A little bit of searching online revealed this information on the insect zoo.
🧰 I find it a joy when I discover a really good plumber, or electrician, etc. That person or persons feel like gold to me.
🧰 I find it a joy when I discover a really good plumber, or electrician, etc. That person or persons feel like gold.
I found this cage with Budgerigars in the Center of Alcácer. Next to it was a similar cage with pigeons. I don’t know what or who they were for? It has obviously been there for a some time - though how long, I don’t know?
🥵 It must be hot out there. There is no wind, and the air coming through the windows is cooking.
🥵 It must be hot out there. There is no wind, and the air coming through the windows is cooking.
The wind blowing through the grasses by the River Sado yesterday evening.
Monday May 27, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday May 27, 2024 Dear Friends, It’s early morning here in Alentejo, the region of Portugal that our house is in. Outside feels fresh and cool, but that won’t last for long. After some cooler weather last week, summer appears to have arrived in Portugal and the days are heating up. …
🤫 After just under two weeks of visitors, everyone has left. I sit here this evening in silence. I can feel my body and mind settling, like the snow settling in a shaken snow globe. And with the settling I can better touch my inner life, a place where I rest well.
🤫 After just under two weeks of visitors, everyone has left. I sit here this evening in silence. I can feel my body and mind settling, like the snow settling in a shaken snow globe. And with the settling I can better touch my inner life, a place where I rest well.
I miss maps, old paper maps that you could spread out over the floor to plan your route. That you could fold up to hold on your lap with the section of the map that you were traveling through. I loved looking over them to see all the details they hold - thinking here especially of the British …
The Sado estuary.
Another photograph of Cais Palafitico da Carrasqueira, the ramshackle, zigzagging, interlocking piers on wooden stilts, near to Comporta in Portugal. There have been other photographs of the same area here on my website. It’s a very photogenic area.
🌡️ After a cool week, the temperature is starting to rise again. Clear blue skies and warm sun outside.
🌡️ After a cool week, the temperature is starting to rise again. Clear blue skies and warm sun outside.
I believe that we all have our safe spaces. Those places in our mind and body where we feel comfortable. Part of the practice for this life is, I believe, to stretch those boundaries. This is not a challenge, not “a who can stretch furthest?" dare. Rather it is path through life of seeing …
Barrosinha, Alcácer do Sal.
📯 There was one hell of a lot of honking car horns outside just now. That and a faint sound of horse hooves. I have no idea what was going on, and it stopped before I could get outside. There is a festival happening in the area this weekend, and so I wonder if the noise is related?
📯 There was one hell of a lot of honking car horns outside just now. That and a faint sound of horse hooves. I have no idea what was going on, and it stopped before I could get outside. There is a festival happening in the area this weekend, and so I wonder if the noise is related?
Images of Design Week in Lisbon.
Some of welcome relief from the hot sun yesterday afternoon in Lisbon.
Checking out the wine.
😮💨 I am completely exhausted. Just too much going on over the last week, regardless of the good time had. I could spend this evening in and have an early night, but that is not going to happen. We have an event to go to. Maybe this weekend?
😮💨 I am completely exhausted. Just too much going on over the last week, regardless of the good time had. I could spend this evening in and have an early night, but that is not going to happen. We have an event to go to. Maybe this weekend?
Monsaraz - one street of maybe two.
🗺️ Well I have just managed to drive around a part of Lisbon without the aid of Apple Maps, or any maps for that matter. It was not big achievement, I did not travel that far, but I could not have done that a year ago. I’m getting to know my way around.
🗺️ Well I have just managed to drive around a part of Lisbon without the aid of Apple Maps, or any maps for that matter. It was not big achievement, I did not travel that far, but I could not have done that a year ago. I’m getting to know my way around.
At Barrosinha nr, Alcácer do Sal
Monday May 20, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday May 20, 2024 Dear Friends, Well I am getting this letter written by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin! We have family staying with us right now and have been busy entertaining, driving them around, showing them the Portugal that we know so far. I am aware of life, business that is passing me …
Everyone has gone for a walk. I am staying at home to rest tired bones and a tired nervous system. We had a lovely couple of days in Lisbon with my sister in law and her husband. However, I did not sleep well the night in the city, and spent a lot of time on the move yesterday. By the time that we …
👨🌾 We spent some time this morning at the Farmers Market in Príncipe Real neighbourhood of Lisbon. I enjoy the community atmosphere of these markets. I also just enjoy stepping back from the market, sitting down and people watching. Families, individuals, couples even the pet dogs. Interacting, …
👨🌾 We spent some time this morning at the Farmers Market in Príncipe Real neighbourhood of Lisbon. I enjoy the community atmosphere of these markets. I also just enjoy stepping back from the market, sitting down and people watching. Families, individuals, couples even the pet dogs. Interacting, …
🌥️ Well today ended up better than I feared weather wise. No rain, some sun, though cool…especially this evening.
🌥️ Well today ended up better than I feared weather wise. No rain, some sun, though cool…especially this evening.
A hotel lobby greeting.
🏙️ In the big city, Lisbon. Rain is threatening and it feels unseasonably cold.
🏙️ In the big city, Lisbon. Rain is threatening and it feels unseasonably cold.
The Story Behind The Photograph: Two Boys Playing Cricket: Two boys playing cricket just off the Karakoram Highway While traveling the Karakoram Highway through Pakistan I stopped in Passu for three nights. My memory of Passu in July of 1989 was it just being made up of a small collection of houses. Nothing else. One of those was the guest house that I …
Looking north from Arrábida Natural Park.
Man with goat in the Hunza Valley, Pakistan in 1989
🛩️ I just took a look at a live flight map of aircraft over Europe right now. In Central Europe it was barely possible to see the map underneath all of the airplane symbols. I don't know how the Air Traffic Controllers keep their sanity with that level of responsibility?
🛩️ I just took a look at a live flight map of aircraft over Europe right now. In Central Europe it was barely possible to see the map underneath all of the airplane symbols. I don't know how the Air Traffic Controllers keep their sanity with that level of responsibility?
😋 Marmite peanut butter for breakfast. I haven't eaten that for a while, Amazon deliveries in the US turned out a mess. So I bought a couple of jars while in Britain and opened one this morning. Delicious.
😋 Marmite peanut butter for breakfast. I haven't eaten that for a while, Amazon deliveries in the US turned out a mess. So I bought a couple of jars while in Britain and opened one this morning. Delicious.
🧓 I had a senior moment just then. I was staring at the computer unable to remember the web address that I wanted to go to. I could 'see' the site in my mind, but could not for the life of me remember its URL.
🧓 I had a senior moment just then. I was staring at the computer unable to remember the web address that I wanted to go to. I could 'see' the site in my mind, but could not for the life of me remember its URL.
My wife’s family arrive today for a week. I am looking forward to seeing them. I’m sure that we will have a good time, we always do…And my quiet, HSP nervous system will probably have to find some way to pace myself, to find some quiet, recharge time, and right now I don’t …
🌧️ An unexpected brief shower of rain just happened. Last night it looked as though the heavens were going to open up upon us, but nothing happened. This morning it was overcast, but nothing threatening, and it rained. I’ll never make a good weather forecaster.
🌧️ An unexpected brief shower of rain just happened. Last night it looked as though the heavens were going to open up upon us, but nothing happened. This morning it was overcast, but nothing threatening, and it rained. I’ll never make a good weather forecaster.
Thank you to @xxxx (Jacoby) for linking to this article about a 1,200-foot ti leaf lei draped across Pololū Valley to symbolize protection from overdevelopment. What a beautiful gesture.
Monday May 13, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday May 13, 2024 Dear Friends, Greetings from an overcast Alcácer do Sal. The weather has been beautiful this last week. Very hot in fact. It is cooling down this week as the overcast weather might suggest. The fields around Alcácer have been ploughed and in preparation for this year’s rice …
Passing the car ferry heading to Setúbal as we are on the other ferry heading to Comporta. A very small boat with a couple of people fishing from it, sits between us.
In Odeceixe: We visited the town of Odeceixe just over a week ago. I was tasked with finding the destination for the day, somewhere where we had not visited and not far or on the coast. So I picked Odeceixe at random. At first glance there appeared nothing special or unique about the town. When we arrived it …
🐍 I saw my first snake here in Portugal a couple of days ago. It was making a quick dash, or quick sliver across the road.
🐍 I saw my first snake here in Portugal a couple of days ago. It was making a quick dash, or quick sliver across the road.
Some more paintings from artist Veronika Blyzniuchenko. The stars in the lower left are sponsored by visitors, a percentage of the sponsorship going towards the restoration of the Basilica.
These three men came by to play for us (those eating) while we ate lunch. They had been making their way along the restaurants and coffee shops by the river here in Alcácer. I do not know what the occasion was? Unfortunately there is no singing in this video, though I am fascinated by the instrument …
I returned last night exhausted from a day in Lisbon. After a late dinner I could barely keep my eyes on and ended up turning in early, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I have not been so tired for a long time, and this morning was thinking back over the day. I think that it was my …
The Beauty is a Choice - A Lisbon Art Exhibition: My wife and I were in Lisbon yesterday and met up with an old Portland friend who had been living Portugal for eight years. After lunch she took us to an art exhibition at the Estrela Basilica, by a young Ukrainian artist, Veronika Blizniuchenko. It is not an easily found exhibition, situated as it …
We found this very hidden Gelato shop today. What a gem it is. The owner trained in Italy and now makes his own. Delicious. Repeat visit assured.
Highways in the sky.
One thing that I forgot to mention in my last post about running is the amount of walking that I have been doing since setting off to Europe over a month ago. I have done a lot of walking. For one the built environment makes it easier to just walk where we need to go. Second, I like exploring on …
I haven’t written an update on my progress with the Watch to 5K program for over a month now. After being bitten by exhaustion from pushing too hard on Week 4, I had not felt like continuing. Or maybe I should say that I wanted to continue, but the motivation had taken a bruising. Knowing that …
Church bell towers at dusk, complete with nesting storks.
🤧 Hayfever is no fun, even if I do try and put on a brave face when the attacks come. We have just been to the supermarket and I was considering moving in permanently. The air conditioning filtered everything irritable out of the air, and for a few minutes I felt as though I was back to my normal …
🤧 Hayfever is no fun, even if I do try and put on a brave face when the attacks come. We have just been to the supermarket and I was considering moving in permanently. The air conditioning filtered everything irritable out of the air, and for a few minutes I felt as though I was back to my normal …
⚽ I think that the local, favourite football (soccer) team won last night? Just as I was about to go to sleep, normally a very quiet time here, car horns and fireworks started going off.
⚽ I think that the local, favourite football (soccer) team won last night? Just as I was about to go to sleep, normally a very quiet time here, car horns and fireworks started going off.
Monday May 6, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday May 6, 2024 Dear Friends, I realized this morning that I have been on the road now for five weeks. The time has flown by and so far it has not felt as disruptive as I thought that it might. Maybe because the time has been spent at home in Bristol, with my mother, and now another home here in …
Over the rooftops.
Taken in Sintra about a week ago. In the grounds of Biester Palace, a gem to visit to escape the crowds.
😮💨 I’m exhausted and am not entirely sure why? There was a lot of walking around Lisbon over the last couple of days for sure, and I slept well last night. Yes, but that was sleeping off yesterday’s walking. Tonight will be an early night.
😮💨 I’m exhausted and am not entirely sure why? There was a lot of walking around Lisbon over the last couple of days for sure, and I slept well last night. Yes, but that was sleeping off yesterday’s walking. Tonight will be an early night.
🚶♂️ It was as a joy walking through the streets of Lisbon early this morning as the world woke up. Few people around. A new day starting.
🚶♂️ It was as a joy walking through the streets of Lisbon early this morning as the world woke up. Few people around. A new day starting.
Late afternoon Lisbon light.
April Photoblogging Challenge, Bonus Day 2: Unputdownable suggested by @jimmitchell
An old church near to Comporta, Portugal.
☔ Where did that come from? It’s raining. The sun was out a few minutes ago.
☔ Where did that come from? It’s raining. The sun was out a few minutes ago.
April 2024
Keeping an eye on you…or not.
We watched The Deliquents last night on Apple TV. A three hour Argentinian film about a bank employee who steals from his bank and enrolls the help of a fellow employee in his plans. The film explores the narrow thinking of the two men and how they handle the unfolding situations that they create. I …
April Photoblogging Challenge, Bonus Prompt 1: Bubble suggested by @paulrobertlloyd
😬 Those times when you need a gas (petrol) station, but just cannot find one.
😬 Those times when you need a gas (petrol) station, but just cannot find one.
🏁 Yeh! I crossed the finishing line of the April Photoblogging Challenge.
🏁 Yeh! I crossed the finishing line of the April Photoblogging Challenge.
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 30: Hometown suggested by @mattypenny
Monday April 29, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday April 29, 2024 Dear Friends, I have an early start tomorrow (today), driving to just west of Lisbon, and so I’m writing this letter late at night. This first week in Portugal has seen the temperatures drop from the high 20°C when I arrived, to topping out now in the high teens. Though …
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 29: Drift suggested by @SimonWoods
The first thirty seconds of the fireworks display last Wednesday night at midnight, in celebration of the Carnation Revolution here in Portugal. With the holiday weekend coming to an end, I wanted to post as much of this as I could. There was another six minutes of the display after this.
The Story Behind the Photograph: The Details: Close up of a beach. This is a short story. As I go back through the slides of my travels, I am interested in what caught my eye. What I was seeing while I was on the road. One way I look at this is what my heart was drawn to, what interested me, what moved me. This slide could be from anywhere, at …
I just came from a supermarket. I was looking at all the seafood that was available. Not just the fresh catches, but also the frozen food. Large containers full of prawns of all sizes. Containers full of shell fish. Containers full of parts of other sea animals. I found it really quite something to …
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 28: Community suggested by @stupendousman
Looking for that symbol? Sam Rose has created the website to find it. So useful.
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 27: Surprise suggested by @Sdevore
We took a drive today out into the Alentejo countryside south and west of Alcácer do Sal. What with the time of year and the recent rains, the land was very green and the spring flowers were out in abundance. Once the summer sun arrives this land will become golden and parched.
Evening in Alentejo.
Listening to the night time concert.
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 26: Critter suggested by @7robots
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 25: Spine suggested by @thedimpause
🥱 I woke up late this morning, for me. I went out late to listen to music and watch fireworks (after having already fallen asleep). It was a pleasure to see families out and about enjoying themselves. And the fireworks were good.
🥱 I woke up late this morning, for me. I went out late to listen to music and watch fireworks (after having already fallen asleep). It was a pleasure to see families out and about enjoying themselves. And the fireworks were good.
Just home from an evening walk along the Sado River. Tomorrow is the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution here in Portugal. In Alcácer do Sal tonight Rui Veloso will be on stage beside the Sado at 10:00pm with fireworks at midnight…and then the party goes on until the early hours. I …
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 24: Light suggested by @eumrz
I just watched The Elephant Whisperers on Netflix. I don’t know why it has taken me so long to get round to seeing this short documentary? Beautifully filmed - the scenery, the wildlife - and holding the simplicity and yet depth of the heartfelt human/animal interaction.
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 23: Dreamy suggested by @maique
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 22: Blue suggested by @lzbth
Monday April 22, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday April 22, 2024 Olá Friends, This letter is coming to you from Portugal. I arrived here from England two days ago. I had a good time back home but as always found it hard to leave. Hard to leave the UK, hard to leave my mother, hard to leave familiar surroundings and places that hold …
😶🌫️ I’m waking up to one of those misty mornings that I sense will transform into a beautiful sunny, and maybe hot day.
😶🌫️ I’m waking up to one of those misty mornings that I sense will transform into a beautiful sunny, and maybe hot day.
Mountains, Rain, and Pat Metheny: I sit here in 2024 in a house in Portugal, and a piece of music transports me back to 1985, to a hiking hut somewhere in mountains of the Southern Alps of New Zealand. Almost forty years have passed, but the memory is vivid and the effect of that time on my life feels as real now as it did all the …
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 21: Mountain suggested by @dejus
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 20: Ice suggested by @the This photograph shows the terminus of the Batura Glacier in the Karakorum mountains of Pakistan. It sits at around 4,000m (13,123ft), and at the time that I visited the glacier terminated 0.5km from the Karakoram Highway.
🇵🇹 Olá Portugal
🇵🇹 Olá Portugal
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 19: Birthday suggested by me (@crossingthethreshold)
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 18: Mood suggested by @agilelisa
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 17: Transcendence suggested by @drewbelf
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 16: Flâneur suggested by @chrisaldrich
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 15: Small suggested by @jmanes
Monday April 15, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday April 15, 2024 Dear Friends, Being home, being back in Britain, always fills my time. Whether that is sitting talking with my mum, catching up with friends (on the phone and in person), or going for walks. Routine is not so present in my life and I find that with that my writing diminishes. I …
☔ It’s pouring outside, and not particularly warm either - Spring, from a few days ago appears to have taken a leave of absence. Right now I am grateful for a roof over my head, and heating in the home.
☔ It’s pouring outside, and not particularly warm either - Spring, from a few days ago appears to have taken a leave of absence. Right now I am grateful for a roof over my head, and heating in the home.
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 14: Cactus suggested by @christopherchelpka
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 13: Page suggested by @robj
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 12: Magic suggested by @DaveyCraney
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 11: Sky suggested by @jedda
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 10: Train suggested by @starrwulfe
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 9: Crispy suggested by @rom
🧹 A lot of the clean up has been done, but as the final family members head on their way, vacuuming is what is needed now.
🧹 A lot of the clean up has been done, but as the final family members head on their way, vacuuming is what is needed now.
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 8: Prevention suggested by @anniegreens
Monday April 8, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday April 8th, 2024 Dear Friends, Well the weeks feel as though they are creeping up on me quicker. Though this one could well be because I have had a lot going on. I am writing to you from the opposite side of the world. I have returned solo to England for my mother’s 90th birthday …
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 7: Well-Being suggested by @ridwan
🎶 I’m up early enjoying a cup of coffee. After the birthday celebrations yesterday, my mother’s apartment is still and quiet. Outside a blackbird is singing its heart out. I grew up listening to and loving this bird’s song. I recognize anywhere - here in England, or while watching a movie set in …
🎶 I’m up early enjoying a cup of coffee. After the birthday celebrations yesterday, my mother’s apartment is still and quiet. Outside a blackbird is singing its heart out. I grew up listening to and loving this bird’s song. I recognize anywhere - here in England, or while watching a movie set in …
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 6: Windy suggested by @Miraz An overcast windy day on the Isle of Skye, as spied through the ruins of an old church.
🎂 We are celebrating my mother's 90th birthday today. With my family having spread themselves out around the world, it feels like an international gathering with accents from the US, New Zealand and England filling the room. Happy Birthday Mum, and congratulations.
🎂 We are celebrating my mother's 90th birthday today. With my family having spread themselves out around the world, it feels like an international gathering with accents from the US, New Zealand and England filling the room. Happy Birthday Mum, and congratulations.
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 5: Serene suggested by @chiawase My quiet spot, wherever I am in the world, by the River Wye at Tintern Abby
I’m sitting alone in the bar at an airport hotel at San Francisco International Airport (SFO). Back in Maui, where I flew in from an hour earlier, it is just before six o’clock in the evening. Here it is almost nine at night. It’s late but it’s not, depending on which time zone I choose to see …
Looking out over Bristol tonight.
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 4: Foliage suggested by @pratik A remote valley on the north east side of Haleakala.
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 3: Card suggested by @val
Here’s a short update on my running training. I have not completed a run for two weeks now on the Watch to 5K program that I have been following. Initially, as I said in this post, the experience of exhaustion from my last run took the wind out of my sails. Next I found myself getting ready …
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 2: Flowers suggested by @davegullet The first Agapanthus of the year flowering in the front garden.
Reading this news of the World Central Kitchen staff who were killed by Israeli air strikes in Gaza hit me in a way that surprised me. Before the Maui wild fires last summer I had not heard of World Central Kitchen. While volunteering in Lahaina following the fires I discovered this charity …
✈️ In the air. Traveling solo to England for my mother’s 90th Birthday celebrations.
✈️ In the air. Traveling solo to England for my mother’s 90th Birthday celebrations.
April Photoblogging Challenge, Day 1: Toy suggested by @pcora
This morning’s rainbow 🌈
March 2024
Monday April 1, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday April 1st, 2024 Dear Readers, I had to laugh this morning. It’s related to the post that I put out yesterday around busyness (see it below). I had been trying to slow myself down, to be focused and get done what needed to be done, but obviously it was not working. I forgot that this …
🧘 I have, am having a busy few days. When that happens my mind starts to pull me onto the next task before the current one is finished. From that anxiety builds and patience can diminish. I must remember to stop, to breathe and be aware of others around me. Rest…my body will appreciate it and the …
🧘 I have, am having a busy few days. When that happens my mind starts to pull me onto the next task before the current one is finished. From that anxiety builds and patience can diminish. I must remember to stop, to breathe and be aware of others around me. Rest…my body will appreciate it and the …
☕ My coffee in take had been going down. One or two cups in the morning. However, in the last couple of days I have going back to another cup mid-morning. I'm not sure what is up?!
☕ My coffee in take had been going down. One or two cups in the morning. However, in the last couple of days I have going back to another cup mid-morning. I'm not sure what is up?!
🏞️ Digitizing slides. Reliving memories.
🏞️ Digitizing slides. Reliving memories.
I have been silent on my running posts for six days now. I haven’t run in that time, though that is not the sole reason for not posting. The last run took the wind out of my sails. More so than I initially thought. I was tired by the time that I finished my last run because of the increased …
We watched Mrs. Doubtfire last night. I had never seen it. I miss Robin Williams.
Experimenting with a Different Way to Capture the Travel Slides: Benaulim Beach, Goa, India. A month ago I explained how I was capturing the slides that I am using in the “Story behind the Photograph” series (all of which can be found here (RSS), or under the map emoji 🗺️ in the menu bar above). Well I have now found a gadget that I was given a number …
👓 The new glasses arrived today with progressive lenses in them. My first pair of progressives and they feel a little disorientating at the moment. I sense that I'll get use to them, but for now I think that I'll be switching back and forth between the new glasses and the old.
👓 The new glasses arrived today with progressive lenses in them. My first pair of progressives and they feel a little disorientating at the moment. I sense that I'll get use to them, but for now I think that I'll be switching back and forth between the new glasses and the old.
I remember being in college when Space Invaders first came out. Then there was Asteroids, Pac Man, and a few other Space Invaders variants. Pinball machines were still available in UK pubs, and then as Space Invaders started their, um, invasion, evenings moved from trying to keep a metal ball on the …
Monday March 25, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday March 25, 2024 Hello and welcome to another weekly roundup of posts to my blog. This has been a wet winter and as such some outside jobs that needed to be done in the garden have been sitting, waiting for the weather to clear up. Seasons here in Hawaii don’t have as clear a delineation as …
🗣️ I’m trying out various translation apps to decide which best suits my needs. I find apps that offer a slower play back of the foreign language helpful. Though finding an app that has everything I want neatly packaged, is not easy.
🗣️ I’m trying out various translation apps to decide which best suits my needs. I find apps that offer a slower play back of the foreign language helpful. Though finding an app that has everything I want neatly packaged, is not easy.
♻️ I wouldn't mind restarting today afresh. I've got things done, things that needed to be done, but I'm sitting here now at the far end of the day feeling a little dissatisfied, maybe frustrated as well? Such is life....up one day, down the next.
♻️ I wouldn't mind restarting today afresh. I've got things done, things that needed to be done, but I'm sitting here now at the far end of the day feeling a little dissatisfied, maybe frustrated as well? Such is life....up one day, down the next.
🍃 I’m waking up to wind and rain, hard showers followed by a wait for the next one, this morning. Yesterday’s sun appears to be an anomaly at the moment. It appears that we have a little longer before the winter rains recede.
🍃 I’m waking up to wind and rain, hard showers followed by a wait for the next one, this morning. Yesterday’s sun appears to be an anomaly at the moment. It appears that we have a little longer before the winter rains recede.
🌱 Clearing in the garden today. Pulling out an invasive plant. There is still some to move, but it just got too hot….so I started work on a new blog post.
🌱 Clearing in the garden today. Pulling out an invasive plant. There is still some to move, but it just got too hot….so I started work on a new blog post.
I’ve said it many times on this blog…in essence to myself…that not doing something will not get it done. This time I will add that the satisfaction of getting that something done is enormous. To see it in the rear view mirror as opposed to constantly looming over me.
Yesterday I ran the furthest to date. It was only by 0.1km, but at 3.51km this was the further distance that I have covered so far in the Watch to 5K program. Last night I was feeling it. The glow of exercise was accompanied by a tiredness in my legs and by the time that I went to bed, I was …
Keeping the Company of Good Friends: Every Thursday night I sit in a weekly men’s group. I’ve mentioned before the value that I get from sitting with this group, but of late I have been reminded of something else. Maybe it’s the same thing but I am just now finding words for my experience? It’s simple, common sense advice to …
Jacoby asks how far you live from where you were born? So I thought that I would take a look. It turns out that I’m currently 7,191 miles (11,572 km) from where I was born. That distance has varied over the years from just round the corner, to now halfway round the world. None of this was …
The Story Behind the Photograph: Fellow Travelers in Northern Pakistan: Waiting at the border crossing I was going through some more slides of my travels last night and this one has stuck with me through the day. Taken in July 1989, I recognized most of the faces, as well as the nationalities of some of those standing there, but could not put names to them. I found …
🌞 Hey, no rain today. That’s a first for a while.
🌞 Hey, no rain today. That’s a first for a while.
I started week four of the Watch to 5K program today and that meant longer run intervals. I can say with a fair degree of certainty that if it wasn’t for the preceding weeks, today would have been impossible…or at least very difficult. I covered a total distance of 3.43km, and within …
Monday March 18, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday March 18, 2024 Hello there. It is David Johnson here with a weekly roundup of posts to my blog. It has been a wet week here on Maui, especially in the area of the north shore where I live. This region is one of the wetter parts of the island, but even so this week saw more low cloud and …
I was taken to an event last night launching an event that I had no idea was in the works. Epic Swim Maui, a planned swim this summer - sometime between the end of the July and mid August - around the island of Maui. The swimmers, some of the world’s best open ocean swimmers, will swim in …
Today hasn’t quite gone to plan due to a small plastic container that my wife uses to keep vitamins in being hidden at the back of the oven. She was baking a couple of apple pies for dinner tonight with friends, when the kitchen filled with smoke. Out came the barely cooked pies along with the …
Well I am finally ready to move onto week four of the Watch to 5K program. Because of illness and various other road blocks, I have been redoing weeks two and three, or parts thereof in order to get back into the program after a period of not running. Yesterday saw me reach the end of week three …
🌤️ Sun, blue sky and scattered clouds this morning. The world below can now dry out.
🌤️ Sun, blue sky and scattered clouds this morning. The world below can now dry out.
🌧️ Well the sun’s appearance this morning was brief and short lived. Today it has rained and rained and rained. That’s two days now of steady drizzle interspersed with the occasional downpour. More tomorrow or a change?
🌧️ Well the sun’s appearance this morning was brief and short lived. Today it has rained and rained and rained. That’s two days now of steady drizzle interspersed with the occasional downpour. More tomorrow or a change?
Maui Strong: A rallying call since the devastating fires here on Maui last year has become “Maui Strong”. The words have lended themselves to multiple funds to help raise financial help, material supplies and volunteering possibilities, all for the immediate and long-term recovery needs of those …
🌥️ “Here comes the sun,…” 🎶 Hopefully it will continue to make an appearance through the day, and dry things out. That’s a plus of living here in Hawaii. If it rains, once the sun is out the everything dries out pretty quickly.
🌥️ “Here comes the sun,…” 🎶 Hopefully it will continue to make an appearance through the day, and dry things out. That’s a plus of living here in Hawaii. If it rains, once the sun is out the everything dries out pretty quickly.
😶🌫️ The last twenty four hours have been overcast and seen more rain than I was expecting from the forecast. Low cloud, mist in places, localized flooding - driving home last night was no fun. And it looks as though we have woken up to more this morning.
😶🌫️ The last twenty four hours have been overcast and seen more rain than I was expecting from the forecast. Low cloud, mist in places, localized flooding - driving home last night was no fun. And it looks as though we have woken up to more this morning.
I love this overcast, wet weather. I have the French windows open so that I can listen to the sound of the falling rain, and as it trickles down the down pipe from the gutters.
Cheeky Devil in China Town, Honolulu.
There is a bird singing its heart out as I sit here and drink my early morning coffee. I wish I knew what species it is. The bird’s song is close to a British Song Thrush. Sadly I still don’t recognize all the bird calls here in Hawaii. For that matter I don’t know them all in …
The Story Behind the Photograph: In Bodhgaya (Part 1): A lot happened during my short time in Bodhgaya, and so I am spreading this section of the travels over a couple of posts. Arriving into Bodhgaya with the top of the Mahabodhi Temple peeking above trees One of the first things that we (myself and Ray, an American who I had met on the road and was …
Well the prep wasn’t too much fun yesterday, but the friendly doctors and nurses this morning made my start of the day colonoscopy so much more easier. Much gratitude from me to them for their work today. I’m taking it easy for the rest of the day as I slept little last night, and …
A Little Bit of Magic in the Air: Maui has so many microclimates, and with that the weather can vary in a very short space of time. Yesterday from what I could see most of the island was covered in cloud. Where I live there was a lot of wind, but I had to run Upcountry and there the air was very different. It was still, so still. …
Currently listening to, Somewhere. Nowhere. by Kupla on Apple Music. Here’s the Songwhip link.
I don’t know why I expressed concern over the way switching to Daylight Savings time in this post? I live in Hawaii. In Hawaii there is no move to or from Daylight Savings time. The clocks just stay the same through the year. Perhaps I had some cellular trauma from when I did live in countries and …
Following my earlier post about my woes with Safari’s Hide My Email feature, I have finally tracked down the problem. I had disabled AutoFill, under Safari -> Preferences -> AutoFill, specifically Using information from my contacts. This is from using 1Password which I found rendered …
I was back out running today, and I was looking forward to doing so…which I will take as a good sign. I found myself Upcountry here on Maui and so I went to a playing field up there to complete the next run in the Watch to 5K program. The weather was just right - overcast, next to no wind and …
Monday March 11, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday March 11, 2024 This week has felt like a real mixed bag - work being done on the house, a visit to the doctor - both of which have follows this coming week….And then for my wife’s birthday we spent a night on the island of Oahu, in Honolulu. The Hawaii equivalent of a visit to the big …
Two images inside the Honolulu Museum of Art.
Last Friday, March 8th was meant to be a Watch to 5K today, but I was in Honolulu to celebrate my wife’s birthday and so no running happened. The flip side is that I walked a lot over the day and a half that we were in the city - I was exhausted by the time that we got home and slept for an …
I find the Hide My Email feature on MacOS Safari very frustrating. I can set up a hidden email address manually with no problem, but I don’t think that I have ever seen it work in Safari? No pop up appears offering me to create a Hide My Email address.
Graffiti faces seen around China Town in Honolulu.
Now this is something that I had not seen or tasted before. A green Matcha (green tea) IPA. We had been gifted a sushi meal at Islander Sake Brewery in China Town, Honolulu, and they served as this Matcha IPA from Kyoto. I think that this is the brew? Very tasty, and certainly a striking colour.
Yesterday we visited the Honolulu Museum of Art to see an exhibition of David Hockney prints, both old and new. I had wanted to see this exhibition and with my wife’s birthday a couple of days before the exhibition closes, it made for good timing for a reason to head over to Honolulu to view …
In China Town, Honolulu yesterday evening.
🕑 Oh no. I just found out that daylight savings starts at 2:00am this Sunday. Clocks springing forward an hour = sleep messed up for a few days.
🕑 Oh no. I just found out that daylight savings starts at 2:00am this Sunday. Clocks springing forward an hour = sleep messed up for a few days.
🛌 Those mornings when I just want to throw the sheets back over me and stay where I am…in bed.
🛌 Those mornings when I just want to throw the sheets back over me and stay where I am…in bed.
🌧️ Today has been an unexpectedly wet day. I saw that wind was on the cards, but it has come with a strong dose of rain as well, heavy rain. A very wintry day.
🌧️ Today has been an unexpectedly wet day. I saw that wind was on the cards, but it has come with a strong dose of rain as well, heavy rain. A very wintry day.
I’m sitting in the truck after the first run of week three of the Watch to 5K program. It is my second time going through week three due to various pauses in the program through illness and visitors. I’ve moved to a different running venue, a playing field. It is flatter than the park …
🦥 Slowing down at the end of the day listening to Bedtime Beats playlist on Apple Music.
🦥 Slowing down at the end of the day listening to Bedtime Beats playlist on Apple Music.
Some more waves. This time in Waihe‘e Coastal Dunes & Wetlands Refuge which is managed by the Hawai’i Land Trust. I find it a special area, little known about, steeped in Hawaiian history and with the largest sand dunes in Maui.
I watched episode seven of Masters of the Air on Apple TV+ last night. When I started watching the series I didn’t feel as though it was living up to its reviews, and after two episodes was unsure about watching any further. However, I decided to stick with it and am pleased that I did. I feel …
I’m experiencing a lovely after exercise glow. I headed out this morning for another Watch to 5K run after a week off for family visiting. The runs felt strong and consistent despite the strong wind that I was running into at times. I repeated the final run of week two to get myself going …
Monday March 4, 2024 Newsletter letter: Monday March 4, 2024 Well it has been a long while since I sent out a newsletter to subscribers. The pause was initially caused by an illness last summer when I got pneumonia while visiting Portugal. Then that pause turned into a larger gap. I am now remedying this omission but with a slightly …
That comforting sound as the rain falls at dawn, while I sit in a dark room, slowly getting brighter, sipping my first coffee of the day.
A quick update on my attempt to get myself to running a 5K, through the Watch to 5K program. My wife and I have had a packed week with family visiting. Fun, but on the go showing them the island. There was no time for running, and today I have decided to take the day off, rest, and catch up things …
🫠 Having a slow morning. Our wonderful family guests left yesterday and today feels like a day of rest and catching up on a few things that need doing.
🫠 Having a slow morning. Our wonderful family guests left yesterday and today feels like a day of rest and catching up on a few things that need doing.
Especially for @jean and @Miraz. Waves this morning from the cliffs near to Ho’okipa Beach.
🤕 My grandson was firing a water gun (UK: water pistol) last night. In an attempt to get away I quickly turned and walked straight into a glass door. My head is still feeling it this morning. Ouch!
🤕 My grandson was firing a water gun (UK: water pistol) last night. In an attempt to get away I quickly turned and walked straight into a glass door. My head is still feeling it this morning. Ouch!
February 2024
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 →
The Clean Up Crew - a flock of white egrets chasing the mower as the grass is cut.
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 →
The Wall that Heals: A little over two weeks ago The Wall that Heals, a touring replica of the Vietnam Wall Memorial hosted by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, arrived in Maui. It was here for five days, and I went to visit it the day before it left. I saw the actual Memorial in Washington DC almost forty years ago, …
A table outside set for dinner last night, with friends having just arrived from out of State. Although a fire was lit in the fire pit and chairs set around it, a stormy evening dissuaded anyone (apart from myself) from hanging out around it.
Well that was an unintended and interesting experiment today. In getting ready to take our visitors out today I left my phone at home. I realized that I didn’t have it with me on our first stop. For the most part I did not miss it, in fact I noticed that my biggest concern was that it was …
🚗 We have family visiting for a week and so we’re heading out today to show them some of the island. This small island is full of microclimates. Overcast and wet here, sun where we are heading.
🚗 We have family visiting for a week and so we’re heading out today to show them some of the island. This small island is full of microclimates. Overcast and wet here, sun where we are heading.
Well I’m having another break/halt on progress with the Watch to 5K program that I am following. The cause this time is a migraine. I have been getting them for many years, forty five to be exact, though of late their frequency has diminished. Still when I do get them they last for three days …
☕ Trying a third cup of coffee this morning as a remedy against this migraine that I have been nurturing since yesterday.
☕ Trying a third cup of coffee this morning as a remedy against this migraine that I have been nurturing since yesterday.
😔 I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. It was warm and comfortable. That was as unusual for me, as I am not normally one to lie around in bed. I am feeling a little bleh as well, which surely contributed towards me not wanting to move.
😔 I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. It was warm and comfortable. That was as unusual for me, as I am not normally one to lie around in bed. I am feeling a little bleh as well, which surely contributed towards me not wanting to move.
This afternoon’s rainbow, with a second very faint one just above it. 🌈
Another Watch to 5K run under my belt, ending my second run through (pun not intended) of the second week. I felt a little stiff to start off, and was careful to pace myself better this time. By the end I had not quite run as far as last time, but felt better in myself.
How I'm Capturing the Photographs for the Travel Stories: A slide being projected onto a wall in a darkened room. When I set off on my travels in the mid 1980’s, I took a SLR camera with me. From my memory I had two lenses, a 35mm and a zoom lens the size of which I cannot remember. I believe that I also had a couple of filters with me. I did not …
Wednesday, February 21, 2024 →
I headed out on my Watch to 5K program this morning. With me repeating earlier weeks due to my time off from having a cold, I was running easier, I noticed that. Though if there is something that I learnt today, it is to better pace myself. I think that I went off too fast on the earlier runs and …
Wednesday, February 21, 2024 →
iA have just updated the iA Writer beta to 7.1. This update includes a major overhaul of Writer’s integration with Apple Shortcuts bringing with it 18 new actions. iA provide some example Shortcuts to demonstrate what can be achieved now. As my main writing app alongside Drafts, I welcome this …
The Story Behind the Photograph: From the Roof of a Bus: Road from Gaya to Bodhgaya from the roof of a bus Following my time in Patna, I continued my journey onto Bodhgaya by catching a train to the city of Gaya. I travelled to Gaya by train along with an American, Ray, whom I had met in Patna. I had an omelette for breakfast in my hotel room, settled up …
I’ve been experimenting with NetNewsWire’s iCloud service. Thanks to the RSS feed that Micro.blog offers for its Bookmarks feature, I have set myself up with a read it later service in within NetNewsWire. I hope that I don’t over use it as I have a tendency to not read articles …
It has been a week and a half since I last completed a run for the Watch to 5K program that I am following. I’ve had a cold that has lingered, has sapped my strength and made me feel like doing anything but run. Although not quite there in terms of healing, I felt that I was well enough today …
📅 This has been a strange weekend for me. The grandkids were off school on Friday and I kept thinking that it was Saturday. On Saturday I couldn’t get it out of my head that it was Sunday, and then today I wanted it to be Monday. With tomorrow being a public holiday here in the US, Presidents Day, …
📅 This has been a strange weekend for me. The grandkids were off school on Friday and I kept thinking that it was Saturday. On Saturday I couldn’t get it out of my head that it was Sunday, and then today I wanted it to be Monday. With tomorrow being a public holiday here in the US, Presidents Day, …
☀️ It feels good to see the sun this evening after a couple of days of cloud and rain. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy moody weather, but on this still evening the heat of the sun brings some warmth and rest.
☀️ It feels good to see the sun this evening after a couple of days of cloud and rain. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy moody weather, but on this still evening, the heat sun brings some warmth and rest.
My default search engine for a number of years now has been DuckDuckGo. In the past I have also used their browser and their privacy based (redirect) email service. I have been happy with DuckDuckGo’s service, never questioning the quality of their search results. Now though I am exploring …
🚽 If someone redesigned the humble toilet brush, making it more hygienic, I believe that they would be onto something.
🚽 If someone redesigned the humble toilet brush, making it more hygienic, I believe that they would be onto something.
🌊 Before going to bed last night the sounds of waves crashing against the distant cliffs, a mile away, was loud. In the middle of the night it was so loud that we could hear the roar inside the house with windows and doors closed! I have since read that a 30-50ft swell is hitting the north shore …
🌊 Before going to bed last night the sounds of waves crashing against the distant cliffs, a mile away, was loud. In the middle of the night it was so loud that we could hear the roar inside the house with windows and doors closed! I have since read that a 30-50ft swell is hitting the north shore …
Yesterday morning’s view at sunrise.
Wednesday, February 14, 2024 →
My wife gave me two of these metal tumblers from Japan for Valentines Day. They are great at keeping drinks cold…, and look good as well.
Yesterday was meant to be my next run on the Watch to 5K program, but I didn’t go out. I had the feeling of a cold coming on twenty four hours earlier, and yesterday I was not right. Today is also going to be a no show. I’m still not feeling right, and don’t want to do too much and …
HAPPY LOSAR Today is Losar, Tibetan New Year, the year of the Wood Dragon 2151. Below is His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s New Year message to the Tibetan people.
Well there’s week 3 of the Watch to 5K program completed. The conditions were perfect today - overcast, barely a breeze, and a comfortable temperature. There was some stiffness, but I was feeling better with the longer runs.
Earthquake just felt on Maui. I’m getting texts from friends across the island with people having felt it. I was sitting in my truck after a run and it just started shaking. Then the guy next to me jumped out of his car thinking that someone was shaking it! About 15 minutes ago an earthquake …
🌴 After a week living in a wind tunnel, last night the winds finally appeared to have blown themselves out. It was still when I returned home yesterday evening, and we are waking up to the same this morning.
🌴 After a week living in a wind tunnel, last night the winds finally appeared to have blown themselves out. It was still when I returned home yesterday evening, and we are waking up to the same this morning.
A Memory: I’ve just left Mahatma Gandhi’s ashram situated just outside of the small town of Sevagram in almost the geographical center of India. I had spent a couple of night’s at the ashram as part of a pilgrimage around India that I had set out on, to visit places connected with the life of Gandhi. He …
A rainbow is never far away here, but the wet and windy weather is producing some good ones at the moment 🌈
Yes I keep saying it, but today’s Watch to 5K run felt hard. At one stage I thought that I was going to start walking during a running stage. Admittedly the island is still experiencing strong winds, but my legs felt a stiffness in them today. …Onto the next leg…
On a roll at the moment. This evening’s rainbow 🌈
The Rubin Will Close Its Physical Space and Become a ‘Museum Without Walls’ - I’m sad to see this happening. I don’t visit New York often, but when the opportunity allowed I loved spending time (long periods of) in the Rubin Museum, taking in its displays of Himalayan art. Still a …
🌬️ I’m not happy with this strong wind. It has been here for a few days now, and it looks like at least another two more days. I’d really appreciate it stopping.
🌬️ I’m not happy with this strong wind. It has been here for a few days now, and it looks like at least another two more days. I’d really appreciate it stopping.
My last run on the Watch to 5K program was last Wednesday, January 31st. The program is structured so that you run every other day. The day in between is for rest and to allow the body to build its strength. However, a cold front moved across the State this last weekend bringing some strong weather …
I have been playing around with the Feedbin iOS app and found out completely by accident that it is possible to save searches. Searches of all feeds or selected. It feels like creating a feed of one’s own, looking out for subject matter that interests me.
The Story Behind the Photograph: A View Over the River Ganges: Photo of a slide projected onto a wall. It was mid November, 1989. I was four months into my journey through Central Asia. With my visa expiring, my time in Nepal was drawing to a close. Not feeling ready to go home, indeed a deeper sense of purpose and exploration beginning to arise from the trip …
This morning’s rainbow 🌈
We went to a birthday party on the south side of the island last night. It was an enjoyable evening. Just before sunset a whale and her calf swam by the house where the party was being held. As if to send birthday wishes, the calf waved it tail in the air a few times as it went by.
Unbeknownst to the friend who text me this, I was just about to walk into the chemist (pharmacy) when he sent me this. I miss Adams' writing. Space … is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down …
I have a number of photographs from our trip to Portugal last year which never saw the light of day because of me catching pneumonia and becoming so unwell. So I am revisiting a Sunday day trip to the town of Beja. During our walk around town we came across some interesting graffiti. Here is a …
Today was a WatchTo5K … actually I suppose that it still is? The thing is that it has been raining pretty much consistently since yesterday evening. Everything from light drizzle to torrential rain. This morning has been more of the latter. The roads are turning into rivers and there is …
January 2024
I’ve watched the first two episodes of Masters of the Air on TV+. I probably should have done this in the first episode, but for the second episode I turned on subtitles as in places I was struggling to understand what was being said. I notice this more often these days in films and series on …
I’ve just completed my first run of the third week of the WatchTo5K program. This was the hardest so far - I wonder how many times I will be saying that before this training is over?! A couple of longer runs in the middle of the walk/run sequence (and the heat didn’t help). I still find …
📱Well I finally decided to reinstall a cover on my phone. I'd like it to last another year or so, at least, and don't know if I can trust myself not to drop it.
📱Well I finally decided to reinstall a cover on my phone. I'd like it to last another year or so, at least, and don't know if I can trust myself not to drop it.
Finished reading: Foster by Claire Keegan 📚 This is the third book that I have read by Claire Keegan, an author who I had not heard of a few months ago. Each time brought into a story, taken through a snap shot, and then we leave the characters to the larger story. But that snap shot contains so …
We are really getting a cornucopia of weather conditions at the moment. Days of still weather, clear skies and sun, were replaced with two days of howling winds, though clear skies as well. Now the clouds have come in so thick that all views are obscured and it has just started raining.
🍃 I feel as though we have been in a wind tunnel all day, maybe the last two days?! I hope that we wake up to a calmer day tomorrow.
🍃 I feel as though we have been in a wind tunnel all day, maybe the last two days?! I hope that we wake up to a calmer day tomorrow.
Well that is week two of the Watch to 5K completed. This week was harder than the second, though I am also seeing progress. I am running a little further than the previous week. At the moment I am finding it hard to imagine that I’ll be running 5K by the end of the program. However, there are …
🏃♀️ I don’t think that my run today will be much fun, though it will be a challenge. Winds are currently gusting 20/25mph, with a forecast for stronger winds.
🏃♀️ I don’t think that my run today will be much fun, though it will be a challenge. Winds are currently gusting 20/25mph, with a forecast for stronger winds.
I find myself wondering if it is possible to somehow create an RSS feed for a website that I would like to follow, but that does not a feed?
The dawn chorus yesterday morning.
I have not used the Maui bus service for a good number of years now, but it seems that come March 1 I will qualify for a free travel. According to the article below, I will come under the 55 and older category (I am 60). So that leaves me with something to reflect on! Maui fare-free bus transit …
This morning’s Watch to 5K run was the hardest so far. The fifth in the program, the second of the second week, I think that my calf muscles were tightening up with this new regime that I am putting them through. I’m still pleased that I am on this program, and look forward to see how I …
I took the case off of my iPhone 13 Mini a few days ago to clean the phone. It is a clear case and I could see dirt accumulating around the back of the phone. I cleaned the phone and case, but I have not put the case back on the phone. I feel that the phone looks so much better without it. I …
I just saw a bumper sticker, Love Everyone Now there is a practice of a lifetime.
Dawn this morning, a couple of hours ago.
🤫 All is quiet right now, and I’m loving it. It won’t stay this way, but for now I am making the most of it. The quiet rests my body and mind.
🤫 All is quiet right now, and I’m loving it. It won’t stay this way, but for now I am making the most of it. The quiet rests my body and mind.
I’m happy to have completed Run 3 and my first week of the Watch to 5K app and challenge.
An Early Morning Sound: This is my first post and try out of Vincent Ritter’s new blogging platform, Scribbles. I’m not sure that I need another blog, but I love Vincent’s other offerings - Gluon, Tinylytics, and Shoutouts, and so couldn’t miss out on trying Scribbles. I was outside at dawn this morning and all of a sudden …
The Story Behind the Photo: A Bus Full of People: The original of this image was a slide. I projected it onto a wall and took this photo. I initially posted this photo on September 3, 2023, but offered no context for it. Following the reception to my story about a photograph that I took of Mt.Everest at sunset and encouragement of Miraz and Maique, …
Good morning ☕️. What will this week bring?
Photographs from a walk along the cliffs near to Ho’okipa Beach, Maui last Friday evening. The island in the distance is Moloka’i. The sun is setting behind the West Maui Mountains.
We went to see Poor Things last night. A good and bold performance by Emma Stone, who really carried the movie. However, I can’t fault any of the cast who included Mark Ruffalo and Willem DaFoe. 🍿
That was not easy, but a good challenge. A 500 piece jigsaw puzzle of rocks, a Christmas present that I have slowly worked on, a few pieces each day. 🧩
🏃♂️ Heading out for the second run of my personal Watch to 5K challenge.
🏃♂️ Heading out for the second run of my personal Watch to 5K challenge.
Accountability and Running: Towards the end of last year the iOS/Apple Watch app, Watch to 5K, was offered at a discount and it got me thinking. I wanted some easy accountability to get me exercising. This app essentially puts a Couch to 5K program onto an Apple Watch, with a companion iPhone app holding all the data from each …
🐳 I saw my first whale of the season this evening. Way out to sea, a few water spouts and the cresting back of the whale.
🐳 I saw my first whale of the season this evening. Way out to sea, a few water spouts and the cresting back of the whale.
The Story Behind the Mt Everest Photograph: Yesterday I posted a photograph showing the last rays of sunlight catching the summit of Mt Everest at the end of a day. After putting it up online, I was reflecting on the story behind the image, and thought that I would share it. The year was 1989, the month September. I found myself in Nepal at …
The summit of Mt Everest, peeking out from behind surrounding mountains, coloured orange as it catches the last rays of sunlight at the end of the day. This image was captured during a month long trek to the Solo/Khumbu region of Nepal around September 1989. Photo of slide projected onto a wall.
This winter feels like a struggle. If not that, a season that is bringing its fair share of obstacles. One blessing is that the weather is not one of them. At least, yet.
Those times when I talk to a delivery person, just making conversation, and they are unsure what to say. I feel that I have done something that they are just not use to, and so are stuck for words?
😩 A frustrating day. I fix one thing (or update it), and something else breaks. I’m calling tech support tomorrow morning. Despite the sound of it, this was not computer related, rather the front gate.
😩 A frustrating day. I fix one thing (or update it), and something else breaks. I’m calling tech support tomorrow morning. Despite the sound of it, this was not computer related, rather the front gate.
Sitting in silence.
This morning’s rainbow 🌈
Cold weather: Yesterday felt cold here, this evening there is a real icy blast…for a home only about 640 ft above sea level, in the Hawaiian islands. Of course it is not the sub-freezing temperatures that parts of the North American continent are facing, but the wind has a cold punch to it. Coming from …
Wednesday was exhausting for me. Being preceded by the busyness of the Christmas and New Year holidays probably didn’t help. I’m an introvert and at times just need time to myself to wind down. Too much external activity and noise and I’m working on reserve tank, my body becoming …
This place is called the Fun Factory and is a favorite of my grandson’s. I’m not in agreement with him on this. I call it soul destroying and a money burner. I wouldn’t tell him this and such, of course, is lost on him anyway.
Home alone, listening to and reading the poems of Han-Shan, Cold Mountain. Thank you Gary Snyder, Red Pine and others. Men ask the way to Cold Mountain Cold Mountain: there’s no through trail. In summer, ice doesn’t melt The rising sun blurs in swirling fog. How did I make it? My …
Year in books for 2023: Here are the books I finished reading in 2023. I’m a slow reader, not living in a family of readers (which slows me down more), but I love reading and am happy with this achievement.
🤦 How to not make a cup of coffee…omit the ground coffee. Happy New Year!
🤦 How to not make a cup of coffee…omit the ground coffee. Happy New Year!
Well, I’m heading to bed after seeing in 2024 here in Maui. It’s been a while since I have stayed up to welcome in a New Year. Good company and a lovely fire to sit around, helped. Good night all, and see you in 2024.
December 2023
I periodically return to the book One Robe, One Bowl: The Zen Poetry of Ryokan translated and introduced by John Stevens. Ryokan’s poems, expressions of simplicity and insight into the essence of life, calm me and help to give me perspective. This one touched me this morning, TWILIGHT - smoke …
New Year’s Eve and a beautiful sunny morning. What a difference after days, weeks of rain. Cold earlier this morning, though.
A sprinkling of white on a tree top. White Egrets sit out the coldness of early morning.
I am not a screenwriter in any shape or form, but thoroughly enjoyed this episode of Script Notes, where John August interviews writer and director Christopher Nolan - The Dark Knight Trilogy, Dunkirk, Oppenheimer - on his screen writing process. I was impressed by the amount of research that he …
This morning I had a brief, interesting talk with my acupuncturist about intuition. Experiences of it, and reasons why we might have doubted it when intuition has arisen, only to find that acting on that feeling has been the right way to go. I wonder how often I/we choose not to listen to intuition, …
💡 Well no sooner do I write, than the power comes back on. And the rain continues to fall. It is wet out there.
💡 Well no sooner do I write, than the power comes back on. And the rain continues to fall. It is wet out there.
🔌 Power outage. We haven’t had one for a while. The lights flickered while I was cooking dinner, but hung in there. Later we were watching one of the streaming services and all suddenly goes dark. Inclement weather can bring on a power outage and it has been wet since mid-afternoon.
🔌 Power outage. We haven’t had one for a while. The lights flickered while I was cooking dinner, but hung in there. Later we were watching one of the streaming services and all suddenly goes dark. Inclement weather can bring on a power outage and it has been wet since mid-afternoon.
As Boxing Day comes to an end, celebrated in my mind if not in the country where I now live, I look back on the beginning and end of yesterday.
That time of year when I go searching for the ghosts of Christmas past, the good ghosts.
Finished reading: Grief Is the Thing with Feathers by Max Porter. A quirky and resonant meditation on grief. 📚
As I get ready for bed, I remember as a kid going to bed on Christmas night. Once the lights were out and I’d said “good night” to everyone, I would sit and stare out of the window, imagining Santa being somewhere out there, traveling over this sleeping city. And I would hope to catch a glimpse of …
As Christmas night falls here in Hawaii, I wish all those who celebrate, in whatever shape or form, blessings, peace and all good wishes.
Joining in the current online fun. I experimented with a few descriptions and think that this one resulted in the best likeness.
Finished reading: A Child’s Christmas in Wales by Dylan Thomas. I read this each year. My father’s side of the family is from Wales and I lived there for almost 20 years. This year I read it while rain fell outside, the Christmas tree lit up and carols played. I was transported back to …
I watched A Charlie Brown Christmas last night, something I started doing each year, a few years ago. I think that I enjoy the animation because it shows Christmas through children’s eyes, while at the same time speaking to what is truly important about Christmas, away from the …
Well that is not very welcome. Our Wedding Anniversary today, Christmas just round the corner, and I test positive for COVID this morning. My wife tested positive a couple of days ago. For me, I just have aches and pains for now. Hopefully it won’t get any worse. Happy Holidays 🎄
Wednesday, December 20, 2023 →
🌧️ Well it is wet out there.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023 →
🌧️ Well it is wet out there.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023 →
These are not the best photographs of Wailuku, but I feel as though it is an overlooked gem here in Maui. Wailuku is the administrative home on the island, with the County and Court buildings based there. As such it is away from the tourist routes. At the same time, I wish a little more love was …
Wednesday, December 20, 2023 →
I lay in the darkness this morning listening to the rain lash against the windows. My wife has tested positive for COVID and I am sleeping in a barn on our property - and no, I was not sleeping on hay with hens as bed fellows. Gratefully, I was comfortable. As dawn slowly emerged, hampered by the …
My favourite coffee shop, and my local one when we lived in Portland was Sterling Coffee Roasters. I still order from them - only three days from Portland, and free postage. A great service. These arrived yesterday, including their Holiday Blend for the Christmas/New Year period.
I’m trying to switch off today. The last few days have been busy, on top of a bad headache, and next week we’ll be hitting the ground running. So after completing a couple of tasks this morning, I’m dialing it back now. In fact I just woke up from a late morning nap.
🤦🏼♂️ Waiting for some toast to pop up, and then realized that I had not put it in the toaster!
🤦🏼♂️ Waiting for some toast to pop up, and then realized that I had not put it in the toaster!
Two sides of this evening.
Home alone reading, and doing a bit of writing as well, while listening to Christmas Carols. I love listening to Carols, and singing them. In hearing them I find the spirit of Christmas for me…and maybe memories of Happy Christmases with family, warmth and familiarity (and I sense somewhere …
From a walk at Ho’okipa cliffs just over a week ago.
Wednesday, December 13, 2023 →
I’ve spent the last couple of days playing around with Tot and Siri Shortcuts (or is it Apple Shortcuts, or maybe just Shortcuts…I really am unsure), just seeing what I can do. Trying to create a Drafts lite (very), if you like. Drafts is not going to disappear from arsenal of text …
Wednesday, December 13, 2023 →
The Boy And The Heron - some thoughts a day later: Almost twenty four hours after sitting down in the theater to watch The Boy And The Heron, the movie is still sitting with me. I chose to see the dubbed version so that I could concentrate on Miyazaki’s sumptuous drawings and the story. I still missed a few plot points and character …
I have not done this for a while - sitting in a theatre by myself to see a movie - but I am looking forward to it. Today’s feature? The Boy And The Heron.
Inspired by the sticker posts of @maique. I spotted these while waiting to cross the road with my grandson.
This morning’s rainbow 🌈
I’ve just booked a ticket to go and see Hayao Miyazaki’s new anime, The Boy And The Heron tomorrow. I’ve chosen to see the English dubbed version, just so that I could spend more time on the rich animation as opposed to reading text. I’m looking forward to it.
Grilling this evening.
Sunday speed.
I recently checked in with my men’s group saying that, …right now I’d prefer to be in an isolated cabin on the side of a mountain looking out onto the world, and to stay there for a few days. It might not be a remote cabin, but I have a quiet morning at home, alone, and that will do as second …
Those times when I have a host of tabs open, only to accidentally close my browser without saving them, and realizing that I actually don’t miss them. Even the option to reopen the last closed session on restarting my browser feels superfluous.
😶🌫️ A misty, rainy Sunday morning. Those are the best..at least it feels like that this morning.
😶🌫️ A misty, rainy Sunday morning. Those are the best..at least it feels like that this morning.
Finished reading: So Late in the Day by Claire Keegan 📚
Are you in the market for a new guitar? If so, put January 31st, 2024 into your diary. On that date, Mark Knopfler is auctioning more than 120 guitars and amps through Christie’s in London. You can read more about The Mark Knopfler Guitar Collection here, or for a more personal introduction to …
November 2023
🤒 I have been unwell the last couple of days, though I really don't know what I have had? The main symptoms? Tired and achy, a slight and brief fever. I think that I am on the mend now. If you are waiting on reply from me, I hope to be back in touch tomorrow.
🤒 I have been unwell the last couple of days, though I really don't know what I have had? The main symptoms? Tired and achy, a slight and brief fever. I think that I am on the mend now. If you are waiting on reply from me, I hope to be back in touch tomorrow.
I felt as though this faint rainbow was kissing the sky this morning.
Finished reading: Weasels in the Attic by Hiroko Oyamada 📚
This weekend the north shore of Maui has seen a large swell visiting its shores. The photo below does no justice to the size of the size of the waves that were arriving here. Official figures say that at their largest they were between 18ft and 24ft. Zoom in to the far distance to see some monsters …
👋 …and suddenly it is all over. The build up, the preparation, the day, the eating, the cleanup, and all that is left are memories and feeling of a meal well eaten. Of course there is time spent with family and friends - appreciated and not taken for granted. For now though, Thanksgiving is wrapped …
👋 …and suddenly it is all over. The build up, the preparation, the day, the eating, the cleanup, and all that is left are memories and feeling of a meal well eaten. Of course there is time spent with family and friends - appreciated and not taken for granted. For now though, Thanksgiving is wrapped …
🍂 The house has been vacuumed, the table laid, food prep is under way, family strife laid to rest - Happy Thanksgiving.
🍂 The house has been vacuumed, the table laid, food prep is under way, family strife laid to rest - Happy Thanksgiving.
I was listening to an episode of the Metta Hour with Sharon Salzberg podcast yesterdday, and Sharon said something like (I’m paraphrasing), …and there is the conflict in the world today, in fact what about the conflict that is within individuals… Hearing that made me understand the often quoted, …
Somewhere in Copenhagen.
I’ve had a low grade nothing today. What does that look like? Being able to operate, just, while between time spent sleeping and feeling nauseous. There might be some aching going on in the background? But it does not really develop any further.
Sticking to the Meditation Instruction: I’ve said this before on this website, for example here and here. So why again? As much as anything, I repeat myself because I need to remind myself. There is something unintuitive about meditation. Meditation is a method for reprogramming our heart into different ways of being. We are swimming up …
☔️ I'm grateful for the rain falling this morning, and wish that it would bless the rest of this island with its presence.
☔️ I'm grateful for the rain falling this morning, and wish that it would bless the rest of this island with its presence.
Baldwin beech, Maui, this morning.
The sun has caught my face today, I can feel it. First out in the garden, clearing the planter boxes of weeds which had overgrown them due to neglect. Next to the beach for a walk, and then just to sit and watch life go by - the surfers, children playing in the shore break, parents chatting, …
The weather can be beautiful at this time of year, perfect. Yes there can be days of rain in the part of Maui where we live. That’s welcome, one because we need it, and two because for me days and days of sun can get a little old. But when the trade winds wind down, when the sun does not beat …
Well no dream last night, at least none that I remember, but I did sleep like a log. I was exhausted and asleep just after 9:00pm.
I spent some time tinkering with my website this afternoon, and sending out some gratitude to various people who make it possible. I’m happy with how it’s looking…until I’m not and the next tinkering session. 😉
A Dream - Reading to the World: I had a dream last night in which a good friend, Maique Madeira, was sitting on the floor reading Harry Potter to his daughter, surrounded by a larger group of intent listeners. Not only that, but through the power of the internet, people were listening all over the world (I remember an Apple …
We’ve had a lot of rain over the last two days. With that I’ve felt an increased pressure in the air, and I have put that down to headaches that I have been having. Initially I thought that it was because I was tired, but I think not know. I’ve mentioned this before. Increased …
🌧️ We are waking up to rain this morning, a lot of it. I hope that the rest of the island is getting this as it needs it. We live in the wetter part of Maui, and sometimes I can drive fifteen, twenty minutes from here and I go from rain to sun and blue skies.
🌧️ We are waking up to rain this morning, a lot of it. I hope that the rest of the island is getting this as it needs it. We live in the wetter part of Maui, and sometimes I can drive fifteen, twenty minutes from here and I go from rain to sun and blue skies.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023 →
Finished reading: People From My Neighbourhood by Hiromi Kawakami 📚
Wednesday, November 15, 2023 →
Following the devastating fires on Maui, both Upcountry and in Lahaina, there has been much coverage in the local press about the clean up process. For me, one thing that it has brought to light is the number of toxic materials that surround us on a daily basis. This article on the disposing process …
Well we lived to tell the tale. My wife and I spent five days looking after our grandkids while the parents were on the mainland. Sleeping with them - and being kicked out of bed - going to a birthday party, soccer game, getting them out of the house for school, functioning on little sleep. Today we …
A spiral staircase in a Lisbon hotel.
Occasionally, through something that I see or hear, I am reminded of a line inserted in the middle of the lyrics to the 1984 single Two Tribes, by the English band Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Just think, war breaks out and no one shows up I don’t know what to do with that, but I do think …
Finally we have rain, along with two rainbows 🌈
This Praying Mantis was there to greet us when we returned home yesterday.
😩 Jet lag sucks. Needing to sleep. Trying to stay up so that I don't wake up in the middle of the night...which I inevitably do anyway. Trying to function, get things done, but not really. Finally surrendering and just going to sleep, to wake up whenever the body feels it's ready to....only to feel …
😩 Jet lag sucks. Needing to sleep. Trying to stay up so that I don't wake up in the middle of the night...which I inevitably do anyway. Trying to function, get things done, but not really. Finally surrendering and just going to sleep, to wake up whenever the body feels it's ready to....only to feel …
💦 I'd forgotten how humid Maui can be.
💦 I'd forgotten how humid Maui can be.
Surfacing and Reflecting: This piece started to take shape towards the end of the summer. It is now the last day of October. I was just coming out of recovering from pneumonia, which I had contracted in Portugal though at the time I did not know what I had, and wanted to document for myself what had happened to me over the …
Welcome to America. An espresso in Portugal is €1.20 give or take a few cents. San Francisco airport $4.50 (before tax) 🤯
I was in a coffee shop in Lisbon and I noticed that there was a young woman reading a book. Maybe nothing unusual about that, except she was totally engrossed in the book. She didn’t look up as others came and went, as there were noises of activity around her. I am so used these days to seeing …
Finished reading: Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan 📚
October 2023
Adeus Portugal. Até à próxima. 😢
🌧️ Today has been off and on wet, but it is really coming down now. I hope that we don't sail away.
🌧️ Today has been off and on wet, but it is really coming down now. I hope that we don't sail away.
I understand people’s annoyance at the clocks going backwards and forwards twice a year. However, I do like that time once a year when the day feels that little bit longer, or at least the morning does. Though it normally takes me a week to get over the clocks jumping forward in the spring!
I think that I’ll look to have a notebook beside my bed to record the dreams that I have. I seem to forget them so quickly and easily once I am awake. Last night I had a dream about my late dad that I wanted to tell my mother about. I can’t do that now. The dream has vanished into the …
Photographs from Estremoz Saturday Market: Some more images from last week’s visit to Estremoz Saturday market.
Hopefully I’m not posting some political or subversive message here? “Go with the flow,” would suggest not. Spotted while in Lisbon.
Well apparently the sun is rising right now…7:54am. Perhaps it’s time to get up? Portugal seems to have this effect on me. I can’t get up?!
I don’t receive a lot of eyes on my website, but views in the last few days had dropped to zero…or so it seemed (I subscribe to @vincent’s wonderful Tinylytics service). I was pottering around on the backend of Micro.blog yesterday morning and found out that somewhere along the …
Books in Lisbon: I returned home yesterday from a couple of days in Lisbon with an unplanned cache - four books. Three of them came from a new discovery, a small bookshop that only carries books in English, Salted Books. The shop has only been open for a month, but apparently they are doing very well. Long may that …
VPNs: When to use a VPN and when not to, that is the question? So here I am, sitting in my hotel room in Lisbon. I am on the hotel’s WiFi network. I do not have a VPN fired up. In fact most of the time I do not use a VPN. When I do it is Mullvad. I did use Nord VPN but the longer contracts, it is …
Back in a warm hotel room drying out clothes (the heating cranked up to dry out those clothes) after a good pizza and browsing books in a bookshop. I love a good bookshop, even if 99% of the books are in a language that I don’t understand. I still came out with a book…in a language that …
Well I just got a whole lot wetter than I thought. It is pouring here in Lisbon and I didn’t think that I would be dealing with wet clothes. It seems that I did not pack appropriately. The next 24 hours will be fun - squelch, squelch.
🚘 Heading to Lisbon today.
🚘 Heading to Lisbon today.
The fisherman returning home, or maybe he is on his way to the fishing grounds?
Walking around the market in Estremoz yesterday.
⛈️ Woah! Now it is coming down. We got home just in the nick of time. A meeting canceled, but I prefer to be back home than out on the road in this. Be safe anyone who is out and about.
⛈️ Woah! Now it is coming down. We got home just in the nick of time. A meeting canceled, but I prefer to be back home than out on the road in this. Be safe anyone who is out and about.
A Pilgrimage to Nazaré: Today I made a pilgrimage to Nazaré, the home in Portugal of big wave surfing, and where the biggest wave ever to be surfed was surfed. Even though I don’t surf, I am surrounded by family and friends who do. I live on Maui where surfers from all over the world come to practice their sport, and …
Next stop America. The view yesterday from Europe’s most westerly point, Cabo da Roca in Portugal.
We found ourselves in Cascais around lunchtime. The restaurants were closed, opening in forty minutes, and it was raining. So we went for a walk, as you do when it’s raining, and found a bookshop. If my stomach hadn’t been rumbling and there wasn’t a destination to reach after …
Can anyone help me here? These are the opening hours of a nearby restaurant in Portugal. What do the little “a” stand for/mean? 3ª a Sábado: 12h às 15h | 19h às 22h Domingo e 2ª: Encerrada
This from writer and historian Heather Cox-Richardson, The nights I post a picture are often harder for me than the nights I write. I am not a visual artist, and so I struggle for way too long over what picture to post and then struggle even longer over how to caption the image I choose. I can …
🥱 8:30am and I am just getting up. I never do that, this late in the morning, until I have just done so. I was tired...still feel that way. A slow Sunday ahead?
🥱 8:30am and I am just getting up. I never do that, this late in the morning, until I have just done so. I was tired...still feel that way. A slow Sunday ahead?
😮💨 Feeling tired at the far end of a day moving around Lisbon. But getting things done, enjoying ourselves, and meeting with friends
😮💨 Feeling tired at the far end of a day moving around Lisbon. But getting things done, enjoying ourselves, and meeting with friends
Another Micro Meetup in Portugal with @maique, along with my wife, Melissa.
Waiting for a meet up.
🥵 very hot today. Peaking at 35C (95F). We are on the search for cooler temperatures.
Alcácer do Sal by night.
I’ve no idea what was happening in Alcácer do Sal this evening, but some people were enjoying themselves. The drummers and those following, were all dressed in a white uniform.
Finished reading Getting Your Important Work Done by Michael Nobbs. A collection of essays on being sustainably creative, using “whatever energy you have available, however limited it may be, to maintain a creative life (or even livelihood).” I don’t know when I came across …
I installed Thwip on my iPhone, and watch, just because…🔈
🧙🏻 A second test of a Drafts action
🧙🏻 A second test of a Drafts action
🧪 Testing a Drafts action.
🧪 Testing a Drafts action.
We went out to Arrábida Natural Park yesterday, and what a beautiful park it is. While walking along Praia do Creiro, one of the handful of beaches in the park, I saw a huge jellyfish and washed up at the shoreline. Its body was as large as a head. I’ve never seen one so large. I didn’t …
Captures from a walk through Alcácer do Sal this morning.
With the temperature in the low 30s, and cloudless skies, this character was overdressed yesterday.
I had a restless sleep last night. First I was too hot, then too cold, then the pillow felt too hard, then too soft. I gave up and moved to the couch, and sort of slept, waking up cold….and so went back into bed at dawn, finally getting up late. I wonder what the day will bring, as I’ll …
🇵🇹 Boa tarde Portugal
🇵🇹 Boa tarde Portugal
Sitting by the harbour in the small Danish town of Havnebyen. Friends from Maui have moved here and we are stopping by to visit them on our way to Portugal. My stay here in Denmark will be no longer than a long weekend, but I’m pleased that I am here. Not just to see my friends, but to experience …
September 2023
Day 30 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Treasure, suggested by @agilelisa From an art exhibition in Florida in 2018.
Day 29 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Contrast, suggested by @gregmoore Light and dark.
Thursday, September 28, 2023 →
Day 28 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Workout, suggested by @rom Always worth it, but quite a workout. Haleakala crater.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023 →
Day 27 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Embrace, suggested by @mroutley Returning to the UK, I always feel the embrace of the British landscape.
Day 26 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Belt, suggested by @annie Taken in a small restaurant/bar in Kyoto in October 2016. A few beverages in view.
Day 25 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Flare, suggested by @matt17r Autumnal light.
🤫 Sitting quietly.
🤫 Sitting quietly.
Day 24 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Belt, suggested by @allaboutgeorge The only belt that I brought with me on this trip. Better than the last one though, when I forgot to bring one at all. Then there was a lot of hitching up of my trousers until I bought a belt.
Saturday, September 23, 2023 →
Day 23 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: A Day in the Life Out walking in Bristol, England today.
Saturday, September 23, 2023 →
I took this photo this morning while having breakfast and have only just looked at it. It’s a striking sunrise, even if I say so myself, with the cloud formations as well. Bristol, England.
Day 22 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Road, suggested by @jomalo An old road maybe, running through the fields above the cliffs near to Ho’okipa, Maui
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 →
Day 21 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Fall, suggested by @pcora A Horse Chestnut leaves start to change colour as Fall approaches. Bristol, England.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 →
Jet lag sucks, and I find that there is something settling about sitting quietly while the world outside sleeps.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 →
🥱 Up early, did I go to sleep(?), for a jet lag informed breakfast.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 →
🥱 Up early, did I go to sleep(?), for a jet lag informed breakfast.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 →
Day 20 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Disruption, suggested by me, @crossingthethreshold I had no idea what I would post when I suggested this subject for a photo, but settled for snow in Portland from when we lived there in 2013.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 →
🌧️ It’s pouring in southern England right now. On my way down to Bristol from Heathrow airport.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 →
🌧️ It’s pouring in southern England right now. On my way down to Bristol from Heathrow airport.
Celebrating 60 years orbiting the sun. This time in a hotel at San Francisco airport. On my way to England this evening.
Day 19 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Edge, suggested by @rnv Two edges. The horizon and the west coast of the United States last night, just south of San Francisco.
We safely arrived at the Grand Hyatt Hotel at SFO, and there were two bottles of Prosecco and a box of chocolate biscuits waiting for me. Tomorrow is my birthday. Thank you Hyatt Hotel for recognizing tomorrow and celebrating with me on the road. Tomorrow onto the UK to visit my mother, a visit that …
Day 18 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Fabric, suggested by @adam Rolls of indigo fabric. Chikugo, Japan.
Day 17 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: intense, suggested by @rori The noise from these mechanical looms was intense, as in loud. They were weaving indigo cloth. Hirokawa, Japan.
Here is the full video of me leaning against the wind in the Isle of Skye. Yesterday, as a part of the September Photoblogging Challenge, I posted a still from this video.
Saturday, September 16, 2023 →
Day 16 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: oof!, suggested by @bkryer Being held up by the strong winds on the Isle of Skye.
😰 It is so humid outside right now, that it just saps my energy.
😰 It is so humid outside right now, that it just saps my energy.
Day 15 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Red, suggested by @chiawase A red bicycle in Florence, Italy.
With the release of the new iPhones, I suddenly realise that my iPhone 13 Mini is already two years old. I have no plans to buy a new model, but boy, time flies.
Thursday, September 14, 2023 →
The Trash Collectors: It’s Thursday evening. Time for the weekly ritual of putting the trash bins out for their collection on Friday morning. Tomorrow as I am waking up and making the first cup of coffee of the day, I will be greeted by the roar and grind of the truck carrying the trash collectors. It is a part of the …
Thursday, September 14, 2023 →
Up until a couple of weeks ago I had not heard of the organization World Central Kitchen. While volunteering at Lahaina Gateway following the wild fires here on Maui, food was available through the day both for those coming to collect supplies and those helping in their distribution. One of those …
Thursday, September 14, 2023 →
Day 14 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Statue, suggested by @christopherchelpka I found this character in Bristol, UK.
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 →
Danziger's Travels: There’s a quote from the book Danziger’s Travel that has sat with me since I returned from my travels in the early 1990s. Danziger’s words spoke to how I felt on returning to my home country, Britain. I was feeling lost and his words told me that I was not alone. Nick Danziger had …
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 →
Day 13 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Glowing, suggested by @anniegreens A hotel lobby somewhere in Kyoto.
Day 12 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Panic, suggested by @maique While I’m not sure that I was panicking, at times I felt uncomfortable as we walked up the switchbacks of the precipitous Halemau’u Trail at the end of our crater hike last week.
Day 11 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Retrospect, suggested by @chadgmoore This just fitted the bill for me for retrospect. A area from my past and which is still in my heart.
Day 10 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Cycle, suggested by @agilelisa I miss the annual Providence Bridge Pedal in Portland. This photo (that arm on the left bothers me) from 2014 of cyclists stopping for the view from the Fremont Bridge, normally busy with freeway traffic.
Day 9 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Language, suggested by @thedimpause If it wasn’t for the pictures of the food in this Kyoto restaurant, we would not have eaten.
Day 8 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Yonder, suggested by @jidabug Inverness, CA.
Ruminations on Travel and Place: Wednesday of last week I went back over to Lahaina to spend the day volunteering. It was hot, very hot, but rewarding. As I drove home I was reflecting on where I had been for the day. I had traveled across a good part of Maui in traveling from my home to Lahaina. Let me try and give some …
🩻 A hospital goes from a place that I rarely see, to one that becomes quite familiar. A chest X-ray just completed this lunchtime, with a follow up doctor’s visit tomorrow morning. All to see how my healing from pneumonia is progressing.
🩻 A hospital goes from a place that I rarely see, to one that becomes quite familiar. A chest X-ray just completed this lunchtime, with a follow up doctor’s visit tomorrow morning. All to see how my healing from pneumonia is progressing.
Day 7 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Panorama, suggested by @dejus The audience in Portland welcoming His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 2013.
Note to self: Do actually look at your ToDo list! 🤦🏼♂️
Wednesday, September 6, 2023 →
Day 6 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Well, suggested by @val I think that this must have been a well? Now inside a hotel on Lake Como.
I stepped outside this evening to a clear night sky, and there traveling overhead was a trail of Starlink satellites. That was the first time that I had seen them. It looked like a trail of Christmas lights floating across the sky. It was quite a sight. I’m now on the look out for the next …
I like Manuel Moreale’s analogy of seeing the online world as a mirror of the physical one.
Day 5 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Forest, suggested by @ovr The woodland leading down to the river Avon from Durdham Downs in Bristol, my stomping ground when I was growing up.
Sunset this evening from our lanai.
Hiking Haleakala Crater: I spent yesterday hiking Haleakalā Crater with a friend. The mountain sits at just over 10,000ft in altitude. The crater that is there today is not a classic volcanic crater, but rather a large erosional valley. It is believed that two valleys, Ko‘olau to the north and Kaupō to the south, expanded …
Day 4 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Orange, suggested by @ekcragg.
😮💨 Exhausted but happy after a day hiking through Haleakala crater today.
😮💨 Exhausted but happy after a day hiking through Haleakala crater today.
Day 3 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Precious, suggested by @odd. Precious memories of past travels, this in Nepal, 1989 (photo of slide).
I spent this afternoon working in our yard. As an aside from this story, I have never quite got use to Americans calling what surrounds their house a yard. In the UK it is a garden and when you are working out there, you are gardening. Anyway, I was out in our yard pushing a wheelbarrow backwards …
Day 2 of the September 2023 Photoblogging Challenge. Buildup - suggested by @V_ Miami, FL
Day 1 of the September 2023 Photoblogging Challenge. Abstract - suggested by @greghiggins Volterra, Italy
August 2023 Newsletter letter: August 2023 Well after a run of 14 newsletters, the last one being at the end of April this year, I have not sent a newsletter for three months now. April and May found my wife and I in Portugal, based in Alcácer do Sal where we have a town house. At some point during our two month stay I became …
August 2023
🤪 I was going to do something, look something up, and now (two minutes later) cannot remember for the life of me what that was??
🤪 I was going to do something, look something up, and now (two minutes later) cannot remember for the life of me what that was??
I’m more than a little out of practice with yoga right now. This morning I took a one and a half hour class. Plenty of shaking limbs and hard breathing as I tried to maintain the postures. The class finished four and half hours ago, and I am still feeling it.
Volunteering: As the result of an email that I received late on Friday night, Saturday saw me out at Lahaina Gateway, volunteering with the relief effort for those effected by the wild fires almost three weeks ago. Volunteers met up in the town of Wailuku, on the north west side of the island, at 7:45am Saturday …
Finished reading: A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers 📚
☔ It’s pouring here in Haiku.
☔ It’s pouring here in Haiku.
As Maui Breathes: As Maui cycles through the year, I can feel as the island breathes its way through the ebb and flow of visitors. There are deep intakes of breath as the island fills up during the seasonal holidays, and then exhales as visitors leave and Maui quietens down during those in between times when kids are …
Rain is pouring outside as I type this. Grey clouds hang low. The ocean, in the distance, is obscured from view. The clouds might lift briefly revealing all that is currently hidden from view, including the blue sky and sun, but this wet weather feels like it is the dominant feature of today. And …
Yesterday afternoon I just wanted to breathe some fresh tree air, and headed up to the Каhаkарао Loop Trail. Two and half hours later, and just over six and a quarter miles under the belt, I was back at the truck. A beautiful and welcome hike.
I am hearing of a lot of grass roots relief efforts that just came together following the wild fires that hit Maui just under two weeks ago. The wife, Jen, of a good friend of mine normally leads snorkeling tours. Just after the fires company used their boat to ferry supplies to those still in and …
Allowing people to tell their stories, enables them to release the pressure that they hold.
I’m not long back from my weekly men’s group. I am so grateful for this group, especially at this time here on Maui. A group of men who I get to know that little bit more each week. A group of men with whom I can sit and be honest and real with. A place for accountability, vulnerability. …
In the presence of giants. Driving through a forest of Red Woods last week in Northern California.
I always say that I will make a Mana Foods' cookie last, but never succeed. They are so good.
I returned home yesterday to rental cars parked up in the fields around the airport here on Maui. I hadn’t seen that since height of COVID. Then, with no visitors on the island, there was nowhere (apart from the fields around the airport) to park up the huge excess of unwanted rental cars. …
🏝️ I’m starting the journey back to Maui. I’m both wanting to be back home and anxious as to what I am returning to (though very gratefully, my home is safe).
🏝️ I’m starting the journey back to Maui. I’m both wanting to be back home and anxious as to what I am returning to (though very gratefully, my home is safe).
I’m missing Sea Ranch already, but I’m also missing home given what has happened in Maui. I’m heading back there tomorrow.
🐳 More whales swimming past Sea Ranch this afternoon. We can see their spouts way out in the ocean.
🐳 More whales swimming past Sea Ranch this afternoon. We can see their spouts way out in the ocean.
As the day ends here, I find myself still thinking over what has happened in Maui in the last 24 hours. Disbelief at the level of destruction, especially in Lahaina as it looks as though it has been raised to the ground, but also to those who have lost homes in Upcountry Maui. Sadness accompanying …
Sunset this evening from Sea Ranch. We also saw some whale spouts and splashes, maybe from their flukes, way off shore, and were wondering if they were making their way to Hawaii? What a beautiful evening.
Walking through the fields, by the coast, at Sea Ranch.
As I spend some time with family in California, the news that is coming out of Maui of the terrible fires there is heartbreaking. It sounds as though Front Street, and the historic area of Lahaina, including around the Bayan tree has been devastated (though to what degree is unclear right now, …
These misty, Northern Californian mornings, fit my being perfectly.
Hike to the bluff and there are three chairs waiting for you to take a rest, and take in the ocean views.
😶🌫️ Waking up to a foggy and damp morning. Perfect for moving slowly.
😶🌫️ Waking up to a foggy and damp morning. Perfect for moving slowly.
🥱 Tired after a day of driving.
🥱 Tired after a day of driving.
The Northern Californian coast at Sea Ranch.
🐲 I just paid a visit to The Dragon’s Den, a herbal medicine shop here on Maui. I was looking for a something to help open my lungs as I manage the tail end of pneumonia. I’ve come away with a couple of options, and hoping that I see some results.
🐲 I just paid a visit to The Dragon’s Den, a herbal medicine shop here on Maui. I was looking for a something to help open my lungs as I manage the tail end of pneumonia. I’ve come away with a couple of options, and hoping that I see some results.
☕ I’m drinking my first coffee for around two months. Being unwell just put me off the beverage, and then as I improved my acupuncturist suggested that I stayed away from coffee. This morning I felt as though I wanted to try some again. Right now it is feeling good.
☕ I’m drinking my first coffee for around two months. Being unwell just put me off the beverage, and then as I improved my acupuncturist suggested that I stayed away from coffee. This morning I felt as though I wanted to try some again. Right now it is feeling good.
I get up after a good eight hours sleep (not always guaranteed) feeling fresh and well rested. Half an hour later I am ready to go back to bed. 😩
Finished reading: A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers 📚
Sounds of the night: crickets whistling geckos calling their territory with a sound like smacking lips a cow grazing voices cars on the nearby road dogs barking the wind through shrubs All this as I sit outside in the refreshing air, reading.
My grandson roasting a marshmallow at dusk, in PoliPoli Springs Recreation Area, Maui. (Photo credit, my son-in-law).
🔌 Power outage - those times when I realize the value and/or importance of that which I take for granted.
🔌 Power outage - those times when I realize the value and/or importance of that which I take for granted.
July 2023
I was driving to the post office this morning, and a mongoose suddenly ran out into the road. I tried to swerve, but it was too late, the little animal gave me no time. I hit it. I turned around and drove back to see if it had survived, but sadly not. I lifted it off the road and laid it in the …
☹️ Waking up to the realization that the weekend is over.
☹️ Waking up to the realization that the weekend is over.
😌 It’s Sunday. I need a Sunday.
😌 It’s Sunday. I need a Sunday.
Now. View over Maui from PoliPoli Springs Recreational Area. The island of Lana’i in the distance.
At times I come across the attempt to put fun into a box. “Fun is this and only this, and if you are not doing this, you are not having fun.” From my experience, one person’s fun might be another’s idea of at best, an event to just get through, to endure. This image, which I …
I came across this poem last year on the On Being podcast. Written by the Pakistani climate activist Ayisha Siddiqa1, it is set against the backdrop of our current environmental crises. I find the poem holds a powerful message of the power of approaching the current crises motivated by love. There …
I remember when I first heard Sinead O’Connor sing. I sat up and took notice. Her haunting voice. Her first album was soon added to my collection. Over the years I have listened less of her music, not due to a change in taste, just my ebb and flow of choice of what to I’m listening …
Revisiting a 1987 Journey out of Estes Park: Yesterday a conversation on Micro.blog brought back memories of an episode early in my travels in 1987. In the Micro.blog conversation I wrote, I remember hitchhiking out of Estes Park many moons ago when I was just starting my travels. From my memory the breaks weren’t working properly on the …
Today appears to be a big laundry day chez moi. I’m tripping over clothes, towels, sheets and a big duvet cover.
Well Tropical Storm Calvin left its calling card for us. This morning I noticed water seeping out from behind the drier. The rain had come down the drier’s vent and out onto the floor. I had to pull out the washing machine and drier to get behind there this morning. An unexpected change of …
As I write this, it is grey and misty outside and sheets of rain are being blown across the my field of vision. It has been a wet morning, off and on with the occasional break. Calvin is making its presence felt, even if the storm is pulling westwards away from the islands. A flood watch is in …
Tropical Storm Calvin, which started out as a hurricane in the Pacific, is arriving in Hawai’i tonight, impacting the Big Island of Hawai’i first. With that said, I feel as though its effects are starting to make themselves felt even now - sustained wind, more cloud, and more frequent …
As I try our Obsidian, of course I go looking for a plugin to post to Micro.blog. Thank you @otaviocc, I’m testing your plugin out now.
This morning I’m keeping an eagle eye on the live text stream on the BBC website - my only option - in order to follow the Wimbledon Men’s final. It almost ups the tension, waiting for the next message to drop.
Clean up done. Sitting quietly now. Yesterday evening a collection of friends - kids, parents, grandparents - came over to play on the water slide that my son-in-law had constructed in a large natural bowl that sits on our property. There were a few collisions, but no injuries. My wife barbecued a …
Finished reading: The Cybernetic Tea Shop by Meredith Katz 📚
📝 I'm grateful for journalling.
📝 I'm grateful for journalling.
🥱 Waking from an afternoon nap.
🥱 Waking from an afternoon nap.
This afternoon my wife and I took a two and a half mile walk in Upcountry Maui. The cloudy weather created just the right conditions for walking. A lot of the land that we were walking by belongs to Oprah. Indeed most (all?) that is in this photograph belongs to her. I stopped on the return leg to …
After all the praise for The Bear that I have read on Micro.blog, I took out a subscription for Hulu. I don’t regret doing so. I’m, we are thoroughly enjoying it.
On a clear night, we are blessed with a wonderful view of a star filled sky. Tonight, just before turning in, I stopped to stair up at the glittering patterns above me, and the vastness of heavens that our tiny planet sits in. I find something quite calming and humbling viewing that site.
Reupholstering a couch today. Learning as I go. Patience is one of those lessons!
Some days I wonder what I have achieved from my meditation practice? Sleepy, wandering mind, replaying that incident from yesterday. Providing this does not become a habit as in, “great, it’s rest time,” I believe that what is gained is just showing up. There are so many other …
Going in…looking to retrieve some images off of my step-daughter’s old computer. 🫣
When I am unwell, I quite often find that I loose my taste for coffee. It comes back in its own time as I heal. As I recover from pneumonia I had started making myself a cup of coffee in the morning, but wasn’t really enjoying it. So when my acupuncturist suggested that I stay away from coffee …
June 2023
🕳️ I am slowly surfacing, climbing out of the hole. I have not written on my blog for about a month. Much has happened, but I have simply not had the bandwidth to post. I've been unwell since May 20th, but did not get a diagnosis, of pneumonia, until June 7th - traveling saw to that delay. I've lost …
🕳️ I am slowly surfacing, climbing out of the hole. I have not written on my blog for about a month. Much has happened, but I have simply not had the bandwidth to post. I've been unwell since May 20th, but did not get a diagnosis, of pneumonia, until June 7th - traveling saw to that delay. I've lost …
This double rainbow, the second can be seen faintly above the first, appeared outside our house this morning. 🌈
The Sunday bikers are making there way through Alcácer this morning. It sounds like a scene from Mad Max out there.
May 2023
A Stone in Time: There is a remote road on the far west side of the Brecon Beacons National Park in South Wales. Sealed but single tracked, with an occasional passing place. You are unlikely to see anyone there unless they are out hiking those barren hills. On a cold, wet day, the sort of day that I think about as I …
Absolutely perfect timing. The grandkids and family arrive today…and I get a migraine. It started last night, and will probably last for three days. They usually do. I haven’t had a migraine for a while now, and this one feels as though it is making up for lost time.
Well I had a lovely, unexpected surprise today. Years ago, or so it seems, there was an iOS app called Clear, a minimalist List keeping app. It appears that, also a while ago, I signed up for news of updates to the app. I stopped using the app, and the app dropped off the App Store. Well today an …
Finished reading: On the Black Hill by Bruce Chatwin. A wonderful read that took me back to the Welsh mountains that I overlooked for almost twenty years. 📚
Current mood, after a day with a lot of driving.
We had a couple of exterior walls painted white earlier this week. While we were in Lisbon, the local birds decided to bless one of the walls with berry coloured poop. Thankfully we were able to clean it off - yes I know time will see the white walls discoloured…but so early after being …
Out for a walk.
I’m sitting in an Uber ride and Walking On Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves plays on the radio. My spirits immediately feel lifted. That never fails to happen with this song.
🤧 In Lisbon. My seasonal allergies are playing up. I don’t blame this occurrence on the city, rather they have been with me since last night. The wind is definitely not helping, though.
🤧 In Lisbon. My seasonal allergies are playing up. I don’t blame this occurrence on the city, rather they have been with me since last night. The wind is definitely not helping, though.
Setting the mood for a Sunday Morning… Sunday Morning Jazz by Gillie Meyer
🥱 I slept late this morning. Very unlike me, I guess that I was tired? Having said that, I have notice that I go to bed later here in Portugal...and so tend to wake up later. However, this morning was particularly late. Not many plans today. A quieter day. Maybe the body knew that?
🥱 I slept late this morning. Very unlike me, I guess that I was tired? Having said that, I have notice that I go to bed later here in Portugal...and so tend to wake up later. However, this morning was particularly late. Not many plans today. A quieter day. Maybe the body knew that?
When a Saturday feels like a Sunday, and then I realize that Sunday is still to come. Long weekend in disguise 🥸
😶🌫️ It’s a cool, misty morning, with a beautiful freshness in the air. The sort of coolness that only comes during spring and summer, as a precursor to warmer weather later in the day.
😶🌫️ It’s a cool, misty morning, with a beautiful freshness in the air. The sort of coolness that only comes during spring and summer, as a precursor to warmer weather later in the day.
🐰 I’ve said it before, but will say it again, “where do all of these dust bunnies come from?” I vacuum in the morning, and they appear to be waiting for me again by the evening or next morning!! They are more prolific than the real thing.
🐰 I’ve said it before, but will say it again, “where do all of these dust bunnies come from?” I vacuum in the morning, and they appear to be waiting for me again by the evening or next morning!! They are more prolific than the real thing.
April 2023 Newsletter letter: April 2023 I write this at the end of April in a small church square, Largo de São Mamede, on the edge of the Príncipe Real area of Lisbon. Tomorrow will be the end of our forth week in Portugal, the longest period of time that I have spent in this country, and we still have five and a half weeks to …
April 2023
🏳️ I’m giving in to the third coffee of the morning.
🏳️ I’m giving in to the third coffee of the morning.
🥱 Waking up to a quiet Sunday morning. This is so much appreciated, my big gratitude for the day. I don’t have to get in a car, navigate city traffic and load up. It was a fun two days, but happy to be home.
🥱 Waking up to a quiet Sunday morning. This is so much appreciated, my big gratitude for the day. I don’t have to get in a car, navigate city traffic and load up. It was a fun two days, but happy to be home.
I spotted a Micro.blog sticker in Lisbon today. That brought a smile to my face. 😊 @jean
We are back in Lisbon. An overnight stay. With the city only being an hour from Alcácer do Sal, it is very convenient whether we need to get things done, or a cultural visit. We arrived yesterday, and will be leaving later today. This is a “getting things done” visit, and I am looking …
Keeping an eye on you, in Lisbon.
🥵 Phew! The temperature started at 16°C/60°F today. By 3:00pm it is forecast to be 35°C/95°F. Wilting slowly.
🥵 Phew! The temperature started at 16°C/60°F today. By 3:00pm it is forecast to be 35°C/95°F. Wilting slowly.
🧓 I'm either showing my age, or my disconnect from modern parlance…or both?This week I have had to look up a couple of acronyms that I had no idea what they stood for, but appeared to be being used quite liberally.
🧓 I'm either showing my age, or my disconnect from modern parlance…or both?This week I have had to look up a couple of acronyms that I had no idea what they stood for, but appeared to be being used quite liberally.
A lunchtime well spent.
What an insane range of temperatures we are going to be facing here today. Depending on which side of the Atlantic you are on, it will be going from 12°C/53°F this morning, up to 32°C/89°F by late afternoon. And more to follow in the coming week.
☕ There’s that coffee that I was looking forward to as I went to bed.
☕ There’s that coffee that I was looking forward to as I went to bed.
🙃 It’s one of those nights when I go to bed looking forward to tomorrow morning’s coffee.
🙃 It’s one of those nights when I go to bed looking forward to tomorrow morning’s coffee.
Freedom Day Celebrations: Today, 25th April, is Freedom Day here in Portugal. Last night Alcácer do Sal held a concert with Marisa Liz, a fireworks display at midnight, and then a DJ after that. We showed up for Marisa’s concert, but her music wasn’t to our taste and so we walked back home and got into bed (the concert had …
I’ve been giving Apple Maps the benefit of the doubt, despite warnings to the contrary - thank you @maique. I prefer its layout to Google Maps and Waze, and it’s working in CarPlay. However, after being directed kilometers in the wrong direction yesterday, and not being able to find a place today, …
When I first opened my Mastodon account, I enabled cross posting from Micro.blog. Within a week, I had disabled it. Lack of familiarity with Mastodon was the reason. A few months have passed, and I have decided to re-enable cross posting…for now. My Mastodon posts still disappear after a …
☕ Oh dear, coffee number 4 this morning. I very rarely get this far…
☕ Oh dear, coffee number 4 this morning. I very rarely get this far…
🤫 I’m appreciating some quiet time this morning. Recharging and reflecting.
🤫 I’m appreciating some quiet time this morning. Recharging and reflecting.
😮💨 I’m tired after a day of driving and exploring the coast and inland countryside, south of Alcácer do Sal down to Vila Nova de Milfontes. Some beautiful scenery, and lovely weather for it…I can feel it on my face.
😮💨 I’m tired after a day of driving and exploring the coast and inland countryside, south of Alcácer do Sal down to Vila Nova de Milfontes. Some beautiful scenery, and lovely weather for it…I can feel it on my face.
I’m playing around with a new, for me, photo editing app. RNI Films: Photo & RAW Editor offers filters mimicking real film. I like the results so far.
Oh what a morning. People clearing the land next to us broke a water pipe. The view from our front door.
Current mood.
🌧️ Now it's raining. The first true rain that we have had since arriving just under three weeks ago.
🌧️ Now it's raining. The first true rain that we have had since arriving just under three weeks ago.
Out for a walk yesterday evening at sunset, we saw a stage being set up in the square outside of the Municipal Building. Maybe preparing for celebrations in and around Liberation Day, on 25th April? It looks as though events are planned.
😶🌫️ It’s a misty morning.
😶🌫️ It’s a misty morning.
🗣️ Keeping with the Portuguese practice. Three days now. My head is still close to exploding.
🗣️ Keeping with the Portuguese practice. Three days now. My head is still close to exploding.
Hiding under foot on the streets of Lisbon.
📱 I activated the haptic feedback for the keyboard on my phone, and am really enjoying the experience. I’d tried it once before, but it didn’t work for me then. However, after using a friend’s Android with the same feature, I revisited it, and am now appreciating the feel.
📱 I activated the haptic feedback for the keyboard on my phone, and am really enjoying the experience. I’d tried it once before, but it didn’t work for me then. However, after using a friend’s Android with the same feature, I revisited it, and am now appreciating the feel.
Yesterday evening I went into a small café here in Alcácer to order two beers. I almost got two coffees 😂 Keep practicing. 🗣️
I just took my first lesson in European Portuguese using the Pimsleur Method. @jean recommended this method to me, with the first lesson free on Apple Books. I decided to try that before diving in any deeper. Thirty minutes later and I feel exhausted, as though my head has been used as a punch bag! …
A day of unexpected twists and turns. We set off to explore the hills, beaches and restaurants west of Setúbal. However, the hot weather brought people out in droves, parking was in short supply and roads were closed. So a change of plans saw us at the market in Setúbal. We needed to do some grocery …
French Kiwi Juice by FKJ - Songlink
I was happy today to find the Tibetan Buddhist Retreat Center, Thubten Phuntsog Gephel Ling, about 20 minutes drive from Alcácer do Sal. On its grounds is the 16 meter high Tashi Gomang Stupa.
Hat on hooks.
🛌 I needed that sleep.
🛌 I needed that sleep.
Back in Alcácer after a couple of packed days in Lisbon. I find the city stimulates me in much the same way that this small town winds me down. I value both in different ways, and appreciate them being so close. Off to bed soon. Tomorrow, get two new house purchases working.
🌅 The morning after the day before, and what a lovely day yesterday was. Thank you all who were there for a great Micro Meetup 🙏🏻
🌅 The morning after the day before, and what a lovely day yesterday was. Thank you all who were there for a great Micro Meetup 🙏🏻
I’m sure that there will be more of these, but a couple of photos of the Lisbon, Micro.blog Meetup with @jean, @maique, @Portufraise & @helgeg (& friends from the conference Jean was attending). A wonderful afternoon, and lovely to meet more of the Micro.blog family.
🚘 Heading up to Lisboa very soon, for a Micro Meetup afternoon.
🚘 Heading up to Lisboa very soon, for a Micro Meetup afternoon.
Cais Palafítico da Carrasqueira - a place of old fishing piers and huts, near Comporta and the Atlantic coast, Portugal.
Wonky window on a ruined building.
A beach scene from Easter Sunday.
I love writing, it feeds me, even if that writing is personal and not shared. However, at the moment writing time is constrained for me and at a premium. So instead of dropping into despair that I have no time to write, I am trying to adopt a habit of looking for time, and then setting a timer and …
I’m working on a blog post for those who are interested in meditation, but who struggle with it. While I don’t like to proselytize about meditation, I do believe that some people drop it because they approach the discipline with some unhelpful ideas and expectations, and that makes me sad. Maybe a …
Moon rise in the house last night.
🔔 Sitting quietly at home at the end of a long day. Tired but much achieved. The church bells sound nearby for Easter.
🔔 Sitting quietly at home at the end of a long day. Tired but much achieved. The church bells sound nearby for Easter.
🪛 A busy day of putting things up in the house - shelves, lights, etc - running out to pick up items. Getting there. Order appearing out of chaos. It’ll be a long day.
🪛 A busy day of putting things up in the house - shelves, lights, etc - running out to pick up items. Getting there. Order appearing out of chaos. It’ll be a long day.
Evening light.
My body must have known that it didn’t need to get up for anything this morning. I didn’t wake up until 7:45am, which is late for me. That was a very welcome sleep.
I found this rather large fly down at the coast yesterday.
🏎️ I spent this morning driving through Lisbon traffic 🤪. Outside the city now in Parço de Arcos. Rush hour traffic to manage later.
🏎️ I spent this morning driving through Lisbon traffic 🤪. Outside the city now in Parço de Arcos. Rush hour traffic to manage later.
Fresh, Spring air breezing through the open windows. That alone, feels as though it is cleaning the house.
⏲️ So far I am managing the jet lag pretty well. I slept well’ish last night. Though I’ll probably be eating my words in a day or two!
⏲️ So far I am managing the jet lag pretty well. I slept well’ish last night. Though I’ll probably be eating my words in a day or two!
🇵🇹 Bom dia Portugal.
🇵🇹 Bom dia Portugal.
I’ve heard of a Christmas tree, but never an Easter tree.
On the move: I sit in a hotel - on the move. I look out of the hotel window onto a busy freeway intersection - people on the move, going in all directions. I look out on the adjacent airport - people on the move, across the country and across the world. People on the move fascinate me. The human race, it seems, …
🌞 It’s a beautiful start to the day in Northern California this morning.
🌞 It’s a beautiful start to the day in Northern California this morning.
Tukdam: Remaining in Meditation At the Time of Death: I recently watched the documentary Tukdam: Between Worlds. This explored the phenomenon in Tibetan Buddhism where experienced practitioners can remain in a state of meditation after the body has shown all physical signs of having died - no breathing, the heart has stopped. In this state the body can …
🛫 On our way.
🛫 On our way.
A year ago I became an American citizen. I don’t know where the time has gone?
🧳 Getting ready.
🧳 Getting ready.
March 2023
🍽️ Out for dinner tonight to celebrate my step-son’s birthday.
🍽️ Out for dinner tonight to celebrate a my step-son’s birthday.
It’s that time of year, actually it could happen any time of year, when I start reassessing what app I use to manage my calendar. I wonder if anyone has any preferences…and why?
Good morning. Making coffee ☕️
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 31: Practice, suggested by @hollie Practicing
March 2023 newsletter letter: March 2023 Hello and welcome to the March 2023 newsletter. I am hoping that I can get this months’ newsletter out on time. Time will be a crunch. Because of how Micro.blog, the host for my blog and newsletter, is structured, I will have a small window of opportunity to do the final editing and add …
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 30: Mirror, suggested by @Rori Rows of Parmesan cheese mirror each other as they wait their turn to be cleaned - each cheese is picked out, polished, put back, and then the machine moves onto the next one. Scandiano, Italy.
I look out on this scene every time that I step outside of my front door. Yet it was someone’s words a couple of years back that changed what I see when I step out. This friend mentioned that it was possible to see the curvature of the Earth by looking out to the horizon. Sure enough, he was right. …
We watched The Swimmers on Netflix a few night’s ago, and enjoyed it - even if the delayed review suggests otherwise. A true story, about two sisters who were coached as swimmers by their father. One in particular was driven to swim in the Olympics representing her country, Syria. Based on a true …
That last post was helpful to me. A little bit of accountability.
Twenty minutes writing. Go!
Disintegrating slowly: A couple of days ago I replaced a metal bar that held up a small solar panel. The panel has been sitting on our gate post for around five years, quietly doing its job - charging a battery, and when that is fully charged, operating a gate. The metal bar had also quietly been doing its job. Holding up …
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 29: Slice, suggested by @meandering A spiraling staircase, slicing its way through the floors. Taken at Antinori nel Chianti Classico, a winery in Tuscany, Italy.
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 28: Prompt, suggested by @moonmehta This little guy looks as though she’s waiting for a train. I hope that it was on time and prompt. Taken at Temple Meads Station in Bristol, England.
I’ve just been scrolling through the new Apple Classical app. I can’t speak to how good the app is, but I see that there is a lot of potential for me to learn about music here.
I am constantly amazed at the number of times that I don’t really delve into what is on offer with MacOS or iOS. The same could go for pieces of software. Yes, I can competently find my way around, but then I discover a feature that I have just ignored exploring, possibly due to habits formed with …
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 27: Support, suggested by @JohnAN A detail of the support that the Japanese give to long branches on trees. A long wooden pole, tied in place by rope. This photo was taken in the Gyoen National Garden in Kyoto.
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 26: Instrument, suggested by @UnfocusedWanderlust A display of Ukuleles in the store front of Porto Guitarra in Porto, Portugal. I always thought that the Ukulele was a Hawaiian instrument but Wikipedia says that it is of Portuguese origin.
On not making the bed: I usually can’t start my day unless my bed is made. It is 7:45am on Sunday morning and the bed is made for today. I can now get on with my day. But yesterday was different… I didn’t make my bed. No one reason - I felt unwell and so got up later, and went back to bed mid-afternoon - but I was …
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 25: Spice, suggested by @cygnoir The spice draw in our kitchen.
🤕 Nurturing a headache and sniffles this morning. I could do with a a quiet Saturday, but there are things to do. I hope that this cold leaves soon.
🤕 Nurturing a headache and sniffles this morning. I could do with a a quiet Saturday, but there are things to do. I hope that this cold leaves soon.
My not so good or clear attempt at catching Venus above a sliver of a new moon, last night.
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 24: Court, suggested by @rom I want to say that I didn’t get to the court today because I was sick. However, while the latter is true, I actually never get to the court. 😔
🤧 I don’t know where this cold has come from, but I am definitely running on a half tank at the moment.
🤧 I don’t know where this big has come from, but I am definitely running on a half tank at the moment.
🌩️ We are being treated to the a light show on the horizon, as lightning flashes continuously. There must be quite the storm out over the Pacific Ocean.
🌩️ We are being treated to the a light show on the horizon, as lightning flashes continuously. There must be quite the storm out over the Pacific Ocean.
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 23: Chance, suggested by @V_ You take a chance walking under a Kiawe tree that’s growing on a beach in Maui. A Kiawe’s branches have nasty thorns on them. Those branches can break off and lie buried in the sand, waiting for unsuspecting bare feet.
I appreciate all the spammers writing to me concerned if I am having difficulty pooping 💩🙄
Who does a HomePod play for when no one is listening? Unknown to us, we left our HomePod playing in our Barn last night, no one in there. I walked in this morning and wondered what the noise was, the music was on low. I had to stop and listen, and followed that with a “Hey Siri, stop.”
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 22: Insect, suggested by @alexink A couple of insects in our house.
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 21: Tiny, suggested by @jasonmcfadden A tiny Buddha, who my grandson refers to as “Baby Buddha.”
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 20: Houseplant, suggested by @jensands The only houseplant currently in our house are these dried seed heads.
😵💫 That was an emotionally exhausting and challenging weekend. I’m hoping to carve out a bit of space in the week ahead.
😵💫 That was an emotionally exhausting and challenging weekend. I’m hoping to carve out a bit of space in the week ahead.
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 19: Analog, suggested by @skarjune My current note book.
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 18: Portico, suggested by @annahavron A portico in Bath, England.
Finished reading: The Queen of Crows by Cheri Baker. A good read. I enjoyed it. 📚 // @cheribaker@writing.exchange
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 17: Early, suggested by @krisfredrick Early this morning.
It’s a shame that there isn’t a March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge prompt along the lines of hanging around, or feet first. I have a photo for them.
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 16: Road, suggested by @dejus The remote road on Haleakala’s south flanks, looking towards Kaupō.
🤔 I’m really scratching my head with a DIY project at home. I think that I am nearing a solution, but it has taken its time.
🤔 I’m really scratching my head with a DIY project at home. I think that I am nearing a solution, but it has taken its time.
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 15: Patience, suggested by @amit On the reception desk at a hotel in Siena, Italy.
😴 Well the visit to Lowes and HomeDepot were unproductive, but the nap in the car afterwards was welcome.
😴 Well the visit to Lowes and HomeDepot were unproductive, but the nap in the car afterwards was welcome.
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 14: Horizon, suggested by @crossingthethreshold (me) The horizon from my front door this morning.
If you are looking for an app that reduces the size of video for social media, Video For Ants for iOS is in beta right now - TestFlight Link It includes some interesting app icon options!
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 13: Connection, suggested by @agilelisa Since my first visit to the Himalayas in 1989, I have felt a connection to Tibet and its people. This photo, of a projected slide, is of me on the roof of the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet, in the 1990s.
I ticked another Studio Ghibli movie off my list last night, watching Howls Moving Castle. It isn’t my favourite Studio Ghibli movie so far, but as ever, I loved the animation and the detail in the images. 🍿
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 12: Shiny, suggested by @odd This shiny store reminded me of a fairground ride. It is situated in Lisbon airport and sells sardines.
🔥 Sat around the fire pit last night with the grandkids, roasting marshmallows, while their parents partied at a wedding next door. A game of night time tag. Shower, movie and then bed. The evening went well.
🔥 Sat around the fire pit last night with the grandkids, roasting marshmallows, while their parents partied at a wedding next door. A game of night time tag. Shower, movie and then bed. The evening went well.
🔊 Sitting in the dark, baby sitting the grandkids, while music from the party that their parents are at, booms loudly from across the road.
🔊 Sitting in the dark, baby sitting the grandkids, while music from the party that their parents are at, booms loudly from across the road.
With Day Light Savings Time starting across the northern hemisphere over the next two weeks, Hawaii, which does not observe the clock change, will become an hour further behind those Northern Hemisphere countries, and US states, that do. At the same time it will creep an hour closer to those …
🌞 I said it yesterday, but the warm sun feels so good. I think that it is the contrast after weeks of wind and rain.
🌞 I said it yesterday, but the warm sun feels so good. I think that it is the contrast after weeks of wind and rain.
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 11: Gimcrack, suggested by @Josh I had not heard of a gimcrack before today’s challenge. After looking up the word, I settled on this little farmyard in a corner of our kitchen.
I’m reconsidering my digital password storage options. About a year ago I moved away from 1Password, a piece of software that I have used since it first appeared. Did I need it? I’m now thinking to move back. I just know it. The re-setting up feels a little daunting.
☀️ The warmth of the sun feels just so good today.
☀️ The warmth of the sun feels just so good today.
280 piece puzzle completed. Portuguese tiles. 🧩
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 10: Ritual, suggested by @drewbelf A daily ritual of meditation.
🌊 Returning home last night it was still and dark, and yet I could hear the waves crashing against the cliffs over a mile away.
🌊 Returning home last night it was still and dark, and yet I could hear the waves crashing against the cliffs over a mile away.
The mystery of jigsaw puzzles. I have a group of pieces that I stare at for days, convinced that I still have to find one or two pieces that will bring them all together. Then one day I sit down and, click, click, click, they all come together. No other pieces needed. 🧩🤷🏼♂️
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 9: Together, suggested by @sherif Two mannequins standing side by side as the market is set up. Lisbon, Portugal.
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 8: Walk, suggested by @lwdupon A photo of a projected slide from my time in India in 1989. I’m unsure where I took this, but I think that it was in Bihar State.
Your windy morning, double rainbow 🌈
A Kona, westly, storm is battering Maui right now. Sheets of rain being blown by winds I would say gusting into the 40’s mph, at least into the 30’s (he says after consulting multiple weather sources).
Of all the movies that I thought that I would watch again, This Is Where I Leave You was not one of them. Looking for something easy going, we chose this movie, thinking that maybe it looked familiar? Indeed it was. Early on it was apparent that this was not a first viewing, but we still watched it …
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day : Whole, suggested by @val I’m always grateful for the whole bean coffee that I buy from Sterling Coffee Roasters in Portland. I’ve made sure to write to them to let them know. Here is their always available, general blend - Blendo Stupendo.
I find that it is easy to take for granted the many conveniences that we have these days, until we don’t have them. The power went out this morning around 7:00am and didn’t come back on again until 3:00pm. I’ve no idea why. Pretty much everything went down with it, including our …
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 6: Engineering, suggested by @ridwan For all the advancements in digital technology, I am fascinated by the precision engineering that goes into analog clocks and watches. This photo is the back of a clock hanging in my mother’s apartment.
Three egrets fly home in formation. Home to roost before another day of foraging.
The first dry, windless day for weeks. Couple that with it being a Sunday, and by mid-afternoon the hum of lawn mowers could be heard around the neighborhood. I was adding to the noise by getting wet and dirty with a power washer, removing grime accumulated through the wet weather.
My wife and I have been watching Shrinking on Apple TV+, and thoroughly enjoying it. Funny, well written, and a good cast. Recommended. 🍿
🌞 The first morning waking up to sun for a long time. Much gratitude.
🌞 The first morning waking up to sun for a long time. Much gratitude.
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 5: Tile, suggested by @thedimpause After our recent visits to Portugal, I feel spoiled for choice for tiles to share today. These were taken in Porto.
This morning’s rainbow 🌈
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 4: Zip, suggested by @Miraz This car, sitting in front of our hotel in Florence, Italy last year, looked as though it had some zip to it.
Finished reading: Life Ceremony by Sayaka Murata 📚
♨️ We just put a heater on. It's cold this evening, in our corner of Maui.
♨️ We just put a heater on. It's cold this evening, in our corner of Maui.
Spinning wheels today…that’s what it feels like right now. The day started off well, but the wheels got progressively bogged down in the mud as the day has gone on, at least that is how it feels from where I sit right now. Maybe I am too hard on myself and need to take a break, and do …
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 3: Solitude, suggested by @circustiger At dusk on a cold evening, a lone fisherman sits waiting on the beach in Comporta, Portugal.
☔ I haven’t seen so much rain here. Since I landed back on island a week ago, there has been rain with short breaks, and a lot of wind. I just drove home with wipers doing double speed, and rivers forming alongside the road.
☔ I haven’t seen so much rain here. Since I landed back on island a week ago, there has been rain with short breaks, and a lot of wind. I just drove home with wipers doing double speed, and rivers forming alongside the road.
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 2: Weather, suggested by @pcora We’ve been having terrible weather of late. Continual wind and rain, with the occasional glimpse of sun. Cold as well.
🌧️ It’s pouring out there. “Out there,” is outside of my truck. I have come to off load the recycling, but it is raining so much that for now I am not venturing out.
🌧️ It’s pouring out there. “Out there,” is outside of my truck. I have come to off load the recycling, but it is raining so much that for now I am not venturing out.
March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge Day 1: Secure, suggested by @mandaris A plant behind a secure window in Florence, Italy.
February 2023
February 2023 newsletter letter: February 2023 Welcome to my February 2023 newsletter. This month has been dominated for me by travel to Europe. A solo journey made up of two parts. First I stopped for a week in England to visit my mother. From there I travelled down to Portugal for two weeks. Nothing specific was planned for the …
Well that will teach me. I saw a passage earlier today that I liked, and thought that I would build a blog post around. “I’ll remember where the text is," I said to myself, “I’ll pick it up later." Remembering it now and wanting to write that post, I have no idea …
It’s cold, wet and windy today. February is going out with a bang.
Resting in the Anonymity of Travel: Yesterday I landed at JFK airport in New York after a seven and a half hour flight from Lisbon. The previous night I had spent at an airport hotel in Lisbon due to my early departure the next day. Although someone was sitting next to me on the flight to JFK, we both kept to ourselves, eating, …
🧪 Doing a little testing of omg.lol's status updates.
🧪 Doing a little testing of omg.lol's status updates.
🚧 The spam bots appear to be on overdrive for the last couple of days. The amount of junk e-mail dropping in has significantly increased.
🚧 The spam bots appear to be on overdrive for the last couple of days. The amount of junk e-mail dropping in has significantly increased.
🚧 The spam bots appear to be on overdrive for the last couple of days. The amount of junk e-mail dropping in has significantly increased.
💆♂️ I’ve just had a massage to ease two days of travel out of me. I’m still less than 24 hours home and feel as though I have a leg in two continents.
💆♂️ I’ve just had a massage to ease two days of travel out of me. I’m still less than 24 hours home and feel as though I have a leg in two continents.
Leaving a Book Before I Finish It: I stopped reading a book recently, and for some reason that process of putting the book down sits very uncomfortably with me. The book had been recommended to me by a friend a number of years back. I purchased it at the time, but ever since it has languished, other titles jumping the queue. I …
🛬 Getting there. I’ve not long landed in Honolulu. Waiting for my final flight, to Maui. What time is it?!
🛬 Getting there. I’ve not long landed in Honolulu. Waiting for my final flight, to Maui. What time is it?!
A few views of the TWA Hotel at JFK early this morning. There are always people walking around taking pictures here. The retro sixties look is so well done. The sunken lounge. The old checkin desks that are now used for hotel checkin. The bag conveyor belt is running behind the desks, though they …
Oh jet lag! I guess that I might as well get up? 🤷🏼♂️🥱
Wednesday, February 22, 2023 →
Tonight’s layover, TWA Hotel at JFK.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023 →
🛸 Up, up and away.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023 →
🛸 Up, up and away.
I’m starting the flights back home. It’ll take me a couple of days to get there. I’ll miss Portugal. I missed it last time that I left and I’ll miss it this time. See you again soon.
There was a haze of dust from North Africa (sand from the Sahara?) hanging over Lisbon this evening, as I crossed the Vasco da Gama Bridge.
😶🌫️ The morning cloud and mist is burning off. It feels as though it will be a warm afternoon.
😶🌫️ The morning cloud and mist is burning off. It feels as though it will be a warm afternoon.
🥱 It’s tomorrow. I’d better go to bed.
🥱 It’s tomorrow. I’d better go to bed.
Town, boat, night…from the far bank.
🐰 Where do dust bunnies come from? My current thinking is from “thin air,” and that they are very prolific!
🐰 Where do dust bunnies come from? My current thinking is from “thin air,” and that they are very prolific!
🗒️ Making lists for things I have to do in the next 24 hours before leaving.
🗒️ Making lists for things I have to do in the next 24 hours before leaving.
Catching up. Sunset from the beach at Comporta a few nights ago And Alcácer do Sal from over the River Sado yesterday evening, And tonight.
I have just had lunch and still haven’t been outside yet today. I got up late and just started doing odd jobs around the house. The grey sky outside wasn’t an encouragement to venture out, and I just didn’t think about doing so. I’ll head out before the day is over, but have appreciated the …
🫠 Another ssslllooowww start to the day. Not often for me, but sometimes they just feel right…and nourishing.
🫠 Another ssslllooowww start to the day. Not often for me, but sometimes they just feel right…and nourishing.
🍺 Sitting outside on a mild February evening in Alcácer, enjoying listening to the sounds of the local crowd and relaxing after a busy week.
🍺 Sitting outside on a mild February evening in Alcácer, enjoying listening to the sounds of the local crowd and relaxing after a busy week.
An American Buddhist monk, Ajhan Sumedho, once said, “Suffering is wanting things other than they are.” My suffering today is having to return something that I bought yesterday and is not working properly. I hope that I can make myself understood.
😌 I’m having a sssllllooooowwww morning. Things to do, but I’m trying to recognize that one of them, hiding in the corner, is “take a rest.”
😌 I’m having a sssllllooooowwww morning. Things to do, but I’m trying to recognize that one of them, hiding in the corner, is “take a rest.”
A micro Micro Meetup with @maique. The meetup was “micro” because it was short, 5 or 10 minutes, at the end of the day before we headed off for the evening. Still I am very pleased that we squeezed it in and made it happen. Thank you Maique, it was great to see you again.
🍔 I needed that lunch. The jitters were setting in.
🍔 I needed that lunch. The jitters were setting in.
Happy Valentines Day from Alcácer do Sal.
After reading this post by Amit Gawande, I recognized in what Amit wrote an increasing truth for me when I am writing blog posts. If I catch myself using the general “you” or “we”, I stop myself and rephrase the post as “I…”. I’ve decided that I want …
I went to bed last night feeling so good about what I had accomplished over the last few days. That was soon turned on its head as I woke up in the middle of the night feeling queasy. My diagnosis is food poisoning. I can’t think what else it could be. I’ll spare sharing details here, …
An evening walk along the River Sado in Alcácer do Sal.
I’m was grateful today for a packet of Miso soup that my wife had slipped into my bag just before I set off for Europe a week and a half ago. It hit the right spot late in the afternoon as I took a break from a(nother) day of cleaning up, and moving boxes. I haven’t been far these last …
Open the windows and let some fresh air in, or keep them closed and keep the heating on? ~ One of life’s conundrums. 🤔
☀️ Blessings for the sun this morning. It might not be the warmest sun, but it is the sun in a blue sky.
☀️ Blessings for the sun this morning. It might not be the warmest sun, but it is the sun in a blue sky.
🚗 I landed in Portugal last night. This morning I am heading out on roads that I know, from a previous visit, but don’t know. Always brings up anxiety in me. …Breathe…
🚗 I landed in Portugal last night. This morning I am heading out on roads that I know, from a previous visit, but don’t know. Always brings up anxiety in me. …Breathe…
Apple history - the shop window of a computer repair shop in Bristol.
Sunrise over Bristol this morning, a cold morning.
We had good Ramen here, take away. My mother’s first Ramen and she thoroughly enjoyed it.
Crocuses under a beach tree. The Downs, Bristol.
🥶 There’s a frost outside this morning. Food tops are white, grass is white and crispy. I haven’t seen this in a few years.
🥶 There’s a frost outside this morning. Food tops are white, grass is white and crispy. I haven’t seen this in a few years.
Still a little way to go, but Spring is starting to make an appearance.
I forgot to mention the wonderful fish n' chips that we ate a couple of nights after I arrived in Bristol. Nothing like good old British fish n' chips. Delicious.
It is a cold night out there. Cold and damp. I’m grateful to be inside and warm.
I stepped back up onto The Downs at lunchtime today. Cold, grey, overcast. Trees leafless, ground still muddy. And as soon as I got up there, I felt at peace. That is what I noticed as soon as I started walking. Familiarity, deeply so, and at home…as I ended the linked to piece.
Reg Veg - Clifton, Bristol
😵💫 Just woke up, mid morning, after not sleeping most of the night. Jet lag is no fun.
😵💫 Just woke up, mid morning, after not sleeping most of the night. Jet lag is no fun.
Wrapped Up and Out Walking: The last 36 hours has been fun and games with jet lag. Waking up at odd hours, trying to function clearly while really wanting to put my head down, and then finally doing so midway through the day. I write this after a sleepless night. Yesterday afternoon around lunchtime I could not function any …
Going by the reception that the movie Everything, Everywhere, All at Once has received, this might not be a popular post. On the flight over to England I watched the movie, and I did not enjoy it. Very good performances from Michelle Yeoh and Ke Huy Quan, but the movie itself I struggled to get …
January 2023
January 2023 newsletter letter: January 2023 I start this newsletter at an airport hotel on the edge of San Francisco airport, and continue it at 41,000 ft (12,496.8 m) as the aircraft approaches the west coast of Ireland. London in a little under an hour and a half. I’m guessing that I will finish this letter in the middle of the …
Back On The Road Again: I started this post yesterday. I am now on solid ground, though will be back in the air in a few hours. Living in Hawaii makes getting back to Europe a long journey. Anyway, on with the post… I write this at 30,000+ feet over the Pacific Ocean, en route to San Francisco. Maui has been experiencing …
Travel is a funny beast, thinking here especially of international travel. Waiting around, crossing timezones, completely messes with my sense of time. Where did it go? What time is it? I sit here watching the busyness and speed of a southern Californian freeway, while I sit waiting for the next …
What is it with pens? I had it with me, along with my notebook, when I was upstairs, but now I cannot find it anywhere. At least that is the story that I am telling myself.
Waking up to this this morning - rain, rain and more rain. A harder version of yesterday it would seem.
⛈️ Lightning lighting up the sky tonight.
⛈️ Lightning lighting up the sky tonight.
It’s wet outside.
🥚 Watching eggs boil.
🥚 Watching eggs boil.
🌧️ Well I guess that is the end of the dry spell that we have been having? It’s pouring outside.
🌧️ Well I guess that is the end of the dry spell that we have been having? It’s pouring outside.
Well MarsEdit made short work of moving the blog posts caught up in this mistake from last night. I’m grateful for that this morning.
I realized this morning that yesterday I sent a handful of blog posts to my podcast website, which is currently on hiatus, instead of here to my main blog. I’ll correct that later by bringing those posts over. Meanwhile the error that caused that should also be fixed (until it slips my attention …
🥱 Waking up feeling a little drugged this morning. I’m putting it down to the acupuncture that I had yesterday. I’ll ease myself into the day.
🥱 Waking up feeling a little drugged this morning. I’m putting it down to the acupuncture that I had yesterday. I’ll ease myself into the day.
Last night Jupiter, Neptune, the Moon, Venus and Saturn were all in a line in the Western sky. I stood outside for a while to see them all before Venus & Saturn disappeared below the horizon, but cloud foiled those plans. Tonight they are in a slightly different alignment, though still visible. …
The ocean is about a mile and a half away, at the bottom of some high cliffs. When all is silent I can hear the waves breaking.
I might live in Hawaii, but it is cold here on Maui right now. I’m sitting outside to read with a beanie on, a fleece with two layers underneath and I can feel the cold air against my nose.
🧘 Sitting in the darkness and silence of early morning.
🧘 Sitting in the darkness and silence of early morning.
Sometimes I need something to clear out the cobwebs. Listening to this rendition of Comfortably Number by David Gilmour live in Pompeii in 2016, did just that.
Dan Rather sadly, almost helplessly says it all, Awakening to Tradegy.
Harvested turmeric after being washed.
I was doing some reminiscing online a couple of days ago, checking in on some organizations that I use to be a part of when I lived in Portland, OR. Specifically I was looking through the pages of The Transition Network and Transition US, movements to build resilient communities reimagined by the …
The “End of an Era” Indeed: Sean Heber has just published this post over at the Iconfactory website, following the pulling of Twitterrific from both the iOS and MacOS app stores. This was prompted by Twitter unceremoniously cutting access to the platform for third party apps. The ”End of an Era” indeed. When I think of the …
I am not sure where this was taken, except that the country is India. I believe that it’s either the Lilajan River in Gaya, or the River Ganges in Patna. Like other recent photos that I’ve posted, it was taken in 1989. Photo capture of a slide projected onto a wall.
I was in bed by 8:30pm last night. Not far off Maui Midnight (9:00pm), but still very early for me. I slept well. I put it down to the acupuncture that I had earlier in the day. There is nothing like waking up from a deep, restful sleep.
It’s not the tools that you use, it is the content that you produce.
I’ve just subscribed to Craig Mod’s January pop-up newsletter Walking TOKIO TŌKYŌ TOKYO² — Winter Edition. Running from January 16th through to the 23rd. That’s it. Subscribe and enjoy the read and exploration.
Another photograph from my travels through the Indian/Chinese subcontinent between 1989 and 1990. This was taken near to Bodhgaya, Bihar state, India, possibly on the road on the way to the town. From the height of the photograph I wonder if I am sitting on the roof of a bus? Photo capture of a …
I’m sitting at home reading a book. Next door my stepdaughter is hosting a party. People are beginning to arrive. There is the sound of music. Voices are getting louder as they compete with the music. As I sit here reading I find myself thinking, ”parties are so much work, not too host (through they …
Kathmandu from across, I think, the Bagmati river. Like other photographs that I have posted this week, this was taken in 1989 during my travels through the Indian/Chinese subcontinent. Photo capture of a slide projected onto a wall.
Swayambhunath, on the edge of Kathmandu, through the mist. This photograph was taken in 1989 and is a photo of a slide projected onto a wall.
Well while I didn’t get out to see the Jaws surf break yesterday that I had spoken about, some people were surfing those monsters and others got to take photos of the day. I did get to see some slightly smaller, though still big waves further down the coast. Plenty of people turned out to watch as …
Sunset over a Tibetan monastery with prayer flags near Kathmandu, Nepal, taken towards the end of 1989. This image is a photograph of a slide projected onto the wall and then cropped and straightened in order to correct the perspective.
Finished reading: The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro. A beautiful and tragic story. I was drawn back to the book. 📚
Travels through the Solo/Khumbu Region: Last night I went back through some slides from my 1989/90 travels through Pakistan, China, Nepal & India. I have numerous slides, and they are in an ill arranged mess at the moment. As I loaded up the carousel to put into the projector, I had little idea as to what I would be looking at, even …
John Lydon’s, formerly of the Sex Pistols, band PiL (Public Image Limited) will be competing against five other acts to represent Ireland in the Eurovision Song Contest. The band has described the song as a Love letter to Lydon’s wife of nearly five decades who is living with Alzheimer’s. The song …
Quiet: When you hear the word, “Quiet,” what does it bring up for you. Home Fear Avoid A Refuge Your Nature Happiness Trauma Rejection Peace Noise Need Sensitivity Introvert Left Out Don’t Fit In other? This list is not meant to be exhaustive. Just some words that came to me through watching my own and …
A big swell is on its way to the north shore of Maui. Surf of 40 to 50 feet is expected, with it peaking tomorrow. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Pe’ahi Jaws Big Wave surf competition happens during this time. I am no surfer, but when these big waves come in I stand there in awe of this …
I’ve got behind on my email over the Holiday period - yes, I know that that officially ended a week ago! - and am now playing catch up, and boy am I finding it frustrating. Last year was good for me and email management. I need to chip away at the backlog, do a few and then take a break. …
😢 I'm feeling sad this morning.
😢 I'm feeling sad this morning.
🥱 Having another attempt at sleeping.
🥱 Having another attempt at sleeping.
🌕 Up early this morning. The full moon lighting up the countryside.
🌕 Up early this morning. The full moon lighting up the countryside.
💆♂ A massage that I was gifted for Christmas, I had this morning. I came home afterwards and fell fast asleep.
💆♂ A massage that I was gifted for Christmas, I had this morning. I came home afterwards and fell fast asleep.
I Don’t Like Going to the Dump: In central north Maui are two small hills. They are man made. They started life as massive holes in the ground, a third has been dug, those holes were slowly filled up and then stuff was continually piled on top of them. Dirt and grass create the facade of a hill. They are garbage dumps, filled with …
🏃 Hitting the ground running this morning.
🏃 Hitting the ground running this morning.
This morning’s double rainbow 🌈
Let Yourself Rest: My acupuncturist shared this poem, by Jeff Foster, with me yesterday. On hearing it, I felt as though I was being wrapped in a warm blanket. LET YOURSELF REST If you’re exhausted, rest. If you don’t feel like starting a new project, don’t. If you don’t feel the urge to make something new, just rest …
We went to the theatre to see Babylon last night. For me while the movie had its moments, I felt that it could have told its story in a shorter time and didn’t know when to end. Sitting here the morning after, I’ll be interested to see how it sits with me over time. 🍿
We watched Glass Onion this evening. It was OK, but I much preferred the original. 🍿
December 2022
🏳 I’m throwing the towel in. I’m not going to make it to midnight. Happy New Year, everyone!
🏳 I’m throwing the towel out in. I’m not going to make it to midnight. Happy New Year, everyone!
🪘 There’s some intense drumming party happening out there, somewhere. In between the bangs of fireworks, the beat drifts through the stillness of the night.
🪘 There’s some intense drumming party happening out there, somewhere. In between the bangs of fireworks, the beat drifts through the stillness of the night.
🔥 When the smoke from the fire appears to follow me around, regardless of which chair I sit in.
🔥 When the smoke from the fire appears to follow me around, regardless of which chair I sit in.
Burning the Christmas tree to get the fire going, and a couple of hours later,
🪵 Fire pit set. Fingers crossed that the wind quietens down later.
🪵 Fire pit set. Fingers crossed that the wind quietens down later.
I’ve just cut up the Christmas tree. I’ll use it to start a fire tonight, outside. I always feel a little sad cutting up the tree, and at the same time grateful as well, for it lighting up the darkness through December. 🎄
December 2022 newsletter letter: December 2022 I write this as 2022 draws to a close. While I don’t usually stay up to see the New Year in tonight, weather permitting, I plan to light a fire outside and sit around it with some family and friends to welcome in 2023 . . . or at least stay up for a while into the night. This last …
A man once said while in a circle that I was sitting in, was that the reason that he shows up to sit with other men, is that chances are someone in the group has been through similar experiences as him. He is not alone. That was my experience last night.
Listening to First Mind by Nick Mulvey 🎵
This just slowed me down. Kermit the Frog - “Rainbow Connection” 🎵
I’ve moved back from Vimeo to YouTube for my video hosting. I started on YouTube while hosting some live streaming meditation events during the COVID lockdown in 2020. I subsequently moved those videos over to Vimeo, primarily for aesthetic reasons, but I decided to move back to YouTube …
Oohh, as I step outside at dawn the waking world is so quiet and still. My happy place. 🤗
Those times when I am just wanting to take in a view as I sit or walk, and at the same time someone who I am with is giving a running commentary on what we are looking at, and saying it in a way that is demanding constant acknowledgment of their words. “I can see the beauty! Just sit and take …
🤪 Pandemonium in the house this morning as a huge centipede appeared out of nowhere.
🤪 Pandemonium in the house this morning as a huge centipede appeared out of nowhere.
Wednesday, December 28, 2022 →
This has been a week of tiredness. My sense is that I will have to wait until the New Year to have any hope of getting myself back on track.
Just home from a Sound Bath. I’m feeling very relaxed now, and think that I’ll be sleeping well tonight.
🛋 The morning after the day before.
🛋 The morning after the day before.
Doing nothing is exhausting. That or is simply brings up the tiredness in me. All in all, having a lovely Christmas Day with the family.
Well last night’s Willie Nelson concert was a fun affair. The evening was essentially divided into three parts. First Willie’s son Mika played a set with his band. I struggled with that music, a grunge band of sorts. Next up was Willie’s son Lukas played with his band. Lukas is …
Finished reading: A Child’s Christmas in Wales by Dylan Thomas. Another Christmas tradition. 📚
Drinking my morning coffee while watching A Charlie Brown Christmas. I watch it each year…though never this early in the morning.🎄 ☕️
😌 Feeling refreshed after some acupuncture.
😌 Feeling refreshed after some acupuncture.
A group of us are going to see Willie Nelson here on Maui tonight. I am not a Willie Nelson fan, indeed I couldn’t tell you anything that he has sung. However, we were gifted the tickets, Willie is very much a part of the Maui community having been a long time resident here, and with his son …
End of the day photo. After the Kona Storm earlier this week, I’m welcoming the still, winter days that we are currently having.
I was heartened by the icons on the back of this bag of Boulder Canyon chips. Amongst the usual social media icons, was one for a RSS feed.
💤 My grandson is asleep in the car. At this rate I will be as well, pretty soon. We are parked!
💤 My grandson is asleep in the car. At this rate I will be as well, pretty soon. We are parked!
🐙 Taking one of the grandkids to the Aquarium this morning, and then to lunch.
🐙 Taking one of the grandkids to the Aquarium this morning, and then to lunch.
Mama’s Fish House last night.
🎄 Sitting quietly before the day begins.
🎄 Sitting quietly before the day begins.
Wednesday, December 21, 2022 →
Celebrating 15 years today.
Wednesday, December 21, 2022 →
On this shortest day of the year, in the northern hemisphere, wishing everyone a Happy Winter Solstice. And for friends in the southern hemisphere, a Happy Summer Solstice.
🍃 Windy day.
🍃 Windy day.
💡 The power has just come back on after a 10 hour outage.
💡 The power has just come back on after a 10 hour outage.
🔌 Power is out now. Rain still falling. Wind blowing.
🔌 Power is out now. Rain still falling. Wind blowing.
This morning’s storm burst. I have never seen anything like this before. In a lull at the moment, but I think that this Kona Storm has more to bring.
⛈ The rain still falls. The wind still blows. Thunder, lightening. Yesterday evening’s brief reprieve brought beautifully clear skies.
⛈ The rain still falls. The wind still blows. Thunder, lightening. Yesterday evening’s brief reprieve brought beautifully clear skies.
Finished reading: Parade by Hiromi Kawakami 📚
Sunday afternoon Dozing - As the rain falls relentlessly outside.
Now the storm is hitting.
There is a big storm crossing the island right now, I believe the rest do the State as well. Last night lightening was flashing all around us. No thunder or rain. This morning the air felt heavy, waiting to break with something. Since mid-morning the rain has been falling, at times heavily. …
I’m very grateful this morning for MarsEdit, enabling to easily edit multiple links in blog posts, following some changes elsewhere. Thank you @danielpunkass
I haven’t watched any games in this Football World Cup. If England had got to the semifinals, I might have done. Having said that, I see now that Argentina have “won”. I say that as I don’t see how a tournament can be won my a handful of shots at the goal at the end of a …
Currently listening to: Sunday Morning Jazz by Gillie Meyer music.apple.com/us/playli…
We’ve just driven home from a Christmas party. Are my eyes aging or are car lights brighter? I don’t enjoy driving at night these days (though new glasses have made it more comfortable).
Aircraft lights are bright. We live in flight path of airplanes coming to Maui. Not at under carriage down, final descent, but just as they are arriving over the island. At night they come in with lights on, and they are noticeable from a long way off.
😌 Relaxing alone at home.
😌 Relaxing alone at home.
I went to my men’s group for the first time for a while last night. The break was for a number of reasons, some of which I am not completely sure of myself yet, but it was good to be back.
Looking outside while waiting for my morning coffee to brew. The silhouettes of the trees become sharper in the growing light of dawn.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 →
I’ve seen 2 shooting stars tonight. Right now the sky is dark and speckled with the white light of stars everywhere, the red tinge of Mars breaking the mold.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 →
After a long time seeing members of Micro.blog using the service, I have finally decided to try out Readwise. The subscription might decide it for me, as in a little too much, but I have 30 days to decide…now that is a generous trial period.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 →
🚶 Back from a good early morning walk. Appreciating the fresh air of Upcountry Maui.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 →
🚶 Back from a good early morning walk. Appreciating the fresh air of Upcountry Maui.
We watched Amsterdam last night and really enjoyed it. The film is based on the 1933 Business Plot in the United States which intended “to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and install Smedley Butler as dictator.” I had never heard of this episode before, and so …
😴 It has been an exhausting day. Bed comes gratefully.
😴 It has been an exhausting day. Bed comes gratefully.
🌧 The heavens have opened. I might be rowing out this morning.
🌧 The heavens have opened. I might be rowing out this morning.
The 5,000km journey of Moon, the severely injured Humpback Whale: Every year around this time I look out for my first sighting of a Humpback Whale, on their return to Hawaiian waters from Alaska to calf. That sighting is usually either a spout of water or a breaching whale. This year it was a water spout as I was driving home. I find that there is something …
We had some battery operated LED lights lying around and so I used them to decorate a small tree in the garden.
After the stillness of the last week, Maui, at least the north shore of the island, is experiencing very strong winds. My wish is that these winds would dial themselves down a notch. Wind helps to keep the islands cool. Strong winds hinder standing up straight and unweighted things staying where …
That moment when I realize that I used the wrong credit card and missed out on getting the associated points for my purchase 😤
We watched Triangle of Sadness last night. Too long, I thought, and trying too hard. I really didn’t enjoy the film. 🍿
To my Portuguese friends here on Micro.blog with little ones - I’m thinking of @Portufraise and @maique, and also others who I have overlooked - I have just read this story, Santa shortage in Portugal and I’m thinking of you. I hope that you make it through this Christmas season without …
🤕 Headache since last night and not through lack of coffee. I’ve plenty going on but will rest up when I can.
🤕 Headache since last night and not through lack of coffee. I’ve plenty going on but will rest up when I can.
I had a strange dream last night which involved ActivityPub, something which until a month or so ago I knew nothing about…I’m only just getting my head around it now. Anyway, in the dream I was interacting with someone who appeared to be in two places at once and it was because the person had …
My first micro post from MarsEdit 5. Thank you @danielpunkass
Allow the vicissitudes of life smooth the hardness in your heart.
Finished reading: Fairy Tale by Stephen King. King’s writing kept me going, the story not always. 📚
🌨️ Listening through open windows to the sound of rain gently falling.
🌨️ Listening through open windows to the sound of rain gently falling.
My wife bought this Advent Calendar for the grandchildren. A draw for each day. She has dropped a couple of treats into each one.
🏳 Getting lost on omg.lol
🏳 Getting lost on omg.lol
🥱 Some days I just can't seem to shake tiredness out of my body.
🥱 Some days I just can't seem to shake tiredness out of my body.
👨🌾 Tired after an afternoon in the garden.
👨🌾 Tired after an afternoon in the garden.
November 2022
Wednesday, November 30, 2022 →
🤫 All is quiet and still.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022 →
🤫 All is quiet and still.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022 →
November 2022 newsletter letter: November 2022 Hello and welcome to the November 2022 edition of my newsletter. I write this sitting outside at dusk. I look out on the shadows of the night, as lights from distant houses break the darkness. It’s still. Very still. The wind of last week, and that which helps to keep these islands …
Just follow the instruction: I’ve written about this before in relation to meditation, and it has been prominent in my mind again. As such I felt like reflecting on what the message is that accompanies this instruction at this time. Goals With any given meditation instruction I find it is very easy to imagine where I should be …
My mother kept all the letters and cards that I sent to her from my travels over the years. Now she has passed them onto me. Maybe there is a story in there?
A visitor this morning.
A misty evening.
Today has felt like a winter’s day in Britain. Constant drizzle, low hanging misty cloud, and now thunder. The only difference? Although there is a definite drop in temperature, winter has arrived here in Maui, I have been walking around in shorts and a t-shirt.
📻 Listening to Classic FM while working - UK in Hawaii.
📻 Listening to Classic FM while working - UK in Hawaii.
🏖 Beach day.
🏖 Beach day.
Strangers on the Road in Portugal: I am ready to share this story now. I have cooled down. Actually I cooled down once we were back at our B&B, but it has just taken me a while to get this story written down. My wife and I were in the small town of Alcácer do Sal in Portugal a couple of months ago (more on the reason behind that …
And while I am speaking of what we watched last night, a week or so ago we also watched Sydney, about the life of Sydney Poitier. I knew next to nothing about him and found the documentary fascinating. Filmed before Poitier died earlier this year, one is treated to his lovely voice narrating his own …
We watched Official Competition last night. An art house film and comedy. Very well acted by the small cast. I just wish that I spoke Spanish so that I didn’t have to rely on the subtitles. 🍿
Well the high surf warning from the last couple of days has now been extended through to Sunday morning. Not much surfing will be happening as these large waves are causing the ocean to be a frothy wash.
I am not a surfer but I am find myself in awe of the big winter swells that come to these islands. This swell was meant to have waves peaking at 20 to 30 feet. The photo and video below do no justice to the power of the ocean and the visual experience, but hopefully they will give you a taste.
I sit quietly while waiting for the final guests to arrive. We are eating soon.
The Hawaiian inmates of Saguaro Correctional Center in Arizona celebrate the Makahiki festival. The Makahiki season began at sunrise on November 16th and runs for four months. This particular celebration lasted through the day. As someone who has worked with the inmates at the Correctional Centre …
📺 Watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.
📺 Watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.
A walk to the mailbox revealed the arrival of November’s collection from Field Notes.
I love waking up on holiday mornings. It is so quiet. None of the traffic with people on their way to work. Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating today.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022 →
All is still and calm outside tonight. There is a high surf warning in effect until Friday night and tomorrow strong winds forecast, along with a drop in temperature. So tonight feels like the calm before the storm.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022 →
That’s the kitchen knives sharpened in readiness for tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022 →
Ready for tomorrow’s gathering.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022 →
Currently re-reading: Practicing Peace in Times of War by Pema Chodron. I come back to this book from time to time. I need to. 📚
I just ate a lot of ice cream. Analysts do your work…
Sometimes life feels like a grind, as if there is always something waiting in the wings to jump out and floor me.
🌧️ I'm surprised that we haven't floated away following the rain last night, and this morning for that matter.
🌧️ I'm surprised that we haven't floated away following the rain last night, and this morning for that matter.
Today was a day of unexpected necessity. We are looking after my stepdaughter’s dog, Bronx, while she is away for work. Last night he threw up on a rug in our house while we were watching White Lotus. So this morning I went to rent a carpet cleaner. The rug is looking better and is now drying. …
🥗 A day of sharing food with good friends. What more is needed?
🥗 A day of sharing food with good friends. What more is needed?
The Accompanying Letter: Since February this year I have been sending out a monthly newsletter, via Micro.blog’s newsletter feature - that is except for March where growing pains with the new system caused a hiccup in output. With each newsletter, along with the selected blog posts from the past month that I share, I …
🎧Saturday afternoon listening to the latest version of @hemisphericviews
🎧Saturday afternoon listening to the latest version of @hemisphericviews
✍️ Am writing. It feels good.
✍️ Am writing. It feels good.
Well despite the good weather yesterday, last night carried on the stormy weather from the previous night. As dusk fell constant the lightening flashes lit up the clouds over Haleakala. The light display continued through the night. Quite spectacular, though interestingly there was no thunder. While …
☹️ I keep thinking that it is Friday...
☹️ I keep thinking that it is Friday...
This morning was the calm after the storm. The storm was last night. I was woken up to rain drumming down on the roof. I just lay in bed listening to this furious, high tempo deluge falling on us, and feeling grateful that I was inside. Each time the rain took a pause, I found myself feeling …
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 →
💡 That moment when the penny drops.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 →
💡 That moment when the penny drops.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 →
☎️ A morning of research and sitting on the telephone.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 →
☎️ A morning of research and sitting on the telephone.
Today has been a funny day. I feel as though I never really got going.
🌦️ Watching sun light shine through misty rain.
🌦️ Watching sun light shine through misty rain.
Maui, Micro Climates and Climate Change: Maui is known for having a lot of micro climates. Lush tropical vegetation, barren volcano slopes dropping down to the ocean, cool high elevations, hot humid coastal lowlands. We live on the north east side of Maui, and yesterday went to a birthday party at a park on the south east shore, 34 miles …
🧺 Busy about the house this morning.
🧺 Busy about the house this morning.
😳 I think that I slept too long this afternoon, I can’t sleep now.
😳 I think that I slept too long this afternoon, I can’t sleep now.
We watched Raymond & Ray last night. A quirky movie about two brothers, played by Ethan Hawke & Ewan McGregor, coming together at the time of their father’s funeral. I enjoyed it even if I struggled with McGregor’s US accent. 🍿
👨💻 testing a shortcut…on my phone.
👨💻 testing a shortcut…on my phone.
We watched Causeway last night. Compelling just for the performances of Jennifer Lawrence and Brian Tyree Henry. 🍿
I’m frustrated that I cannot successfully upload images to Micro.blog via Siri Shortcuts. I am aware that Shortcuts exist, but they appear to timeout with me. Maybe it is the internet speed on this island? Via apps or directly, no problem. Any hacks appreciated.
There are times when I appreciate living on the wetter side of the island. Good, lazy Saturday morning weather.
I managed to complete my first yoga routine on Fitnesss+ since returning from my travelS. Those twenty minutes stretching with Molly felt very good and welcome.
🧹 Feeling lighter after an email cleanup.
🧹 Feeling lighter after an email cleanup.
😲 Wow! It’s Thursday already. We’ve been back a week…a busy week.
😲 Wow! It’s Thursday already. We’ve been back a week…a busy week.
Exploring the possibilities of a Wise account. It appears, to me, to be very much modern day banking.
🥱 Tired, oh so tired. The last few weeks traveling and a busy return have caught up with me.
🥱 Tired, oh so tired. The last few weeks traveling and a busy return have caught up with me.
Today I voted for the first time as newly minted US Citizen. It feels good to finally have a say in the country where I have lived for the last fifteen years. Feeling empowered. 🇺🇸
Falling Back: While we were in Europe I appreciated that Sunday morning on October 29th when the clocks went back, and Daylight Savings Time in Europe (or British Summer Time as we referred to it in the UK) dropped away with the arrival of autumn. We had just completed a long drive into the foothills of the …
Phew 😮💨, it’s humid today.
The shadowed outlines of the Maui landscape emerge in the pre-dawn light, as a jet lagged me drinks his early morning coffee on my first morning back home for many weeks. ☕️
🏡 Home.
🏡 Home.
Looking out of my hotel window as flocks of birds fly by in the dawn light.
🏝 Getting ready to leave for the final part of the journey home.
🏝 Getting ready to leave for the final part of the journey home.
🛫 Looking out over Heathrow on this sunny morning as we wait to board.
🛫 Looking out over Heathrow on this sunny morning as we wait to board.
October 2022
A moody, wet Lake Como, with clouds hugging the mountains, as we set off.
I have found time before leaving to quickly edit my monthly newsletter. Hopefully not too many typos and the English is coherent. It will be sent out while we are driving to Milan’s Linate Airport. If you are interested in subscribing, head over here. 📰
October 2022 newsletter letter: October 2022 Hello and welcome to my October 2022 newsletter. I am writing this at the end of a long visit to Europe. I’ll be starting my journey home as this newsletter goes out. Most of the posts that I have shared here come from the journey of the last six weeks. My wife and I left Maui in …
🛄 Starting the long journey home today.
🛄 Starting the long journey home today.
This morning’s view at Lake Como.
🕑 I’m appreciating the clocks going back last night. The extra hour came at just the right time.
🕑 I’m appreciating the clocks going back last night. The extra hour came at just the right time.
🧖♂ Resting after a sauna and jacuzzi. We had a long day’s drive and I needed a break.
🧖♂ Resting after a sauna and jacuzzi. We had a long day’s drive and I needed a break.
😮💨 Exhausted after a day of driving. Resting before heading out to eat.
😮💨 Exhausted after a day of driving. Resting before heading out to eat.
Two men in Siena. I’m trying to learn a little more from @maique’s examples.
I expect my NaNoWriMo writing to start a couple of days late because of heading home and settling back in. However, I do want to make a go of this. This will be my first time and I want to make use of the opportunity even if I fall short of the target. Grateful for the MB buddies
👨💻 Testing omg.lol Status Shortcut
👨💻 Testing omg.lol Status Shortcut
😌 Relaxing on a misty morning.
😌 Relaxing on a misty morning.
😶🌫 Waking up to a misty morning.
😶🌫 Waking up to a misty morning.
Tuscan sunset.
🥃 Resting after a day of sightseeing. That can be exhausting.
🥃 Resting after a day of sightseeing. That can be exhausting.
Where we are staying, just outside Siena, use to be a monastery. The bell is still tolled in the evening.
Entering SPECTRE’s lair. Aka, a visit to Antinori nel Chianti Classico winery. The entrance to their parking garage. Steps to the reception area. Looking down on the reception area while waking up to the roof. Deep in the bowls of the winery.
More Florence street art…. …these two were next to each other under a small indent in the wall.
Taking inspiration from @maique, a wall drawing from the streets of Florence.
I love listening to the church bells ringing out across Florence on this Sunday morning. A sound that I remember from when I was young and living in Britain.
👰♀ Wedding time - my wife’s nephew.
👰♀ Wedding time - my wife’s nephew.
Morning view towards Florence
🍝 Decompressing after a day of travel, and meeting up with family. Florence now.
🍝 Decompressing after a day of travel, and meeting up with family. Florence now.
🛫 I’m leaving on a jet plane…thank you Portugal. See you before too long.
🛫 I’m leaving on a jet plane…thank you Portugal. See you before too long.
Apple Maps took us on a colourful route through Lisbon back to our hotel. On a narrow road (or maybe footpath) a woman in front of us turned into an alleyway with a few Euros in her hand. A man was waiting with a white powder in a clear bag. We kept walking.
😌 Relaxing after a good day of walking.
😌 Relaxing after a good day of walking.
Back from my Micro Meetup with @maique. Thank you for the lovely walk, conversation and tour of your corner of Lisbon. 🥰 Photo credit @maique (of course) though I’ve probably missed out on picking the best photo. 😬
🚢 Watching a cruise ship spin itself around as it comes into dock.
🚢 Watching a cruise ship spin itself around as it comes into dock.
📖 Reading with cool air drifting in through open windows.
📖 Reading with cool air drifting in through open windows.
A room with a view at night with Jupiter looking on. The Pantheon, Lisbon.
🍰 Enjoying a quiet rest and a piece of cake.
🍰 Enjoying a quiet rest and a piece of cake.
😠 An unexpected morning of rebooking flights after our Wednesday flight was canceled.
😠 An unexpected morning of rebooking flights after our Wednesday flight was canceled.
A room with a view. The Pantheon, Lisbon.
🧹 Cleaning and reading operating manuals. I find it irritating when instructions manuals don’t have the answers that I’m looking for.
🧹 Cleaning and reading operating manuals. I find it irritating when instructions manuals don’t have the answers that I’m looking for.
🚗 It’s a roady sort of day.
🚗 It’s a roady sort of day.
Face peeling off the wall, Lisbon.
💤 We slept in. Haven’t done that in a long while. We were tired.
💤 We slept in. Haven’t done that in a long while. We were tired.
Sitting tired in a hotel room after a day running round Lisbon getting jobs done. We both feel as though we achieved a lot. Still a few more i’s to dot and t’s to cross, but will take today as a win. Once rested, we’ll head out and to get a bite to eat.
🚗 On the road to Lisbon.
🚗 On the road to Lisbon.
🥱 An early start.
🥱 An early start.
Last night by the rive Sado at sunset in Alcacer do Sal. A couple of these were contenders for my entry to Micro.blog’s A Day in the Life photo challenge.
A Day in the Life 6:54pm, Thursday October 13th, 2022 River front, Alcacer do Sal, Portugal
When I am traveling my posting and time spent keeping up with RSS feeds definitely diminishes. Time writing as well. As much as I enjoy the travel, I also miss the creativity that comes with the other.
🔧 Making sure things work.
🔧 Making sure things work.
Wandering around Alcacer do Sal at lunchtime. Quiet, friendly, sleepy, good food and hot ☀️
🐑 Waking up to the sound of sheep this morning.
🐑 Waking up to the sound of sheep this morning.
🚗 We’ve arrived at Alcacer do Sal. It’s late. It’s dark, but we have arrived.
🚗 We’ve arrived at Alcacer do Sal. It’s late. It’s dark, but we have arrived.
✈ Awaiting big the calling of our flight. Portugal next stop. This is a long trip.
✈ Awaiting big the calling of our flight. Portugal next stop. This is a long trip.
🕦 Finishing off the final bits n pieces before we leave.
🕦 Finishing off the final bits n pieces before we leave.
The night before departure, it’s always an emotional time for me. Standing out on the balcony I look out over the city, breathing in the cold, moist autumn air. Night, I feel, gives me an anonymity and with that the comfort and space for reflection. It will be a few months before I am back …
The Promenade, Bristol,… …and it’s beautiful Beach trees.
🧳 Packing and getting ready to move on tomorrow.
🧳 Packing and getting ready to move on tomorrow.
A local keeping an eye on the street below.
Climbing down into the belly of the Avon Gorge, through the Giants Cave, Bristol.
A Sunday morning walk that took us past Brunel’s Clifton Suspension Bridge. The bridge opened in 1864, and I always find it quite something that the bridge can still carry modern vehicles (though nothing larger than cars).
The silence and stillness of a Sunday morning.
Hot air balloons over Bristol yesterday evening. The weather was glorious for a week into October, but I imagine that it was cold up there. 🥶
Bath is a beautiful city which itself became a World Heritage Site in 1987. I’d forgotten how much so. I haven’t visited for many years. It is only fifteen minutes up the track from Bristol. By chance some friends from Maui were visiting there last night and so my wife jumped on a train …
Moss catching the first rays of morning sunlight.
When you fly half way round the world to see your mum. Then another relative flies in to see everyone, this one is exposed to COVID, is very casual about it indicating that they are fine, subsequently gets it, and then everyone in the apartment has their own views on how to be around COVID. …
Got to keep those visiting, thirsty dogs hydrated.
Good morning Bristol.
We spent the day in Bruton, Somerset, exploring the town, having a delicious lunch and visiting the Hauser & Wirth Museum with gardens designed by Piet Oudolf.
Are British kettles more powerful than those in the US, is it the voltage difference, or does my mother just have a super charged kettle? Water definitely boils quicker here.
Visiting family is wonderful but exhausting. I’ll need a vacation when this vacation is over.
Catching up on some photographs from the last few days. We went down to visit Windmill Hill City Farm a few days ago. Set on four acres in the center of the city of Bristol, it has grown so much over the decades that I didn’t recognize it. An inspiring venture and the first of its kind in …
Oh my, a major update to Tot has just been released. It includes line spacing, something that I had requested for my aging eyes. Thank you to the folks at The Iconfactory for that. And for those who wish to carry Tot around with them on their wrist, there is now a Apple Watch app.
I’m wanting to “go it alone” with Apple Maps, but Google Maps I’m still finding is more accurate. Apple had us walking 25 minutes between two destinations, Google 10 minutes. A phone to call to the venue had Google was the more accurate, and for my mother that was very …
It has been a busy few days, while managing jet lag at the same time. I have so enjoyed being mum again, my sister and her husband and walking the streets of Bristol. At the same time, the silence of this early morning is pure gold. Nourishing.
💤 Those steps through Bristol yesterday gave me my first good nights sleep since arriving. Grateful.
💤 Those steps through Bristol yesterday gave me my first good nights sleep since arriving. Grateful.
🚶♂ I apparently have walked 22,069 steps today. I’m taking the evening off.
🚶♂ I apparently have walked 22,069 steps today. I’m taking the evening off.
I just received an email to say that Bear 2 private beta is coming. Mac first, iOS later. It has taken a while to get this far, and still doesn’t appear to be rushing to prime time, but I’m interested. I stopped using Bear, and prefer plain text files for my notes, but might be giving …
I never feel as though I have arrived in Bristol until I have taken a walk across and am standing on The Downs.
🌧 Waking up to a wet, wet, wet Sunday morning.
🌧 Waking up to a wet, wet, wet Sunday morning.
😮💨 “Those feet were made for walking…” and now they are ready to fall off. A day of city walking.
😮💨 “Those feet were made for walking…” and now they are ready to fall off A day of city walking.
September 2022
September 2022 newsletter letter: September 2022 Hello and welcome to my September 2022 newsletter. I am back in the UK visiting family, staying with my mother. Last night my sister and her husband flew in from New Zealand. Distractions are at a maximum. I’m grabbing some early morning hours to pen these words. I was going to say …
👧 Up late waiting for my sister to arrive.
👧 Up late waiting for my sister to arrive.
🌧 The rain is pouring outside, the temperature has dropped and this is the first true autumn weather that I have experienced in a good number of years.
🌧 The rain is pouring outside, the temperature has dropped and this is the first true autumn weather that I have experienced in a good number of years.
Thursday, September 29, 2022 →
👨💻 Updating and fixing bugs on mum's iPad
Thursday, September 29, 2022 →
👨💻 Updating and fixing bugs on mum's iPad
Thursday, September 29, 2022 →
I love this.
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 →
An unexpected wave of Grief: Grief is a beast, I was going to call it that but will return to what it is, an emotion. Grief is an emotion that appears to always have a surprise up its sleeve. Right now I feel as though I have been hit by that wave that catches you at the beach when you are looking in the wrong direction, …
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 →
🇬🇧 Arrived and very jet lagged
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 →
🇬🇧 Arrived and very jet lagged
✈️ Awaiting final leg
✈️ Awaiting final leg
Haleakala on Maui with Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa on the Big Island of Hawai’i visible while flying out of Honolulu. You might have to zoom in for a better look.
Flying across country last night, sitting at 35,000ft with no nearby points of reference, it was not possible to register how fast the aircraft was moving. In the distance I caught a glimpse of a couple of airplanes flying in the opposite direction, recognizable by their blinking lights. Watching …
🛌 Resting between flights.
🛌 Resting between flights.
TWA Hotel, JFK
Restroom signs, Hawaiian style, at Honolulu airport.
🛫 Up, up and away.
🛫 Up, up and away.
🧪 This is a test.
🧪 This is a test.
🧪 This is a test. Posting to status.lol via Drafts.
🧪 This is a test. Posting to status.lol via Drafts.
🥱 Oh boy, a visitor showed up before sunrise...a longer day than I planned.
🥱 Oh boy, a visitor showed up before sunrise...a longer day than I planned.
💤 Trying again. Good night.
💤 Trying again. Good night.
🙈 Well best laid plans and all that...not to bed yet.
🙈 Well best laid plans and all that...not to bed yet.
🛌 Long day tomorrow. Early to bed tonight.
🛌 Long day tomorrow. Early to bed tonight.
🧪 Testing Draft's action for status.lol
🧪 Testing Draft's action for status.lol
🦉 Trying my first status post
🦉 Trying my first status post
It’s hot outside. Hot, hot, hot 🫠
I have a new strategy for practicing chess and seeing where I am not keeping an eye on things. Play a 6 year old who is focused solely using his queen to take as many pieces as possible.
Thursday, September 22, 2022 →
Sitting here with that satisfying glow of work done outside and having freshened up under our outdoor shower. The post COVID fatigue lingers, but I sense is receding…slowly. I just have to respect it, do what I can do when I can, and rest in between. But today, jobs needing doing are now …
A Tuesday evening rainbow (a second is just visible) 🌈
I have been tired through today after staying up until the early hours for The Queen’s funeral, but I am pleased that I made the effort to watch as much as I was able before succumbing to weary eyes. It meant a lot to me to see and be a part of the day as it happened, or as much as I could …
I’m waking up this morning to the start of my 59th orbit of the sun, a bit bleary eyed after going to bed in the early hours having watched a part of The Queens funeral. 🥱
We went for a late morning walk in Waihou Spring Forest Reserve in Olinda. Being up country, the air was fresh and cooler. A short but very pleasant walk. And this little character was waiting for us when we got back to the car.
A Sunday rainbow… …and a little later a double rainbow. 🌈
I built a fire last night, the first for a long time. Some friends were visiting my stepdaughter and just as they were about to leave they asked to see our house. My wife mentioned that it was a lovely evening for a fire, which immediately had the grandchildren running around trying to find …
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 →
I have had the live stream of The Queen lying in state in Westminster Hall playing in the background as I do other things. Every so often I’ll come back and sit and watch people file past Her Majesty’s coffin. Every twenty minutes the flow of mourners is stopped as the there is a …
This post COVID fatigue is eating me alive. An odd metaphor to use, and while it is not true, at the same time it feels very apt.
Periodically I have to remind myself that not doing something will not get it done.
I’m a bit late to the game here, but I have just discovered that in Mastodon one can enter Alt-text when posting an image. That’s wonderful for accessibility.
Well that is brief but sharp rainstorm cleared the air. I’m feeling much lighter now.
Saturday, September 10, 2022 →
Another step towards feeling better, I did a short Yoga routine on Apple Fitness+ this morning. Fatigue is still floating around and I’ll probably lie down before the day is over, but Yoga had not been on the cards until now. 🦠
Reflecting on a Year without Dad: This last Wednesday was the first anniversary of my Dad passing away. I was blessed to be at home for the last two weeks of his life, helping to look after Dad and just sitting with him. I might not have used the word blessed as I dropped everything and made quick plans to return to Britain …
I realize that am in town, only a 30 minute drive from home, for the first time in over a month. I’ll chalk that up as another win and sign that I am getting better .
I remember seeing photographs of her coronation in magazines when I was young in Tibet His Holiness the Dalai offers his Condolences for Queen Elizabeth II
I’ve been listening to BBC Radio 4 off and on through the day. As I prepare dinner this evening, Radio 4 are just starting their Friday morning programs. First on is the Shipping Forecast. I have not heard that for so many, many years. In an instant I am transported back home.
Clouds covering the moon last night.
I have had BBC Radio 4 streaming this morning, listening to people remember and reflect upon the life of Queen Elizabeth II. As she had got older I would say to my American family that it would be huge news when The Queen passed away. Now that news has come to pass, it feels all the more larger. …
Wednesday, September 7, 2022 →
Now that I have a Mastodon account set up on OMG.LOL’s Mastodon Instance I am wondering how to use it? 🤔 Cross post from Micro.blog? Free standing? If the latter, when and what do I post there? What goes in one and what in the other?
Wednesday, September 7, 2022 →
One of those feeling a bit better and so I’ll clean the house, wash the bed sheets and freshen things up days.
After seeing @maique’s new avatar, I contacted Momo to ask if he could put together something for me. I love owls, and used to have a family of Tawny Owls living on my property in South Wales. Now to update the few avatars that I have around the web.
Your Thursday evening rainbow 🌈
August 2022 newsletter letter: August 2022 Hello Friend, Well if one thing could define August to me, it would be COVID. After, how long is it, two and half years since the initial breakout? After watching COVID travel around the world. Following Maui become so quiet with no visitors allowed in. Watching the vaccines being rolled …
August 2022
This might not be the most appropriate analogy, but COVID feels to me like someone leaving the room after letting off a silent fart. I tested negative for COVID over a week ago but I can still feel the effects of the virus in my body, fatigue being the overarching symptom. I am not well. 🦠
We watched Petite Maman a couple of nights ago. I’d describe it as magical. A meditation on grief. Through leveling the playing field, I won’t say more, it becomes an exploration of children trying to understand their elders, and parents, their children. Gently paced. A gem. 🍿
I was happy to see this this morning, nine days after testing positive for COVID. I’m still not feeling 100% - fatigued, that taste in my mouth - and so I’m pacing myself right now. However, I felt just well enough to pop out and pick some groceries this lunchtime. Small wins.
I don’t know what COVID does to coffee tastes buds? My regular taste buds are gratefully receiving and enjoying a little food. However, after a week of not wanting coffee, I brew a favourite brand and it tastes like mud water to me.
My wife’s first day and night of COVID was not good. Fevers, in and out of sleep. Day two she is looking brighter though not out of the woods yet. Now I feel as though I am teetering on the edge. Although I have been sleeping in a separate room, indeed building, and wearing a mask when …
Kundun: Kundun, or The Presence, is one of the names that the Tibetans use for His Holiness the Dalai Lama. In 1997 Martin Scorsese directed the movie Kundun, a biographical story of the current Dalai Lama written by Melissa Mathison. I remember going to see the film a number of times when it came out. I …
Gratitude arising simply for feeling blessed for what I have in my life.
My wife had a scratchy throat last night, took a COVID test - negative. She slept well but woke up with similar symptoms, took another test - positive. Thankfully the symptoms are mild at the moment. It has taken over two years for the virus to finally find our home.
I love the smell of a freshly fallen lime.
The moon rising last night… The moon setting this morning…
Those times when the writing gets difficult and my mind starts looking for distractions…in other words my mind goes looking for more pleasant experiences. Writing is pleasant when it is happening easily, when I am in the flow, not so when I am hacking through the undergrowth for those elusive …
Finished reading: How to Be Alone, a poem & book by Tanya Davis. Beautiful, perceptive…and truthful. Be sure to also check out a YouTube presentation of the poem with Tanya Davis narrating. I believe that it will be five minutes well spent. 📚
As I sit a Zebra dove calls out in the stillness, resting my heart.
Finished reading: The Setting Sun by Osamu Dazai 📚
Today has been acted through a fog. I was up until 2:00am last night because of a call for a meeting in England (11 hours ahead), and then got up this morning at 6:30am. I’ve cat napped a couple of times during the day, but in between has been a struggle.
This evening’s rainbow 🌈
Saturday evening’s picnic table.
I love Sunday mornings. They are just over too quickly.
I’m not sure what is going on in this photo, taken in Tibet in 1995. I believe that it was taken near to Drepung Loseling Monastery and that the monastery just visible in the middle right might be Nechung Monastery, home of the Nechung Oracle. Both monasteries have been reestablished in exile …
I had another sighting of the International Space Station at dusk this evening. The viewing was especially clear, with the ISS flying directly overhead.
Another slide coming out of my evening going through old travel photos. Like yesterday’s image, this image is a photograph of a slide projected onto the wall. The photo was taken at Drepung Loseling monastery in Lhasa, Tibet in 1995. At the time of the Chinese invasion, Drepung was the largest …
I feel as though I have started receiving more spam emails in the last few weeks. Thankfully my email client is catching most of it, but I would still prefer not to be receiving it.
This photograph shows the village of Zhöl at the foot of the south wall of Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet. The photograph was taken during a visit to Tibet in 1995, and is actually a photo of the original slide projected onto a wall a couple of evenings ago while I was going through pictures from my …
Quiet and stillness bring me to peace, like the stillness of a forest lake at sunset.
Out for an evening stroll I could clearly see the International Space Station fly over. That was at 7:51pm. It will be back around at 9:24pm. Pretty nippy.
Opportunistic rosemary plant growing on a dead Hāpu’u tree.
Spending this evening going through some old slides from travel back in the late ‘80s and ‘90s. Emphasis on some. I have a lot of slides.
I just completed a yoga routine on Apple Fitness+ set to the music of ABBA. ABBA’s music was always present when I was growing up and I feel a wonderful sense of joy in what the four musicians offered. The routine was just the right uplifting practice for this early Monday afternoon.
July 2022 newsletter letter: July 2022 Hello Friend, Sharing reflections July has been an unseasonably wet month in the part of Maui where I live. Parts of the island have been struggling with water shortages, while my family’s property is looking green and healthy. For that I am grateful, and at the same time I sense the wet …
July 2022
English scientist James Lovelock died this week on his 103rd birthday. A bit of a maverick, he was looked on with some scorn by the scientific community when he developed the Gaia hypothesis in the 1960’s and ’70’s, along side Lynn Margulis, which sees the Earth as a self-regulating system. Like all …
The lights over the lanai cast sufficient light for me to read while rendering the world beyond in total darkness. I watch the creatures of the night emerge, attracted by the light. Aircraft fly over bringing visitors to the island and residents home. Crickets whistle, the wind blows, distant …
Sometimes Faith is all that I have. The practice might appear on first read, on first hearing it to not be of any benefit and rather questionably lead anywhere. “How can that work?” At such times I am asking myself to build on the faith that has come on the back of past lessons learnt from sources …
Sunrise through the window this morning.
Tired, but in a good way, having just finished trimming the hedge which I started last weekend. Showered, dinner next and then a quiet evening.
Interesting clouds floating over the house.
Our house looks out onto the Pacific Ocean, in the far distance where water meets the horizon. I have been looking out onto that view ever since we moved here, just being grateful for the beauty of it and the perspective it offers when my mind is foggy. Then one day a friend visited and observed …
I have my voting papers for upcoming elections here in Hawaii. The first time that I will be able to vote in the US since becoming a US citizen.
I have just made use of my step-daughter’s infrared sauna to help rest some weary muscles. Yesterday was an extremely exhausting day, while at the same time also being very satisfying, as I trimmed and leveling off our hedge under a hot sun.
Bronx’s view of the neighbourhood.
Seeking shade.
Peninsular Notebooks, Porto: My analogue journaling and tracking of todo lists happens in Field Notes notebooks. Over the last couple of years I have grown to love the convenience (for me) of the size of Field Notes and occasionally will buy notebooks of a similar size but made by a different brand. While my wife and I were in …
The Great Lakes, summer 2022 edition of Field Notes has arrived and looks beautiful.
What I am reflecting on today, So I’m here to tell you that the path to peace is right here, when you want to get away. ~ Pema Chödron, Practicing Peace In Times of War
Tropical Storm Darby is having a lot to say for itself today. Rain, rain and rain, though interestingly the wind has died down from this last week. 🌧
On Saying Goodbye: Unintentionally this post is following close on the heals of my last post. I came across the article to which I refer in that post while writing this one. I still have an image in my mind of when I left my house in South Wales about sixteen years ago. All personal belongings gone, just an empty …
I came across this article in The Guardian from 2002 about the eco-house that I built in South Wales. I found a PDF version on my computer and then went looking online, and it is still there. How green is my karma | Green building | The Guardian
Some days just feel difficult, like trudging through treacle. Today is one of those days. It feels hard to get anything done and focus. I’m trying to accept that and bring it to light as opposed to hiding it under distractions.
It rained last night and I woke up to rain this morning. It’s a Saturday and right now a rainy Saturday feels like the right mood for the day, a situation that I could settle into quite comfortably right now.
I love Rainbow Shower Trees. Their flowers come in yellow, as in this photo, red, a sort of hyrid of these two colours, white with a hint of yellow, white with a hint of red. For me a Rainbow Shower Tree in full bloom sings to me of joy and happiness, and on a hot day a mature tree offers plenty of …
I had to psyche myself up for a job today. A job which through no process of negotiation that I am aware of, always falls at my feet. It is - changing the bed sheets. Now, no sniggering! The first part of this is easy - strip the bed, put the sheets, pillow cases and duvet cover in the washing …
Sitting nurturing a migraine on its second day. Just wanting the world to be still and quiet.
Summer showers, Heavy but brief - Steam rising from the asphalt.
June 2022 newsletter letter: June 2022 Hello Friend, Well I have been quieter in my posts this month. Not that I am the most frequent of posters at the best of times, but I feel that I have been vocal in my quietness through June. I look back through the month and believe that the main thing that saw this lack of writing output …
June 2022
Currently reading: Practicing Peace in Times of War by Pema Chodron. Actually I have this book on regular reruns, picking it up and reading a few pages during my meditation practice. I need to be reminded of the material in this book. I need to be reminded that as much as I might complain about the …
I love the expression (emphasis mine) that Thich Nhat Hanh used, in the quote below, to describe the dopamine effect that we feel when receiving a response through our devices. We all crave connection, and many of us try to find it through our phones or e-mail. We feel a neurochemical sweetness …
Amazon has its uses 😋
I find myself making another cup of coffee…and I have to be honest, I don’t know whether I am doing so because I want it, or as a distraction from what I am doing?! ☕
I find something very compelling in this quote by Mingyur Rinpoche, that we can train our minds so that ”happiness will arise naturally.” Our mind is very important and all our experiences of happiness and unhappiness arise in the mind. So if we can train our minds then happiness will arise …
Finished reading: Silence by Thich Nhat Hanh. I read a few pages each morning during my meditation time. A beautiful book and a reminder to quieten the noise of, in Thay’s words, Radio Station NST: Non-Stop Thinking. 📚
Come and join me for sunset at the cliffs near Ho’okipa, on the north shore of Maui. In the center distance it is possible to see the island of Molokai.
Music, smells, sounds…they can all be so powerful in invoking memories. I was reminded of this while watching a short video about ABBA’s recently premiered Voyage Concert series in London. Hearing those old songs, and with listening to them on Apple Music as I type this, I am transported to the time …
A clear, starlit sky over our home.
The struggle sometimes (always?…no, I’ll stick with sometimes) of putting pen to paper, tapping on the keys, and getting a piece of writing finished and ready to go public. This critical, judgmental voice in the head crying out the piece’s imperfections or the way it will be received. And, of …
Morning rainbow 🌈
Another day draws to an end.
I’m nurturing some stiff muscles this morning, along with happy memories after hiking through Haleakala Crater yesterday.
I’ll be hiking through Haleakala Crater tomorrow. I’m looking forward to being in that other world environment. Not so much to a couple of steep climbs on the route. Here’s a video of a rainbow at the summit, dropping down into the Crater, in early December last year.
Sage advise in a public restroom.
A new version of iA Writer has dropped today, version 6.0, along with a new website. I have been beta testing v.6 and while there are new tools that I like and appreciate, I am generally underwhelmed by such a major upgrade. UI changes on iOS are welcome (lightening menu) content blocks feel tidier …
Just a few years after the movies release(1989!), I finally got round to watching Dead Poets Society and enjoyed it very much. What a lovely man Robin Williams was, and such a loss in his passing. 🍿
I won’t be watching the WWDC keynote. I have never watched an Apple Keynote. However, I will be keeping an eye on news sites and the Micro.blog timeline later in the day to learn what goodies Apple has in store for us - and opinions of those goodies!
Let the party begin. My grandson is having his 6th birthday party today. This water slide appeared outside this morning.
I’ve started playing around with Tot Pocket and Siri Shortcuts for getting text to different places. I don’t know if I will stick with this setup, but I realized what I have at hand and don’t use.
We watched the movie Language Lessons on HBO Max last night. Very different. Very “of the times”. Like a series of Zoom calls. Well acted, it held me. I recommend it. 🍿
May 2022 newsletter letter: May 2022 Dear Friend, Following a day of interruptions and what I might call discombobulation I wrote the following in my journal last week (and posted it to my blog), It’s been hard to find time to write today. I’m feeling it. Writing is important to me, very important. I can trace …
May 2022
Finished reading: Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It felt to me like a contemporary presentation of Buddhist teachings on death, impermanence and letting go. I’m already trying to bring an awareness of what Burkeman talked about into my life, and will be …
Coming back from time at the beach and a swim in the ocean, taking a shower, and that taste of salt as water washes away the dried salt in your hair.
Remembering my father: sitting at home on a Sunday morning, listening to Classical music and reading (though he would probably be doing the weekly difficult crossword puzzle in the Sunday newspaper).
We watched The Eyes of Tammy Faye (2021) this evening. I knew nothing about the Tammy Faye & Jim Baker story, but thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Jessica Chastain’s performance as Tammy Faye was superb. 🍿
It’s been hard to find time to write today. I’m feeling it.
Meditation and the Spaciousness of the Mind: There is a wonderful description of meditation which describes the role that the mind’s innate spaciousness can play in meditation practice. I have read a couple of versions of this story, my retelling probably borrows from both. It goes something like this… Meditation is like trying to tame a wild …
Evening light as rain approaches, a rainbow framing the scene. 🌈
Reflecting at the end of another day.
I never met Corey B. Marion, the founder of The Iconfactory, but feel as though I in part knew him through the omni presence of The Iconfactory in my Apple life - Icons, Desktops, a host of apps including of course Twitterrific (which will be how I always see Twitter). Thank you and RIP Corey.
I’ve dropped the ball with Micro.blog’s current May Photoblogging Challenge, not getting past Day 1. Then when I do sit up and find a photo for one of the prompts, I am a day late! So this one is for yesterday, Day 22 textile, from my wife’s online store for vintage textiles and ceramics, Cloth and …
An Incredible Journey: Not my choice of title, but the title that journalist Sarah Ruppenthal used following her interview with me four years ago. I was reminded of the article recently when an old friend got in touch having come across it online. I first met Sarah when she came to do an article about the house that my …
I watched Licorice Pizza last night and enjoyed it. Maybe dragged a little in the middle? I’ve been listening to the soundtrack today, a rewind to the early 70s. 🍿
We recently watched Operation Mincemeat on Netflix, the movie of the story that I linked to in this post. I enjoy films that cover aspects of history from the Second World War, and this one did not disappoint. 🍿
The heat of the day wanes. The gentle wind that moved in late afternoon, stills. The night creatures start to emerge as dusk settles over the landscape. Stillness. Quiet. The end of another day.
Memories of The Road: Summer has arrived here in Maui, at least a preview of what summer is to bring. The last few days have been devoid of wind, hot and muggy - and has included a well timed air conditioning breakdown (hopefully that is not a preview of summer as well!). By late afternoon the air is still and feels as …
Those days when I feel as though I am wrestling with my own mind for what is going to get done.
Watching the performers, the creatives, the writers, artists and musicians, those who have dared to put themselves out there unsure of return. Doing so simply because they couldn’t imagine doing anything else….other than sharing their creativity with others.
Menehune Mayhem: I spent yesterday at the Menehune Mayhem competition at Ho’okipa Beach Park. This is a surf competition for kids established a number of years ago by pro-surfer Ian Walsh. The thin sliver of a beach that Ho’okipa is was packed, with all visitors and competitors being focused on one end of the beach …
I took this photo of what I’m calling a Ghost Rainbow at around 8:15pm this evening, and it had just been raining.
We recently saw Waterman, a documentary about Duke Paoa Kahanamoku, or “Duke” as he was affectionately known, Olympic gold medalist, world record holder and surfer. I had known about Duke for a long time, but did not know his story. This documentary does a good job of showing who the man …
I think that this plant is an Agave Vivipara L.? For the last week we have been watching this stalk grow out of the center of one of these plants, with absolutely no idea what final result will be? We are assuming a flower or flowers of some sort. It has taken approximately five years to get to this …
We took our grandsons and their cousins to see a movie last week. As I stepped into the cinema I realized that it was probably my first time in a movie theatre for over two years. With COVID having been the reason for the absence, I could feel my trepidation as we stepped in.
This is not a droid sitting on a wall, but a movement sensor switch for a light sitting above it. My first entry for the May 2022 Photo Blogging Challenge.
April 2022
April 2022 newsletter letter: April 2022 Hello Friend, Welcome to my roundup of posts from April 2022. This is my first newsletter for a couple of months. No sooner had I re-booted my newsletter in the month of February, encouraged by Manton Reece introducing a newsletter feature to Micro.blog, my blogging platform, then I …
Lunchtime: We arrived at the restaurant. A sign hanging from a rope in front of the door asked us to ring the doorbell. A waiter opened the door, greeted us, asked if we had a reservation, "no," we replied. This did not appear to matter as the rope was unclipped, we were gestured to enter and shown to a table. …
We finally got round to watching CODA last night, and both enjoyed it very much. A feel good movie, but with some beautiful touches enabled by the movie’s subject matter. It took me into a world that I know nothing about. Well worth the praise and honours that it has received. 🍿
Hello, Bookstore This is one that I will be looking out for. June 28th is bookmarked. In Theaters April 29. On Amazon & Apple TV June 28.
Be nimble…catching up with some photos from our March visit to Porto.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s message yesterday for Earth Day.
After a month’s hiatus, I have just rereinstituted my newsletter. You can subscribe here.
Sunset while walking at the cliffs a few evenings ago.
Sitting on The Downs: It was last year, 2021. I was back in Bristol, England. My dad was unwell, nearing the end of his life. I went to sit on The Downs, and area of public open space of 400 acres that looks out over the Avon Gorge. Wide open spaces, woodland, trees and bushes. I was blessed to grow up around The Downs. …
Today’s distraction.
Following yesterday’s post and reminder by @manton about Micro.blog’s read-later bookmarking service with highlighting, I went back through my bookmarks to spring clean those that I no longer wanted. There were a lot! Embarrassingly a lot. I shall be more judicious in my bookmarking going forward.
Wordle 306 5/6 🟨⬛🟨⬛⬛ ⬛⬛🟩🟩🟩 ⬛⬛🟩🟩🟩 ⬛⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 This was one of those, “well this could be one of many words, let’s just hope that I find the correct one before I run out of turns.” Fortunately I did 😮💨
…young people like me were parched for the vision that poured out of pulpits of Black America, and the vision of a Black Reverend from Atlanta, a man who refused to hate because he knew love would do a better job… ~ Bono
The Early Bird Surfers - Reflections on Making Time: A couple of weeks back I had an early morning Hawaiian Airlines flight to catch to Honolulu. In flight time the journey is a hop, skip and jump. Throw in airport time and it can take just as long as any long haul flight from parking the car to getting to the gate. And this was rush hour. For the …
Eating celery and remembering my dad. I have memories from when I was a kid of a glass full of celery sticks, dad picking out one, dipping it in salt and taking a crunchy bite out if it.
I’ve, well, dithered around this for a while but have finally decided to subscribe to John Gruber’s & Ben Thompson’s Dithering podcast. Two podcasts a week, each no more than 15 minutes. I’ll try it for a month to see if I want to stay with it.
My wife prepared these two Easter baskets before going away. They now await the arrival of our grandsons. 🐰🍭
Today’s wet weather has brought out the Aseroe rubra or Anemone Stinkhorn fungi, that I wrote about last week, in greater numbers (the red dots in the photograph).
What a fascinating story, with a perhaps unfortunate code name. Operation Mincemeat: The Welsh drifter who helped end WW2
I didn’t have much luck with the quality of video uploads earlier to convey that the rain is really coming down now, and so sharing a few photos. 🌧🌧
It’s Saturday morning, pouring with rain outside, and those two fit my mood perfectly. The forecast is for a wet day, a day for hunkering down. 🌧
After seeing copious mentions of this book online, I am currently reading: Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman 📚
Wordle 295 3/6 ⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Just a little bit of luck involved in this one today.
This came to me this morning as I was reflecting on motivation. You don’t stop because you are not the best. You keep going because you are doing what you love.
Nature is an amazing thing. I’m seeing more of these fungi growing out of the mulch in our garden. Some searching online revealed that they are Aseroe rubra, more commonly known as Anemone Stinkhorn or Starfish Fungus. They omit a foul smell that attracts flies through the black, sticky, spore …
Finished reading: Reconciliation by Thich Nhat Hanh 📚
I bought a paper shredder yesterday and have spent some time going through paperwork that I want to get rid of securely. I find something deeply satisfying about watching the papers being chewed up into a pile of little pieces.
The timing and professionalism of this piece of presenting. While I can’t remember this particular shot, I do remember growing up watching James Burke on British television. His skill was in making science subjects accessible to the ordinary person. I’m sure that he played no small part …
Well this was unexpected! Pink Floyd re-form to support Ukraine
I watched Windfall on Netflix last night. A thriller based around the story of a man who breaks into the holiday home of a tech billionaire and his wife when they are not there, and then they show up. I was disappointed by it. I couldn’t always believe the characters, some plot lines felt thin …
Those Moments Where Your Life Changes Forever: Some days something happens which changes our lives forever, even if in that moment we are unaware of what the consequences will be. Sometimes that change will happen consciously, being planned and prepared for. Other times life just throws them upon us unexpectedly and possibly, in that moment, …
The aloneness of early morning. Sitting and reflecting on what is important, what resides in the heart , however deep While the rest of the world sleeps.
March 2022
I step outside this morning to drink my coffee, a US Citizen. More later...
Sometimes I come across a quote, a few words in a book or online, that are just what I need to hear in that moment. I came across these words today, When we make it safe to fail, We make it safe to succeed. ~ Kobi Yamada They struck me, struck a cord, and a single read through is not enough. I am …
This was not a large puzzle, both in physical size and in terms of number of pieces - one hundred - and subsequently did not take long to finish. The puzzle was not a big challenge. No, what drew me to it was the striking depiction of a Japanese Macaque. 🧩
Very early hours at the airport. My Uber ride drops me off and I walk into a checkin hall unusually quiet. People sleep across chairs. People sit quietly. Lights are dimmed. Officials arrive at the checkin desk, passengers jump up and hover, waiting for desk to open. I am quickly checked in and it …
Deja vu of Britain on the back streets of Porto.
Well we just experienced our first meal delivered by Uber Eats. Living on Maui, if such exists, I am unaware of it. But on a wet night in Porto we canceled our dinner reservation and had the meal delivered to us. Much gratitude to the motorcyclist out on this very damp night.
Another beautiful sunset over Porto this evening.
The Sahara’s presence was still felt here in Porto today at the Cemitério do Prado do Repouo. The Carmelite Church in Vitória, Porto. And a side wall of that same church. This evening a fierce red sunset over the Atlantic ocean courtesy of a dance between the sun, Sahara and the atmosphere! …
This morning’s view, the Ponte Dom Luís bridge from over the rooftops in Porto, Portugal.
Honey on a Razor's Edge: Mindfulness is available to us at all times. I say that to myself - and then I forget. The opportunity is there, and then it is gone. Too late. Feels like too much effort. Or something puts in an appearance that has more icing on the top, or at least appears to and feels easier to consume - but …
I’m sad to be missing most of Micro Camp over the next two days. Important family commitments will be pulling me elsewhere. Thank you to @manton, @jean and all the presenters for making this year’s Micro Camp happen. I’ll look to check out the videos later.
Currently reading: Silence by Thich Nhat Hanh 📚
A friend sent this video taken from her house in a remote part of West Maui. The house is on a cliff that surrounds a bay and at this time of year whales come into the bay with their young. The sound like a fog horn that can be heard in the video, is from the whales. You can also make out where some …
What a wonderful cacophony of sound the dawn chorus of was this morning. If you listen carefully you might even hear the ocean in the distance, and it is in the distance. Maybe a mile as the crow flies.
I see that with my new iPhone 13 Mini, alongside the eSim that it came with, the phone can also carry a physical Sim card, ie have two lines in one phone. What I am wondering, and cannot find a clear answer to, is if it is possible to completely turn off one card while keeping the other active, so …
After a couple of days struggling to find the correct word, today was a welcome success. Wordle 257 3/6 ⬛🟨⬛⬛🟨 🟩🟩🟨⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
His Holiness the Dalai Lama's message for Tibetan New Year: His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s message for Tibetan New Year (Losar) - Water Tiger, 2149.
Another migraine. I have been suffering with them for over forty years, though their frequency and severity have varied greatly in that time. I have never found out what has caused them or a cure to rid myself of them. I can sometimes lessen the pain by drinking copious amounts of black coffee as …
February 2022
First Micro.blog hosted newsletter: My first letter to accompany my first Micro.blog newsletter. Welcome to my first newsletter hosted on Micro.blog. This newsletter contains the long form writings that I made through the month of February 2022. There were ’x’ such posts. Unsure at the moment how to fold the posts so that this email …
I wish that I could fast forward to six months to a year from now, to a time when all that I am dealing with today is behind me and resolved in whatever way it is resolved - while realizing that I might not like the outcome. In fact it is one way I deal with difficulties in life, telling myself that …
There was a lot of trial and error in solving this one. I wasn’t even sure if the final answer was a recognized word or just slang? Wordle 250 6/6 ⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ 🟨🟨⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟨🟨⬜🟨 ⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜ 🟩🟩⬜⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Wednesday, February 23, 2022 →
This morning’s new arrival, an iPhone 13 Mini (PRODUCT)RED. This will be my first new phone for 5½ years. I’ll be saying goodbye to my trusted iPhone 7 Plus. The battery on the 7 is not holding its charge as well, and the charging cable is not connecting reliably to the phone. In getting a new …
Belfast: Minimal spoilers here. Less than you would get in a theatrical preview. We watched the movie Belfast a few weeks or so ago. My appreciation of the movie has increased since then. I thought that it was beautifully filmed in black and white with a wonderful performance from all the cast. A special …
I spent a lot of time today going through files and paperwork, ripping up and throwing away what I no longer need. I don’t know if I feel lighter for having done so, but I do have a sense of staring down and getting a job done that I have been looking at for too long. For that I feel much …
Well yesterday’s concern over spending an afternoon and evening with the grandchildren was completely unfounded. They couldn’t have been better behaved, even while having a long wait for a table and dinner at a local café that they like. Their mom couldn’t believe what we reported back on our …
Currently reading: Reconciliation by Thich Nhat Hanh 📚
Finished reading: The Bells of Old Tokyo by Anna Sherman 📚
We’ll be (my wife and I) looking after the grandchildren this afternoon and evening while their parents head off to a friend’s wedding. I believe common expectations says that I should be looking forward to this time with the youngsters. Instead my mind is gasping for air already. I’m …
Earthy smells of mushroom dashi and Japanese curry roux fill the kitchen. I wrote this on Monday evening but was then distracted and did not have time to finish my writing. I was cooking dinner for Valentines Day, a Japanese curry ramen. According to the cookery book Vegan Japaneasy this is not a …
Currently reading: The Bells of Old Tokyo by Anna Sherman 📚
I’ve noticed this before. I have had a headache building all afternoon. In the last half hour big dark rain clouds have been building in the east and the wind has significantly picked up. A big storm builds, headache increases. The storm breaks, the pressure in my head releases.
The Kindness of Strangers: Sitting on the beach this afternoon an incident popped into my mind from over three decades ago. Why I thought of this I don’t know, but here is what happened. I was in Australia. I spent a year traveling around the country, mainly hitchhiking. I was somewhere south of Sidney, heading south. It was …
Driving home from town, the highway (rather a grand identification for an ordinary road) curves round the coast. The afternoon is beautifully clear and the ocean has barely a ripple on it. Out of the corner of my eye I catch a big splash out to sea, and quickly find a place to pull over. It’s …
That was some work. What I find interesting for myself is that words that look obvious once they are written in front of me, I cannot see initially. Wordle 236 6/6 ⬜⬜🟨🟨⬜ ⬜⬜🟨🟨⬜ ⬜🟨🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟩⬜🟨⬜ 🟨🟩🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
I love the smell of freshly picked lemons, and am grateful that I have them growing in my back yard.
Well my usual starting word, DREAM was a good choice this morning. Wordle 234 2/6. ⬛🟩🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
I was recently interviewed my Naomi Harrington for her That’s Deep Podcast. The subject of the interview was meditation. A very short clip from the podcast is below. Naomi is coach with the mission to, ”empower humans from the inside out, through inner and outer exploration. She can be found at …
A Sunday adventure to the South East side of Maui: The south east side of Maui is a place of the elements. Wind, sun and ocean meet in strong presence at that place where the vast flanks of Haleakala descend from its 10,000 feet summit to meet the Pacific Ocean at the ʻAlenuihāhā Channel, meaning aptly “great billows smashing.” A 30 mile …
I’ve just set up a Subscribe page for a monthly newsletter. I have chosen monthly for now as I feel as though that will fit in best with my current blogging and I will not be putting undue pressure on myself. Currently I look to include long form posts, essays, that I put up through the month. …
Morning rainbow 🌈
We were on babysitting duty last night with the grandkids and watched Sing 2 with them. To be honest I had low expectations for the movie, but ended up really enjoying it. Even if it’s trajectory was predictable, there were some fun characters, a funny script and good music. 🍿
I’m very pleased to see this proposed 25 mile Greenway between Ukumehame and Līpoa Point in West Maui. I hope that it is completed quicker than the 20 years it took to build the North Shore Greenway! Maui has a keen cycling community. I enjoy cycling, but I do not enjoy it here. To me the roads do …
Cattle trough on the cliffs.
Now this 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle was a challenge. Satisfying to finish, to put in that last piece, but a challenge. 🧩
I’ve have had to stay up late to make a phone call on behalf of my mother back in England. As I head to bed I look up at the night sky. There was a new moon a night ago and the sky is inky black. Along with the low light pollution here, the darkness above is covered in the sparkle of a myriad …
Hawai’ian Wordle: Just in time for the start of “Mahina ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i” (Month of the Hawaiian Language), University of Hawaiʻi Maui College Assistant Professor of Music Dr. Keola Donaghy has released a Hawaiian language version of the popular “Wordle” online game. ~ Maui Now The game is called _ Hulihua_ and can be …
January 2022
May Meditation Nudges - Full List: Through May 2020, during the height of the COVID-19 lockdown, I offered a daily Meditation Nudge. This was a new article that I wrote each day through that month, with each one exploring an aspect of meditation. I have felt remiss to not have put together a comprehensive list of all of those posts, …
Gratitude and Micro.blog: Gratitude is an important practice. While I might like to think of myself as independent and able to manage my life on my own, truth is little, indeed nothing in life can ultimately be done alone. From the time that I get out of bed in the morning, until I go to sleep, I live my life in dependence …
Finished reading: The Tree by John Fowles 📚
We watched Passing on Netflix last night. I found that it had a mesmerizing quality about it and was beautifully acted…I just don’t think that it was my film. 🍿
Zen Master, Thich Naht Hanh, dies: Buddhist monk, teacher and peace activist Thich Naht Hanh died tonight at his root temple, Tu Hien Temple, in Hue, Vietnam. He was 95. His community in Plum Village, France said, Our beloved teacher Thich Nhat Hanh has passed away peacefully. We invite our global spiritual family to take a few …
Here’s a modern day paradox that has just arrived. A Christmas card from a Tibetan monastery.
I think that this is becoming a daily thing. Wordle 212 4/6 🟩⬜⬜⬜🟨 🟩🟨⬜⬜⬜ 🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
With the sky last night being clear and there being no wind, we BBQ’d and sat round a fire.
I thought that I would join in. There is a little bit of luck in this attempt. Wordle 211 3/6 ⬜🟨🟨⬜⬜ 🟨🟩⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
An unexpected day comes to an end. With my phone not uninstalling apps and ‘wire frame’ icons appearing on the Home Screen and in iMessage, I decided on a complete reset and then restore. I learnt a few things along the way, but do not want this to happen again in a hurry.
Well this morning has been completely unplanned, and not a little frustrating. Despite deleting an app from my phone, it would not go away. That and a few other glitches. I’ve tried all sorts of methods, but am now resorting to a reset to factory settings and restore. 🤞
Being held by the stillness of the morning.
Jamaican Morning: Between the ages of 8 and 10, so from about 1971 to 1973, my family lived in Jamaica. My father was a radiologist and worked for two years at the University Hospital in Kingston, Jamaica. As a child, I remember the time fondly. My sister and I went to a wonderful school there and made good friends …
We took the Christmas tree down this morning as well as a few other remaining decorations. That’s the holidays officially over in this household for another year. 2022, here I come…
The rain and resultant humid weather that we have had over the last few days appears to have resulted in some interesting flowers growing amongst the mulch.
December 2021
A homemade sushi meal set out and prepared by my wife. A evening email to welcome in the New Year.
Still just over six hours left here before 2022 arrives but to everyone, whether there or not, wishing you all a very Happy New Year.
We watched Don’t Look Up on Netflix last night. I enjoyed it and have come to appreciate it more since last night. Funny, sobering and a parody of so much that is wrong with the politicizing of issues in the world today. 🍿
And now it is flooding, flooding, flooding…
A wet, wet, wet, wet day…
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 →
This too shall pass…
I’ve just discovered that I can generate a RSS feed of my Pocket articles. This might change how I access them.
I just completed this jigsaw puzzle of Sea Anemones. My first for a long time. It was difficult because the puzzle was not made up of regular shapes. Even some of the edges were not clear. But it was fun to do. 🧩
Finished reading: The Gifts of Reading by Robert Macfarlane 📚
Current view.
Taking a post Christmas dinner snooze.
Completed. I haven’t put Lego together for a long time. This was satisfying. It was a little too much for my grandson.
A quiet moment before the day starts. In a couple of hours this room will be full of excited grandchildren and family sitting down for our Christmas brunch. For now the lights of the tree are on and silent expectation hangs the air.
All is quiet and still outside. Showers hanging in the air, but for now there’s a dark sky with stars in abundance. Looking across the valley, house lights and Christmas decorations twinkle. The night before Christmas in this little corner of the world.
The push and pull of the Holidays. I love seeing family and friends at this time of year, COVID allowing, but the introvert in me gets tired of the seemingly endless socializing.
A Charlie Brown Christmas: My annual watching of A Charlie Brown Christmas is complete. I feel that whether one believes in the Christian message of Christmas, this short cartoon offers a reflective look at what Christmas has been turned into with all the accompanying consumerism. Charlie Brown: Isn’t there anyone, who knows …
I think one of the most difficult things in life is seeing someone close to you going through difficulties and not being able to help them. My aspiration can be to help, to offer a perspective, to share some tools to try, but in this moment they do not want to talk (at least not about the struggles) …
Wednesday, December 22, 2021 →
I spent about three hours preparing our Anniversary dinner last night. It was a Japanese vegan dinner from the cookery book, Vegan Japaneasy: Over 80 Delicious Plant-Based Japanese Recipes. In the photograph below, on the left is a Shiitake, Onion and Potato Stew, and on the right is a Portobello …
Prepping our Anniversary dinner. A Japanese vegan meal.
Married on the Winter Solstice 14 years ago today.
Finished reading: A Child’s Christmas in Wales by Dylan Thomas, a take that I now read annually. 📚
8:30pm. We have just got in after meeting friends for dinner on the south side. As we crossed back over the island, the sky lit up with lightening. The last 6 miles we crawled home at around 25 miles per hour as torrential rain lashed at the car. Thunder is rolling over us now.
Today I learned a new word, atavistic: happening because of a very old habit from a long time ago in human history, not because of a conscious decision or because it is necessary now1 Thank you Craig Mod for that unexpected English lesson. Cambridge Dictionary ↩︎
Finished reading: Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata (thank you @Munish for the recommendation) 📚
I sit here listening to Christmas Carols. I grew up singing Christmas Carols at school, went carol singing in my early teens back in the UK, collecting money for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, and always have had them playing in the background in the lead up to Christmas. They set the mood …
Well the COVID booster (Moderna) after effects thankfully only lasted one day. I not 100% this morning and my arm feels sore where I had the shot, but I feel so much better than yesterday morning. Right now I am just grateful for having had the shot. 💉
Well the COVID booster shot that I received yesterday has knocked me for six. I find it a hard feeling to describe. A friend who had a similar reaction to me explained it as, “I just feel like staring at the wall.” 💉
After interruptions over the last couple of days - storms, power outages, a migraine - I am just about to start exploring the recent addition to Micro.blog, newletters, and to see how it might inform my usage and workflow of my blogs.
Booster shot complete. Now to wait and see if I have a reaction. I’m pleased that that one is under my belt (or in my arm!). 💉
Well it appears that my post from Sunday night was published, three times no less (the extra two are now deleted), though I had no feedback that it had done so. A storm was blowing through the islands off and on through the weekend with steady and at times heavy rain. I have read of localized …
Sitting outside in the dark listening to rain falling everywhere and trying to get a signal to contact Hawaiian Electric as the power has just gone off again…third time in ten days.
The second dose of rain for the weekend has just started. I’m expecting this to keep falling through the afternoon, night and into tomorrow. I used the weather as an excuse to watch the second episode of Foundation on Apple TV+.
It is so still outside this morning. The calm before the storm?
Finished reading: Holloway by Robert Macfarlane 📚
Finished reading: Blessed Are the Weird by Jacob Nordby 📚
We watched Jane Champion’s The Power of The Dog on Netflix last night. Wow! What a wonderful film - the acting, art direction, the story and how it was told. I highly recommend seeing it. 🍿
Wet weather fun in Maui.
Storms are forecast to hit the Hawaiian islands this weekend. The first rains are falling on the north shore of Maui right now.
November 2021
Finished reading: Elevation by Stephen King 📚
A double rainbow crossed the sky this morning while I was on the phone to my mother. 🌈
The power went down at 1:15pm this afternoon. The internet went down with it. We live in an area with poor cell reception and make heavy use of WiFi calling. So phone calls were difficult, I received one, and internet was possible if I sat on a certain chair outside and used a weak cellular signal. …
My head has been pounding for most of the afternoon. Rain has been threatening but only falling as gentle showers when it does drop. Now it’s pouring and almost on cue I feel my headache receding. The air pressure builds, my head hurts. The pressure diminishes, my head relaxes.
Colours at dusk.
Thanksgiving 2021. 😄…there was much good company, food and chatter in between. Before After
Wednesday, November 24, 2021 →
With darkness all around, I sat outside on the lanai sharpening knives for carving duties tomorrow at dinner, while watching the distant flashing lights of airplanes on their initial climb out of Kahului airport.
Wednesday, November 24, 2021 →
Sitting in front of Apple Music creating a playlist for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.🎵
Wednesday, November 24, 2021 →
I don’t use Calcbot often for unit conversations, but when I do I’m pleased that I have it at hand.
My wife and I sat and rewatched My Neighbor Totoro last night with our grandsons. It is such a wonderful animated film. Something for the child in all of us, and bringing to life the hidden world around us. 🍿
I just discovered that Workspaces in Drafts can be filtered by date. Here is a Workspace that will pull out all drafts created today. Another level of expandability is stumbled upon.
Sitting alone Incense burning The rain falls outside
I have found the way to assure that we will wake up to rain, despite the forecast, after a long dry spell. Spend the day before doing copious amounts of saturation watering. It works a charm. Overcast and wet this morning. 🌧
When I was growing up all the kids books showed cockerels calling out as the sun rose, heralding in a new day. What rubbish! It’s 10:30pm, I’m just going to bed, and a cockerel is “cock-a-doodle-doo’ing” to his heart’s content. 🐓
Now that’s a Sunday. An unexpected brunch with some friends returning to the island, an early afternoon sleep, watched the first episode of the Foundation series on Apple TV+ (I’m not sure what I thought of that yet?), and now to do some work outside.
The Spanish Dagger Yucca (those leaves are pointed and sharp) is flowering.
I was hoping that there would be a way to bring one off interviews that I have as mp3 files into Apple Podcasts app. That way I could keep them together and know where to go when I want to listen to them…but it does not look as though it is possible. 😞
Wednesday, November 17, 2021 →
Some days, despite the best intentions, I just seem to be spinning wheels. I feel as though nothing is being accomplished. Today is one of those days. The feeling is frustrating and stuck!
That was a close call. I almost bought a late in the day coffee. Sometimes I am alright with a coffee this late, but the waxing moon is already doing a good job at keeping me up. ☕️
I slept in this morning and woke up late. That’s very unusual for me. I must have been tired. Now I feel drugged, my head reeling and struggling to connect to the day. I feel better just waking up early and catnapping during the day if necessary.
Dusk and it is still, so still after a bitingly hot day…. The forecast has rain coming in tonight.
Finished reading: Dewdrops on a Lotus Leaf: Zen Poems of Ryokan by John Stevens. Though never really finished reading, just looping back to pick it up again. 📚
Random thoughts that suddenly pop into my mind - I spent most of today outside working in the garden and was sitting down to rest after putting tools away. I was looking up at the sky over a field of cane grass, and then the thought came, “how did I end up here? How did I be up in Hawaii?” Of course …
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 →
Not the clearest of photographs, but from left to right - Jupiter, Moon, Saturn, Venus.
I sit and write feeling the wind and sun on my face from a day outside. Today we hosted a small party for my grandson’s 2nd birthday. My son-in-law set up a slip and side in the front garden and the kids had a great time charging down that. Thankfully there were no injuries.
We’ve had some beautiful weather over the last week. Crystal clear days, still, uplifting…but it has been hot! As today progresses the wind is picking up, the clouds are gathering and there was a sprinkling of rain earlier. It looks like a return to business as usual.
I’ve found some quiet and still time before I go and prepare supper…and so I’m letting it sink into me, calming me at the end of the day.
Just out and available for $0.99 for the month of November is Jasraj Hothi’s, @jasraj on Micro.blog, new book The Indie Author. I’ve just picked up my copy and look forward to opening it up and exploring.
Ah, excitement. Ulysses can indeed update Micro.blog posts. Oh that I should even have doubted that that was possible! 😔
A simple costume for Halloween last night. The pueo, the owl.
October 2021
Walking around Chinatown in Honolulu yesterday before lunch, I came across this copy of The Hobbit translated into Hawaiian. 📚
Heading back to Maui today. I’ll be sorry to leave this little cabin.
The best television - watching a fire burning in the hearth.
An evening fire.
Finished reading: English Pastoral by James Rebanks. What a beautiful and important book, born from love. 📚
He is one of the elders of our community, a man of good sense, from the same forge as my father. ― James Rebanks, English Pastoral
I brought a small speaker with me so that we could listen to relaxing music, but I won’t be using it. The music here is the silence, the wind, occasional rain showers and the birds.
The rustic nature of the cabin that we are staying in for a couple of nights.
Blessed with an opportunity to stay in a remote cabin in Nanakuli Forest Reserve on Oahu, built by architect Valdimir Ossipoff. Sunset from the cabin this evening.
A moment of silence in the middle of a busy morning.
The second hole is dug and the hatch revealed. Tomorrow the tank is cleaned and pumped.
Our septic tank sits under the front lawn. Today I uncovered one if it’s hatches, carefully saving the sections of lawn to put back in place once the tank is emptied. The second hatch, which I found and marked out at the end of the day, I’ll probably dig out tomorrow.
Occasionally something pulls me to reach for a book that I have not opened for a number of years. A couple of days ago that book was Dewdrops On A Lotus Leaf, Zen Poems of Ryokan. I feel like I am revisiting an old friend, and asking, “Why was I not in touch earlier?” 📚
I watched Dune on HBO Max last night and enjoyed it. I loved being taken into another world, another time and place. It left me wanting more, to explore the story further. I never finished the book when I tried it many years ago, and now might give it a second chance.
This morning’s rainbow 🌈
Yesterday I bought a ZAGG Messenger Folio keyboard for my 5th generation iPad. The keys feel and sound a little ”springy”, but right now that is a minor complaint over having to use the on screen keyboard. At the moment I feel happy at the sense of new found freedom that I have for mobile computing. …
Noticing my mind settle As jobs awaiting my return Are completed.
Happy faces as myself and three good friends finished an 11.2 mile hike across Haleakala crater, at the Halemau’u Trailhead, earlier this year. (Micro.blog October photo challenge, Day 18)
The map on this screen was my compass, and helped me see where we were as I headed back across the Atlantic a couple of weeks ago.
This wheel is not going very far. (Micro.blog October photo challenge, Day 14)
Dog vs Crab standoff. Animals (Micro.blog October photo challenge, Day 13)
The Lockheed Constellation “Connie” at the TWA Hotel at JFK airport, New York. Legend (Micro.blog October photo challenge, Day 12)
Hygge (Micro.blog October photo challenge, Day 11)
The Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol. Designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel, it was built after his death and completed in 1864. (Micro.blog October photo challenge, Day 10)
An environment that I feel held and safe in. (Micro.blog October photo challenge, Day 9)
Pre-twilight light as the sun sets across The Downs in Bristol. (Micro.blog October photo challenge, Day 8)
Conckers: On the western edge of the world, as defined by the International Date Line, it’s Sunday afternoon. I’m sitting at 39,993ft above the Pacific Ocean, according to the screen in front of me, just under two hours out from Honolulu. From there I’ll have one more leg to fly before two days of travel will …
This cauliflower came drizzled in a grainy mustard sauce along with lime and cilantro, giving a light spicey taste. Overall, it was delicious. (Micro.blog October photo challenge, Day 7)
There are some beautiful Copper Beach trees on the streets of Bristol. (Micro.blog October photo challenge, Day 6)
This morning’s toy of choice before my grandson headed off to school. (Micro.blog October photo challenge, Day 5)
The view from my seat was anything but sharp as I waited to depart Heathrow on Saturday afternoon. It felt like the heavens were making up for September’s dry weather. (Micro.blog October photo challenge, Day 4)
A scene at Terminal 5, Heathrow yesterday morning. Although there are a lot of people sitting down here, the majority appeared to be walking around shopping or looking for food. (Micro.blog October photo challenge, Day 3)
It’s still dark outside as I get ready for my trip back to Maui. (Micro.blog October photo challenge, Day 2)
September 2021
Thursday, September 30, 2021 →
A note to self, ”Stop, Breathe.” Breathing in I clam my body, Breathing out I smile. Breathing in I clam my body, Breathing out I smile. Dwelling in the present moment, I know this is a wonderful moment. - Thich Naht Hanh
Thursday, September 30, 2021 →
A gentle touch. (Micro.blog October photo challenge, Day 1)
Thursday, September 30, 2021 →
I love the art work of Polish artist Mateusz Urbanowicz. He lives in Tokyo and paints beautifully intricate scenes of around Japan. For my birthday last month I was given copies of his books, Tokyo at Night & Tokyo Storefronts. I can spend an age looking at the details in his work.
Finished reading: Walkabout by James Vance Marshall. I saw the movie many years ago, but never read the book until I found a copy on my parent’s bookshelves. 📚
Well I was wondering where the rain was. This afternoon it has decided to show itself! 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧
I’ve been searching online this morning to see if it possible to remotely access an iPad from a MacBook Air. “Other side of the world” remotely. I am tech support for my mother. I have found a few possibilities, Zoho Assist, Splashtop SOS & Teamviewer QuickSupport, but costs …
Saturday, September 25, 2021 →
With the death of my father still close and real for me, I appreciated this beautiful article by Matthew Syed in today’s Sunday Times. The death of my father has taught me the real meaning of gratitude
There was a beautiful Harvest Moon over Bristol last night, rising as an orange orb in the early evening. The attached photo, taken with my iPhone 7 Plus, in no way does it justice.
Those times when, struggling to make a decision, I busy myself everywhere else as an unhelpful distraction.
A moody sky in Bristol this evening.
A quiet and restful celebration of 58 orbits round the sun, today. 🎂
Saturday, September 11, 2021 →
Finished reading: Billy Summers by Stephen King. My first Stephen King book and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 📚
When the Weather fits the Mood: Yesterday it was pouring with rain outside, really pouring. The proximity of my parents’ top floor flat to the roof amplified the sound of the falling water. For the most part the rest of the day was overcast, it was humid. Today is the same, perhaps a little clearer. Following my father’s passing …
The distant, deep sound of the bell in the University of Bristol’s Wills Memorial Building chiming 7:00am.
Wednesday, September 8, 2021 →
My dad passed away last night.
The Cycle of Life: I’m walking to the shops, walking down back streets, residential streets instead of the main road. I find more joy and interest in looking at the houses and front yards instead the busy main street. Houses that I use to pass most every day as a kid. I haven’t been back to Bristol to visit my parents …
August 2021
Urban commuter route.
The first bird songs of the morning.
Whoops, what happened there? Micro.blog just gave me a Bad Gateway error for a couple of minutes? It seems to be functioning fine now. cc @manton
Sometimes grey, overcast mornings are the best to wake up to.
How phones used to be…and this one works.
Well I lost that one, but it was fun to play Rummikub with my sister last night, with mum looking on to learn how to play.
I’ve been up since 2:00am. It is now 4:15am. Oh the woes of jet lag.
I find people watching at big international airports, fascinating. Especially at this time of COVID. Where have people come from? Where are they going, and why? And just the shear number of people on the move.
Slowly but surely.
After my post last night, I woke up this morning and deleted Glass from my phone. I never even got past the waitlist. It’s a good decision for me. I’m content with what I have.
What am I doing?: Self-induced peer pressure? I don’t know, but I have just signed up for an invite to the new photograph app Glass after reading about it in multiple places on the Micro.blog timeline, and after John Gruber sung its praises. I wasn’t looking for a photos app, and don’t particularly want another …
Saturday midday.
Rain and Sun: Rain during the night, sun during the day. That’s a good combination, ensuring that the ground gets watered and we have a warm, bright day. And then there are times when I just enjoy it being overcast for a day. There is plenty of sun here in Hawai’i, for which I am grateful, but I also enjoy …
We watched French Exit a couple of nights ago, staring Michelle Pfeiffer and Lucas Hedges. Categorized as a comedy and drama, outside of that I found it hard to pigeon hole. Quirky, different, it held my attention and I would recommend it. 🍿
A Short Meditation to Start Your Day at Micro Camp: On both days of Micro Camp, before the presentations start, I will be leading a short meditation to help you quieten your mind and prepare for the day ahead. Just show up 15 minutes before the program for the days start. No experience is necessary to join the meditation. I have kept the instruction …
Just arrived from my favourite coffee shop. Sterling Coffee Roasters use to be our local coffee shop when we lived in Portland. 📍 Sterling Coffee Roasters, Portland
As I record my video, try and record it, for next week’s Micro Camp, I am thinking that it would be funny to see a video of outtakes - I say that assuming that I am not the only one making a few false starts!
Searching a cupboard for some honey, I came across this jar of Marmite. Joy! I haven’t had any for a long time. I know what breakfast will include tomorrow.
The Poop Song: My five year old grandson was listening to family members instruct Siri to play this song or that song on our HomePod Mini. So in his five year old English he piped up with, “Hey Siri, play the Poop Song.” Siri understood him and while I expected her to say that she couldn’t find such a song, it …
Sacred Space: Sitting alone at night, silence, small light on in the corner, stillness, dark outside, alone with a book, my thoughts, writing. Walking across the crater floor of Haleakala. Bare, cinder cones, dried lava. The birth place of Maui. Sitting chanting Puja in the Shrine Room of Lam Rim Buddhist Centre. …
Sand Blasted on an Evening Walk: The trade winds having being blowing very strong over the last couple of days, and an evening stroll along Baldwin Beach was a real challenge yesterday evening. Sand blasted there and back. Winded on the way back. This guy seemed unperturbed by the weather, dozing soundly on the shoreline. 📍 Baldwin …
July 2021
This morning’s harvest. It had just fallen from the tree.
The Jungle Book: I watched Disney’s The Jungle Book with my grandsons last night. It is a real favourite of mine. I don’t know how many times I have seen the movie, going back to when I was a kid? I also used to own a 33⅓ record of the soundtrack that came packed in a colourful booklet. The record came out …
Hey, is there any blue sky up there?! We’ve had a lot of rain recently. I got soaking wet yesterday working outside. We need to go and look for the sun. 🌞
Morning view.
We watched Tampopo last night, a very unusual Japanese comedy, which when it came out was referred to as a “Ramen western”. I think that we stuck through the whole movie just because it was unusual. What would happen next? 🍿
I’ve just been reading the lyrics to This Is Not America by David Bowie & Pat Metheny. It’s a song that I love, but the first time that I have read the lyrics, 🤦🏼♂️, and I cannot work out what they mean? 🤨
There’s nothing like walking on grass with bare feet to awaken the senses.
Well the tent that I put up a couple of days ago has been a great success with my grandson. He has slept in it every night with his dad. Last night it rained and he slept through it all. Tonight will be his third night.
I just discovered that Firefox has an eyedropper tool. How helpful!
Raising a tent in the back garden: I spent a few hours this morning, under baking hot sun, putting this tent up for my grandson. Now it’s up, the tent’s construction looks quite simple. However, it was heavy and had very poor instructions. I ended up resorting to YouTube for a clearer understanding of the what and how it …
Why not just write? Not because there is anything necessary to say, or maybe there is, but you can’t see it clearly now, and so just write. See what emerges from the explorations, from the scribbles, from the typing. Just write. I say this as a reminder to self.
Starting my move from the Amazon/Kindle world to Rakuten/Kobo.
86th Birthday Message | The 14th Dalai Lama www.dalailama.com/videos/86…
We watched The Courier last night. A true Cold War spy story, connected to Cuban Missile Crises. I’ve always felt that the Cold War makes the best spy stories, and I thoroughly enjoyed this one…all the more so that it was based on a true story. 🍿
Well it seems as though there was a 5.0 earthquake just off the coast of the Big Island of Hawai’i at a depth of 12.7km, but was felt here on Maui. It felt as though the house was hit with a thud. 5.0 Earthquake Off Hamakua Coast of Hawai‘i Island
Woah! The whole house just shook. An earthquake?
Aaahhh, the first coffee of the day… ☕️
Do Not Disturb! 📖✍🏻
Where’s the rewind button for today? I was productive, got done some work that needed to be done and lie here exhausted, but it was not what I intended. 🥱
June 2021
Friday evening sunset from Ho’okipa. A beautiful evening. Warm, the ocean refreshing, and a family member taking guests out for surfing lessons. There was a real end-of-the-week atmosphere there, with everyone having a grandstand view of the setting sun.
Mother and calf - it is not only the humans who enjoy the views around here.
The Harshness of Interruptions: When I read this this essay by Nancy Kline of Time to Think I thought, ”YES!” I’ll go further - I felt, “YES!” Kline speaks, not mincing her words, of how interruption is an assault. In the first paragraph of the essay she says as much, Interruption is assault. She goes on to …
A “Good Morning” rainbow. 🌈
Garden harvest.
Interview for the INFClub: I was recently interview by Jas Hothi, @jasraj on Micro.blog, for Episode 61 of the INFClub podcast. We had a great conversation, along with plenty of laughter, covering topics such as travel, buddhism, writing, men and high sensitivity. Thank you to Jas for inviting me to join him on the podcast. …
Although it has recently re-opened, I have not been in this theatre for at least 18 months. It might be close to two years. What a time we have collectively been through.
In 2021, once again, Congress will be voting on a measure that will define who we are. Heather Cox Richardson’s June 19th newsletter
Plants and flowers in the garden early this morning. The white flower on the left is a Spanish Dagger, of the Yucca family. The purple flowers on the right are Agapanthus.
I was awake early this morning, just before 4:30am. For no particular reason, I just woke up. It was beautifully still and quiet. There was no one else around. I sat and did some reflective journaling, grateful for the alone time. Now, lunchtime, I’m feeling tired.
Looking up to a sliver of a New Moon with Venus just to the left and up a bit (south west?) of it. You might be able to make them out in the photo?
Approaching the top, and the view over Hana.
The foothills of Haleakala above the town of Hana.
If you look carefully at this photograph, on the horizon you can see a mountain rising up above the clouds. That is Mauna Kea on the island of Hawai’i. The photo is taken from across the Alenuihaha Channel on Hamoa Beach in Hana, Maui. I don’t often find it this clear.
Winding back to Hana time.
I’m reading the Discover timeline on Micro.blog. I think that the only thing that happened today was WWDC.
A future harvest of papayas. 🤞🏻
Today’s status. My grandson’s fifth birthday. I’ll be staying off that due to a painful lower back.
I’m grateful for my bank today for quickly catching the fraudulent behavior on my account. It’s a pain to deal with, but at least it was nipped in the bud.
Starting a new one, Underland, though I have yet to read the book.
Well last night’s International Space Station spotting was not very successful. After beautiful clear skies, day and night for the past week, just as the ISS was due to pass overhead the clouds came in. I saw it briefly and then it was gone! Maybe next time round? 🛰
International Space Station spotting tonight. It is due to go over at 9:16pm. At the moment it looks like a clear night.
May 2021
Walking in the local neighborhood.
I saw this nest while out at Waihe’e Coastal Dunes and Wetlands, yesterday evening. The nest was only about knee high in a bush. With no dogs allowed in the park and few visitors, I assume that the birds must feel safe and have no or few predators?
Voices carry so clearly on these still mornings.
The silence and stillness of a Sunday morning.
This afternoon at Ho’okipa. The island of Molokai is in the distance.
We watched Minari a couple of nights ago. I felt that there were some strong performances by the cast, especially by Yuh-Jung Youn playing the grandmother, but overall the film did not pull me in. 🍿
I love this, On the last day of the world I would want to plant a tree – W.S. Merwin The Merwin Conservancy
I just found this emoji, 😵💫 It describes well how I feel after too long spent staring at a screen.
This a Jazz type of Sunday morning. We listened to Sunday Morning Jazz and have now moved onto Jazz Anthology, both on Apple Music.
I spent this afternoon tackling the cane grass that encroaches from two properties that abut ours. No one currently lives on either of them. Without hacking it back, it would slowly take over our place. It is satisfying to get the job done, but annoying that it has to be done!
I had never heard of Alvin Sykes and this article about his life, inspiring.
Even if I really want to get something done, if that ‘something’ crosses some undefined effort threshold in my head, I notice how my mind starts to wriggle to find a way of avoiding the task - even though I still want to get it done! 🤦♂️
Looking at the USCIS Civics Test for Naturalization, I wonder how well I would do with a test on the history and political structure of the UK (where I am from)?
Today has been a struggle. A coming together of pieces, just one of which can get the stress/worry nerve twitching. Right now I am appreciating time alone to write and reflect.
We watched Swimming Pool (2003) a couple of nights ago. A slow, art house, thriller. Anglo/French. 3.5/4 stars. 🍿
A productive day, of sorts (I feel that there is always more that I could do, or do better). Chipping away at some jobs needing to be done. Helped along by @dejus Time Out app on my Mac. Also being home alone, lessening distractions, has helped.
Entertaining tonight
I went out for a bicycle ride late morning. The path took me past the airport, and Kanaha Beach Park, busy with Wind & Kite surfers.
The light feels so clear today.
When mental fog sets in, I have to remind myself to step away from what I am doing. Pushing through occasionally works, but more often than not the fog follows me or shows up again sooner or later.
I might be late to the game here, but thank you @vincent for the reply editing. 🙇🏼
I have just joined the Open Path Healing Collective which offers affordable services from qualified holistic health practitioners. I’m looking forward to working with them.
I made a Greek Salad last night as part of Mother’s Day dinner. No photographs, but it was well received by everyone (including me! 😏). I wanted to get it right and so I followed a recipe. If you are interested, here it is. Simple to make, delicious to eat.
Mother’s Day morning on the South side.
At my grandson’s school as the children danced round the Maypole this morning.
We watched the first two episodes of HBO’s new series Mare of Easttown last night. By the end of the second I was definitely pulled in. I’m looking forward to the rest of it, even if Kate Winslet struggles to break a smile!
Well it took a couple of months to complete, but today I pressed submit on my US Citizenship application. I always get nervous when completing official forms, regardless of who they are for, but I am pleased to have this one on its way.
OK, shutting the hatches back down. Heaviness drifting across my body again.
The second Moderna shot has hit me hard. I have spent most of today in bed, just resting, with a fair amount of sleep as well. I thought that I was perking up around lunchtime, got up for a small bite, and crashed again. Symptoms? Aches, fatigue and lethargic. // @JMaxB
Moderna #2 complete 💉
Today’s rainbow 🌈
Are any Micro.blog podcasters not seeing their podcasts update on Apple Podcasts or not appear in searches on the platform? I have published a new episode of my Behind the Thoughts podcast, but the it is not showing up in Apple Podcasts, or third party apps. 🎙
I just realized that today is May 1st (the day is still young here). Where is the year going? Slow down, please!
April 2021
We spent yesterday at Launiupoko Beach Park on the south west side of the island. A welcome break & change of scenery. Compared to the wet & windy North Shore, the south west was warm & calm. I disconnected well (my phone stayed in my bag, so no photos) and returned home rested.
Pilgrimage: I like this short definition of ’pilgrimage’ taken from The British Pilgrimage Trust website, Pilgrimage (n.): A journey with purpose on foot to holy/wholesome/special places. Of pilgrimage, the site goes on to say, To turn a walk into a pilgrimage, at the beginning set your private ‘intention’ – …
I was recently interviewed by Andy Mort for Episode 331 of his Gentle Rebel Podcast on the subject of Meditation. You can listen to our chat at the link above, or watch us on YouTube. Thank you to Andy for the invitation to the podcast. 🎙
Nasa successfully flies small helicopter on Mars. I don’t know what use this will be in years to come, but I find thinking about the knowledge and expertise that went into making it happen, truly wonderful. Congratulations to all involved.
My iPhone 7 Plus is 4½ years old. Last week I took it out of the tattered case that it has sat in for that time. The phone looks like new! A new phone is on the horizon - the battery doesn’t hold a charge like it used to & it feels like a brick in my pocket - but not quite yet.
The clouds come down, the rain falls, the day closes in. Wanting some down time, the weather fits my mood…and need (less likelihood of working outside).
Please help me here. I type ‘spin’ into Apple’s iOS emoji search, and these two critters pop up as the only results, 🐡 & 🦔 How? What? 🤷🏼♂️
After spending two hours sitting in the dentist chair this morning, my only view being a light and two pairs of eyes staring down at me, I walked out of his office feeling as though I have been in a time warp.
What beautiful weather we are having. Absolutely gorgeous. Little wind, temperatures keeping it cool in the morning and evening, but warm enough during the day. Blue skies, sun and a smattering of cloud. It feels like there is magic in the air.
Office view this morning.
I spent some time this evening scrolling through the Discover feed of Micro.blog. It’s been said before, but what a wonderful community there is here!
I found this page from the BBC website helpful in explaining why vaccines alone will not stop COVID spreading.
Heard yesterday, You can add salt, but you can’t take it away.
From our home we are blessed with distant views of the ocean. I love to watch the weather roll in across that vast expanse of water. Right now dark storm clouds and rain are slowly erasing the ocean’s presence, creeping towards land.
This has felt like a difficult weekend. Mentally exhausting. It has not all been difficult - beautiful weather, and good company on Saturday night, outside round a fire pit - but my take away is my brain just feels tired.
Just back from an early morning visit to the Upcountry Farmers Market in Kula. Now for a late breakfast.
Nothing like some back pain to kick me into exercising more. It has been a gradual start, but I am getting out more and feeling better for it - mentally as well a physically.
Me, “I’m going for a walk” Gets in car, stops off at the post office, drives on to park where I plan to walk. Falls asleep in the car! 😴🙄 Woken up to rain on the roof of the car. Finally gets out to walk once the rain has stopped. 🏃🏼
Maybe this time, just maybe this time, the wet weather is on its way and things will start to dry up, and warm up here (though the cooler weather doesn’t go amiss).
I listened to episode 100 of @monday on the way to get my vaccine this afternoon. What a treat. Thank you @jean for hosting this and all the preceding episodes (& much more), @manton for creating micro.blog, and @patrickrhone for being a fabulous guest. So much in there.
No. 1
OK, I’m heading in for my first Moderna shot. Although I know that I am not the first person to be vaccinated and won’t be the last, this feels like a turning point thinking back to how things were a year ago.
Human knot tying ahead.
Just finished a chaotic but fun Easter breakfast with the grandkids. Thank goodness that eating outside was an option as…, let’s just say that not all the food ended up in people’s mouths! 🤦🏼♂️😄
I head out for my first bike ride for an age….and the heavens decide that the rain from a couple of weeks ago wasn’t quite enough! At least it is warm here, because it is not dry right now. 🌧🚴🏻♂️
I am a complete novice at this, and so am maybe asking something that is not possible. Is there a tool, preferably a Mac app but I’m interested in anything, that extracts text from a JSON file?
I have my first COVID vaccine shot scheduled for Tuesday afternoon of next week. 💉🦠
March 2021
Sitting next to me yesterday morning, my 4 year old grandson looked up at my bookshelves and asked, “Grandpa, have you read all of those books?” With some humility I replied, “Not all of them,” while my mind tried to quickly do the math and work out the actual figure!
Chronic Fatigue and the HSP: There’s pattern which repeats itself pretty much each time I find myself home alone for a few days - which with the presence of the COVID pandemic is not that often right now. It goes something like this, I drop my wife off at the airport - living on an island, that is usually the start of the home …
It amazes me that however often I read through something that I am writing, I still seem to come up against typos, repeated words, and other miscellaneous mistakes. Though I think that I sometimes use that as an excuse not to hit publish…there might be an error!
Views of Lana’i.: The different islands Hawai’ian islands all have their own vibe. Lana’i was relaxed, quiet, and restful. I was going to say pristine as well, except it used to be covered in pineapple fields. It is now 98% owned by Larry Ellison who has put a lot of money into Lana’i. This includes upgrading …
You might have to look very close here, but this photo is taken from the Koloiki Ridge on Lana’i, with Moloka’i on the left and Maui on the right.
Disbelief: The Georgia law is eye-popping, but it is only one of more than 250 measures in 43 states designed to keep Republicans in power no matter what voters want. I keep reading this paragraph from today’s Letter from an American by Heather Cox Richardson, and just wonder how a people can …
Evening views at the beach. My grandson playing in the rock pools. The setting sun.
I’ve just updated my Now page. About time really, as it has been stuck in November last year since….well November last year!
I’m not spending much time in coffee shops these days, but I took some time this morning to sit outside at Maui Coffee Attic.
We watched Promising Young Woman last night. I highly recommend it. 🍿
Finished reading: Manazuru by Hiromi Kawakami📚
Early to HEY, later to HEY World
I’m unclear. If I am using iCloud Drive to store a folder of text files (accessible via different apps on iOS & Mac OS), does iCD keep old versions of the files? If so, for how long and how do I access them? I ask as I have read that it does, but I cannot find the details.
I’m intrigued by the look of Freezeframe and would definitely like to take it for a spin when the app becomes available.
I’m in the market for a Calendar app…I’m an old Fantastical user until it moved to a subscription model, and returned to the stock app. I have tried a number of apps, but my two main contenders are Fantastical and BusyCal, but I’m still not sure about that subscription though?!
I posted Episode 49 (Widening our circle, taking tonglen further) of the Behind The Thoughts podcast today, but I think that it got lost during a Micro.blog hiccup, so re-announcing it here.
Having just read my emails and seen the announcement of Hey World’s launch, as I then went to open my Micro.blog timeline I thought, “I bet the first post I see is about Hey,” and sure enough…. 😁🙌🏻
Starting my Field Notes annual subscription.
February 2021
We watched The Little Things last night. It starred Denzel Washington, Rami Malek & Jared Leto, and the performances from these three are the glue that hold the movie together. I struggled hearing some of the dialogue early on, but it is worth your time IMO. 🍿
I spent some time yesterday evening playing around with URL schemes as I tried to build a Drafts action. I was aware of URL schemes existence but had not had reason to directly interact with them, or I’d tried my best to avoid them out of unfounded fear! As it turned out, I really enjoyed myself …
Having bought the cookbook Vegan Japan Easy a little while back (ahem), I though it about time that I try a recipe. A couple of nights back I prepared this “Ramen for Faye Wong,” as it was titled. Two hours lates(!) I was pleased with the outcome - both looks and taste.
Well I don’t think that the weather gods have seen the forecast this morning. Showers until noon, then sun. If the rain falling outside now can be classified as showers, I don’t want to see a torrential downpour!
My love of Ulysses has been rekindled with their support for Micro.blog publishing and how the app handles that. With the new Beta that includes managing multiple blogs under one account. Other options include publishing right away, scheduling or save as a draft.
Wednesday, February 24, 2021 →
Last night we watched Nomandland on Hulu, about a woman (played by Frances McDormand) leading a modern day nomadic existence in the American West. I enjoyed it. 🍿
Watching the airplanes come in and leave each day, following flight paths close to our house, it is as though they are traveling highways in the sky, each following the seemingly exact same path as the previous one.
Yesterday was a day of draft form filling, my application for US citizenship. There are still some blanks that I need to check the answers to and some accompanying paperwork to collect. For now though I’ll leave it for a couple of days, and take a rest.
The Comfort of Memories: I find myself sitting in my car on our driveway. It is overcast and there is steady stream of rain falling. The weather looks set in for the day, and likely tomorrow as well. I feel at ease, comfortable, safe. This weather takes me back to weather in Britain that I grew up with. At times it might …
Whoah! The thunder is rumbling this morning. The Gods up on Haleakala have something to say as the house shakes, the rain falls, the wind picks up and the clouds descend.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021 →
I don’t listen to audio books often, but last night I discovered that I could listen to a book that I had downloaded to my Kindle, via the iOS Kindle app. Resting my tired eyes and having the book read to me was lovely. This rekindles 😬 thoughts of upgrading my old Kindle.
Instead of a photo for Day 14 of February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge, compassion, I want to thank Maui Fire Department and the Medics who took such good and professional care of my wife after she took a fall at home today. I am waiting at the hospital now, but all sounds good.
Make, Day 13 of February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge. Well that’s that dinosaur contained. Evening construction projects with my grandson.
Sporg, Day 12 of February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge. What a sporg will do to a tree after a bad day. Beware!
Machine, Day 11 of February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge. Rigged up to some machines at KBOO in Portland for an interview in 2011.
Wednesday, February 10, 2021 →
Energy, Day 10 of February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge. My energy levels were much stronger at this early stage of the hike through Haleakala crater at the end of last year. My legs were heavy and dragging by the end.
Muddy, Day 9 of February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge. The mudflats at low tide at Weston-super-Mare.
Hope, Day 8 of February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge. My hope for this year is to be able to get back to the UK to visit my parents. 18 months or more have already passed since I was last there. The end of 2021, maybe? Here’s the Avon Gorge in Bristol.
Craving, Day 7 of February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge. Today I was craving peace and quiet, so found myself at Waihe’e Coastal Dunes & Wetlands Refuge. Hardly a sole there.
Sport, Day 6 of February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge. This is probably the closest that I get to participating in sports, and I don’t do this enough. Here out hiking in the Oregon foothills, circa 2011. Cycling figures in the picture as well, but less so since moving to Maui.
With the cold weather that we have been having here on Maui, our house is beginning to feel like a cold-blooded animal. Early morning the house is cold inside. As the sun rises, the house lies there with the sun rays streaming in, warming itself up, and with that, us as well.
Since relaunching my podcast, Behind The Thoughts , I am pleased with myself for keeping up with posting weekly episodes. I have found a workflow that works. Occasionally time is a struggle, but I have managed so far. Today I posted my fifth episode, episode 45. 🎙
Pets, Day 5 of February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge. This is Bronx, my stepdaughter’s French Bulldog, our surrogate pet.
Layers, Day 4 of February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge. Cloud layers over Portland, OR at dawn, December 2012.
There is snow on the summit of Haleakala. Zoom in and you can see it. Not the quantity that some parts of the world are experiencing right now, but a rarity here.
Comfort, Day 3 of February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge. I sometimes find comfort in remembering the corner of South Wales where I used to live.
Morning Beverage, Day 2 of February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge. Setting up to make my pre-dawn pour over coffee.
Close up, Day 1 of February 2021 Photoblogging Challenge. Sometimes I find nourishment in the little, unnoticed details of life.
January 2021
We’ve had our HomePod Mini for two or three months now and I am still very pleased with it. We have a HomePod as well and I am amazed by the sound of that, but I think that the Mini trumps it for me because of the quality of the sound from such a small speaker.
I spent the day installing an Orbi WiFi system in our home. The reason was to move from two networks, that we have to cope with two buildings, to one. Smart home devices necessitated much resetting, but I think that it all works now, and Orbi appears to handle the distance.
Your morning rainbow fix 🌈
That first taste of coffee in the morning ☕️
Well I didn’t plan that when I got up this morning, but I am now the owner of a pair of AirPods Pro. Other failing technology and $50 off in Target helped that purchase along.
I watched White Tiger a couple of nights ago and the movie is still sitting with me. ‘Enjoyed’ is not the word I would use to describe the film. Maybe ‘compelling’ is a better fit? Either way, two days on I am still feeling unsettled from the experience. 🍿
Brrrhhh, it’s cold this morning. Admittedly not as cold as those with snow outside their front door, or if you woke up to a frost. But the pre-dawn air, mixed with wind had a sharp edge to it.
A change is as good as a rest. I’m not thinking clearly and so have decided to bring a task slated for tomorrow, forward to today. I’m heading out to clear my head instead of forcing myself to produce results.
I’m joining the Scan Thing bandwagon. That cup was sitting on the dashboard of my pickup. Amazing!
I love the light in this photo. Outside the front of the Marriott in Wailea.
”Holy Computer Nerd, Batman!” I would not like to be technically challenged in trying to get money transferred from the US Governments’s EIPcard to a Bank Account. That along with choking websites and bad cell signals, for codes, has taken up a couple of hours.
Walking down the driveway of the Marriott, Wailea on Saturday night. Old trees, twinkling lights, magic in the air.
Tea, thinking British tea here, hits that spot that coffee cannot. Of course the same goes for coffee as well, just a different spot.
Video - The power of quiet leadership: A short, inspiring video on the power of quiet leadership. The power of quiet leadership - BBC Ideas
A day of rivers and flooding, and it’s still raining as we turn in for the day.
Kiki's Map of Maui: Since HBO started their HBO Max service, I have slowly been filling in the Studio Ghibli movies that I have not seen. I recently watched Kiki's Delivery Service and noticed that the map that Kiki used was of Maui, or at least had the names of towns and places on Maui. So even though the movie is set …
Now puddles are beginning to form everywhere. 🌧🌧🌧
It’s raining - hard!
There is a 40-50 foot swell hitting the Hawaiian islands today. I was hoping to go out and see it, but I’m not feeling well. So I am left with that feeling of hearing the roar of the ocean from a mile away, knowing what is going on, and just having to let go…
Posting from iA Writer: Posting from iA Writer. It has been a while since I posted directly from here, so I decided just to test how it works. I forgot how it automatically inserted a title.
Sometimes recording a podcast comes easily. Other times it’s a struggle as I over think the process. My decision is to publish anyway. If I don’t, I fear that I will get lost in perfectionism and then nothing will get published! Learn from mistakes and experience. 🎙
This post is coming from Ulysses. I am just testing the app’s first alpha version for publishing to Micro.blog.
I have just announced the relaunch of my meditation podcast, Behind The Thoughts. I’m happy to be podcasting on Micro.blog. 🎙
Announcing a new, old podcast: It was early April 2017. I was sitting in an Airbnb in Portland, OR. My wife and I had returned to the city that had been our home for eight years, to sort out a storage room of our belongings, to decide what was going with us back to Maui and what we were going to sell. I had decided to start a …
I’ll get there! When @jean interviewed me for Micro Monday back in May 2019, Jean asked me if I would host a Podcast. Today I was on the home stretch of resurrecting a Podcast that I last ran in 2017, but a Micro.blog hosting issue has delayed that. Fingers crossed soon 🤞🏻
Last night we watched Before You Know It, and enjoyed it. A good, light comedy set in New York. 🍿
Some days appear to move easily, like a hot knife through butter, and others feel like walking through treacle. Today was like the latter. I put some of that just down to the how the world is right now.
We were recommended to watch the movie Babyteeth and did so last night. Up until the recommendation I had never heard of it, but now highly recommend it myself. An Australian movie, beautifully acted by all involved. 🍿
I just want to give a shout out of gratitude to the Micro.blog community for how they have helped me (unknowingly) in putting together how I manage my daily tasks, and to @patrickrhone for his Dash/Plus system - Managing my Life.
Managing my Life: On January 1st, with a new month here, never mind a new year, I worked through my December todos, seeing what was undone and bringing those items forward to January. This is not my Bullet Journal, rather it is a hybrid system that I have been cobbling together from a number of different systems. It …
Heading out to a remote part of the West Mauis this afternoon to lead a meditation for a dear friend.
Question to self, Where does play show up in my life? As a follow up, If it is not present, what is getting in the way?
This evening.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s New Year Greeting for 2021.
December 2020
I don’t know if I will make it to New Year (still 11 hours to go here)? I rarely do. But my wife and I are planning on dinner and a movie - I’m not sure what yet, and so any recommendations gratefully received.
Wednesday, December 30, 2020 →
For me over the last few years this week between Christmas and New Year has just felt very lllooonnnggg. With the weekends tagged on, it is feeling longer this year. At the end of a difficult year, time off feels good, AND I’ll be ready to get back to a more normal week.
I’m just catching up with the sad news of Barry Lopez passing away on Christmas Day at the age of 75, from prostate cancer. I am grateful to have seen him twice give talks. Both times I could have sat for hours with a single sentence shared, meditating on the wisdom within it.
We found a quiet, empty and very small hideaway yesterday, admits what I thought were troublingly crowded beaches (we almost turned around and went home). In the distance is the island of Kaho’olawe, and just in front I could make out the water spouts of whales. Just next to where we were sitting …
The smell of freshly cut grass drifts over from next door, alongside the roar of the lawn mower. I am transported back to summer evenings of my youth, and memories of my father mowing the back garden on a Sunday evening, while distant church bells call worshipers.
My wife and I just spent the afternoon watching Pixar’s new movie Soul, an exploration of life, death and meaning. Imaginative storytelling alongside wonderful animation. I find it amazing to see where animation has got to.🍿
Movie watching just got bumped forward to this afternoon. The clouds have come in, the wind has picked up and the rain is thundering down on the roof. 💨🌧 We are putting our feet up this afternoon. 🍿
There’s been a lot of activity, and eating, over the last couple of days. I am ready for a movie this evening…nothing else.
This was accidently posted to the wrong blog. Correcting the error and date now: Waking up to the white egrets flying east for their day. Home for them appears to be somewhere west of us, and the days are spent on the eastern edge of the island. Merry Christmas to you all. 🎄
This has been an unexpected ”finding new Micro.blog” early afternoon.
Wednesday, December 23, 2020 →
I just watch A Charlie Brown Christmas on Apple TV+. Aside from enjoying the antics of the Peanuts gang, I love the Christmas message and spirit that is conveyed through the short animation.
Wednesday, December 23, 2020 →
What a beautiful day! 🌞🎄
This quote from Bryan Stevenson is sitting with me today, Each of us is more than the worst thing we’ve ever done.
Melissa and I are not long back from a lovely evening at Mama’s Fish House to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Mama’s does the Hawai’i experience so well. I’m happy that they survived the pandemic after rumours that they were closing, and they are handling reopening well.
The Winter Solstice, the Jupiter and Saturn in conjunction, AND Melissa and my 13th wedding anniversary. A day of auspiciousness. 😊 Here’s a fun picture of us in England five years ago, on a cold winter’s day. ❤️
Listening to Essential Carols - The Very Best of King’s College Choir, Cambridge by Choir of King’s College, Cambridge. 🎵
I’m looking for a site that hosts audio files in the same way that YouTube and Vimeo host videos, but preferably without advertisements, and not specifically a podcast hoster.
I’m nurturing a throbbing head today, day 2 of the migraine, and taking it quietly.
This is the time of year that I wish there was a Trader Joe’s just down the road, for all of those European treats that make the Holidays, the Holidays for me (and transports me home). 🎄🏠
I’ve suffered from migraines since I was in my mid-teens. They are not as ferocious, a very apt description, as they use to be and occur less frequently. However, they do occur out of the blue, catching me unaware, and can last from one to four days, three being an average.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020 →
Well I have now transferred all of my videos from YouTube to Vimeo and deleted my YouTube page. While I still have some exploring around the options that Vimeo offers, for now I am happy with the layout of my Vimeo page, videos being grouped together appropriately.
Another book that arrived today from Powell’s Books (thanks to a book token that I was given over a year ago 🤦🏼♂️). A very old copy of Now We Are Six I owned, that was falling to pieces, I foolishly passed on when clearing out. I have missed it ever since. Wrong now righted!
I can’t remember who on Micro.blog mentioned this book? It was a while ago. A long while ago from my memory, but at long last I have bought my own copy. It’s beautifully presented. I look forward to delving into it, and exploring the aromas and tastes that it hints at.
I watched The Only Living Boy in New York last night and thoroughly enjoyed the story that it told. Jeff Bridges plays a lovely old character. Well worth your time, I believe. 🍿
My wife & I sat outside last night to watch the Geminids Meteor shower. We saw a few meteors, both quick flashes and long streaks. We would have stayed longer, but tiredness got the better of us.
Silhouette and star at sunset.
I watched the first Bond film, Dr. No the other night. I wanted an evening of nostalgia and escape. When the film was made in 1962 my mother was in Jamaica and saw the “dragon” used in the film sitting in a shed. She said that it was a tractor covered in a design. 🍿
I paid for a full subscription to Castro today. It has helped me get into more regular podcast listening, more than any other podcast app that I have tried. The workflow just works for me.
It’s so still and quiet this morning. Something to rest into.
Set up and in place. We have a HomePod in another bigger space. This Mini is in a small room & I think has an incredible sound for its size. Its big brother has a richer sound, but I am very happy with this purchase. Along with a family plan, music can now be played in 2 rooms.
Moving from YouTube to Vimeo: I’m exploring moving my videos, which to date are all concerned with meditation, from YouTube to Vimeo. I am on a trial account with Vimeo for a month and have started uploading my videos to the platform. This will take a couple of weeks because the Vimeo plan that I am on has a weekly upload …
Today I am touched by the kindness of friends. Sometimes the kindness of others almost overwhelms me, like when someone just drops everything to help. There is good in this world.
I have made an unexpected and happy discovery, that I have an audio copy of Alan Bennett’s book, The Uncommon Reader. I love listening to Alan read this wonderfully funny book.
I’m really happy that our refrigerator is making ice again. File that under, “things that I take for granted until they don’t work!"
An Open Letter to Santa Claus Regarding His Travel Plans 🎅🏻😄
After a wonderful online seminar this morning for men who identify as highly sensitive, I went for a walk to move the body and rest weary eyes.
Seeing life through other’s eyes: I started writing this earlier in the year while spending a weekend in Hana, on the far east coast of Maui. My wife and I, and a couple of COVID free trusted friends rented a house. I arrived feeling nauseous after navigating the twists and turns of the Hana Highway, and so stayed behind to rest …
Here are some photographs - courtesy of Martin Caprile, MJC HAWAII, www.martincaprile.com - of Jaws and those who surfed it a couple of days ago. One copied here, the others can be found on the Maui Now website.
Well so much for the “California weather” from a couple of days ago. It is now overcast and raining…but I like this weather as well. It is the closest that I will get here to a northern latitude, read British, winter.
I am looking forward to the 2nd Highly Sensitive Men’s Seminar this coming Saturday. Most of all to sit in the company, virtually, with men of a the same personality trait as myself, to share stories and experiences. I believe that there is still time to sign up?
We are having some beautiful weather at the moment. My wife calls it “California weather.” Cool mornings and evenings. Sharp, clear days with sun and blue sky. Warm, maybe even hot weather by midday, but also comfortable enough to wear jeans all day as opposed to shorts!
This morning I could see a helicopter in the distance, flying over the cliffs. It turns out Jaws, the Peahi wave, is breaking and so a competition will be on. They are predicting 30-50’ waves. I am no surfer, but I have great respect for these surfers. Here’s a video from 2014.
I went over to the south side of Maui yesterday evening to meet with a couple of good friends. We sat on the beach and chatted until long after the sun had set. At dusk I saw my first water spout of the season, a sign of the humpback whales who come to these waters to calf.
November 2020
Yeh! I have just crossed the Microblogvember 2020 finishing line. ✍🏻 🏁
I have two blogs hosted on Micro.blog and two things reinforce that decision for me. One is the features and support (is that two in itself?!). The second is the community. I see this typified in events like Microblogvember. I’m feeling very grateful. ✍🏻
Following on from yesterday’s discovery that it will take 5 to 6 weeks to order an Apple HomePod Mini from their online store, my wife found out that it will only take 9 days from Best Buy (and only $0.99 more). So I have just placed the order.
A little Christmas colour to add to the already present colours in Maui Mall. 🎄
It’s gone! 😳 Mystery metal monolith vanishes from Utah desert
I’ve lived about half my life in the country and half in cities. I think that I’m more of a country person, but give me a walkable city and I love being a pedestrian. Of just being able to walk out my front door to get to a local store, or just stroll the neighborhood. ✍🏻
Ordering a new Apple HomePod Mini online, the wait is 5 to 6 weeks. Going into a store and availability is now. The second option is not available to me. I wonder why the online wait is so long? Demand? New product? Other?
When I had a tooth infection recently, my COVID mask served a second purpose, covering up the swelling on the side of my mouth. When I didn’t have it on, as I was speaking with folks I could their eyes straying to the bump on the side of my face. ✍🏻
If I have a dilemma to solve, I work best if I have some time to ruminate over the problem. That’s not to say that I cannot operate under pressure. Sometimes I think that is the best. Less procrastination. I’m just speaking about what works best for me. ✍🏻
I’ve just quickly put together a playlist together on Apple Music for dinner later this evening. Maybe some editing will happen over the coming days (after the event!), but I look forward to playing it tonight. You can find it under David’s Thanksgiving if you are following me.
I feel that I adjust pretty well when I move to a new place, whether that is a new town or new country. If I have any requirement for finding my feet, it is simply to be given the time and space to find my way. I move better with slow & gently, versus fast & abrupt. ✍🏻
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 →
If I receive a call with no called ID or is a number that I don’t know, nine times out of ten I will let it go to the answer machine. If a message is left and I need to call back, I will…in good time. It’s one way that the INFJ in me can show up. ✍🏻
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 →
I love this Dumpster Fire over at Hey Email. Doing their bit to clear the grime from the year. Instructions and context at the website, and if you have a Hey email address, use it to jump the queue.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 →
I received an email from the Ulysses' developers this morning asking if I wanted to join alpha testing of posting to Micro.blog this December. They said that it was a “limited alpha.” I accepted. // @manton @macgenie @cheesemaker
Loan mushroom on a stormy day.
Eight months ago, when Maui first went into lockdown because of the pandemic, we were very unsure as to what was going to happen. Because of that, and probably alongside a degree of fear, we went out buying frenzy, making sure that we had provisions for the long haul. ✍🏻
I felt captured today, in a strangely humorous way. I had some swelling around a lower tooth. Before I knew it my day’s plans had changed to an early visit to the dentist, and from there to a dental surgeon. I am now minus one tooth! ✍🏻
When I was traveling back in the 80’s, border crossings always brought on a sense of excitement and anticipation. A little formality before stepping into adventures in a new country. Borders, Country or State, still bring up in me that sense of excited anticipation. ✍🏻
My wife & I got through the first three episodes of Long Way Up last night. Thoroughly enjoyed it and looking forward to the rest. One take away was don’t embark on such a journey unless you have good backing…or a lot of patience and plenty of time!
As winter approaches, the change in attire is less pronounced here in Hawai’i than in more northerly latitudes. I can miss the change to warmer clothes and the sense of hunkering down, hibernating that comes with that. Though the cooler mornings and evenings are welcome. ✍🏻
Hate hurts the hater. Let it go. Move toward what you love instead. ~ Laurie Helgoe
Memories fade but the scars still linger… Memories Fade by Tears for Fears. This is what immediately came to mind, though I don’t know why, when I saw today’s Microblogvember word. This song and seeing Tears for Fears in concert in Bristol, England sometime in the 80’s. ✍🏻
I remember as a kid an adult telling me that, “everything is possible, but some things are highly improbable.” At the time I thought that I had been told the highest wisdom, and loved to go around imparting this to my friends, feeling how wise I was! ✍🏻
Wednesday, November 18, 2020 →
This seems like a good move by Apple - Apple to lower commissions for small businesses on App Store.
Listening to Barack Obama: A Promised Land on Apple Music, a playlist curated by the former President in honor of his new memoir.
A little gecko sitting on the a/c controls.
I miss traveling by train. I love just being able to sit back and watch the world go by, whether it’s a short journey or one of many hours. In places on Maui one sees the old tracks from the sugarcane trains, but they don’t run anymore, though there are aspirations. ✍🏻
Yesterday family and neighbors gathered for a Lu’au and a Kahuna’s blessing to celebrate my grandson’s first birthday. Instead of seeing the event through the lens of my phone’s camera, which I left in the house, my memories were born solely from remembered experiences. ✍🏻
There are some days when, almost out of the blue, I feel far from home. I am happy where I am living now. I have family and friends around me. Then something will trigger a memory, a deep remembrance from the past and I am transported…maybe to the home of my heart? ✍🏻
I haven’t put up a rainbow photo for a while. This one is from this morning. 🌈
In the middle of a sugar cane field here on Maui are the ruins of an old mill. The roots of trees have started to take it over the large building, as have the aerosol additions of human painted graffiti. My memory is of a spooky, foreboding feeling hanging over the structure. ✍🏻
And what does it mean to waste time anyway? If you waste time is it lost forever? And if time is lost forever, what does that mean? ~ Ruth Ozeki, A Tale for the Time Being
Having just finished watching The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix, I find myself marveling at the minds of chess Grandmasters. When I play chess there might be a bit of planning, but my moves feel more like a guess and hope. ✍🏻
I’ve just started the upgrade process to Big Sur. I think that this is the earliest that I have adopted a new version on an Apple OS upgrade - the day of release.
The elements here in Hawai’i can inflict their fare share of wear and tear on a house. What with the trade winds, rain, hot sun and salty ocean air - even a couple of miles in from the ocean - that is a lot for a structure to cope with. ✍🏻
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 →
An old business center in Lahaina, Maui.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 →
There are times when I don’t say that much, and times when I can sit and talk and talk. The former is the more likely. ✍🏻
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 →
HH the Dalai Lama’s letter congratulating President-elect Joe Biden
My wife and I watched the first episode of The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix last night. I enjoyed it and look forward to the rest of the series. It also reminded me of my amazement at the capacity and capability of chess Grandmasters' minds.
I’ve just started reading: A Tale For The Time Being by Ruth Ozeki 📚
I love the Japanese pixel art on this site. The artist is Yuuta Toyoi.
When I was kid there was a home for the elderly just down the road from us. Some of those who lived there use to walk along our quiet road on their way to the local shops and library. It was a great opportunity for the young me to get to know our more senior neighbours. ✍🏻
I use to push through regardless during the day, forcing myself to work even if I was tired. Now, situation permitting, I allow myself a short, nourishing nap. ✍🏻
A couple of hours ago we were sitting on a beach, and I was looking for shade it was so hot. Now this….well I did want rain! 🌧
Yesterday evening’s walk along Baldwin Beach, just catching the sunset.
While I find that I can get use to most things with time, there always appears to be one or two things that just seem to remain a bind, remaining a niggling presence or felt obligation in my life. ✍🏻
I’ve just updated my Now page.
The Introvert and The Wet Weather: In this little corner of Hawai’i the wet weather has been slow in coming. While the seasonal changes are not as noticeable as in the far northern hemisphere, there is a subtle, perceptible change in the atmosphere - the light, the sensed feeling of the days. Autumn arrived a few weeks ago . . . in …
Today we were going to inflate some balloons and have a Lu’au to celebrate my grandson’s first birthday. However, both grandsons have had a cold and so the celebrations have been postponed until next week…though the weather doesn’t look too good then. Fingers crossed🤞🏻. ✍🏻
I’m exploring and experimenting with the new wallpapers that came with iOS 14.2.
Rain, rain, rain. It is overcast and wet outside. We’ve needed it. ☔️
Those days - hours/weeks/months? - when I could just disappear into a world of thought and reflection.
When I question other people’s choices, I need to remind myself that they probably find some of my choices just as puzzling. ✍🏻
I sat in the car in a parking lot to do a short loving kindness meditation before heading home. Creating a pause in the day, and a softening of the heart. I did, however, forget the Book in the Car.
I’m of below average height and wonder what it would be like to be so tall that I would have to stoop to pass under a doorway, or to be able to see over a crowd. ✍🏻
Book in the Car: In my attempt to read more, I have put a book in the glove compartment of my car. I am not the fastest of readers, and find that I do not have a lot of time to read - perhaps a few pages before turning off the light at night. Other opportunities are grabbed here and there…and that was the motivation …
I am happy where I live, but at times I do wish my family lived nearer to me, or me to them. My parents, sister’s family and I are spread between England, New Zealand and Hawai’i. In part it is a yearning for family to be closer, in part it is a yearning for home. ✍🏻
Noticing how my mind looks for or manufactures distractions when I don’t want to do that job.
OK, enough for tonight. Results have slowed down to snail pace now. This feels too close to call, but going to bed with fingers crossed.
I’m finding the sound of rain falling outside quite soothing right now.
It’s 8:45pm here in Hawai’i. I have been listening to NPR since 6:15 while eating dinner, alongside keeping an eye on websites and Twitter. I’m normally in bed quite early, but I don’t think so tonight. Election Night.
For those reading this blog who do not use the Micro.blog blogging platform, if you see the emoji, ✍🏻, I am using it to denote that the entry is a part of Micro.blog’s November blogging challenge, Microblogvember.
As I sit and think about what to write that includes Microblogvember’s word for day three, astonish, I feel as though I am forcing a blog entry. Might that be because I do not use the word often, or that I use a synonym instead? Or do I simply lack imagination?! ✍🏻
I concentrate best when I am by myself with no one buzzing around, or even working in the same space. The paradoxical aside from that is if I am by myself, in an airport lounge or similar. Then I am alone in the company of others. Such is the nature of this introvert. ✍🏻
And “Dinosaur Family” from yesterday evening. 🦖🦕
Last night’s costume - front & side views! In order to keep the costume inflated there was a small fan blowing inside the dinosaur. It served the additional role of built in air conditioning against the warm Hawai’ian evening.
Oh what I would give for a dreary wet, cloudy, even cold morning right now. We had the glimpse of one a couple of days ago, but otherwise it has been hot days with a lot of blue sky. I might be sounding ungrateful, but I grew up in cool climates and miss autumn weather. ✍🏻
October 2020
My grandson is in for surprise this evening. His dad, grandmother and I will all be dressing up as dinosaurs, his big love. He has no idea that this is happening. I look forward to his reaction. 🦖🎃
Last night I watched On The Rocks on Apple TV+ and thoroughly enjoyed it. Maybe a little slow at first and a little wanting for more in places, but overall well done and funny. I especially enjoyed Bill Murray, a role made for it and his delivery. 🍿
My grandson’s new favourite song: I Love Hawaii (feat. Nyjah Music & Zyah Rhythm) - Single by Tammy Moniz 🎵
Walking into the kitchen this morning, the air smelt of freshly brewed coffee - delicious! ☕️
I was out on slug patrol tonight in the vegetable garden, I pick up snails & slugs and move them a long way away. I lifted up some parsley and saw something that I had never seen before - 40, 50, 60(?) baby snails. They are the grey dots on the earth.
I watched Rebecca on Netflix yesterday afternoon while the rain fell outside. It felt like a guilty pleasure that I haven’t indulged in for a while. 🍿
Patience and many crossed fingers was rewarded this afternoon with rain falling. We could have done with more, the ground needed it, but I’ll take what fell. Hopefully more next week. 🤞🏻
Well that last bank of cloud, although it got quite dark and big, was burnt out. I’m now resting my hopes on this second bank of cloud that is growing.
The clouds and wind are growing. I’m hoping that this means some rain after a very hot, dry spell. This is very much fingers crossed 🤞🏻 as rain has been forecast before and nothing materialized.
The airspace over Maui has definitely been busier in the last week. Not as busy as it was pre-pandemic, but busier since new COVID testing policies were introduced a week ago, making it easier to visit the island.
Giggle Hill, the name of the park and the hill, from the ground.
Plumeria flowers in Hana, Maui.
Found in an old journal entry dated Saturday, September 8, 2012, Landscapes speak to us. We just need to listen.
Kyoto, Japan - October 2016.
The weather forecast has been for rain for a couple of days now, but none has manifest. Instead we have had hot 90F weather. I’m no meteorologist, but it is as though the heat is just evaporating the rain out of existence. The grass has gone from lush green to parched.
Memories of visiting Saiho-ji and it’s beautiful moss gardens in October 2016. The carpet of moss in the garden. And a magical grotto formed around a small lake.
You might have read this quote before, but I heard it for the first time last night, and it hit home, I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. ~ Rabindranath Tagore
Happy memories of sitting around this fire pit last night, chatting until late.
While some COVID restrictions are still in place, Hawai’i is more open to visitors than it has been for six months. I saw three commercial and two private aircraft fly in today. Fingers crossed for how the next few weeks play out for the islands.
For the “A Day In The Life” Micro.blog photo challenge. 🗺 Lunch at All Kine Maui Grindz in Haiku Marketplace, Haiku, HI. 🕰 1:35PM HST 🍽 Eggplant tofu
I have reinstated my Now page.
The “A Day In The Life” photo challenge is making me realize how many opportunities for taking photographs that I miss !
Sonder - n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own. By John Koenig and his Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows, “that aims to fill holes in the language—to give a name to emotions we all feel but don’t have a word for.”
Last Saturday a friend & I hiked Haleakala crater. We left the summit at just after sunrise and we’re back at our vehicle 8 hours later. We arrived at the summit just before sunrise, and as the sun crested over the horizon, the park rangers invoked a Hawaiian chant to welcome its arrival …
Early morning view.
A view from within Haleakala crater from yesterday’s walk.
Happy, unexpected discovery that I have a box half full of my favourite Tibetan incense.
I hiked for 8 hours through Haleakala crater yesterday with a good friend. We were gifted with beautiful weather. My body is feeling it this morning, but I am feeling grateful for doing the hike.
Just after this photograph was taken, and while we were enjoying a picnic dinner overlooking the ocean, the International Space Station flew over.
Today I’m getting things together for a hike across Haleakala crater tomorrow. I have not been up there for a while, and am itching to start - and I’m a little anxious how I’ll fair on the walk.
I meditate not to escape the world, but to better show up in the world.
I’m about to start re-reading: Faith by Sharon Salzberg. I found it an inspiring read a couple of years back, and want to revisit it. It will be vying for my attention alongside Leonard and Hungry Paul 📚
The Night Sky in Two Movements: Last night felt like a night of the stars, the celestial type. As my wife and I walked home from my step-daughter’s house, the Milky Way arched across the sky above us. Looking outside now at the sun and blue sky, it’s hard to believe what is around and above us all of the time - the lights just …
I got back on my bicycle this afternoon. The wind made it hard work, that and my lack of cycling of late (long time!), but I will try to get back into the habit again. 🚴🏻♂️
The weather is sucked in - low cloud, mist, steady drizzle and warm. I love this sense of being cocooned at home by the weather. Since originally posting this, on the wrong blog, the cloud continues to hug the hills while the rain falls, bathing the world in silence.
My Micro.blog stickers have arrived. 🎇 Thank you @macgenie for sending them.
I was in The Home Depot yesterday picking up some compost for the vegetable garden. Inside they were setting up a display of Christmas decorations. September 30th. Christmas decorations. 🙁 Please let me enjoy autumn and Halloween with my grandson first.
September 2020
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 →
After two hot and muggy days with no wind, the weather finally breaks just before I head to bed. It’s raining pretty steadily outside as I write. I hope that the air is not as thick tomorrow.
It is so still outside this evening, so still. Not a breath of wind. Just the crickets whistling and the humid heat, dialed down a couple of degrees from this afternoon.
The 2nd Highly Sensitive Men's Seminar: Here is a promotional video of the 2nd High Sensitive Men’s seminar taking place over Zoom on December 5th. See my previous post for more details and where to purchase tickets.
Sunrise in Hana, East Maui, yesterday.
Saturday, September 26, 2020 →
Currently reading: LEONARD AND HUNGRY PAUL by Ronan Hession 📚
Finished reading: Sweet Bean Paste by Dorian Sukegawa , 1962- (author.) 📚
Thursday, September 24, 2020 →
While setting up my new MacBook Air this evening, I somehow deleted a handful of Calendars. I can’t figure out how that happened, but have decided to shut down and finish off the set up (and try and figure out what appointments are deleted) tomorrow. 🤦🏼♂️
Thursday, September 24, 2020 →
My new MacBook Air has arrived. It will replace my trusted but beginning to struggle Early 2014 Air. Batteries being one problem - access to them is an issue here on Maui. However, I love opening Apple products. It feels like peeling back packaging oragami.
Thursday, September 24, 2020 →
West from east. West Maui from Maluaka Beach on east Maui.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020 →
The front cover.
The Second Highly Sensitive Men’s Seminar: Towards the end of the second week of December, the 2nd Highly Sensitive Men’s seminar will be held. I am not an organizer of this event, but plan to attend. The first such seminar, A Weekend for Highly Sensitive Men, was in person in California and held just before the pandemic. Due to COVID-19, …
Yesterday, I watched the documentary My Octupus Teacher on Netflix. An extraordinary feature that I highly recommend. I was left wondering just how much our modern society has lost, or is missing. 🍿
Thursday, September 17, 2020 →
I installed iOS 14 on my iPhone 7 Plus this morning. I am not sure how old this model is now, but it is no spring chicken in iPhone years! While I still have to explore the new features that I now have available to me, I am not noticing any speed lag yet, which I am happy about.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020 →
A mongoose visiting the flower bed just outside our house. I think that we have a family floating around the property. I have seen a couple of youngsters running around.
A Bird Flew Into A Window: Last weekend was one of unplugging and heading to the beautiful community of Hana on the eastarn edge of Maui. So isolated is the community, that at the height of the recent pandemic lockdown there was a road block established to prevent all but local residents from traveling out there, thus …
We unplugged yesterday and took a trip to Hana on the Eastern edge of Maui, spending the day with some friends at Hamoa Beach. We took a brief break at Keanae from the twisty road to Hana, here looking westwards. Once at Homoa, the Big Island was clear to see. I took a nap (my view!) And a view of …
Seen on Twitter. I could feel the meaning in this, Loneliness is the inability to speak with another in one’s private language. ~ Yiyun Li
Thursday, September 10, 2020 →
Scenes from upcountry Maui.
Wednesday, September 9, 2020 →
Just listen. Recognize the tendency to want to save, and instead hold back and just listen.
This morning’s double rainbow. I had to use pano mode on my phone to capture this, it was so big. 🌈
Living in a hot, sunny climate, I find something comforting about waking up to a wet, overcast morning, especially when that morning is on a Sunday. I’m sure that this is related to my UK origins.
I find it interesting to watch my mind’s reaction when the internet goes down for a few hours. It’s not that I need to be online all the time, or that I don’t have a life away from the web, but I just notice the occasional twitches as my mind looks for distractions.
Currently reading: Sweet Bean Paste by Durian Sukegawa 📚
Well there’s something to send me off to bed with sweet dreams. The house just shook and the news subsequently reported that a 3.7 magnitude earthquake happened just down the road. So far no injuries or damage reported.
Wednesday, September 2, 2020 →
Those times when I try and avert my eyes from my todo list.
August 2020
Love I have been visiting the ruins of Tintern Abbey since I was a kid. I like to be there after the day’s visitors have left, to sit beside the river Wye, taking in the stillness that inhabits this beautiful place. Day 31 of mbaug
Discovery Back in the late 80’s when I was out discovering the world and myself. This slide is of Erhai Lake near the then small town of Dali, Yunnan, China. Day 30 of mbaug
Flake I feel that this door’s look benefits from the flaky look as the paint peels off. Taken in Hudson, NY last year. Day 29 of mbaug
Emotions My wife will be arriving home tomorrow following the sad passing of my wonderful mother-in-law. We shall no longer look out over this Florida scene. Day 28 of mbaug
Overcome This vehicle has been overcome by age. Day 27 of mbaug
My local post office offers three reasons for wearing a mask in public during these times. These reasons come under the headings of, Humility Kindness Community Thank you Haiku Post Office.
Relentless The relentless expanse of the ocean. Hana, Maui. August 2016. Day 26 of mbaug
Finished reading: Hardboiled and Hard Luck by Yoshimoto Banana 📚
Hope Lacoste, France. September 2018. Day 25 of mbaug
Frosty A snowman in my back garden when I lived in South Wales. March 2004. Day 24 of mbaug
Graceful A Hawaiian blessing in Portland for a catamaran that had been built in the city, and was just about to head off across the Pacific for Maui. July 2009. Day 23 of mbaug
Home Nothing more to add. Day 22 of mbaug
New moon and clouds at dusk last night.
Crunch The crunch, crunch of a pebbly beach. This beach is in Porlock, Somerset, UK. The photo was taken five years ago. Day 21 of mbaug
I have been playing around with CSS to make the categories on my Archive page display horizontally and not vertically. I know very little about CSS and so it has been trial & error with no results. If it is simple, can anyone help?
Change I’ve watched this old railway carriage, in a corner of South Wales, change over the decades as it is slowly taken over by the natural world surrounding it. Day 20 of mbaug
This morning it is grey, overcast and raining. This weather makes me feel like hunkering down at home for the day. I quietly hope that the rain stays through the day.
Ribbon I’m not sure if these count as ribbons, but I’ll take them! Rolls of indigo cloth tied up with ribbons in a fabric factory in Chikugo-shi, Fukuoka, Japan. Day 19 of mbaug
Grid The wire grid pattern that makes up the fence around our property. Day 18 of mbaug
Late afternoon rainbow. It is possible to make out another one just above it. At one point there was a third. 🌈
Cuddly Bronx, mostly cuddly, but not always! Day 17 of mbaug
Stationary This one wasn’t going anywhere very quickly. Taken in Florida a couple of years ago. Day 16 of mbaug
Silhouette Inside looking out. Day 15 of mbaug
Nature’s patterns.
Among Among the ruins of Glanum, south of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. A sober reminder of the transitory nature of civilizations. Day 14 of mbaug
Filter Filtering the morning brew. Day 13 of mbaug
There is some construction going on across the road from me. The workers there have a radio playing music, and the station just played a string of 80’s hits. I had my head buried in work, but found suddenly myself transported back to a summer in my early twenties.
Sound This photo was taken in a fabric weaving factory in Yame, southern Japan in October 2016. Noise might have been a better prompt than sound as the volume was deafening! Day 12 of mbaug
Well the weather forecast did not forecast correctly last night and I was unable to get a view of the Perseids Meteor Shower. Cloud and rain instead of clear skies.
I’m hoping to get a view of the Perseids Meteor Shower. The weather looks clear, moon rise isn’t until after midnight, and so fingers crossed for a good display. 🤞🏻
Transport This was taken during travels in my twenties. I am in Pakistan, somewhere between Karachi and Lahore. Out walking, I was offered a ride on a cart pulled by a camel. Day 11 of mbaug
Windows Christmas 2018. Day 10 of mbaug
Black-and-White Taken in the South of France (Arles, I think), September 2018. Day 9 of mbaug
Currently reading: The Highly Sensitive Person’s Workbook by Elaine N. Aron Ph.d. 📚
View For 16 years this view was my view. Sitting in South Wales, looking across the fields to the Black Mountains in the far distance (just out of view in this photograph). Day 8 of mbaug
Listening to Saturday Morning, Lying in Bed by Indiemono, except that I have been up for a while. For the last few weeks, this playlist seems to have been my morning sound. 🎵
Currently reading: Hardboiled and Hard Luck by Yoshimoto Banana 📚
Daytripping Weston-Super-Mare during the spring of 2016. The family and grandparents use to day trip here when I was a kid. Fond memories of riding on the donkeys, and trekking through the mud to the sea during low tide! Day 7 of mbaug
Bisect Kyoto Gyoen (Imperial Gardens, Kyoto, Japan), September 2016. Day 6 of mbaug
Flow A second photograph for today’s micro.blog August photo challenge. This one is taken at Daitoku-ji Temple in Kyoto, Japan in October, 2016. Day 5 of mbaug
Flow Isle of Skye, Scotland. 2015 Day 5 of mbaug
Peace The peace, for me, that comes through faith and practice. Day 4 of mbaug
The struggle at times to simply write. I have to force myself to even just get messy and put anything onto ”paper”.
Bug A centipede catching the early morning light. These critters have a very nasty bite as my wife can attest to. She needed antibiotics to manage the swelling. Stay away from them. Day 3 of mbaug
Unrelated but happening now, I can’t sleep, It’s pouring with rain outside.
Currently reading: Dare to lead by Brené Brown 📚
I post a lot of sunsets here, and I couldn’t resist adding this evening’s to the mix.
Finished reading: Advice on Dying by 14th Dalai Lama 📚
Float Balloon Fiesta, Bristol, UK. August, 2015. Day 2 of mbaug
Up Flatiron building, NYC, 2015. Day 1 of mbaug
July 2020
Looking Out on the World: This is a strong image for me, an image from the past, A remembrance - sitting in my bedroom window at Tandderwen. Late at night, silence, quiet, looking out over the world. Tandderwen was the name of my house when I lived in South Wales. It is not unusual for houses in Britain to have names …
After a break of a month or so, I started my yoga practice again this morning. It felt in equal measure good and bad.
In June of 2019 there were 297,449 visitor arrivals to Maui. In June of this year there were 1,929 individuals. It’s a different world.
I experienced déjà vu this afternoon, of an English summer’s day. I think that it was because I was working outside in the garden, the sun was shining, the wind blowing and I could hear neighbours doing the same. It just took me home.
Finished reading: Kitchen by Yoshimoto Banana 📚
The sun setting after the passing of Hurricane Douglas. Here in this corner of Maui the storm was really pretty mellow. I hope that the same goes for others across the State.
I feel as though we have been receiving warnings about Hurricane Douglas' imminent arrival since last night. It rained a little through the night, was humid this morning with little wind. It is 9:30am now and here comes rain. Time will tell how today plays out.
Sitting outside after dark watching the storm clouds pass by. Hurricane Douglas is on its way, though on the weather maps it looks smaller than earlier today. Maybe it is breaking up? I’ll see what we wake up to in the morning.
The calm before the storm. It is hot, humid and still outside. In about 24 hours Hurricane Douglas is forecast to arrive and be near the main Hawaiian Islands Saturday night through Sunday night.
Pen & Paper helping to find a way forward: There are times when I find myself loosing focus on what I am doing and I start looking for distractions. Not unlikely it is because I am coming up against something that I don’t enjoy doing or find difficult. When I hit those situations, I am trying to train myself to get to paper & pen …
Currently reading: Advice on Dying, And Living a Better Life by His Holiness the Dalai Lama 📚
Listening to Inner World by HH the Dalai Lama on Apple Music. Chants and teachings from the Dalai Lama, infused with music. When asked why he agreed to the project, HH said that music has the potential to help people in a way that I can’t 🎵
Views from yesterday, an overcast and wet Sunday afternoon. 😴
Two faces of Maui. A jungle covered fresh water swimming hole. Remote rugged cliffs where the West Maui Mountains drop into the ocean.
Hawaii’s 14-day quarantine is now extended until the end of August. While this continuing “isolation” is going to continue to hit many aspects of these islands hard, given what is happening on the mainland with COVID-19 I believe that it is sadly necessary.
Journaling light.
I’m appreciating some quiet time at the end of the day, after an active day with family and friends.
Contemplating impermanence not only motivates your practice, but also fuels it. ~ HH the Dalai Lama
There are times when I feel like crawling into a cave. A break might be helpful, a time to take stock and breathe, but running away doesn’t help. Your shadow follows you, even into a cave.
Listening to Saturday Morning, Lying in Bed on Apple Music, though I’m not in bed, but up drinking my morning coffee. 🎵
I love this tweet by Rebecca Nagle following the Supreme Court ruling that about half of the land in Oklahoma is within an Indian reservation, It’s raining in Eastern Oklahoma. Hard. After weeks of drought. I feel like the ancestors are crying.
Imagery: 📚 I love coming across phrases in books that just jump out at me. One the books that I have on the go right now is Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto. I loved the imagery that Yoshimoto conjured up in this passage, Until only recently, the light that bathed the now - empty apartment had contained the …
A beautiful reminder of the importance of Stillness from John O’Donohue, shared via Rebecca Toh. Thank you to @patrickrhone for making me aware of Toh’s writings.
Today, July 6th, is His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s 85th birthday. Here is his 85th Birthday Message.
I feel as though I have spent today getting over yesterday!
Waihee Beach Park for a picnic lunch. The tide was too high for a walk, and so we surprised a friend who lives nearby that we hadn’t seen for months.
Twitter let me know that today is my 12th anniversary on the platform. I am probably also at my most ambivalent as to whether to stay there. From the lists that I have created and the people I have met there, I am grateful for Twitter. But the more ugly side it foster bothers me.
The welcoming smell of coffee brewing in the early morning. ☕️
Today’s papaya harvest. The two long ones are Strawberry papayas, our first.
The last 15 minutes or so has been spent unsubscribing from lists that either no longer serve me or that I no longer read. I’m amazed at how much I put off simply clicking that unsubscribe button, which results in a clogged up Inbox that looks busier than it really is.
Tulip petals.
June 2020
Empty Maui Mall parking lot.
There are a couple of birds singing their hearts out outside, and I do not know what they are. The songs remind me of the British Blackbird. I use to know the British birds, but only know and recognize a couple here in Hawaii. Something to rectify.
We might be in the middle of a pandemic, but I can see four building projects from my house. There aren’t many visitors coming to the islands, but some residents appear busy.
Late night words.
Questions for Fastmail users - who came from gmail with a custom domain. Is migration easy and quick? Is there any danger of lost or missing emails during migration? I have read the migration instructions, but wanted to inquire as to on the ground user experience.
Tech question: I am using the Minos theme for my business site. I wondered if it is possible to add an image of my avatar next to title on the top line of the site? If you can help, and there is not enough space here, my contact details are here. Thank you in advance.
I’m sure that I am encountering more people not signaling when they make a turn while driving? Is it Maui, me and my intolerance, or something else? Flummoxed 🤷🏼♂️
On this Micro Monday I would like to recommend @Miraz, even though it will be Tuesday with her! 😊 For sharing the beautiful part of New Zealand where she lives, check out @LoveWaikawaBeach as well, and for her work on @custom to help Micro.blog users customize their sites.
Garden harvest. A first with the eggplants. The tomatoes are ending their productive cycle with the current plants. That bowl was a lot more full a few days ago.
I had to use the panorama feature on the iPhone to capture this double rainbow. 🌈
To the clifftop.
Another Studio Ghibli evening last night. Grave of the Fireflies this time. As others here have some said, the story the movie tells is tragic & sad, but it is told so well & in a way that I believe only good animation can. Reflecting afterwards on the tragedy of war. 🍿
I watch Studio Ghibli’s Princess Mononoke last night, as I make my way through the animation studio’s movies now on HBO Max. And what a visual treat it was, both the animation and the story. 🍿
I’m alone at home right now: It is Sunday morning. I am sitting at our small desk that looks out onto the front garden and from there, in the distance, to the expanse of the Pacific Ocean. I am home alone. Sunday morning music is playing. By that I mean music which reflects my mood on a Sunday morning and allows me to drop into …
The forecast said no rain today. Here it comes.
I’ve been feeling washed out for the last couple of days. Today has been the slowest day. The symptoms remind me of chronic fatigue that I had a couple of decades back. Sometimes if I push myself too hard physically or emotionally the fatigue resurfaces, and I just have to stop.
It has been a Studio Ghibli weekend. I saw, From Up on Poppy Hill on Friday, and My Neighbor Totoro this evening. I thoroughly enjoyed them both. Wonderful animation and such attention to detail. 🍿
I have just finished reading The Briefcase by Hiromi Kawakami. A simple love story that I enjoyed. 📚
May Meditation Nudges - Final Week: As a compliment to the live meditation sessions that I am running through May on YouTube and archived on my YouTube page, I am sharing tips and advice on meditation practice. I am calling these brief posts, May Meditation Nudges. Here are the topics and links from the forth week. Posts from the …
May 2020
May Meditation Nudge 31: Boundaries This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. I want to finish up the May Meditation Nudges with a short reflection …
I wondered if anyone here uses Calibre, the ebook organizer software? If so, how or what do you use it for? I am looking at it as a tool to take books off my Kindle, and then have the choice to read them elsewhere should I choose to. Is that feasible?
May Meditation Nudge 30: Keeping it light This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. I have spoken during these May Meditation Nudges of the …
May Meditation Nudges - Forth Week: As a compliment to the live meditation sessions that I am running through May on YouTube and archived on my YouTube page, I am sharing tips and advice on meditation practice. I am calling these brief posts, May Meditation Nudges. Here are the topics and links from the forth week. Posts from the …
May Meditation Nudge 29: Hear, reflect, meditate This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. Within the tradition that I was taught meditation, three …
May Meditation Nudge 28: Vulnerability & meditation This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. I believe that meditation requires a degree of …
I’m very happy to see the Studio Ghibli movies on HBO’s new HBO Max.
May Meditation Nudge 27: You are not alone This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. Meditation is an ancient tradition. Depending on one’s …
Big sky.
May Meditation Nudge 26: Breaking my own suggestions This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. I titled one of the earlier articles in this Nudge …
Sunset yesterday evening at Turtle Bay.
May Meditation Nudge 25: Does this ring true for you? This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. Can you identify with this description? Some days, …
I think that my consumption of tea has increased since the arrival of Hobnobs in my mailbox. They are simply a wonderful accompaniment to tea, in this Englishman’s humble opinion.
May Meditation Nudge 24: Loving kindness This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. Loving kindness, that acceptance of yourself just as you are. …
Leaves grow big in these parts.
May Meditation Nudges - Third Week: As a compliment to the live meditation sessions that I am running through May on YouTube and archived on my YouTube page, I am sharing tips and advice on meditation practice. I am calling these brief posts, May Meditation Nudges. Here are the topics and links from the second week. Posts from the …
May Meditation Nudge 23: Fine tuning the focus This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. As your practice of watching the breath develops, you can …
I’ve been seeing a number of posts on micro.blog of people sharing their bread making adventures, and thought that this article in the Guardian might be of interest to the micro.blog bakers. The science of making sourdough bread.
May Meditation Nudge 22: Emotions This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. Regardless what we are meditating on, sometimes a strong emotion will …
May Meditation Nudge 21: Missing your regular meditation This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. I suggested a couple of weeks ago to look for …
Morning time is definitely my most productive time. With a good start I can keep going through the day. If I loose the morning, the rest of the day is at best a struggle. Into the night can be good if I am can get a good evening start and am uninterrupted.
Oh, the joy of writing.: I sometimes start writing with one intention in mind of where I want to go and before I know it, something else is developing. For all of that I still have to remind myself of this when I feel stuck in my writing. I have to remind myself to just start writing, just let the words come forth, and …
May Meditation Nudge 20: Meditate from where you are This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. Maybe you have set up a routine for your practice? …
It’s raining right now. The forecast is for overcast weather through the day, and the likelihood of more rain. For the most part I will be by myself today. Overcast, rain and by myself feel like ideal working conditions for me.
May Meditation Nudge 19: Faith This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. At first glance this might appear as an odd subject to bring into the …
May Meditation Nudge 18: Self-Confidence This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. My teacher use to say of meditation practice that it was like …
May Meditation Nudge 17: Awareness and Mindfulness This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. Awareness and mindfulness live side by side when we …
A short piece beautifully describing the Welsh hills, which I do not know well enough, but dearly miss.
May Meditation Nudge 16: No judgement This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. Whatever the object of meditation, for example the breath, on …
In response to requests, HH the Dalai Lama is giving teachings today & tomorrow from his residence in Dharamsala, India. The teachings are based Nagarjuna’s “Precious Garland”. His Holiness will also be offering advice for these times. Today’s talk can be viewed here.
It’s Saturday! Where’s the week gone?
I find it interesting how my mood for different music changes sometimes for reasons that I cannot fathom. In the last twenty four hours I have been listening to Pink Floyd. It’s not that I have ever gone off their music, just that I have not listened to it for a long time.
May Meditation Nudge 15: Community This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. Meditation can be a lonely practice. It is just me sitting with …
May Meditation Nudges - Second Week: As a compliment to the live meditation sessions that I am running through May on YouTube and archived on my YouTube page, I am sharing tips and advice on meditation practice. I am calling these brief posts, May Meditation Nudges. Here are the topics and links from the second week. Posts from the …
May Meditation Nudge 14: Just show up This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. Sometimes I find that I just don’t have the enthusiasm for …
Sitting in a still, cool, quiet morning, listening to the dawn chorus, drinking my coffee. I could stay here forever, though I probably wouldn’t appreciate it as much then? ☕️
May Meditation Nudge 13: Boredom This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. I write this about meditation practice, but the ideas can be used just …
Today I am feeling particularly grateful to the developers of the software and platforms that I use. They make my work, and play, more enjoyable and easier. Thank you to you all. 🙏🏼 And this is my first post from iA Writer to Micro.blog.
I don’t know what species of tomato these two are, but they are delicious. Just picked in the garden and illuminated by the early morning sun.
Random acts of kindness. With grateful thanks to @rnv for hearing my yearning for Hobnobs on micro.blog a couple of weeks back and very kindly sending me two packets. They arrived yesterday and a cup of tea tastes all that much better for having a Hobnob to dunk!
A message from His Holiness the Dalai calling for the world to unite in response to COVID-19 . And here it is read by his good friend, Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
May Meditation Nudge 12: Take a break This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. If your set meditation time is 5 minutes, I encourage you to sit …
May Meditation Nudge 11: The Breath This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. So far I have looked at practicalities of meditation, and not so much …
May Meditation Nudge 10: Meditate where you are This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. As well as having your personal meditation place, I …
Last night we had a power outage at dusk. It lasted until about 9:00pm. We played Rummikub by flashlight and read for the rest of the evening. Despite being quite happy doing what we were doing, I could still feel a twitch for the inaccessible conveniences.
I want to customize a part of a micro.blog site and am wondering where to go? I want to replace the text “Follow xxx on Micro.blog” that sits under the site’s name, with my own text. However, I cannot find where to do that. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you.
May Meditation Nudge 9: Beware of waiting for silence before you meditate This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. At first glance this nudge …
I woke up this morning to a Flash Flood warning on Dark Sky. I thought, “well they’ve got it wrong this time.” It now appears that I got it wrong. It is pouring outside. Rivers and puddles are forming all over the place.
May Meditation Nudge 8: Creating a place to sit This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. When we sit it is helpful, indeed I might say important …
May Meditation Nudges - First Week: Through May I am streaming twice weekly meditation sessions on YouTube. For those who cannot make the live stream, all of the videos are archived on my YouTube page. The schedule can be seen here. As a compliment to the live sessions, I am writing daily short pieces on tips and advice for …
May Meditation Nudge 7: Motivation & Dedication This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. If you are joining the meditation sessions, …
Calling on MarsEdit users and AppleScripters. I am looking for a way of getting text from iA Writer to MarsEdit. Copy/Paste is an option, but I was wondering if there is any way that I can automate the process? Drafts is another app that I would like to transfer text from.
May Meditation Nudge 6: Meditation is a marathon not a sprint This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. We live in a world of quick results (a lot …
Hawaii is moving from a Stay-at-Home order to a Safer-at-Home order. Govenor Ige is allowing some retail stores and businesses to open on Thursday. Any visitors to the islands, if they can get here (there are not many flights), still have to quarantine for 14 days.
May Meditation Nudge 5: Familiarization This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. My background in meditation comes via the Tibetan Buddhist …
May Meditation Nudge 4: Frequency - how often and for how long? This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. For me this is a question of quality …
I have decided to retire my Now page from my business website, Crossing The Threshold. I feel that I allow it to languish too often. It sits there waiting to be updated. Also, I consider that between my Micro.blog site and Crossing The Threshold I give a pretty good idea as to what I am doing. At …
May Meditation Nudges: To compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be running through May on YouTube and are now archived on YouTube, I am posting what I call a daily ‘Meditation Nudge’. These short posts will offer a meditation instruction or practical meditation tip. I am posting them on …
May Meditation Nudge 3: Meditation Timer This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. A practical piece today. I learnt to meditate before electronic …
I was just reminded of this quote by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.”
Setting up, trying out and getting used to Indiepaper. Liking that I can pick up my saved articles in Feebin & NetNewsWire. // @cleverdevil @brentsimmons
I found myself in a field of sunflowers today.
With a bit of digging around to find out “how”, I updated my YouTube page to hopefully make it a little more navigable.
I’m ten posts off hitting my one thousandth post on Micro.blog. Make that nine now!
May Meditation Nudge 2: Beware of looking for good and bad meditations This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. Whatever my meditation practice …
I just sent out my second newsletter using Buttondown and was reminded how much I enjoy using the service.
May Meditation Nudge 1: The Meditation Posture This is an ongoing series running through May to compliment the twice weekly meditation sessions that I will be hosting on YouTube (and are now archived on my YouTube page). If you have any questions, please contact me. First and foremost, be comfortable. If you are not …
April 2020
May Meditation Schedule: Update on December 17, 2020: I have now moved the videos from YouTube to my YouTube page. Following the daily meditation sessions through April, I have decided to continue the meditations through May, just with fewer sessions. During May I will host two sessions a week, Monday and Thursday. They …
May Meditation Schedule: With the April meditation series now over. The question came up for me as to “what next?” I set up the April series not only as a class for those who wanted to learn more about meditation, but also as a resource for people struggling with the stay-at-home order. Through meditating …
Last April meditation soon: Update on December 18, 2022: I have now archived the videos on my YouTube page. After 3½ weeks, in 45 minutes I will streaming my last daily April meditation session. Please do join me on my YouTube page. I have enjoyed doing this through April and because of interest will be running further …
I know that I haven’t been out that much when cobwebs start appearing inside the truck! 🕸
The 11th Panchen Lama's birthday & disappearance: Today is the 31st birthday of the 11th Panchen Lama, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima as recognized by the current Dalai Lama on 14 May, 1995. Three days after His Holiness' recognition of the young boy, then aged 6, the Chinese government placed him under house arrest, location unknown. Twenty five years …
Living on the North Shore of Maui, I see a little more rain than elsewhere on the island. The sun and warmth is appreciated, but the break the rain brings adds variety. Then I wake to a misty, wet morning. That is icing to the cake.
A friend parked his car outside our house before heading off on a bike ride. On returning we sat outside, 6 feet apart, and chatted for a good while. I just appreciated the human contact, even at a distant.
This Sunday Morning Jazz playlist on Apple Music reminds me of when I was a kid and the sort of music that my dad would have playing on a Sunday morning.
The cliffs at Ho’okipa.
My wife and I are just back from the cliffs near to Ho’okipa Beach Park. We went there to get some air and perspective. The exercise was a bonus! 🚶♂️
I suddenly find myself having a craving for a Chocolate Hobnob, a great British biscuit (cookie) for the uninitiated. There are certainly none here in Maui!
We were blessed with a beautiful rainbow this morning.
As life has got simpler, quieter with the stay at home order, I find myself marking the week by the evening that I put the trash out.
Over the weekend I saw a view on the other side of the island for the first time for a long while, and in the current climate it will probably be a long while before I see it again.
My late afternoon office.
It’s feeling as though summer is arriving early this year. That and that summer might be hot. If that is the case and social distancing is still in place, that might be difficult for those looking to cool off at the beach. At least mornings and night time are still cool.
Looking up.
I’ve just finished reading Fog Island Mountains by Michelle Bailat-Jones. Set in Japan it is a story that deals with two storms. In one, a typhoon descends on a small town, and in the other a family confronts the terminal illness of a dear one. A loved it. 📚
‘Prayer Is Not Enough.'. The Dalai Lama on Why We Need to Fight Coronavirus With Compassion.
I just discovered this playlist on Apple Music and am enjoying it very much, 2019 Autumn. I’m listening to it while appreciating the cool spring evening breeze blowing through the open doors.
I had the “Lockdown Haircut” and am pretty satisfied with the result. Thank you to my wife for braving the scissors.
Days lack little variety right now. A job in the garden might take me down one road, or a work related task might keep me busier than usual, but they all happen at home, in the same environment. Yet some days feel easy and others feel like a slog! Meditating soon. 🧘🏼♂️
Watering the garden, late afternoon.
The rollercoaster of life right now. Not that life isn’t ever a rollercoaster, at least for me, but that now the constraints on me are tighter (fewer places to run to for me and everyone else in my immediate life), and so the ride can at times feel more pronounced. 🎢
Reminder of daily meditations through April: Update on December 18, 2022: I have now archived the video on my YouTube page. Just a reminder that I am offering a daily meditation through April. You can either join me at 1:00pm Hawaii time or all videos are archived (daily streams can take 12hours+ to upload 😳) so you can watch in your own …
Can anyone help me in creating a Service item using Automator’s Quick Action, to take text and send it to the OSX Micro.blog app? I am good with the preliminaries, but get stuck on how to call MB’s URL scheme, microblog://post?text=Hello%20world. Which Automator action do I use?
Easter Sunday project. To start going through travel slides from decades ago. I’m wondering what forgotten memories I shall unearth?
Dusk this evening.
This week has seen some unusually still weather here on Maui. That and the lack of traffic made last night quiet and still. Sitting outside at dusk my wife, Melissa, commented that it was as though the weather was in concert with life on this island right now. Slowing down.
Journaling while in Self-Isolation: I have long kept a journal. For me it started as a record of my travels during the late 1980’s. Since returning from those journeys my journal has become a place to share what has been on my mind, to explore my thoughts and work through them. It has been a place to just write with no goal. The …
Ending day 27’ish of isolation listening to Windham Hill Sampler ‘96. The music feels suitably reflective to suit the time and space that I (we) find ourselves in. 🎵
I allowed myself to sit and read this afternoon. Not to do. There always seems to be something to do around the house or garden. Even better, others let me sit and read without asking me to do X,Y, or Z!
It’s quite common to see hitchhikers here on Maui, but I did think that social distancing would mean that there would be none on the road? Apparently not. There are fewer for sure, but in my occasional trips out I have seen a few and none of them were wearing masks.
One of those days which never really feels as though it gets going, such that by the end of it there is a sense of frustration and a “cross my fingers” that I am not there tomorrow.
One piece of gold that I am taking away from the last (almost) four weeks in self-isolation with the family, is the re-igniting of my yoga practice. I have been using Pocket Yoga to lead me through practices. 🙏🏻
Morning light.
Today’s harvest. An early crop of salad greens forced on us by an infestation of beatles.
The small town of Paia here on Maui earlier this morning. I was sad to see this sight.
Paia here on Maui early this morning. I’m sad to see this.
Apart from very heavy rain last night, we have been blessed with some beautifully still evenings the last few days. No wind and a comfortable temperature at dusk. Feeling blessed in these difficult times.
New Introduction to Self-Isolating Meditation Sessions: Update on December 18, 2022: I have now archived the video on my YouTube page. For those who joined the first Self-Isolating Meditation Sessions today, I apologize for the loss of sound at the end of the session. I have figured out the problem and I hopefully will be good to go for tomorrow. I have …
My wife and I watched Roman Holiday last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was lovely to watch an old black & white movie, never mind a good one at that! 🍿
Aaahhh. It is finally raining. I can feel the pressure in my head easing off. The weather had been so heavy and muggy, and with it I had an uncomfortable headache.
An Invitation to some Self-Isolating Meditation Sessions: Starting tomorrow, Tuesday, April 7, I shall be offering a free virtual meditation session each day, probably through April. The intention is to give me and hopefully you a break during your day, a time to come back to yourself in a world of self-isolation. Details on how to join me or watch later …
Starting Tuesday I will be offering short virtual daily meditation sessions, no experience necessary. I hope these will offer an opportunity to come back to yourself during our days of self-isolation. Interested? Please contact me.
Another beautiful evening sitting by the fire. No wind. Perfectly still. The rain is on it’s way.
I sit here by the fire, watching a couple of night time flights coming into Maui and one leave the island, and I wonder just who is on those airplanes? Flights coming in have declined. Daily arrivals have plummeted to barely double digits.
Late night, sitting outside by a fire.
I love this artwork of Normandy by David Hockney. I feel that they a simple freshness to them and a celebration of life, even more poignant in this time of uncertainty.
The vegetable garden at sunrise this morning.
I know some more extroverted members of my family are baffled by my contentedness with being quiet, as I am baffled by their apparent need to say so much! Family life in self-isolation.
March 2020
Stillness and silence as the wind drops at dusk.
Passing it on - Advice for this time of Self-Isolation: Laurie Helgoe is a psychologist and an author whose work I admire. Her book Introvert Power has long been a favourite of mine on the growing genre of books on the subject of Introversion. She recently posted a piece of advice on Twitter which I thought was very helpful for these times. Retweeting it …
Slug patrol report - 4: I had an early start on slug patrol this evening, not too long after sunset. We have been having wet weather lately, and whether true or not I thought that it might make the slugs come out early. An early start or not there were a number of little (baby?) ones there, hiding among the young leaves. I …
Just seen elsewhere online. Credit to the (unknown) original poster. Kinda feeling like the Earth just sent us all to our rooms to think about what we have done.
Slug patrol report - 3: Having thought that I was on top of the problem two nights ago, it seems that the slugs came out with reinforcements tonight. I just saved a couple of plants (caught them just as the slugs started their meal), and barely saved a couple more (the slugs were well into dinner, but I think that there is …
Rummikub to end the day.
The Plumeria flower, for me the scent of Hawaii. This flower was the first to flower on our tree, and fell to the ground today.
I have just updated my Now Page.
What a difference a year makes. 268 visitors arrived in Hawaii yesterday, 14 of them in Maui. On the same day last year 30,000 visitors arrived in the State. From yesterday new arrivals (residents or visitors) are required to go into 14 day quarantine.
Well I feel safer with this arriving in the mail today! 🙄
It’s been said elsewhere, but sometimes just relocating to a different place in the house can up my productivity.
I am grateful for having nature and fresh air to enjoy at this time.
This evening’s sunset.
Feeling dirty, my new way of being?: I went out today to pick up a few needed odds and ends. I left home with a face mask and hand sanitizer. I put the face mask on in the two stores that I went into, used the hand sanitizer once I was back in the car, and where it was available I used the in store wipes to wipe the basket handles. …
A view from yesterday while out walking the road to Old Maui High. It was a stormy day, as is today.
Aiyee! The wind and rain this morning 💨☔️
I don’t drink, but when I opened the door to my truck yesterday evening it smelt strongly of alcohol. I can only think that it was due to my usage of hand sanitizer while running essential errands in town earlier that day, everytime that I came out of a store.
My wife and I took an early evening walk before dinner. Just through a local neighborhood, but I appreciated the time out, the exercise and some beautiful views of the ocean and cliffs.
The Governor of Hawaii has now mandated that from Thursday, March 26 all incoming visitors and residents must go into 14-day quarantine.
Can you see them? That is Saturn & Jupiter at dawn this morning.
Entertaining the three year old grandson as the world outside closes down.
Just back from the night time slug & snail patrol of the vegetable garden. I can report a handful of slugs, including three big ones, along with a family of snails - mum & dad and a lot of kids.
Well, now the roads to Hana have been closed to non-residents. This is to allow emergency and delivery vehicles to get through on what is a narrow road. There are only two ways to drive there, a front and back road, but both are big visitor attractions especially the front way.
The new edition of my Now Page is now up.
I feel very fortunate to have the men of The ManKind Project, Maui in my life.
The road to Hana looked quieter today. Still cars heading out on the highway, but not as many. A good friend told me that the Four Seasons Hotel on the South Side of the island is at 30% occupancy. It’s effecting jobs.
I have this sense of something approaching, and I don’t know how much is in my head and how much I am justified in feeling this way? I do know that I am grateful for modern communication given that I am so far from my sister (in New Zealand) and my parents (in Britain).
Reflecting on a wonderful weekend, last weekend out at YMCA Camp Keanae for a ManKind Project NWTA. Looking out at the ocean from the Y. Two scenes of the Keanae pennisular and the village of Keanae.
Rainbow chard harvested this afternoon (there is a bit of kale in there as well). It just has not stopped growing through the winter months… though winter here is a tad warmer than some places on the planet.
House moving, Maui style.
Testing Shortcut to post from Tot to micro.blog. It sort of works, but chokes on some text formatting.
Posting via iOS Shortcuts. Thank you to @yorrike for the Shortcut which I just found.
I’m really pleased with an iOS Shortcut that I created last night to create and maintain my Dropbox based Journal. Nothing mind blowing in there, but this time I made myself stick through the road blocks and now it works! 😊
Micro blogging from Alfred. Thank you for the workflow @jbwhaley. I’ve just come across it.
Vision 📷 Possibly not the clearest of photos, but it was good to see this. My vision this morning. Snow on the summit of Haleakala. ❄️ For this I zoomed in on a photo taken on my iPhone 7 Plus.
February 2020
Leap 📷 This Leap Year day is a mix bag of weather here. Plenty of wind, occasional sun, and horizontal rain. Snow or freezing rain is expected on the summit of Haleakala this weekend.
I wonder where this would take Twitter? Republican mega-donor buys stake in Twitter and seeks to oust Jack Dorsey – report
Into day two of a bad migraine. I haven’t had one like this for a while. I’m trying to rest, but also raising my head above the parapet at times to try and get jobs done, before beating a retreat.
Below 📷 The cloud below, from Haleakala summit at sunrise.
Together 📷 Shadows and sun. Reflection and light. Dark and rust. At Dia:Beacon on the banks of the Hudson River, NY.
Wednesday, February 26, 2020 →
Escape 📷
Wednesday, February 26, 2020 →
Seeing with New Eyes: I mentioned in my last blog entry how I live overlooking the Hana Highway in Maui. It is one of the major attractions for visitors to the island, to drive the two hour journey out to the town of Hana that sits at the far end of this road. Actually the two hour pin is from the town of Paia. Depending …
Hurdle 📷 For one morning a year the freeway is not a hurdle to cyclists, as the annual Providence Bridge Pedal hits Portland every summer.
Double 📷 An art exhibition at Palm Beach County Conventure Center a couple of years back.
Sitting outside at dusk. Quiet and peaceful as the day settles down to rest.
Station 📷 The new trams at Kahului airport just before they were operational, sitting at their still to be constructed staton.
Finding Balance in my Life: There is a saying, that ‘a change is as good as a rest.' A few days ago I decided to make that change and it made me realize how little I make space for such in my life, and with that how much I do benefit from when I do honour the opportunity for doing something different. Over the weekend I …
Spectical 📷 Traditional Japanese Indigo vats.
Progress 📷 A turtle making slow but steady progress as it crawls back to the ocean after a rest on the beach.
Scale 📷 The Columbia Gorge.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020 →
Space 📷 Somewhere over the North Atlantic.
Oppose 📷
Cool 📷 Flying over Greenland a few years ago.
I have to be honest that I am finding some of these photo prompts for the February challenge….well, a challenge.
Rest 📷
Balance 📷 Looking for some balance and perspective in my life, I spent the day in the beautiful setting of YMCA Camp Keanae on a work day exchange.
I’m heading out to beautiful Camp Keanae today with some friends for a work exchange day. We’ll be back out again in a few weeks for a men’s weekend.
Warmth 📷 Waiting for the rising sun to bring some warmth to the cold and windy Maui morning.
It’s blowing a gale outside. Wind, rain, warmer than the last week, but still cold. Dark outside, sitting inside listening to the wind blowing, my mind takes me back to winter in Britain and I suddenly feel at home. To sitting at home reading, writing, appreciating the solitude.
Rise 📷 A rainbow rising up over the island this morning. 🌈
Wednesday, February 12, 2020 →
Attachment 📷 Selecting which attachment to use on my screwdriver as I attempt another (successful) DIY project at home.
Plain 📷 Looking down at the plain concrete floor in Starbucks.
Guilty pleasures on a wet afternoon 🍿: We have been having a lot of cold, wet and windy weather here in Maui. A couple of days ago my grandson came down to visit late afternoon. It started raining outside and his parents were heading out to do some grocery shopping. So I decided to put a movie to watch with him. We watched The Croods, an …
Sign 📷 Though the day that this was taken, the weather was much nicer. Cold, wet and windy today.
Lull 📷 Paia early on Sunday morning, a quiet lull before the crowds arrive.
Contrast 📷 Sky, land and sea this morning. If you look closely, you’ll see a rainbow in thr center of the photo, rising out of the ocean. 🌈
Showing up on MB, Sunlit was working this morning when I posted a photo, now it crashes on opening (despite quitting & restarting my phone) under 📷 Discover, no photos are visible past 3 hours ago, inc mine though it shows up in my posts as having posted. // @manton
Above 📷
Snow in Maui today, Snow Graces Haleakalā Summit on Maui.
Meditation as a Toolbox: There is a Tibetan saying that just as every valley has its own language so every teacher has his own doctrine. ~ Paul Williams, Mahayana Buddhism While this saying contains many exaggerations, it speaks to the variety of Buddhist traditions within old Tibet. In the same way meditation is not just …
It’s a shame that the subject for todays photograph post was not water, rivers or puddles or something similar. There was torrential rain this morning where I live on Maui, and rivers and puddles appeared in no time!
Plant(s) 📷 Agave.
Hide 📷
Spot(s) 📷
I know that my travels across the internet get tracked such that I see advertisements for things that I have searched for in the middle of other sites that I visit. But now I am seeing advertisments on my iPhone for places in Japan that my wife has been researching on her iPad!
Reflect 📷 The cliffs at Ho’okipa.
I saw Just Mercy last night. One of those movies that I come home from and start reading up on the history behind the story. Sad and hopeful. A reminder of good people out there doing important work. I recommend seeing it. 🍿
Hhhmmm? I posted a photo half an hour ago. If I go into my account online I see it, but it does not show up on my timeline in the micro.blog, Sunlit or Icro.
Sight 📷 Sunglasses on the dashboard.
Open 📷 The tool shed.
January 2020
I’m no expert at doing odd jobs around the house, but I always have a sense of pride when I successfully complete a job and know that I have also saved myself a few pennies. It also gives me the confidence to try the next job when that surfaces.
Stepping out of Retreat, and Valuing Solitude: I share here an experience from a few weeks ago. I stepped outside, I made it into town for the first time for two weeks. The world appeared so vivid and colourful, so bright, so varied. I was reminded that the world carries on regardless of whether I am a part of it or not. That was freeing. …
Note to self - looking for excuses not to do something will not get it done! ☹️
I feel that I need to trim my RSS feeds. Too much there and not enough read. I think that I’ll trim them back to essentials (it will be interesting to see how easy I find that!) and then build back if really needed.
Family walking along Waiehu Beach.
Haleakala from Waiehu Beach Park.
An observation, no judgements, just an observation. Extrovert and introvert sit outside together on a beautiful evening, to eat dinner. Extrovert sits there exclaiming enthusiastically and describing the scene. Introvert sits there, saying nothing, just taking it all in.
Reflections - sunset yesterday evening.
I’m considering exploring Mastodon, but I’m unsure where to start - ie which instance to use. Can any Mastodon users here on MB offer me some guidance? Maybe recommended clients to use - OS X & iOS. Thank you.
Sometimes I yearn for the quiet of the night.
Last night I disappeared down a YouTube rabbit hole of late 70’s, 80’s music. Music that defined my teenage years and early twenties. I don’t know how I ended up there, but there were some happy and melancholic memories.
I did not read all of this article, but I was struck that it’s subtitle that, We all start out as a blank slate, whether we can think or not, is a very big assumption. I would be interested to hear of any evidence that this is a 100% true statement.
Maui Now : Four More Inches of Snow in Forecast for Big Island Summits. Here on Maui that is manifesting as rain, rain, rain, rain,…and more rain. I think that it has been raining, with varying degrees of intensity, since Wednesday last week. Flood warnings are out.
Books, my friends: I have downsized my books over the last few years. Living space has necessitated that. But I stand in front of my bookcase so grateful for the books that I have. They are my friends, my companions, a door way into another world. Depending on the nature of the book, that might be a place of …
I sometimes wish that every morning could be a Sunday morning. I’d probably wish otherwise if they were! 😉
What can happen in Maui when you go out to eat during heavy winter rain.
I have just updated my Now page, finally!
Holiday socializing is exhausting me this year: Socializing is exhausting me this Holiday season. This year, 2019/2020 just feels busier to me than previous or recent years. In part I think it is Christmas & New Year being in the middle of the week. Some people are taking more time off, stretching the week. I also think that it is with living …
A Beautiful Start to the New Year: Last night I stayed up to see the New Year in for the first time for many years. I am not usually keen on New Year’s celebrations. But this year we had a small group of friends over for dinner. Jazz music played in the background. We sat and chatted, played charades and Apples & Oranges (a …
December 2019
Meditation - Follow the Instruction: I sometimes say that having goals is a dangerous place to be when you are starting a meditation practice. Why is that? What I am not saying I am not suggesting that you should cast aside all of the reasons that you decided to start meditation. That would be ridiculous. The reasons that you started …
Off to see Bill Maher tonight at the MACC. His annual New Years show here on Maui.
Kona winds: The Hawaiian Islands are kept cool by NNE trade winds. Those are the winds that one experiences most of the time here. Occasionally those winds are replaced by Kona winds. These winds blow from the south and the weather becomes hot & muggy. For a couple of days over Christmas, Kona winds were …
Wednesday, December 25, 2019 →
Watching A Charlie Brown Christmas.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019 →
Merry Christmas from Maui, though the weather is not that good today.
The Magic of a Child's View: Like some other posts here, I write this to remind myself as much as anything else. I fall into old habits very easily and then something happens that jolts me into a reminder that there is another way of seeing the world. Christmas this year has done just that. Christmas There are a few things that …
In case you or someone close to you is wondering where Santa is, here is the official NORAD Santa Tracker.
Views of the south shore of Maui and the West Maui Mountains, from up country.
Up country Maui.
The rain and strong winds of the last few days appear to have blown themselves out. This morning we are waking up to a quiet, still day, some scattered cloud but blue sky as well. It feels peaceful and restful.
Listening to Classical Sunday on Apple Music. 🎵
Fifteen years ago I was living in South Wales. Here is the view from my then home of the sun setting on the Winter Solstice.
Nighttime shadows.
Celebrating 12 years of marriage today. We are waking up to very stormy weather, so very unsure what we’ll do. Maybe just a sssslllllooooowwwwww day?
This evening’s sunset. Yes, for real.
Apple can deliver products very quickly!: I’m mightily impressed with Apple’s delivery. I ordered a refurbished MacBook Air for my wife late on Wednesday night. They said it would be with me on Monday. It arrived - in Maui, at my home - this afternoon (Friday), less than 2 days later. All this at the height of the Christmas …
Early morning Christmas sparkle.
It feels very green here this morning.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019 →
Sometimes and evening to myself is just what the doctor ordered.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019 →
Storm rolling in across the Pacific.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019 →
Some days do not start well.
I am so happy to read this news admits the mudslinging that is out there today: Far Side creator Gary Larson launches website with promise of new work
MacBook Air not letting me in.: I had a scare this morning. I powered up my MacBook Air and was presented with an Apple message saying that I had forgotten my password, which I hadn’t, I hadn’t even typed it in. I was given three options. I chose the one that said I couldn’t use my keyboard (which was sort of true). …
I just realized that I did not post anything on micro.blog yesterday. I got busy and just forgot. My first day without posting at least since Microblogvember began. That’s definitely a personal record.
Brush fire near Paia in Maui. I am currently about two or three miles away, but can smell the fire and ash is falling. It has been burning for three hours now.
When you are the lone one amongst many: When you are the solitary introvert or HSP amongst many who are not. When you are the quiet one and your actions or needs are looked on as being off or odd. When you are looked on as not fitting in, and the sole justification is because of what everyone else is doing. When your different needs are …
Making the jump to Catalina tonight. I hope that my MacBook Air (11-inch, Early 2014) can cope with the move. 🤞🏻
Writing can be so cathartic.
Moon setting at dawn this morning.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019 →
The Jaws Big Wave competition here on Maui gets the green light for tomorrow, Thursday. Competitors will be paddling to surf 35ft to 50ft waves. Good luck to them all. May they be safe.
Morning coffee really hit the spot this morning ☕️
I like those days when I slip into a grove for work. Everything just seems to flow. Hopefully I haven’t spoken too soon?! 😬
I was looking at my iPhone and caught that moment when it switched to dark mode. Just passing on the news. 😁
Listening to The Musica Box by Genesis from their 1971 album Nursery Crime, when Peter Gabriel and Steve Hackett were in the group. Everyone is out, and so the volume is turned up a little! 🎵
Haleakala at dusk this evening.
I went to see Dark Waters last night. I enjoyed it very much, if “enjoy” is the right word? Really the telling of a true story that effects us all, it angered me what big companies will do in the name of profit & power, even if that means harming others.🍿
Playing around with the new double exposure film in the FIMO - Analog Camera, on my iPhone 7 Plus.
Reading Gary Snyder’s poetry on this fresh, cool morning. Blue skies, little cloud, birds singing. Voices carrying across the clear air.
When I am bewildered as to how other people are acting, it might also be a sign for me to shine a light on myself. How am I not showing up appropriately? Where might I look at my behaviour?
I am grateful for my Bullet Journal. It drops into the present moment and helps me clear my mind.
Everyday I recite to myself the Tibetan Buddhist text, Eight Verses on Thought Transformation. I find it helpful in managing the vicissitudes of life, with varying degrees of success! The poem is part of the Löjong or Mind Training genre of teachings in the Tibetan tradition.
A couple of decades ago I suffered from chronic fatigue. There was little I could do apart from rest. One of the symptoms I would get was a pain in my left wrist. To this day, if weariness is creeping into my body, my left wrist starts feeling pin pricks of pain.
Our grandson shows up, walking over from his home next door, and walks straight in. No knocking on the door for him. We are his second home, and that feels good.
Winter mornings on the north shore of Maui.
This Micro Monday I would like to recommend @johnpeterharvey. John posts some wonderful and evocative photographs around London and elsewhere. For me his photos of the UK take me straight home.
For panoramic views of Maui, head to the summit of Haleakala on a clear day. If you are lucky, you will even be able to see Mauna Kea on the Big Island. This view looks across to the West Maui mountains covered in cloud.
As I look out of the window I see wind and almost horizontal rain. I can imagine some people commenting, “What horrible weather.” For me though I am grateful right now. It is a break from the hotter Hawaii weather, and being a Sunday it is an excuse to stay inside.
I’m going to keep going with the microblogvember prompts until December 6th to keep that post everyday muscle flexed (even if I do post something else).
Listening to Classical Sunday Morning on Apple Music on this wet and windy Sunday morning. 🎵
Gazing into Haleakala's Crater: Looking down into Haleakala’s crater (photo courtesy of my wife), yesterday. It was as a beautiful day to be up there. Up above the clouds, no wind. I have not visited the crater for two years, but so love being there. It is a different world. The size of the crater I find hard to grasp, and …
November 2019
Eucalyptus trees at Hosmer Grove, Haleakala National Park.
Walking the beach at Baldwin Beach Park on Thanksgiving morning.
Well I have done it. A month of posting to micro.blog. Thank you to @macgenie for curating Microblogvember. The next challenge for me is to build on this habit.
For meditation to be truly effective it must be integrated into your daily life. This can be helped by setting yourself some personal guidelines like watching how you speak. Such guidelines go towards increasing your awareness and with that quieting the mind.
I wouldn’t say that yesterday, Thanksgiving, was fantastic, but I would say that it was just right. A mellow morning, a walk on the beach, home late morning to start cooking. A small family gathering, a late evening visit to see friends, then rounding off the day with a movie.
I watched The Irishman last night. From the opening scenes I knew that I was in for something special. It was long, yes, but I felt well paced, told a story beautifully, and was took you back to a time & place. Directed & acted by giants of cinema. Go see it. 🍿
There are challenges in my life at the moment but that is no reason, in fact it is the reason to give thanks this Thanksgiving. Thank you for family & the friends in my life, for the beautiful property that I live on, and for good health.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019 →
A young crescent Moon, Venus and Jupiter at dusk this evening.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019 →
I sometimes say that my years living in a Buddhist community were the most rich time of my life. And then I think of other things that I have been fortunate enough to do. That was a rich time, and I have been blessed with others as well.
Odd things I do: Stand outside at night while cleaning my teeth so that I can stare up at a star covered sky.
This morning has been a mixed bag so far. I woke up with an unsettled mind, and I just can’t shake it off. For now I need to accept its presence, make friends with this state of mind and be with it. Though I do wish that I could take off for the day and be by myself!
A first try at Japanese Calligraphy: I quite pleased with the simple Landing Page that I have added to my website. The calligraphy I created using the Zen Brush 2 app on my iPhone. Update 5/20/2020 - I have now moved my website to a new home, and so that page is no longer available. But here is the image that I was referring to.
One of the things that I like about being an introvert is being happy and secure in my own company. In fact sometimes I have to be careful that I do not get too comfortable with that. I do have a family and friends after all! I sneaked in a past #mbnov word for good measure. 😁
Listening to the Always Sunday playlist on Apple Music. I like it. Different and mellow enough for a Sunday morning.
I love meeting new people and the company of others, but as an introvert I sometimes just need to be alone. Please don’t take it personally. At times it is simply a need that I have in order just to be in the world.
I didn’t wake up until 7:30am this morning. I very rarely sleep that late, but boy I feel better for the rest.
Ella Fitzgerald feels like a good fit to a slow, wet Saturday. 🎵
Saturday morning rainbow.
My step-daughter’s french bulldog, Bronx, is completely woebegone with out his owner around.
Sometimes wet, overcast Saturday mornings are just what the doctor ordered.
The house falls so quiet when the hum of the refrigerator stops.
When I lived in Wales there was an old, hollow apple tree in which one year a couple of Tawny Owls raised their young. The adults were secretive. However one evening, sitting very still and a little way away, I saw an adult fly down to feed the little fur ball chicks.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019 →
Things that I don’t give a second thought about might be difficult or uncomfortable for others. Those things that might be part of my everyday life, ie sitting quietly while driving with no music on. Awareness is the key. Checkin with others. Ask what their needs are.
Every day I face the challenge of not distracting myself. Of running to places to abate those feelings of resistance to the task in front of me.
After writing this blog post today, I pulled Steve Pressfield’s classic the War of Art off the bookshelf for a big reminder about resistance.
Letting the outside in as the rain pours.
The first heavy rains of the autumn/winter season. Puddles forming. Thunder in distance.
Distracting myself - taking small bites: Those days when I can’t seem to find focus. My mind is looking for ways out. I can feel the resistance to what needs to be done. Time is wasted doing that which does not need to be done, following links on websites, reading that which is interesting but not necessary right now. I write this as …
Using Airplay to play music out of my Homepod while still playing out of my MacBook Air as well. I feel as though I am surrounded by Gregorian Chanting right now.
Listening to Gregorian Chant: Songs Of The Spirit while I work. 🎵
All has been quiet around us for the last year, and then suddenly in the last month work has started to build two separate structures on neighbouring properties. A house on one, and a garage on the other.
Ha! While I was working in the garden today I was composing a post for microblogvember. I had something almost ready to go, but now find that I was using the wrong word. I was using separate, but it is superb. So quickly, what a superbly productive day it has been in the garden!
When I see the 625 users who @macgenie is following who I am not, it gives me an idea of the size of the micro.blog community.
Reflections through the glass.
Being British I enjoy drinking tea, but I am very selective about what type I drink. Living in the US now my main drink is coffee, of which I am also selective, but I’m pleased to have discovered Teadog, a lot of UK sourced teas, for those times when I want a good cup of tea.
What I am learning from Microblogvember: Microblogvember is a challenge that is taking place on the micro.blog platform through the month of November 2019. Each day Jean MacDonald, Community Manager at micro.blog, uses a random word generator to get the prompt for that day, which she then shares with the micro.blog community. Those taking …
Patterns of nature. Broccoli, a November harvest.
During heavy rains, torrents of water carry mud, branches and whatever else is in its path into the ocean, causing the water to become murky. Best then to stay out of the sea until it clears. The dirty water can be a breeding ground for illnesses, or a hiding place for sharks.
A short video of Gabor Mate, author of In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction, speaking about addiction and its relation to emotional pain. For me it speaks to how much society gets addiction wrong, and I see the results of that in Maui’s local jail.
The challenge of sticking my neck out and stepping just beyond my comfort zone. Of making a stretch, ie doing something that is not so far from where I am comfortable that I don’t do anything, but still pushes me so I am doing something that is beyond where I normally sit.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 →
The negative voice, “I’m not able, I can’t,” does not serve me. Instead I can use the practice of mindfulness to catch that thought when it arises. It then becomes, “I notice that I am having the thought that I can’t,” and I can start to let it go - again …
Sometimes the challenge within meditation is to stay present with yourself when a difficult emotion arises. To constantly return to the object of meditation, just observing, noting and letting go of the emotion. And sometimes it’s best just to take a break.
After reading @philipbrewer’s recent blog post I decided to head to the nearby cliffs at Ho’okipa this afternoon to take a walk overlooking the ocean.
A bed of fragrant plumeria awaits the arrival of the husband and wife to be.
Not touching things does not appear to be an option for my three year old grandson. He is led by curiosity, which is wonderful to behold, and closely followed by an adult looking to protect property or limbs!
When I am looking for space in my life, the place to go might not be a physical place, but instead inside myself by quieting my mind. Techniques are many, but might include focusing on one’s breathing, or focusing on that grounded sensation of one’s feet on the floor.
I saw the Korean film, Parasite, last night. I highly recommend it. Well acted and with a couple of unexpected twists in the later parts of the film. 🍿
With autumn weather now here, although the days have been unseasonably hot and dry, mornings have felt cold enough to open the windows and doors to let the fresh air in and listen to the dawn chorus.
Until last night we have not had much rain over for a month. With only a new moon, the plus side of that has been cloud free skies at night and Observatory like patterns of stars, the Milky Way included, covering the space above us.
Sunrise a couple of mornings ago. Red sky in the morning, shepherd’s warning. It was actually quite a pleasant day, though I am still yearning for that rain.
It can be frightening to be vulnerable, to take off the armour that I put up to make myself appear in the world the way that I feel that I should so that I am not judged. It takes courage to be vulnerable and let others see the real me (you).
Is there a Microblogvember pin? Not that I need one to take part in the challenge, but I thought that I heard mention of one? 😉 // @macgenie @manton
I’m trying to stick to getting one job done today, before moving onto something else and instead of bouncing between jobs which usually sees a drop in my productivity.
What a blessing. It looks as though it will be overcast today, giving us a break from a very hot November sun.
Thinking back to the streets that I have lived on since I was a child, and the stories that they can tell about my life.
Sometimes it is good to get down to ground level, to lie on the ground, feel its solidness beneath you, notice the details, the cut grass, the smells, and then just stare into the distance, at ground level.
I wondered if anyone here has used AirTable? I came across it while reading this article on the BBC website. I can’t quite understand what it offers, probably best just to try it, but I would be interested to learn of experiences.
Four days into Microblogvember, and I am having to think hard as to how to use the words that @macgenie is sharing with us. Or perhaps I am taking this too seriously? I mean if I am deciding to post, surely it should make some sense? I guess that humour and fun are not my forte?!
Fancy is an interesting word. On the one hand it can be a description of design, “what a fancy house.” At the same time it can speak to liking something or someone, “I fancy that dress.” Then again it can speak to mistaken belief, “He fancied that he had seen her …
I live on an island in the middle of the Pacific ocean with many beautiful beaches, but I don’t visit them that often. Today was an exception, and I appreciated just immersing myself in nature, literally and figuratively. So much so that I didn’t even think to take a photo. 🏖
The mark of a good morning for me is one where I have some quiet time to sit, reflect, meditate and write before the busyness of the day sets in. Workdays, weekends or holidays, my day starts well when those few ingredients are involved.
The key to getting back in the saddle and reigniting my love of cycling has been to just do it. Last week I went into our back shed, pulled my two bicycles out, gave them a good clean, and put some air into the tyres. Since then I have been out for a ride every day but one.
I’m going to give Microblogvember a go and see how I get. All the way to the end of the month hopefully. Thank you @macgenie for setting this up.
October 2019
Playing the Halloween humbug tonight. The rest of the family have gone out to take my grandson trick or treating, at 3 he is beginning to get it (at least that candy is involved). I felt more like a quiet evening in. 🎃👻
Running from our Thoughts: During an afternoon Mentoring circle in Maui Community Correctional Center (MCCC) yesterday, I led a meditation. The meditation was on awareness. Initially I asked the men present to bring their awareness to the breath as a means to focus ourselves and to quiet the mind. To move away from the …
The Crescent Moon and Jupiter (if you zoom in) low in the sky as the sun sets.
Meditation - The Intellectual vs The Knowing: If you have an intellectual leaning, it is very easy to learn about meditation, what it can do for you and the transformation that it can bring. Books about meditation are a dime a dozen these days. Magazines devoted to mindfulness, an aspect of meditation, sit on the magazine racks in all good book …
September 2019
Christmas has landed in Lowes…in September!? 😳🙄
Oh, I yearn for a quiet day today. 🌾
Saturday, September 28, 2019 →
Oh, I look forward to seeing the return of this show - Spitting Image show plots return to TV after 23 years
Saturday, September 28, 2019 →
A beautiful stripped down version of Genesis’ song Afterglow, performed as a duet between Tony Banks and Phil Collins from Genesis' album ”Wind & Wuthering”. 🎵
Wednesday, September 25, 2019 →
The Exhaustion of a Family Visit: From my experience people visiting and staying in my home always requires a break in my routine. There is entertaining, showing around, just more going on and the house feeling busier and more full. I don’t say this to complain, just acknowledging what the welcoming of visitors entails. For …
I’m probably late to the game here, but I like the cricket category on micro.blog 🏏
Saturday, September 21, 2019 →
South shore Maui. Sunset this evening.
Saturday, September 21, 2019 →
The Kaupō Church on a wind swept peninsular, the south east side of Haleakala in Maui.
Thursday, September 19, 2019 →
Is iPadOS going out later than iOS13, or is it a case of a bit later where I am?
Thursday, September 19, 2019 →
Celebrating 56 orbits of the sun with a trip to magical Hana in East Maui. Here looking down on Red Sands beach.
Saturday, September 14, 2019 →
Moon rise over the Barn.
Saturday, September 14, 2019 →
I woke up this morning to the Full Moon setting, perfect light and the birds singing.
Saturday, September 14, 2019 →
Bullet Journal - A Place for Mind to Relax: Meditation is giving a huge, luscious meadow to a restless cow. The cow might be restless for a while in its huge meadow but at some stage, because there is so much space, the restlessness becomes irrelevant. So the cow eats and eats and eats and relaxes and falls asleep. ~ Chögyam Trungpa, The Myth …
Wow! It is so quiet and still this morning. Ssshhhh…
Thursday, September 12, 2019 →
When Shame Hits: Shame corrodes the part of us that believes we can do and be better. ~ Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown From my experience shame can come out of nowhere. It hit me hard yesterday, and it can be a real gut wrencher. I met up for breakfast with some friends from my men’s group. I value having …
The colours of nature. Chard, Collard Greens & Kale freshly harvested from the garden.
I don’t know if this is just a US thing, but can someone tell me why after a holiday weekend does my online banking have a list of pending transactions? Do computers take the weekend off as well?
I have just finished reading Reboot: Leadership and the Art of Growing Up by Jerry Colonna. A wonderful and inspiring read, fed even more by Colonna’s sharing of his own vulnerability. 📚
Labor Day harvest. The first pineapple that I have ever picked from my front yard…anywhere. 🍍
August 2019
Two young Bismarck Palms guarding the gate.
The Highly Sensitive Man by Tom Falkenstein has been published in English and dropped onto my Kindle last night. It has come with high praise. I’m looking forward very much to reading this. 📚
I just discovered this super simple, stripped down Twitter app for iOS. It is called Readme, and just shows your main timeline and your lists. That’s it. You can’t do anything else with it. Kinda nice. It will sit on my phone for a little while.
I have finally got around to updating my micro.blog site to include the new Photos page. This has revealed a need to tidy up my photos from back when I imported them from Instagram. Remove duplicates and hastags…I’ll be on this off and on for a day or two!
I’ve just updated my Now page.
The vegetable garden is looking a bit sparse at the moment, at least compared with how it has looked. Still plenty growing though. We have added three more boxes. One contains just flowers. There are tomatoes, peppers, carrots, arugula, broccoli, kale, mint, basil in there. That’s actually …
Adapting to Transitions: Early summer this year was a time for travel. Family travel. Across the continental US to a family wedding and then across the Atlantic to visit with my parents. From there I turned around and headed back West to meet my wife on the US West Coast for a couple of days of r’n’r in West …
Listening to The Lark Ascending, by Ralph Vaughan Williams. Such a beautiful piece of music, and so evocative of the British summer and the bird after which it is named. It carries me back home. 🎵
I’ve found it! The version of Bridge Over Troubled Water that Paul Simon played here on Maui. He introduced it by saying that after writing it when he was 28, sharing it with many artists, he was now taking it back. Beautiful.
I got some writing done today. That felt good.
Is there a race on?
Five and a half hours standing in a hot storage room while working today. Lying on my bed feels like the right thing to do right now! 🛏️
An Evening with Paul Simon: Yesterday I spent a wonderful evening at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center at Paul Simon’s second of two shows on the island. Although officially retired from touring, Simon shared that the concerts were a “thank you” to the island now that he lives here. All profits from the shows …
Beware of hiding yellow jackets: My face looks as though I have had half a dozen fillings. Yesterday while outside working on something in the garden which I am now told want work - grumble, grumble, but that’s another story - I was stung by a yellow jacket. For now it is mildly uncomfortable and looks as though I’ve …
I’m looking forward to seeing Paul Simon at the MACC, his second of two nights there. My plan is to leave my phone at home, or at least buried deep in my pocket if I need it to find friends, instead of watching the concert through the camera.
I saw The Farewell at the weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought the movie worthy of its good reviews, and found it refreshing to watch a film for the most part situated in a culture other than Hollywood and that I am not so familiar with. 🍿
Bear falls on California patrol car, causing crash and fire. Thankfully there were no serious injuries, though they can’t be sure about the bear as it fled the scene!
Sunset from the cliffs at Ho’okipa this evening.
I’m pleased that the weekend is here. It will be over soon enough, but for now I am pleased that it is here. My wife & I spent this evening at the cliffs at Ho’okipa with friends, chatting and watching the sunset.
What time in the day do you work best? When are you at your most productive? For me it is (early) morning, and if I am by myself, in the evening. I regularly hit a time in the middle of the day/early afternoon where I can feel as though I am wading through treacle.
Not all days are great.
We were busy building.
Listening to Jazz for a Sunday Morning 🎵
What a difference a night makes. To the south the sun glints off of the observatories on the summit of Haleakala. There is little wind and scattered cloud with blue sky. To the south the ocean is in a haze of grey cloud. Tropical storm Fossie will be with us in about 36 hours.
Evening storm rainbows.
Late night visitor.
Hawaii is starting to feel Hurricane Erick as it approaches on a course that will take it south of the islands. It’s around 380 miles from the north shore of Maui, but the skies are darkening and winds are picking up. In the next 24 hours it will weaken to a tropical storm.
July 2019
Crossing The Threshold: Patrick Rhone recently shared a photograph with a quote in it, on his blog. The quote spoke to me of the meaning behind the title of this website, Crossing The Threshold. The quote reads, Books and doors are the same thing. You open them and go through to another world. ~ Jeanette Winterson We …
The Great Hack : I watched The Great Hack on Netflix last night. Following all the news reports over the last year or so, it wasn’t all new news to me but just seeing the implications of how our data is used, seeing the wide spread use of people’s data to achieve ends (whatever those ends might be and …
Phew! It’s hot! Yes, that’s probably what I should expect with summer in Hawaii…but it is still H O T. ☀️
A Poem That I Always Come Back To: Since I first came across this poem, it comes to me in times of doubt. It reminds me of those who do feel different, who question the normal route through life that the modern world and education ask of us. It calls to me of the seekers, the questioners, of those who see things differently, look …
I saw The Lion King last night and enjoyed it. Despite what the critics said, I thought that it was a good film which stood well alongside the original. Having said that, I wish that Disney would come up with some original ideas and not just CGI old favorites. 🍿
Beware! My grandson is on a bombing run…🎈💦
I found this video, Crannog, very moving. It’s about Alexis who has a life threatening illness and spends her time caring for animals who are themselves sick or dying. For me it just seems to put the rest of life in perspective.
"…like tears in rain." RIP Rutger Hauer.
For those who use MailMate for their email on a Mac and check email on their iPhone, what client do you use on the iPhone? I’m looking for something other then the stock Apple app, which I have a use for.
I just harvested a head of broccoli from the garden. It tastes so sweet, so delicious. I could feel the goodness seep into me…and that was before it was cooked.
Still reflecting on time spent in Inverness, CA.
Memories of Tomalis Bay, CA - though it could have been a Scottish bothy.
Views of West Marin, CA.
As I get closer to home following a few weeks on the road, I notice myself playing a little more attention to my Bullet Journal. It has not been been off my radar completely these last week’s, but it’s that sense of coming home and jobs to do.
Tree against a Californian sky.
Greetings from 35,000ft.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s message on his 84th Birthday, this last Wednesday, July 10th. Just as we teach physical hygiene to stay physically fit, we need to cultivate emotional hygiene, learning to tackle our destructive emotions, so as to better achieve peace of mind.
Wildflower garden at the University of Bristol.
Temple Church in the center of Bristol. The church was bombed during the Second World War, and while buildings around it were raised to the ground, Temple Church was kept, in its bombed state, because of its history. Set in a beautiful park.
The Everyman theater in Bristol. The moldings from the original cinema are still in place. A lovely venue for a movie.
Hayfever is a problem for me if I visit Britain over the summer. Although I am taking something to try and dry me up, yesterday was particularly bad. I went to see a matinée showing of Yesterday…yesterday to benefit from the theater’s A/C for a couple of hours. 😷🍿
Wildflowers outside the BBC in Bristol.
Monkeying around in Clifton, Bristol.
A beautiful display of British wildflowers outside of Bristol Zoo.
“Violence is what happens when we don’t know what else to do with our suffering.” ― Parker J. Palmer
130 Guests and Me: This is a post written in installments over the course of, and just after a weekend of wedding celebrations. A weekend of activities that were just made for me… not. .. Having said that, I do wish to empathize that I am here to enjoy myself, make new friends and most importantly celebrate the …
Sunset over the Long Island Sound yesterday evening.
Lloyd Harbor, Long Island, NY.
Sitting amongst tall tress in Long Island, listening to the birds singing and appreciating the peaceful and restful atmosphere.
June 2019
The Hudson River from the town of Hudson, NY.
Evening in the Catskill Mountains.
Today I’m heading to somewhere up in the Catskill Mountains of upstate New York. I’m not sure of our final destination? This will be a new destination for me, having never been there before.
Darn it! I was going for 30 days of posting, replies to others aside, and about 2 weeks in I didn’t get round to posting yesterday. So it is back to the start and try again.
I find airplane travel interesting. I get on the plane in one reality, and hours later I get off in another reality. No smooth transition. I write this from a car on the way from JFK to Long Island. A family wedding this weekend.
I swear that I find it harder to travel as I get older. Perhaps I should clarify? I invariably enjoy the period traveling once I am on the road, but I find the process of leaving more difficult as the years go by. I have become quite a home body.
At a time when there feels like so much toxicity, hate & bipartisanship in politics, I find it refreshing when someone looks for any crack of light and acknowledges it. At Sunday School, Jimmy Carter Extends Praise To Trump For Restraint On Iran
I have spent a good part of the today ironing. It is not an activity that I get involved in very often, but I am heading to a family wedding soon. I don’t want to show up looking as though I have just spent a week in the back country of the West Maui Mountains!
A simple meal becomes delicious when it is greens picked straight from the garden and steamed.
Being calmed by the quiet and stillness of the morning.
Sitting here in darkness after the power went out an hour ago. I should probably head to bed.
I bought a copy of [Zen Brush 2](Zen Brush 2 by PSOFT https://apps.apple.com/us/app/zen-brush-2/id1012274888) to try my hand at drawing, something that I regularly tell myself that I can’t do. I like Chinese & Japanese ink brush paintings. Here is one of my early sketches.
Listening to Supper’s Ready by Genesis on their live album Seconds Out, recorded back in 1976/77. 🎵
A fresh salad from the garden, for dinner tonight.
I’ve never had a pineapple growing in my garden before. I look forward to harvesting this one.
The county are carrying out over night road work on the highway. To that end they have spot lights illuminating the road. From a distance it looks like a set for a movie.
If you would like an excuse to visit Maui this summer, Paul Simon is playing 2 nights here in August, the 13th & 14th. I always find concerts here to be an intermate affair. Details and tickets, which go on sale at the end of this week, from the Maui Arts and Cultural Center.
I bought tickets today to see Lou Doillon in New York City at the beginning July.
The patterns of nature. A freshly sliced beetroot.
The vegetable garden harvest continues. It just seems to keep on giving. These beetroots were picked a little early, the above ground leaf growth was so full. Oh well, live and learn. The others will stay in the ground longer.
I’m exhausted after most of the day in the garden, and hot sun. I should think that I’ll sleep well tonight. 😴
Big sky. Aloha Friday!
Taking a look at Focusmate, and online, virtual coworking environment.
Boundaries: Yesterday dealt me a lesson in spades. I will keep the details confidential to respect the agreements of those who I was working with - what is said in that circle, stays there - but will share the more overarching experience. No boundaries Without boundaries in my life I ended up feeling …
nvAlt, nvUltra & The Archive: I’m looking forward to seeing nvUltra when it comes out of Beta. I’m currently a few days into a 60 day trial of The Archive - it’s nvAlt as I would want it to be…AND I want to see what nvUltra looks like before I decide where to commit.
Sitting outside after a long day, studying for a test tomorrow, listening to the crickets, distant barking dogs and occasional voices in the dark.
Catnapping: Being able to catch a quick 40 winks can be a life saver for me. I usually find a patch of the afternoon, mid-afternoon, when I start flagging. My eyes start becoming heavy and ache, an ache that might drift round to the back of my head. I notice that my ability to focus or be productive in my work, …
Kamehameha Day here in Hawaii today, commemorating and honoring King Kamehameha who unified the Hawaiian Islands under one rule.
Dinner tonight will include a first harvest from our vegetable garden. It will probably include String Beans, Bok Choy & Lettuce.
What I was staring at as my head thumped this afternoon.
Day two of this migraine. I just wish that they could give me a warning as to when they are coming on. I’ll end up missing a lot of the weekend celebrations for my grandson’s 3rd birthday. It just hurts too much.
Cliff top gate.
Just stacked firewood. Plenty there now for a few evenings around the fire pit.
I think, no I know that I spend too much time at times trying to tweak my software setup! Just get on with your work, David. Stop procrastinating!
If writing doesn’t happen, I get lost.
Ulysses or iaWriter: I’m still vacillating between using iAWriter or Ulysses as my main writing app. I like Ulysses’s interface, but I also like the fact, indeed maybe prefer that iAWriter files are .txt and can be accessed outside of the app. Ulysses seems to allow one to see Dropbox Folders (the complete …
Well this has been a sssllloooww Saturday. I started off with good intentions, but after an hour and a half of weedeating (UK: strimming), I came inside, wrote a bit and fell asleep!
May 2019
First Buttondown Newsletter: My first newsletter using the Buttondown email service went out today. In the newsletter I reflect on my changing approach to online output, including my website and social media. Update November 29, 2022: My newsletter is now hosted by Micro.blog. You can subscribe to it here. The archive of my …
Tonight is the monthly meeting of the Introvert/Highly Sensitive men’s group here on Maui. I started it about 19 months ago, unsure if there would be a call for it. Now it is a fixture on the calendar.
Just back from seeing the movie, The Mustang. Highly recommended. 🍿
Is it me, or does May feel like a very lllooonnnggg month?
That Maui phenomenon of feeling rain drops falling on you, but looking up and seeing blue sky! I think that it is the wind? 🧐
Progress in the raised beds… 🌱
Sunset this evening.
A wonderful piece of news here on Maui to end the week. Amanda Eller, a 35 year old woman who has been missing for 16 days after going for a walk in Makawao Forest Reserve, in upcountry Maui, has been found alive & well. She was airlifted out late this afternoon.
Well I finally took out a library membership yesterday, and on recommendation from folks here downloaded Libby onto my iPhone. I now ask why it took me ssssooooo long?? My first audio book is downloaded and waiting for me.
What the roads do here…
I think that I ache more at the end of each day.
The case of the mysterious disappearing brocolli starts. We have put sand around them to prevent slugs. There is netting above to prevent birds. But now, two days after planting them, they have all gone - bar two in an adjoining raised bed. Does anyone have any ideas?
Evening fun.
I just pre-ordered The Highly Sensitive Man: Finding Strength in Sensitivity. It’s due out at the end of August. 📚
I’m helping a family member out with some filing, matching addresses up with names. The hundreds of addresses are on index cards stuffed into draws. I do not miss this way of keeping track of contacts!
Vegetable Garden Update.: Since planting out our vegetable garden we have had the case of the mysterious disappearing broccoli starts. Although there were no signs of slugs, yesterday I went to the beach to get some sand to put around the edge of the raise beds. Apparently for slugs it feels like glass to crawl across the …
A Day of Rest: And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. - Genesis 2:2, King James Bible I do not practice the Christian faith, but I grew up in a country, England, that is heavily influenced by it. Sundays were a day of …
This program is on HPR this evening, The Body Show: Treating Migraines. I hope that there are some gems in there, but as someone who has suffered from migraines for over 40 years and yet to find a real solution, I am sadly sceptical.
Now I’ll see how green my fingers are 🌱.
Life is about give and take, and it is about boundaries.
Off to see Long Shot tonight 🍿
Another day of low cloud, most and rain. Winter has returned, it would seem.
Today has had a very wintery feeling about it. I feel like hunkering down this evening.
Details from murals around Wailuku, Maui.
Detail of mural in Wailuku Food Court, showing a Main Street, Wailuku in 1900.
I’m pleased to get my first newsletter out using Buttondown. I made a couple of technical snafus, but with help sorted them out. If interetested, you can read the newsletter (and subscribe!) here.
Mother’s Day at Baby Beach, so called as a reef just off the shore creates a natural and safe pool for kids to swim and play in. Yesterday’s weather was near perfect, a good temperature and next to no wind. The beach was busy.
A request for help with DNS settings: Can the micro.blog community help me? I am rusty with setting up DNS records. I want to add a subdomain of the type mail.yourdomain.com so that I can send out my newsletter with Butterdown using that domain. My domain is hosted on Hover. My question is what would this new DNS record look like? What …
I’ve just discovered PopClip - a free trial is available on their website. It is also on the Mac App Store. It seems to be a useful tool. Does anyone have experience of using the app?
I have just put the 2nd edition of my Meditation eBook up on my website. Although titled that it is aimed at introverts and highly sensitive people, anyone who wishes to build a meditation practice will find benefit in it.
Today’s papaya harvest.
Finally waving the white flag and giving in to the migraine which has sat with me since this morning. They come out of the blue, unexpected. It could well be around for 3 days, but all being well that will be it for a month or two. 🏳️
The internet has just come back online after an almost 36 hour outage. No explanation appears to be available as to the reason, though I suspect that bad weather played a part. This was different than a voluntary period offline. I recognize my dependence on the online world!
Today: This morning’s very strong winds must have taken the internet out. The issue that I reported this morning has been escalated from just our problem, to a known outage in the area. But it appears to be localized as I am currently piggy backing off of our neighbour’s WiFi by positioning …
Those times when your internet goes down and you start feeling those twitches of wanting to connect…
Sun, ocean and the island of Moloka’i in the distance. This evening at Ho’okipa cliffs.
Those times when I walk upstairs and for some reason, for seemingly no reason, I miss a step and have to quickly step on the next one up…??
A micro.blog feature request - an option to Reply All when replying to a conversation, with the possibility to delete names if they are not to whom you are writing. cc. @manton
What did the English speaking world sound like before the word “like” was inserted at the beginning of each sentence, or when someone pauses in what they are saying? I really cannot remember…
April 2019
Wow! The sky tonight is like a pin cushion of lights.
When my head gets in the way of my writing...: Those times when I am writing a blog post or newsletter, and then my head gets ahead of me and starts editing everything that I am planning to write (and what I have written). Then it starts critiquing what I am writing and I grind to a halt. A that stage I shut the noise off and just let the words …
Starting to draft my first newsletter to go out using Buttondown. Once it is out, I’ll add a link to my website for new subscribers.
Hawaii Inter-island flights: My wife & I took the inaugural Southwest Airlines flight from Maui to Honolulu yesterday. It is the first airline to enter the inter-island market for a long time. In recent years Hawaiian Airlines have dominated the market, with one or two much smaller airlines offering only a handful of routes …
Last night at Blue Note Hawaii to see Jeff Goldblum and his Jazz band. Good music and much talking with the audience from Jeff. He really gave of himself generously. A fun evening.
A quiet little nook.
My wife and I took our grandson to see Dumbo this evening. We were disappointed with it, and left before it finished…and it was probably a bit too mature for him as well. 🍿
I’m about 5 minutes into Aretha Franklin singing Amazing Grace, with another 8 minutes or so to go. Extraordinary! 🎵
Social Media Vulnerability: I define vulnerability as uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure…Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness. ~ Brené Brown. The transition that I spoke about here feels complete. Over the …
A discombobulated day ended with good dinner and conversation with friends. That grounded me.
Late afternoon shadows.
Morning Gridlock: Some mornings I feel paralyzed in moving towards getting things done. It is as though my mind is in a mental gridlock. Normally the only thing that will move me forward and unhinge the mental stickiness is to reach for a pen, revisit my Bullet Journal and explore what needs to be done. Somewhere in …
This morning has been a caffine morning ☕️, and I still dozed off! Try and wake myself now with a jump in the ocean.
Reading Finding Freedom: Writings from Death Row by Jarvis Jay Masters 📚
Sharing the beach late afternoon with this local visitor who was taking a nap. It’s a turtle…I respectfully kept my distance.
At Maui Ocean Center with my grandson today. It was my first visit there, but not his. I was very impressed and would love to go back and have more time to read about the exhibits.
Now there’s a rainbow…and if you look close there is another one above it.
It’s a warm day. That sun feels good.
I’m grateful to everyone here who has brought Buttondown to my attention. I have signed up for an account, and while I haven’t sent out a newsletter yet, it really does seem to be what I have always looked for…even if unconsciously!
Reflections on Death: This post is not an attempt to be bleak, or to put a damper on the day. Rather it is a sharing of thoughts that go through my mind on the subject of death, shared with the hope that someone else might take something from it. The Tibetans have a saying, we are one breath away from our next life. …
Well some Sundays are relaxing. This one I hoped to be, but it doesn’t feel like it as I look back. Perhaps a movie tonight can round things off a little better?
I love Grant Snyder’s work at Incidental Comics. This one is called New Snow.
Not sure what I will use this for yet, but it is bookmarked - Heck Yes Markdown
Gone are the beautiful, still, sunny days. The weather now seems to be alternating between wind and sun, to wind and torrential rain.
One day this will be a beautiful Plumeria tree, bearing fragrant flowers. For now it is a stump in the ground.
I’m looking for and can’t find how long, or what size can a short video be to upload to MB?
I picked this video of a Jackson’s Chameleon from my old Instagram feed. These guy’s are never in a hurry!
I closed my Instagram account last year, and those photos have been lounging on my computer, unsure what to do with them. With the ease that they can be imported in MB using the OSX app, I’ve just started importing them into my account. They live again. 📷
I can always find something to tinker with on my website or micro.blog…not the best situation when I hit a dull patch at work. Temptation….
Stillness in the Air: With the season change has come the corresponding weather change. Living in a tropical climate that means something a little different to the more northerly latitudes that I am more accustomed to, and where I have spent most of my life. First is a rise in temperature. It is gradual, but as my wife …
Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer - Generosity, Reciprocity and Hope: My wife & I went to a wonderfully inspiring and rich talk last night given by Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer in The Green Room, a series of lectures hosted by The Merwin Conservancy. W.S. Merwin was an American poet, Poet Laureate and Pulitzer Prize winner. He lived on Maui, until his death in March of …
Reflections on a talk that I attended last night given by Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer, botanist & writer - Generosity, Reciprocity and Hope
Just noticing that a number of my photos has disappeared off of my feed. Anyone else? cc @manton
Cow at sunset yesterday evening at Hookipa.
That feeling as you realize that you are reaching your limit. When you have taken on enough and need to step back, need to call out your boundaries. Where that one more ask, is one too many.
The race is on…
My Wonderful Days - Journaling: My Wonderful Days. I’ve been using this journaling app on iOS since 2011. On OS X almost as long. I don’t use it regularly. Sometimes months go by between uses. But it is there when my hand written journal isn’t at hand, and for that I am very grateful. It syncs between devices, …
Evening shadows.
With Spring Break over, it has become noticeably quieter here. I wouldn’t say that the streets are deserted, but cars and crowds are definitely fewer.
March 2019
I love a full, freshly stocked fridge.
Although I live in Hawaii, I actually spend very little time at the beach. Today was a welcome exception to that. Restful and warm.
Happy Sunday ☀️
I love that feeling as I near the end of a journal and can feel the weight and “crincklyness” (if it is not a word, I’ll use it anyway!) of pages written on.
In Transition (aka, looking for a quieter online life)
In Transition: (aka, looking for a quieter online life) Spring has sprung. Even in the tropical climate of Hawaii, it has been noticeable in the last couple of days. The temperature has risen, this was a cold winter. Even out of State visitors were noticing that - sometimes cold for a Hawaii residents is still …
Waiting for the papayas to ripen.
A muddled mind mine is seeking help. I wish to have links from posts on my main blog appear in micro.blog. When I add my blog feed to cross-posting is that a one way or two way process? Do only my main blog posts appear on MB, or do MB posts also appear on my blog?
To infinity and beyond…. (Sunset at the cliffs, yesterday evening).
A small ritual for the Spring Equinox: A dear friend came over a couple of nights ago. I lit a fire outside in the fire pit, my wife made dinner, and once we had eaten we sat around the fire talking while waiting for the Spring moon to rise. As it did, we took little pieces of paper on which we had written things that we wanted to let go …
Do Nothing for 2 Minutes Just stop typing, rest those shoulders, and breathe.
You might have to look very carefully here, but that white dot in the middle of the photo is the International Space Station. I was sitting outside last night having dinner and saw this white light moving across the sky. No accompanying flashing lights of aircraft, and I wondered if it might be the …
Hazy sunset, yesterday evening. Quiet and still. Restful at the end of a busy day.
Hoping for a better night’s sleep tonight. The last two nights have not been good. Fitful sleep followed by getting up early. I put it down to the current moon phase. I might be looking for a face mask from a past trans-Atlantic flight before hitting the pillow.
In case you get lost in Wailuku.
Appreciating that the weekend has arrived, and hopefully with it a bit of space.
Playing around with portrait mode and depth of field. Also the new beta of Sunlit…looking good.
Reinstalling Typora: I’ve just reinstalled Typora after seeing a new update on Macupdate. I had previously uninstalled it as iA Writer fulfills many of my needs, but seeing the update this morning reminded of what I like about Typora’s user experience. It’s cleanness, simplicity and how Markdown is rendered as you type, …
The wind has finally died down and we are waking up to a still, clear morning. There are times when I wish that this part of the day would carry on forever… Though I probably appreciate it so much simply because it doesn’t.
Yesterday evening’s show.
Today is the 60th anniversary of Tibetan Uprising Day, the 1959 uprising of the Tibetan people against the Chinese presence in their country, and the Dalai Lama’s flight into exile in India.
Those times when two seconds after saying something to someone, I wish that I hadn’t! 🤭
It’s cold here, and the wind is not helping. I know that one person’s cold is another person’s “warm winter,” but this wind is cutting through 2 layers of clothing.
Searching For The Sun.: With it being my wife’s birthday today, we headed over to the south side of the island to find some sun - it has been cold & wet of late - and shelter from the wind. We found a small, quiet beach and spent a couple of hours there. The warmth of the sun creeping into our bones felt healing …
Eating late after a long day. A day that included co-facilitating a men’s circle in the local jail. Always so rewarding. While I see benefit that inmates gain from the group, it also serves me in so many ways. Gratitude.
When my mind feels shaken and stirred: I had a quiet morning working at home by myself. A good friend came by around lunchtime and so I stopped for a bite to eat. Before too long we are engaged in animated conversation and the subject matter turns to something that got us both worked up - not at each other, just about what we are talking …
Some days just feel difficult.
Just for a day...or twelve.: I have just realized this. Today is one of the twelve days during the year when the date, written in xx/xx/xx format, can be read the same regardless of whether you are from the UK or USA. 3/3/19. The others are 1/1/19, 2/2/19, etc…through to 12/12/19. Clarity on both sides for a day!
Just the act of writing something down that I need to remember, for me in my Bullet Journal, is liberating. Even if I can’t get to it in that moment, the thought is out of my head. My mind is freed up, I can focus on what I am doing, and it is waiting for me when I am ready.
Big sky this morning. Using it to clear my head and expand my mind, in breaks from the computer.
February 2019
Wednesday, February 27, 2019 →
Power outage. It is very dark out there.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019 →
While the world is waking up, find some time to sit quietly.
I don’t think that I could have managed this monotonous data entry job today without heavy rain and mist outside.
I’m curious if anyone here on M.B turn off their phones in the name of productivity? I do when I feel as though I just want to concentrate on one thing, very good reason aside ie family illness. When I do turn it off, I can notice a sense of guilt of disconnection creep in!
Saturday night sitting by a fire with family and neighbors, toasting marshmallows. The air was so still and above us an ink black sky was covered in stars.
Listening to Jazz for a Sunday Morning while drinking coffee and easing into the day. 🎵
Wednesday, February 20, 2019 →
The power of a migraine to bring a day to a halt! And in the worst case, three days.
A beautiful sunset, filling the sky with a red glow, at the end of a very, very wet day.
It’s a very wet day here today. It hasn’t stopped raining since we woke up, and not just a light drizzle! ☔️
Grey, a thick mist and raining. I feel like I am half way up a mountain and not a 100 feet or so above sea level. A good day though just to hunker down and work. Feeds my soul.
“Are you listening to your intuition?” I ask myself.
Reminding myself of early mornings, of the birds singing and the whales leaping, as the day’s demands start to appear. Simple joys are always there. …Stop, breathe, look, listen….
Hand grinding coffee beans ready for tomorrow morning.
That particular feeling of tiredness that comes of having spent a good part of the weekend in the garden. Sleepy, slow, lethargic…and satisfied.
The clouds have parted and revealed snow covering the summit of Haleakala. I have never seen so much up there. I’d consider driving up, but it is probably blowing a gale up there and also a traffic jam to see such a rare event.
Calm after the storm. Waking up to a much more settled world following yesterday’s very strong winds - some wind & rain forecast for later. I haven’t seen anything like it before. A few scrapes & scratches out there, but overall I am grateful for how we came out of it.
8:45pm and the power has just come back on. It has been out through the afternoon. We have had very strong winds here, and the surf has been quite something to see, with cars parked everywhere as people stop to watch. Apparently there is another day of this weather.
3″ of Snow Forecast on Maui Summit at Haleakalā. Yes, it is cold here on Maui this weekend. Admittedly Haleakala’s summit is 10,000ft above where I live, but there is a cold, biting wind down here at sea level.
Strange clouds over Maui. Does anyone know what this sort of cloud is called and/or signifies in terms of weather conditions?
Any recommendations for domain hosts? I’m looking to transfer a domain and would appreciate what this community suggests.
The sky is still blue and the sun is out, but the winds are building. A storm is apparently on the way, and I wouldn’t disbelieve that forecast right now.
Cooking dinner over a fire last night…then the rain landed!
Mining the gold in the mundane. It’s in there somewhere, I know, I just have to find it…..Patience? Gratitude (for having work to do)? Other?
Reflecting on time spent…reflecting, last week. Retreat.
Retreat: With my wife away for 10 days visiting her mother, I decided to dial things back at home. While work continued, outside of that I spent more time alone, reflecting, reading and writing. A semi-retreat. In part that meant less online time, and no time in micro.blog. Time away was good, and I look …
Up early from some Morning Pages.
January 2019
Yes this is for real. Sunset this evening. 😳
Feeling peaceful in the quietness of the early hours of Sunday.
The cliffs at sunset yesterday evening. There was a swell coming in with some big waves breaking.
I love waking up early and listening to the dawn chorus.
The Beauty of writing. Don’t just think it, write it. A reminder to self.
I was reflecting this morning after clearing out a cupboard that we have under our stairs. I remember reading or someone saying to me that we do not throw things out, we just put them where we can’t see them.
Sunset over the West Maui Mountains last night.
The clouds this morning.
Reading: ‘Voice of the forest’: George the snail, last of his kind, dies at age 14 “In a few minutes I collected several hundred specimens, picking them from trees and low bushes as rapidly as one would gather huckleberries from a prolific field,” a collector named DD Baldwin wrote in …
Not long home from the Annual meeting of the ManKind Project’s Maui community, to elect new council members and to reflect on the where we are at for the year ahead. Feeling honoured and grateful to be a part of this community of men.
Sunset over the West Maui Mountains yesterday evening, while watching the surfers at Ho’okipa.
Reading: The school using giant book murals to encourage reading
Reading Crow and Weasel by Barry Lopez, Illustrations by Tom Pohrt 📚
My wife sometimes accuses me of living in a cave because of my like of having as few lights on as possible in the house (in part because bright lights hurt my eyes). Our household can sometimes be a push pull of one turning lights on while the other is turning them off!
Ritual on the south shore of Maui. Attending a friend’s wedding yesterday evening.
It is just so quiet and still this morning.
A cool and clear morning here. I love the winter temperatures and light on the island.
The script that @cleverdevil shared to post a grid of photographs is giving me a blank page. The cursor recognizes that images are there, but no image displayed. Clicking on the “image” brings up the original. I have noticed the same on other users' sites. Anyone else? // @manton
Windows on the world.
Morning bounty from the garden.
Well it sure is cold here in Maui this evening….and I’m loving it! 😄
I love silence. We are the best of friends and perfect partners.
I have not been on micro.blog over the New Year weekend. Just dipping in now for a peek as the second day of the 2019 comes to an end. And so I will take the opportunity now to wish everyone here a very Happy New Year.
December 2018
Awaiting the family to gather…
Christmas would not be Christmas for me without listening to the Queen’s Christmas Message. I always find some wisdom and inspiration in what Her Majesty, now 92, offers.
A double rainbow on Christmas morning. 🌈🎄
Reading A Child’s Christmas In Wales by Dylan Thomas with woodcuts by Ellen Raskin. My father’s side of the family is from Wales and I lived there for almost 20 years. Those hills, valleys and coastline hold a special place in my heart. Merry Christmas. 📚
Merry Christmas to the micro.blog community from Maui.
Beware of wishing for something….sometimes it comes true. Having moved to Hawaii, I always struggle with hot, sunny Christmases. It just does not feel right to this far northern hemisphere guy, and until a few minutes all we had was rain, rain and more rain. ☔ 🎄
In case you are wondering where he is, here is the official Norad Santa Tracker. In Iran as of writing with just over 2 billion presents delivered! 🎅🏻
I’m loving the moon these last few nights, even if it does make falling asleep a little more of a challenge. So bright, and illuminating the Earth below in that beautiful pale white moonlight.
Late afternoon rainbow.
Wrapping presents while listening to Carols as sung by the choir of Kings College Cambridge. Meanwhile it is in the mid-seventies and sunny outside. It is that last part that I’m not sure that I will ever get use to. “Wrap warm” cold is what I expect at this time of year.
I love this quote on Quiet Revolution by Navdeep Singh Dillon, in his article Carving Out Alone Time During the Holiday Season (emphasis my own) There is no universe where the idea of a party not happening or you not showing up would make sense. It’s how extroverts show love,
While the party raged on next door last night, babysitting my grandson and watching Lilo & Stich with him, was for me a much better way to spend the evening.
The moon early this morning.
Canadian GoFundMe Raises $6B In Two Hours To Pay For Privacy Hedge Along Entire US Border 😳😄
Wedding Anniversary and Solstice celebrations 2018.
Old Maui High.
Use wisdom to determine how much I give of myself to others. Help, yes. Serve, please do. But use judgement to discern what your needs are and where your time should be wisely spent. …. Note to self.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018 →
I love the Hypocam black and white camera and editing app for the iPhone, and was surprised and happy to see a new version launch yesterday. I’m looking forward to exploring the new app.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018 →
Christmas tree in the dead of night (shot using Filmborn app on iOS).
The Holiday Express to Santa Land, c/o the Sugarcane Train, and my grandson taking it all in.
I’m listening to NPR News. They are doing a piece on plastic bags and how to deal with them. Apparently in Kenya you can face prison time just for carrying a plastic bag!
Reflections in the lake at Saiho-ji, the “moss temple,” or “Koke-dera,” outside of Kyoto, Japan.
A Circle of Men: “For centuries men have been meeting and sitting in circle." I have heard that statement, or variations on it, many times over the last few years. It is a statement that rings true to me to the depth of my being, as though it is touching into something that is at our core. What has caused …
Sitting outside listening to the rain trickling through the gutters…and it is cold here on Maui.
A quiet night.
Just started Solitude a Return to the Self 📚
I wrote this last night while running the sprinkler system at sunset, The shadow stands still in the dancing droplets of the sprinkler
In the beautiful grounds of Kula San, the small community hospital in Keokea, up-country Maui.
If you attend a Jack White concert, he has a rule - no phones. Here’s one man’s experience, The Simple Joy of “No Phones Allowed”.
Dusk, the quiet time…
Is someone able to help with what I would call a formatting question when I post to micro.blog? How do I get text to start a new line, posting either via the web interface or with the OSX or iOS apps? Thinking especially when I am quoting text. Thanks in advance.
November 2018
I’ve just added the archive of a podcast I ran on building a meditation practice, called “Behind The Thoughts”, to my website. It ran for 40 episodes. 🎙️
What can I learn from this moment?
I saw the Green Book last night with my wife. We both thoroughly enjoyed it. Great performances from Mahershala Ali and Viggo Mortensen. A well told story that has just sat with me in a very pleasant way since yesterday evening.🍿
I’m finding that the Discover tab in Sunlit is showing the same photos always. I have the new version of Sunlit installed. Deleted the app & reinstalled, refreshed the Discover tab…no change. Anything to do with number of people posting pics? //@manton & @cheesemaker
Wednesday, November 28, 2018 →
I hadn’t heard about Harry Leslie Smith until I watched this moving video about the [‘World’s oldest rebel’](‘World’s oldest rebel’ Harry Leslie Smith dies www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-4…), who has died at the age of 95.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018 →
I find sleep such a wonderful medicine when I’m unwell. I’ve caught the bug that has been circling through my family over the last week…and I thought that I had escaped. 🤧
Wednesday, November 28, 2018 →
Rainy days.
I read this Haiku today, “Without a brush, The Willow paints the wind.” by Saryu And now I am experiencing the swaying cane grass in a whole new way.
Jaws - The Power of the Waves: Perhaps I am being impatient, but one of my posts appears to have disappeared into the ether I had been commenting how the Pe’ahi Challenge was cancelled today during the men’s competition because the waves got too big! This is a competition where 40 or 60 foot waves are not unusual. …
Zooming in, as best I can with an iPhone on a cliff, on Jaws at the Pe’ahi Challenge three years ago in 2016. That little line on the right is a surfer on the wave…and note the yellow helicopter flying by the wave (in the middle).
The Jaws Challenge: I am no surfer, but the Pe’ahi Challenge, otherwise known as Jaws , bears watching at least once just for the shear audacity of the surfers competing. Every winter a swell hits the island of Maui causing a wave phenomena nicknamed Jaws, so called due to the unpredictability of the the sudden …
I don’t regret canceling my social media accounts, but it is days like today when I could announce to my old networks about my wife’s pop-up sale, that they would have been useful. Perhaps looking for a network replacement is the way to go?
And so my Instagram account goes. This has been quite a month of social media pruning. This has been informed by me being honest with myself about how I was relating to the various platforms, which in turn has been informed by thoughts shared here about social media. I now only have a presence on …
My wife is hosting a pop-up sale today for her online company, Cloth and Goods. She deals in Japanese ceramics, refashioned African and Japanese Textiles (into cushions, bags, fish cloths, etc) and miscellaneous other items.
Regardless of where the investigation goes, one thing that impresses me about Mueller is his seeming integrity and silence throughout it all.
Good morning world.
Beware of centipedes if you visit Hawaii. You are unlikely to see any, but if you do, steer clear of them. My wife was bitten by one on her big toe last night as we were all clearing up after dinner. It got into the house. Her toe was on fire until well into the night, and it put an abrupt end to a …
Reposting and testing a few photos after noticing that they were not appearing in the photo grid from @cleverdevil’s recent script. I’m thinking that it is photos I uploaded using @Icro that are not working. Posting this from Sunlit.
Roof details
The day is just starting here in Hawaii, and the turkey smells delicious already…and it’s just sitting in the fridge. Happy Thanksgiving to all here on micro.blog.
This was very difficult for me to watch, my hands are sweating now, but at the same time I find it fascinating.
This quote by Eckhart Tolle had stuck with me since a friend shared it a few days ago, “Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world.”
Hallway by night.
I’m still finding Sunlit unpredictable. 90% of the time it will crash while I am using the app, occasionally not. The crashes vary - when I open the app, while I am selecting a photo (navigating to my photos, or scrolling through them) - those are the two most common instances. I deleted the …
Sunrise this morning.
Sunset this evening.
UFOs spotted off the Irish coast?
What It’s Like To Be A ‘Highly Sensitive Person’ When You’re A Man
I have finally put my book on building a Meditation practice, along with tips on how meditation can help introverts and HSPs, up onto my website.
Borrowing with gratitude from Thich Naht Hanh, I have lost my smile, but don’t worry. The sunflower has it.
Well in the fresh light of a new day I just answered my own question about whether it was possible to delete a Mastodon account or not. At least from the instance that I was using it was possible….at least I assume that is what I did!😬
I love the poetry of Zen monk Ryokan. His words bring me peace, quiten my mind and speak to me of the essence of life. Here is one of his haiku, The wind gives me Enough fallen leaves To make a fire.
The weather this last week has been exquisite. Driving to the hospital this morning the West Maui mountains were sharply etched against an azure sky, growing in size and detail as I approached them. In the distance, across the water, was the island of Molokai, it’s rarely seen summit slowly …
Mastodon users, is it correct what I read that it is not possible to delete a Mastodon account?
I’m getting stitches taken out of my toe this morning. I’m looking forward to having them out, but not looking forward to having the procedure…
I’m so grateful for these dark nights with no, or little, artificial light. To see all those stars around us, above us, surround us.
I work best when I have no interruptions. The preference is to be just be working alone. Today has been the complete opposite of that - constant interruptions. I am using my meditation practice, on the move, to keep myself grounded and my mind from feeling too fried!
A day like today reminds me that I need to get on with my application for US citizenship. Although I sit here in my home, as a US resident, I sit here unable to vote.
Well I only got two days into the 30 day plan outlined in www.amazon.com. However, I did do a major social media purge, deleting a bunch of accounts and taking Instagram off my phone. Over the last few days I have rarely looked at my account - that’s been an interesting experience which I …
Back to Twitterrific. It is where I started with Twitter a decade ago, and though I wander onto other apps occasionally, it still embraces for me what Twitter was/is about - even if Twitter seems to be doing its best to break the 3rd party apps.
An Incredible Journey Being introverted or highly sensitive doesn’t fit the archetypal image of a male, but some of us are just wired that way. I wanted to give men a place where they can talk about it. A recent article about me that appeared in The Maui News.
The Barn with Hapu’u trees and grasses. Also my seventh and final post on Twitter for the mylifeinblackandwhite challenge.
Well two days without any rain. I feel as though I should be celebrating something.
The power of a smell to take you immediately to a place and time.
Well I still managed to clear and catch up on a lot of emails today. That feels satisfying.
Me: “If I didn’t have all these distractions, I could catch up on emails, etc….” A few days later having had an accident, 7 stiches in my toe, and being esentially grounded. “Is there anything else I can do,” while looking round for a distraction…. 🙄🤣
October 2018
Evening clouds.
They’ll be no trick or treating for me with my grandson this evening. A wheelbarrow dropped on my toe requiring me to have stiches. Now it is foot up and hobbling around. Happy Halloween! 🎃
Sitting and reading in the silence and stillness of the night, save for the sound of falling rain.
Anyone here use Apple’s iCloud for email? Emails are coming in for me via Apple Mail, but not going out. All works fine via the web interface. I’ve heard nothing yet from Apple Support.
WSJ article, Do You Know How Others See You? on Tasha Eurich’s new book Insight, on developing self-awareness, both inner and outer.
Requirements for a healthy body - an afternoon nap, and an outdoor shower!
Celebrating some email spring cleaning today.
A little fairy magic in the front garden today.
With the moon rising late (or setting early?), I was gazing up at the Milky Way last night. Right now I don’t think that that will be happening this evening, what with the current cloud cover and rain.
Home…looking east.
Freedom is a real blessing for me when I want to get things done, but don’t want to allow my wandering mind to take me somewhere else.
I’m up early to do some writing. Trying a new routine. See what happens, if it works.
Kaupo Church. Sitting on a windswept promontory on the south east side of Maui, this simple but beautiful church is a favorite spot of mine on the island.
The slopes of Haleakala reach down to the ocean on the more barren south east side of Maui.
As I ponder my relationship with social media, and having closed a few accounts recently, this quote caught my attention, My day-to-day life was the same but felt less important, simply because no one else was validating it with likes and comments. Quitting Instagram…
On a walk this morning I saw my first humpback whale of the season breaching the water off the cliffs of North Maui. I believe that that is a little early. They are normally expected in November.
I finally upgraded my MacBook Air to Mojave, now that SmallCubed’s MailSuite is now running on the new OS.
I’m finding my timeline is taking a while to load in the iOS app, ~ 5 seconds. Anyone else? Icro seems to load almost immediately. cc @manton
Wet, grey, overcast afternoons feel just right sometimes.
Sometimes with the traffic here, I forget that I am on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Family visit, we want to show them the island…it rains… 🌧
That mid-afternoon weariness.
View while weeding in the garden this morning.
Morning dew on vetiver grass.
Oh how I love that smell of smoke from a fire place…in this case a new fire pit in our front yard….even better, one’s clothes after the fact, that have soaked up that smokey smell. 😊
Curling up with a good book tonight would be just what the doctor ordered. Sadly, it’s not going to happen.
I remember a Buddhist monk saying that, “suffering is wanting things other than they are.” It is a reflection that has always served me well…even if it is difficult to put into practice at times.
Autumn is here, my favourite season. I love the colours of the changing leaves, the leaves under foot, the temperature change, the cozy “inside” time…and yes, even the rain. But here in Hawaii the sun rises a little later and sets a little earlier…not much more.
Storm brewing => headache developing.
I would never dream of doing this, my palms start sweating just seeing a photo of someone looking over a precipitous drop, but I look forward to seeing this documentary: “Free Solo,” a Documentary About the Hardest Climb in History
Is it possible to embed my Micro.blog feed in a Weebly built website? If so, can anyone help with directions? Thank you in advance.
Seriously wondering if I can leave behind my iPhone, smart phones in general, and just make use of a retro cell phone….or am I too wired in with app use and workflow?
Virginia Wolf on the subject of inner loneliness as quoted by Olivia Laing in her book, The Lonely City, If I could catch the feeling, I would: the feeling of the singing of the real world, as one is driven by loneliness and silence from the habitable world. 📚
Shapes, light & shadows.
Racing airplanes across the Atlantic. I just loved the rich, deep blue of the sky.
September 2018
Exploring the back streets of Bristol as the Indian Summer continues.
Late afternoon autumn sunlight through my favourite Beach Trees. As I stood there taking the photo, beach nuts were falling around me as squirrels feasted on the bounty above.
Bristol Cathedral and Council House. A beautiful clear sunny autumn afternoon.
Bell Tower at dusk. Lacoste memories.
Saturday, September 22, 2018 →
Clouds, trees, shapes and colours at sunset along the French Riviera.
Saturday, September 22, 2018 →
Big bird in rock - at Calanques National Park yesterday.
Boats at sunset.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018 →
The sun sets over the Mediterranean at the end of a day celebrating 55 years on this planet for me. A day of reflection and gratitude…for family, friends, opportunities that have come my way, lessons learnt, and wisdom shared. I have much to be grateful for.
The quietness and stillness of Provence as the sun rises. Hear the insects fly by, acorns and leaves falling from trees, the silence. Notice the sun catch a single strand of a spider’s web. Feel that slight breeze. Rest…deeply…
Saturday, September 15, 2018 →
Look carefully, there’s a coloured giraffe somewhere in this photo…🦒
Thursday, September 13, 2018 →
View over Villeneuve-les-Avignon, the 14th Century Fort Saint-Andre, and the 1,912m Mt Ventoux, from a picnic dinner with @clothandgoods.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018 →
Pont du Gard, a Roman aqueduct built to carry water between the city of Uzés to the Roman colony in Nimes. Built in the first century AD, and taking about 5 years to build, offers some amazing statistics in praise of the precision of the Roman engineers. From Wikipedia - “The bridge has three …
Wednesday, September 12, 2018 →
Palais des Papes, one of the largest medieval Gothic buildings in Europe and the Papal residence during the 14th Century, at sunset from where we are staying.
Local wisdom…🍷
Side street, away from the crowds.
Detail from a sweet vegan restaurant, Vert Bouteille. Many thanks to Bénédicte for the warm welcome and delicious lunch as we sheltered from the rain.
By the seaside…in the Camargue National Park
Wednesday, September 5, 2018 →
Mont Major Abbey. I could hear the distant voices of the monks chanting in this beautifully preserved abbey.
Exploring the side streets after dinner.
August 2018
Looking for a spot.
Frayed Nerves: I am not going to pretend that I can work well when I know that people are around who might call on me at any moment, because I can’t. Loud music, disturbances, kids shouting, people talking, these distractions and others just throw me when it comes to working. Sometimes, most of the time, just …
July 2018
End of the day.
Say cheese!
Shadows and trees, shapes and design … memories of Japan.
Reflections at sunset
June 2018
A windswept ruin in Kilmuir on the Isle of Skye from three years ago (😳 wow! time flies), feels appropriate to accompany the new blog post, “Where is the Prison in your Life?” Link in the bio.
Where is the Prison in Your Life?: One of the most rewarding activities that I am involved in right now is a weekly men’s circle that I co-facilitate in Maui Community Correctional Center. We call the group Men’s Mentoring and its aim is to offer inmates of the jail a place to share in confidence, with no judgment, issues in their …
Grandpa duties…🚂 @brioplay
“In a world where scarcity and shame dominate and feeling afraid has become second nature, vulnerability is subversive.” ~ @brenebrown
Flying home
The sky was on fire this evening.
May 2018
A quiet corner somewhere.
I never live up to my ideals.
Home at dusk
Morning rain drops highlight meticulous work.
April 2018
Accidental selfie! I was trying to take a photo of the sunset, but didn’t have my glasses on (see the squinting eyes) and hit the wrong button. 🤷🏼♂️😁
Inside and out - through the window.
Sunset last night.
March 2018
Sunsets over the last week.
Hapu’u tree unfurling.
The finale of Concert For Our Lives Maui.
Haleakala looks over us at the skies clear at the start of Concert For Our Lives Maui. What a great day. Thanks to all involved.
Throw back to an unexpected and fun weekend in Newport, OR with an old friend a few years back.
Keeping the germs at bay.
February 2018
Looking to the Future: Do you ever have an event coming up that you are just not looking forward to, indeed dreading? You are mentally counting down the days to when you will have to show up at a time and place that you could quite happily strike off your calendar? That meeting becomes a gnawing presence in your life, …
This rather dark photo, a scan from a slide (remember them?!), was taken in 1989 when I was 25. I believe that it was taken somewhere in central Pakistan, perhaps near Lahore? The weather was baking hot, just dry heat, and I was on the start of a trip that would take me up through Pakistan on the …
Finding Solace in Memories: Introverts spend a lot of time in their inner lives. It is what makes us introverts. We sit, process, think, ruminate and so much so that the external world can sometimes be just too much for us. It is why at times we just want to be quiet, or can seem remote, aloof. We are not ignoring you, just …
That’s snow on the summit of Haleakala this morning - the first time that I have seen it up there. We had a very brief hail storm down here yesterday and a lot of rain. It seems that it was cold enough for the white stuff at 10,000ft
Another perspective.
When You Doubt Even Yourself: Old habits die hard…even, or maybe especially when they run counter to something that you truly believe in. Visitors to this site will know that aside from working with introverts and highly sensitive people of both sexes, I have a particular interest in working with men as I believe that …
Throw back to street art in the Wynwood neighborhood of Miami.
Slow Sunday.
Just before the men arrived for the 3rd gathering of Introvert/HSP I-Group here on Maui.
January 2018
View over the course.
Street scene Miami.
Starting life.
The cleaning crew.
Japanese erasures used in an art installation at @artpalmbeachfair.
A day at the @artpalmbeachfair, and stopping by Gallery 88 for the Bekindr project - The Transformative Power of Kindness
December 2017
Thank you 2017 from while I was on Instagram.
Barn sunset
November 2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017 →
Praying mantis work colleague this morning.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017 →
…and last night I was grateful for that. Warm soup 🍵🙏🏻
Bronx finding the sun as the cool November weather blows through.
Evening sit.
Morning colours with rainbow.
October 2017
An electrical storm, torrential rain two nights ago, a power outage, poor cell service & no internet all day yesterday…and more rain, meant for a quiet day, rest and time with a book.
Watching the show 🌅
Finding stillness in quiet reflections. New on the blog - finding nourishment in life as an introvert and/or hsp when you feel shaken up - link in the bio.
Basking in the glow of staffing another ManKind Project NWTA this last weekend at Camp Keanae here on Maui. If you are here on Maui, come along on Wednesday 18th to the Homecoming to Celebrate & Welcome the New Brothers at Pukalani Community Center - details below, ALL WELCOME. When: Wednesday, …
Getting Things Done When the World Around You is Spinning Out of Control: Can you move from frantic behaviour to concentration? Can you move from disturbance to instant focus? Can you jump from requests for help to focusing on a job that you are trying to get done? I can’t! Spinning on that sort of dime doesn’t fit my personality. I need to have time set …
September 2017
Saturday, September 30, 2017 →
Evening reflections…
Saturday, September 30, 2017 →
“Boxes, boxes everywhere, and still no place to sit,” with apologies to Hemmingway. With a recent move it feels as though we have been unpacking boxes forever. It has been a real patience practice as I yearn to get back to more creative endeavors, as well as my introverted nature calling …
Hazy sunset after rain. Restful. Peaceful.
Thursday, September 21, 2017 →
“…HSPs are complex, highly capable individuals who are not like everyone else in temperament and disposition. Our needs are simply different.” ~ Tracy Cooper, PhD, Thrive: The Highly Sensitive Person and Career
Saturday, September 16, 2017 →
The gods were on fine form this morning. That’s the sun and cloud, not a fire. …. #sunrise #clouds #lookslikeafire #cloudporn
Sitting in complete silence in our new Barn. Complete silence and stillness such that my ears are ringing. It is in such situations that I can come to peace. The commotion in my mind settles. My heart settles, my body settles, my breathing settles. And with that comes an inner stillness, and greater …
August 2017
Not the eclipse, but this monster storm cloud loomed over the West Maui Mountains yesterday evening.
A new discovery for me today, @akamaicoffee, and I like it.
Lifts galore…
Eyes onto the world from our new barn.
On the home straight?!
July 2017
Shadows and light at dusk.
Haleakala summit at sunset.
June 2017
Shadows & Silhouettes.
Throw back to Beach Trees lining The Promenande in Bristol, England.
Light fixtures at Gatwick Airport.
There’s still a glow in the sky over #Bristol at gone 10:00pm. I miss the long summer nights of the far northern hemisphere….And will miss this place as I head back West tomorrow.
Overhead this morning.
Forever grateful.
Sheep resting in a field, fields that surrounded my home in South Wales for many years.
The Avon Gorge in full bloom.
“Loo Of The Year” award.
Westjet over Greenland a couple of days ago.
Vancouver, city of fountains - throw back to yesterday in the city as I wait for luggage in London.
Sun, Water & Mountains - Vancouver.
A day in Vancouver en route to the UK.
May 2017
A sun set view from upcountry. Snapping a picture over the trees and rooftops.
Back from staffing another wonderful NWTA at Camp Keanae. Grateful to the men of @themankindproject for all their support and work.
Sunset this evening.
A friend in California.
Walking in West Marin a couple of days ago.
April 2017
The jigsaw puzzle that is the new office building going up across the road from where we are staying in Portland, through the lens of @prisma.
Rustic bird table.
All states of mind are workable. Get to know them, make them your friends not your enemy or something to run from, and they loose their power.
Early autumn light & shadow at Daitoku-ji, a temple of the Rinzai tradition of Japanese Zen Buddhism in Kyoto.
Layers of colours as spring touches the Japanese Gardens in Portland. While there today, I recorded Episode #6 of the Behind The Thoughts podcast. Link in the bio.
Bonsai Maple tree.
Spring has sprung.
Quan Yin at my favorite Portland Spa, Kanani Pearl Spa. A piece of Hawaii in Portland.
I have a new podcast is up. Called “Behind The Thoughts,” it is for those who would like to start meditating, have sat once or twice but find it hard to keep going, are wondering what meditation is all about, and are lacking a supportive community. Broadcasting two or three times a week, each …
Full moon over Portland.
City with nautical roots.
Spring in Portland.
View from above. @race4theroses this morning here in Portland.
March 2017
Early spring skies in the Pacific Northwest.
Flying into the Pacific Northwest this evening under the good care of Hawaiian Airlines.
I haven’t seen this carpet for a while - 2 years since I was here. Back in Portland for a visit.
Sunlight & window.
“Red sky in the morning, shepherds warning…,” and one hour later it was raining!
New creations in Haiku.
New on the blog - I Miss my Meditation Sessions Sometimes. Being comfortable with when routine gets interrupted by life and exploring strategies for meditating on the go.
Stop. Breathe.
I Miss my Meditation Sessions Sometimes: Meditation is my life blood. My days feel better when I start them with meditation, even the bad days. I have touched into something inside me which only grows more familiar with time…I am reminded of the inner resources which we all have at our disposal. We only need to cultivate them…and at …
“Every time you tell an HSP they are too sensitive, it’s like telling someone with blue eyes that their eyes are too blue.” ~ Elena Herdieckerhoff.
February 2017
Happy Losar, Tibetan Fire Bird Year 2144.
Rainbow framed in evening sunlight.
It’s great to see UVSC launch. Here is a message from the founders. @jamilnewirth and @christhibaut are excited to announce the launch of their UVSC website - a new non-profit helping those fighting cancer live on! To celebrate, they’ve brought together a group of donors to MATCH DONATIONS up to …
New on the blog, Big View - Relax the Mind. Using expansive views to allow the mind to rest and relax after meditation, after work, after study, when you are tired. And with time seeing in that vista a mirror of the mind - the expansiveness, openness, spaciousness of your mind.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017 →
Big View - Relax the Mind: Two minutes walk from where I live is a bluff. It is not immediately obvious that the bluff is accessible, being as it is down a short path at the end of a cul-de-sac. For those who do find their way there, they are afforded a view of a great part of the North Shore of Maui - across Paia Bay to …
Meditation Tips for Introverts and Highly Sensitive People.: I’m pleased to announce the 2nd edition of my eBook, “Meditation Tips for Introverts and Highly Sensitive People.” The book looks at how meditation can help introverts & HSP’s. There are instructions on how to develop a regular meditation practice, how to deal with obstacles that arise and …
January 2017
New on the blog (link in my bio) - Self Care Sunday. The importance of self care for the highly sensitive people and introverts.
Sunny side up! Breakfast this morning. Can you spot Bronx?
Self Care Sunday: If we cannot keep ourselves in balance physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually we cannot hope to function from a center of well-being. ~ Thrive: The Highly Sensitive Person and Career, by Dr. Tracy Cooper, PhD It is 6:30pm and I have still not made the bed today. That is an unheard of …
It’s a dog’s life - Bronx.
A poignant moment captured by @petesouza - Farewell!
New on the blog, Meditation Practices for Managing Pain.
Meditation Practices for Managing Pain: Two days before Christmas, two days before the socializing of the Holiday season really got into swing, two days before I felt that at some stage in the next week I will need to dip deep into my inner resources to navigate my introverted self through the busyness of seasonal jollity - I get a …
Ryogen-in Temple in the Daitoku-ji Temple complex, Kyoto, Japan. Daitoku-ji is one of fourteen autonomous branches of the Rinzai school of Japanese Zen Buddhism.
Bronx owning the road.
Wailea sunset.
Northfolk Pine & moon at dusk.
First bike ride of 2017.
December 2016
Visiting Maui? Make sure that you dress for the trip. 🌧💦☔️
bestnine2016 from Instagram. Thank you for following. Sending you best wishes for 2017. 2016bestnine.com
It’s snowing in Maui this Christmas! ☃️ Thank you to Paia Fire Department. Merry Christmas to all! 🎄
Carol singing and Hula in Makawao. 🎵"Silent Night, Holy Night"
The Sandman at Mama’s Fish House last night helping Melissa & I celebrate 9 years.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016 →
New on the blog, “Lessons from Japan - An Introvert’s Experience.” Reflections from a recent visit to Japan, a country that got under my skin in such a good way.
Sunset at Hookipa cliffs with Melissa.
Lessons from Japan - An Introvert's Experience: I recently returned from a visit to Japan. It was not my first visit to Asia, but my first visit to Japan. In my readings about introverts and HSP’s, I have heard it said that there is more acceptance of quieter, sensitive personalities in Asia. I would concur on that in the countries that I have …
A throw back to a beautiful summer’s day in 2011, walking along the banks of the River Usk in South Wales during a precious visit back to the UK.
Bamboo fence, near Saiho-ji (Moss Temple), Kyoto.
Throw back to images of Japan - Layers upon layers, at Daitoku-ji, a Rinzai Zen Temple in Kyoto.
November 2016
Egg, bacon & tomato. Experimenting with design on my phone.
Thanksgiving night.
Coconut washed ashore.
Flowers and church.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016 →
Looking skywards. Sitting under the shelter of trees.
Supermoon in pixels.
After yesterday’s US election, I offer this part of the Prayer of St Francis overlaid on an image of the Zen garden at Tenryu-ji Temple, the head temple of the Tenryu branch of Rinzai Zen Buddhism.
Moon rise this evening.
Temple cat. Spot the cat at Seiganji Temple, Kyoto. Seiganji is the head temple of the Jodo Seizan-Fukakusa school of Buddhism. It was founded, in a different location, in 667. It’s current location is at the intersection of two busy shopping streets and is a haven of peace amongst the …
Fence Post.
Chinese Graveyard.
Above Turtle Bay near Ho’okipa with Melissa.
October 2016
Rainbow & storm clouds.
Cows at dusk with Melissa.
Side street in Paia.
Small bamboo garden outside a building in Kyoto.
Working out of Honolulu Coffee (now no more, 8/26/2019) in Paia yesterday morning. Wanting a cappuccino? This is their order - good.
This morning’s view.
View looking back from the ocean.
My recent visit to Japan has rekindled my interest in origami. My first few shapes that I have folded have been a table, a Lilly (proud of that one!), a water bomb(!) a crane, a windmill/four pointed star, an unwell looking frog, and a hat. Great fun! More to come hopefully.
Looking up into the branches of a Rainbow Shower tree.
Artist by the Takase River or canal, Kyoto. The flat bottomed boat is a replica of the type of boat that use to bring goods up & down this canal.
In Koutou-In Temple, Daitoku-ji, Kyoto. Another temple in the Rinzai Zen Temple complex. Can anyone help with a translation?
A strange looking spider spotted on the ceiling at Maui Memorial Hospital A&E. 😉
A homecoming welcome.
Display on the outside wall of an Aesop Skin Care store in Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto.
Entrance to Yasaka-jinja Shinto Shrine, by night, on the edge of the Gion district, Kyoto.
Zuihō-tei garden at Zuiho-in temple, Daitoku-ji.
I stumbled across this cool little coffee shop while wandering the back streets of northern Kyoto on my way to the subway station from Daitoku-ji. Thank you for a welcome cup of coffee, and a bag of the house blend for back home.
The Isshidan garden at Ryogen-in Temple within the vast Daitoku-ji complex in northern Kyoto. Daitoku-ji is one of fourteen autonomous branches of the Rinzai school of Japanese Zen. … This garden was given its name after the Temple' founder, Tokei, was given the name …
Beautiful metal work at and by @kaikadocafe
Right to left - from Indigo plant -> to dried leaves -> to powder ready to create the liquid dye
Flower and fruit arrangement on natural indigo cloth in the indigo dying room of kasuri
Standing at a train station, seeing the tracks disappearing into the distance, has always held a special place in my heart. This is especially so at a station that I do not know, in a country to which I am a foreigner. The tracks remind of the days in my early twenties when I had a pack on my back …
A small part of the fairy tale garden at the ‘Moss Temple’ or Saiho-ji, near to Kyoto. … The temple is of Rinzai Zen Buddhist tradition. Visiting the temple requires requesting an invitation, and before being able to tour the grounds, copying out a Buddhist Sutra. Non Japanese speakers …
Coffee shop ambiance
A small temple of the Tendai tradition of Japanese Buddhism.
September 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016 →
Under my feet in Kyoto.
Simplicity and beauty in plant arrangement.
Kyoto night scene.
Saturday, September 24, 2016 →
Rooftop tree
Waking up in a new world. 🇯🇵
Thursday, September 22, 2016 →
To infinity and beyond.
Haiku landscape
August 2016
Still some places available for the Gentle Men Discussion this coming Monday, August 29. I am holding two separate discussions at 11:00am(PST) & 4:00pm(PST). Spaces available at both times. For more information and registration, take a look at the invitation.
Cliff walks with @bronxnewirth
An afternoon view
An Invitation to a discussion: A facilitated discussion for and about gentle men - introverted and sensitive men who do not fully identify with the dominant macho expectations. What does it mean to be such a man in the world today? What have been your successes? What have been your struggles? This will be the third such …
Saturday afternoon
Day 1: Morning light
July 2016
Gentle Men Discussion: You are Invited to a Discussion For and About Gentle Men Invitation I have previously held two discussions with men to explore what it means to be a quiet or gentle man who does not fully identify with the dominant macho expectations. At both events there was a wide ranging discussion, with the men …
Big Sky
Summer patterns
Bon Festival at Mantokuji Soto Zen Mission
Evening magic.
The end of the day - July, 4th.
Wind swept beach trees.
Storm clouds over Pe’ahi Farms while out walking with my wife, Melissa. Check out her online store Cloth and Goods.
June 2016
I don’t think that the kid in me will ever grow tired of rock pools, a window into another world. An early morning low tide coupled with the calm, resting ocean is a perfect place to find them.
Fire and Rock
My American Airlines flight catching an United flight an hour out from Hawaii.
Steepholm from the beach at Weston-Super-Mare
Sustainable travel
School crossing.
Back to Tintern.
May 2016
Spring daisys and wildflowers in the Avon Gorge.
Summer wall of wisteria.
Maui’s not the only place with these. 🌈
Little people live in Monmouth.
It was lovely to visit St. Werburghs City Farm again after so long… decades. So much has changed in the surrounding area, but all good eco/community based projects. And a good evening with The Mankind Project in Bristol.
Ancient signposts.
Back home in Bristol and an evening walk across the Downs. Cool, clear, bursting with spring life, the Black Birds singing.
South Florida landscape.
Remembering Prince on the cliffs near Ho’okipa.
April 2016
Evening surf at Ho’okipa.
“The secret to understanding nature lies in learning how to use your eyes.” ~ George Sand. Earth Day.
A beautiful walk in Makawao Forest this morning with Melissa.
Hearing It As It Is From Men: Boy this article/post has taken a long time to come together - too long. I’m not sure why. I could probably blame writers procrastination, that blank white screen or sheet of paper that is just sitting there taunting you to dare to fill it with words. Perfection has probably also played a …
Gas pump in Point Reyes Nathional Sea Shore.
Decaying wood.
The Red Heart of volcanic rock and dirt.
March 2016
Sunset view while having dinner at Monsoon India to celebrate my step son Jamil’s birthday earlier this week. Sun setting over the island of Lanai.
Nearing the end of a game of Go with Maui Go Club at the now closed Tea Box Maui.
A repost from Ethan Nichtern: Heroes Who Meditate Day 19 -Matthieu Ricard. Ricard was beginning a career as a talented French scientist ( his father was also a prominent contemporary French philosopher), when he abruptly became a Tibetan Buddhist monk, one of the first Westerners to do so. he is a …
This evening.
Fallen palm branch.
Remembering His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people on this 57th Anniversary of Tibetan Uprising Day, marking 57 years in exile for the Tibetan people.
Thompson Road. Upcountry Maui.
Sun, sea & sand. Evening waves.
February 2016
Saturday morning Go with Maui Go Club.
The summit.
I am touched and grateful for the interest that there has been in the Gentle Men discussion that I am holding on February 29th. There is potentially one space left, so please do get in touch if you are interested. Because of the interest shown, I have been wondering if there would be a wish for …
Old posts.
Chinese New Year Lion entering Tea Box Maui this afternoon.
Junk sculpture & ocean.
Inviting men, men who are looking for a new story of what it means to be a man. The quiet men, the sensitive men, men who don’t identify with the macho, dominant image of men. I invite you men to a free discussion on February 29. For more information follow the link in my profile or email me …
Wednesday, February 10, 2016 →
Young bananas.
Migraine aura.
“That’s life… Starting over, one breath at a time.” ~ Sharon Salzberg.
Time to practice meditation. Sharon Salzberg’s 28 day meditation challenge starts today. Sign up for free at her website. Over 9,000 people so far, and you can follow along in her book Real Happiness.
January 2016
I have long been interested in how men fit in and are accepted among one another. Specifically quiet or gentle men. I am hosting online a small group, free conversation on this topic on February 29th, and I am inviting men to join me. I’d like to have a discussion about what it means to be a …
Repost from Sharon Salzberg: 6,000 people have committed to meditate daily throughout February in Sharon’s RealHappiness Challenge! Join them to receive 28 FREE GUIDED MEDITATIONS { Link in bio } ☺️
An Invitation to a Discussion...: Invitation I am sending out this invitation to men, or men who you may know in your life, to join me for a free discussion about what it means to be a gentle or quiet man who does not fully identify with the dominant macho expectations. I’d love to have a discussion about being such a man in …
Tree. Polaroid.
Tree’s arching over a bike path.
I was so grateful to see these three last week - Olly Chambers, Lucy Chambers, Anna Chambers, and their brother (off camera) Eddy Chambers - my nieces & nephews. Thanks all for stopping by for three brief but full days. We’ll try not to allow so much time to pass before our next visit.
Out watching Jaws yesterday. You can get a sense of the size of those monsters by the surfer going left on the wave….and the helicopter buzzing around in front.
This evening.
Repost @the_real_iman.
Reaching skyward…
“Men feed on each other because you taught them that life was cheap,” ~ James Kavanaugh.
Graffiti and graffiti art.
The remote south east shore of Maui.
In the shade of the tree.
Earth and Sky.
December 2015
Thanks for a fun first year on IG #2015bestnine. Here’s to 2016! 🎉
Ocean view.
A Christmas Eve moon. A Merry Christmas to everyone. 🎄
Wednesday, December 23, 2015 →
Repost Ruminate magazine: Found this note to myself from two years ago from one of my favorite spiritual nonfiction authors Robert Benson. Still learning about saying yes to rest and silence…hope I’m always learning.
Kahului Airport (Maui), cell phone waiting area!
Parking lot views.
Sunset & ocean.
The vastness of Haleakala sweeping down to the ocean.
Weathered coconut.
This fellow came over for a chat while I was parked up yesterday.
Meditation and the Toothbrush: I find it interesting watching people clean their teeth. This is not a regular pastime of mine I hasten to add, but from time to time I find myself visiting friends and we happen to pass in the evening as we get ready for bed, toothbrushes in hand. I believe that observing how people clean their …
November 2015
Old Maui High - resting after an uphill bike ride in the wind.
Memories of a lovely Thanksgiving evening with family & friends.
On this Thanksgiving Day, feeling Gratitude for having The Downs in Bristol, England outside my front door when I was growing up. Fresh air and the abundance of nature to play in. A photograph from a visit there over the summer earlier this year.
Disconnecting from the world. Taking time out to recharge, reflect, take stock. Leaving behind the busyness of the world for a few hours, days, weeks - it will get by without you and will be there when you return. Making time for retreat. New on the blog (see link in my profile).
Introversion - In the Cradle of the Night: Climbing up on Solsbury Hill I could see the city light Wind was blowing, time stood still Eagle flew out of the night" ~ Solsbury Hill, by Peter Gabriel Solsbury Hill is an Iron Age Hill Fort to the East of the city of Bath in England. From the lyrics of this well-known song we know that …
When the sun doesn’t shine.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 →
Looking towards the West Maui’s.
Sunset on the roof of the world - Haleakala National Park. Freezing but beautiful.
Sunset at Keanae.
October 2015
And so it starts, a couple of months enjoying my favorite coffee from my two favorite coffee shops in Portland, Sterling Coffee & Local Roasting Co - I miss having these guys just round the corner from me. Thank you to Melissa for mailing these to me.
Introversion - Life in the Rear View Mirror: When looking at my life as an introvert and HSP, I can spend a lot of time gazing into the rear view mirror. Why? Because for the greater part of my life I had no formal reference point with which to frame how I have felt in different situations. While growing up my heart knew what I wanted, what I …
Sunset over the West Maui Mountains.
View from The High Line in New York City this last summer.
Tree graveyard.
Sunset from the cliffs looking towards Ho’okipa.
September 2015
Those cliffs….on Moloka’i last weekend.
Tree at sunset.
Thursday, September 24, 2015 →
The Silence of Male Introverts & HSPs?: I wrote this piece to explore some thoughts and observations that have been going through my mind. I’ve been thinking a lot about introversion and sensitivity, as it is defined for a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), and men. Specifically the visibility of introverted and/or HSP men online, and what …
A speck of colour red, a buoy.
South shore scene.
Saturday, September 19, 2015 →
Saturday, September 19, 2015 →
Father Damien’s St. Philomena Church.
Thursday, September 17, 2015 →
Nature’s embrace.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 →
Lake District locals.
Late summer blooms.
Saturday, September 12, 2015 →
Aloha Friday view.
Thursday, September 10, 2015 →
Rainbow Shower tree.
Thursday, September 10, 2015 →
Double rainbow & storm.
Sunset yesterday evening.
The odd one out.
Hudson Valley bakery.
A goodnight sunset. Sleep well.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015 →
Sunset cloud.
August 2015
The wilder, moody side of the Isle of Skye. Just round the corner from where this photo was taken a waterfall was being blown upward. Too difficult & dangerous to capture.
Letting Go - A Lesson From the Road: I am not long back from a summer holiday visiting family and friends in different parts of the US and UK. Six weeks on the road. I have be away for much longer, much longer, but looking out from the perspective of pre-departure this felt like an exhausting trip before I had even taken off. Despite …
Scottish thistle on the Isle of Skye.
Throw back to a visit to the wonderful Dia Museum in Beacon, NY.
🎶 “In England’s green and pleasant land…” 🎶 Exmoor.
Moon over Bristol.
July 2015
Back home in Bristol for a visit - the Avon Gorge.
A few more of those early morning South Beach shots 😄🌅
South Beach architecture.
Somewhere over Europe early yesterday morning .
On a morning walk last weekend in South Beach, FL.
UK next.
Let battle commence.
Being Interviewed by Melissa Schwartz - Video: Melissa Schwartz of Leading Edge Parenting, where she coaches parents of highly sensitive children, recently interviewed me. Our discussion looked at the overlap between Tibetan Buddhism, particularly meditation and High Sensitivity. You can watch the complete interview below. I hope that you enjoy …
Trees & Fence.
Sunset shadow.
Distance shores.
June 2015
A shy stop sign.
Venus & Jupiter cozying up.
Through the grass.
Rock, sea & sky, West Mauis.
Medicine Walk - Reflections: A little under two weeks ago I wrote about the Medicine Walk that I was planning to embark on. The time that I went out on the walk coincided with a week when family were all away. Because of that I returned to an empty, quiet house. It was an ideal environment to sit and reflect on the experience …
From a visit to Bath earlier this year.
The sun doesn’t shine every day.
New project…there, it’s out there now!
Waves breaking.
Digital Focus (aka Mindfulness Bell): As I journal and reflect on the Medicine Walk that I went on last Monday, I am reminded of the importance of some digital tools that I make use of to help prevent me from getting caught up in the digital world. I thought that I would share them here with you should you also want to explore moments …
Medicine Walk - Setting Intention: This coming Monday, June 15, I will be spending the day on a Medicine walk. I am taking the time now to share this with you as witnesses to my intention for that day. I will set off at dawn into the crater of Haleakala, the large dormant volcano here on Maui and walk until sunset, fasting though …
On the way to the ocean.
Stupa and Full Moon from last night, Saga Dawa.
Happy Saga Dawa.
May 2015
Kite surfing at Manzanita, OR.
End of a long day, sunset.
Flowers hiding.
Remembering Sauvie Island from May last year.
Big sky.
Some Days Suck...: Some days suck and yesterday was one of them for me. That was the downside. The upside happened as the day drew to a close with a bit of wisdom that came my way in one of those synchronous ways that things can unfold in life. The advice was helpful and what I needed to hear. However, that piece of …
Kula sunset.
Reaching for the sky.
Pathway to the ocean.
Nature’s patterns. Permaculture.
Sunset, south shore.
They made a bench for me…or so I’d like to think 😊
Spot the bee.
Storm brewing.
Kula sunset.
Evening in Bristol, UK from winter this year.
To the ocean.
Maui Dharma Center.
View from Kaupo Church, Maui.
April 2015
The rain has helped to keep the temperature down…and produce some lovely rainbows.
Maui Dharma Center.
Street lamp in the rain.
Ancient stones.
Bath Cathedral detail.
Cooling off on the way home.
Out on the bike again…Hot ☀️
The old and the new. A bike ride to Old Maui High.
Morning shade.
Making Friends with Boredom: Boredom is an interesting beast. I don’t know if it is who I hang out with, but few weeks go by without someone complaining of “feeling bored." They’ll scratch the itch as best they can, usually by finding something to distract them, but boredom’s irritations never appear to be far away. …
Neglected toy.
Afternoon office.
First ride since arriving in Maui. Good to be out on the bike.
A blast from the past - The Rewards of Staying Present.
March 2015
Trust In Your Natural Wisdom: Buddhism speaks of Buddha Nature, the fundamental nature of all beings. This is our natural, innate wisdom free from all obscurations. It is a state of simply knowing which is right now clouded by the mists of our untamed mind. In the coaching world they speak of people being naturally creative, …
February 2015
What the Tibetans Taught Me About Quiet Time: I am writing this on a flight back to the US from England. I have spent the last two weeks in the UK, where I was born, visiting with family and friends. The UK is home and so visits back there become a run around of trying to see and do as much as I want to in the time available. The truth is …
January 2015
Landing in a New Place: Yesterday my wife and I traveled across the country, the US that is, from the north west corner to the south east in order to spend a week with my mother-in-law. The journey is always long. There is no direct flight, it is two flights minimum, and yesterday was compounded by a two hour delay due to …
December 2014
Wednesday, December 24, 2014 →
How to Approach Difficult Situations ... and Manage Those Holiday Blues: A lot of good advice has been offered online on how introverts and HSPs can manage the social demands that might come their way over the holiday period. I was not intending to add to this well informed conversation, until I came across this short video (below) by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, a Tibetan …
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 →
Thresholds: The URL to this website is made up of the words “Crossing The Threshold.” While it informs my work, I have until now made no reference to its meaning. A friend and colleague recent asked me to what what I was referring. That question, along with a new logo and header on this site (and some more …
November 2014
An Attitude of Gratitude: Every Thursday evening at a yoga class that I use to attend we started class by sitting in a circle, introducing ourselves, expressing any injuries that we had and then naming something that we are grateful for. Once while going round that circle a fellow Brit in the class expressed gratitude for …
An Aesop Fable and Introversion: We have been experiencing some very windy weather here in the Pacific North West. Accompanied by some unseasonably cold temperatures, the wind chill has been cutting through everyone. The skies have been clear and the strong winds have given a clarity to the air, while at the same time making swift …
Broad Shoulders Aren't Always Necessary: How do you deal with those situations where someone dishes out an attack on you, offering accusatory remarks that are untrue? Their words are spoken before reaching out and trying to understand where you are coming from. You know that an image of you is now out in the world, however small a corner …
October 2014
Keeping the Gremlins at Bay: See if this rings true for you? You’ve just got off a telephone call or are out of a meeting where something was said to you that felt like a blow to the solar plexus. However, you barely have time to come up for air and take stock of the situation when your schedule calls you to your next …
September 2014
Strive for Perfection, Stay in Practice: Practice - to rehearse, to work at, to train; from the Greek, praktikos - active, practical. Practice is a word that we use to describe our meditation and yoga training. We speak of a meditation practice, our yoga practice, our qigong practice. In this vein, what might practice have to say about our …
August 2014
Meditation In Service of Introverts: Meditation and introversion have something in common - the mind. For introverts the mind is a place of activity, but also a place of refuge. Meditation is an activity for familiarizing ourselves with our mind, and for developing its unrealized potential. That might sound exciting and scary in equal …
Riding Up That Hill: I’ll have to ask you to fill in the blanks on this one. I am writing about extroverts and introverts, but any dualism can be exchanged in replacement for these opposites. This article is primarily about awareness, a tool that is central to meditation practice. I’d also like to suggest that it …
Quiet Time, Space, Mindfulness and Focus: How much time do you give to be just with yourself? Why should you want to? For six mornings of the week members of Portland Japanese Garden have access to the Gardens for two hours before they open to the general public. The other morning I finally made it up there to benefit from this special …
July 2014
The Silent Warrior: When I hear the word “warrior” I usually think of a fearsome character going off into battle, probably on horse back. Such a person appears to me as an ancient and noble figure, adorned in ornate clothes, and carrying some masterly crafted weaponry. In this article I’d like to introduce to you to …
June 2014
A Bed of Leaves: British winter days are short. Throw in a blanket of grey cloud cover and any daylight there was soon diminishes. For some this sort of weather is just too much - I think of those suffering from SAD. For me though, and I’ve lived in and loved many other climates, I feel a deep affinity with the …
May 2014
The Hypnotic Sound of Silence: Life can be a game of give and take at times. We’d prefer things to be one way but for one reason or another we are called to meet the situation halfway. One area where this can be a real challenge is when our comfort zone is confronted. Unless resolution is strong to push through resistance, we’ll …
April 2014
"I Use to be an Introvert, But...": When people ask what I do and I reply that I work with introverts I am surprised how often I hear back the comment, “I used to be an introvert, but…,” and the person then proceeds to explain how they managed to transform themselves. As I listen to them speak, I invariably get the …
Viewing Life from Another Perspective: Whether introverted or extroverted in nature a change in perspective can help navigate trying times, indeed even make the seemingly impossible possible…even if just temporarily. On one of my walks into town I pass a man sweeping the road. Morning seems to be the time to catch him. I have no …
March 2014
Managing Overwhelm (II): In the last article we looked at scenarios where you find yourself becoming overwhelmed. That is you are at an event, whether business or social, and you start to notice a creeping sensation of exhaustion enveloping you. There might be pain involved, physical or mental, and consequently you have to …
Managing Overwhelm (I): This is the first part of a two part article exploring ways of helping yourself when you feel that you are hitting overwhelm. While written from my experiences as an introvert, these techniques are applicable to anyone. We all have our limits. When we reach them if we are still called to act, we …
Just Showing Up: Sometimes it is just about showing up. No matter what our resolution is for a project, and despite what I wrote about in my last post, sometimes getting anything done can feel like near impossible. For some reason the chances of us moving ahead with our undertaking feels like a trudge through …
Motivation's Role In Your Adventures: This article first appeared on Arthur Coddington’s Peak Performance website. Call to adventure… The vision is set. The goals are in place. You are positioned in front of your computer, note book, or on your way to your office (even if that it is 30 second walk from bed to another room …
The Rewards of Staying Present: This is an experience of mine, see if this rings true for you. I am out walking, let’s say on my way somewhere as opposed to just being out for a walk. I am in the world, but also in my own world, living in a world of thoughts that people around me are completely unaware of. That inner world …