Today’s status. My grandson’s fifth birthday. I’ll be staying off that due to a painful lower back.

Starting a new one, Underland, though I have yet to read the book.

Walking in the local neighborhood.

I saw this nest while out at Waihe’e Coastal Dunes and Wetlands, yesterday evening. The nest was only about knee high in a bush. With no dogs allowed in the park and few visitors, I assume that the birds must feel safe and have no or few predators?

This afternoon at Ho’okipa. The island of Molokai is in the distance.

Entertaining tonight

I went out for a bicycle ride late morning. Bike Path

The path took me past the airport, Kahului Airport

and Kanaha Beach Park, busy with Wind & Kite surfers. Kite Surfers at Kanaha

The light feels so clear today.

Mother’s Day morning on the South side.

At my grandson’s school as the children danced round the Maypole this morning.

Moderna #2 complete 💉

Today’s rainbow 🌈


Shadows & Pastels

Office view this morning.

No. 1

Human knot tying ahead.

You might have to look very close here, but this photo is taken from the Koloiki Ridge on Lana’i, with Moloka’i on the left and Maui on the right.

Evening views at the beach.

My grandson playing in the rock pools.

The setting sun.

I’m not spending much time in coffee shops these days, but I took some time this morning to sit outside at Maui Coffee Attic.

Starting my Field Notes annual subscription.