This morning’s rainbow 🌈. A double rainbow. They actually arched right across the sky in a perfect arc, but it was raining at the time and I would have got soaked trying to capture that.

A vibrant double rainbow arcs over a lush green landscape with cloudy skies.

I took a while to see this through, but it was worth it.

A review of the Tattooist of Auschwitz. Liking and recommending the series, how it shows the horrors of the holocaust.

Yesterday afternoon’s rainbow 🌈

A vibrant rainbow arches over a lush green landscape with dense foliage and a grassy field.

This morning’s rainbow 🌈

A rainbow arcs over a lush green landscape with grass and shrubs under a clear blue sky.

We have classical music playing on this Sunday morning, and it is bringing back memories of my childhood.

Of my mother having breakfast in bed and reading a Sunday newspaper, all brought to her by my dad.

My dad deeply immersed in one of the difficult Sunday crosswords, or on his second crossword of the morning.

Then late morning, the smells of a Sunday roast emanating from the kitchen.

Everyone quietly getting on with their Sunday morning thing, to the background of classical music.

We’ve just finished watching this series on Apple TV+.

A review of the Apple TV+ series about the Vietnam war, regarding it as good.

This morning’s, faint, rainbow out over the ocean 🌈

A lush, green lawn extends towards distant hills under a partially cloudy sky, with a small structure visible in the background. Behind that, out in the ocean, is a small, faint rainbow.

Following Amazon’s announcement that it will no longer be possible to download and backup Kindle books from February 26th, I have now been through my list of Kindle books, downloaded those not yet downloaded and saved them in Calibre.

I have also brought my Kobo Libra H2O out of retirement. I’ll be returning to the Kobo store. I bough the Libra a few years back wanting to move away from Amazon. However, I returned to Amazon as I preferred the reading experience on Kindle.

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I drove home yesterday evening coming down the Haleakala Highway. It affords one a view of the West Maui mountains in front, the south shore to the left and the north shore to the right. On a clear day the island of Molokai is also visible to the north west.

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My forth time watching this Studio Ghibli movie, and I still love it. 🍿

A review of the movie Kiki’s Delivery Service along with a poster of the movie.

When Shadow Throws Me a Curve Ball

I haven’t written much on my blog for a few weeks now. There were a couple of posts at the end of January related to a big storm that was passing through the islands, otherwise for the most part I have been silent for almost three weeks. Up until that point I was posting most days. It isn’t that my blog has lost interest for me. I value this space. My little corner of the internet.

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A review of the movie The Brutalist, praising Adrien Brody’s performance and calling the movie Incredible!

24 Hours of a Storm Passing Through

Well last night was quite the storm. This storm was passing through the Hawaii Island chain. It had already battered Ni’ihau, Kauai and Oahu and was now approaching the county of Maui made up of the islands of Maui, Lana’i, Moloka’i and Kahao’olawe. Being a Kona storm, it came in from the south. Living on the north shore of Maui, the bulk of Haleakala protected us through the day - the winds were slight and the rain was non-existent.

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⛵ I have not seen rain like this here for a long time. I find it fascinating and scary at the same time. I hope that everyone is safe out there. The grading of the land appears to be redirecting the water around our house with small rivers appearing. If not, I think that we might sail away.

⛵ I have not seen rain like this here for a long time. I find it fascinating and scary at the same time. I hope that everyone is safe out there. The grading of the land appears to be redirecting the water around our house with small rivers appearing. If not, I think that we might sail away.

⛈️ Well the winter storm that was heading for Hawaii has finally landed on Maui, and we are getting a drenching right now. The power went out here for a couple hours today. Fingers crossed it stays with us over night. Upcountry Maui has not been so lucky - trees down and power outages since early this morning.

The Bunker: Wednesday 22nd, January 2025

All credit to the artist(s) 🎨

On Wednesday of last week there was a new mural on the side of the bunker.

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Finished reading: Catnip & Brimstone by Jessica Nickelsen 📚

This morning the skies are still grey. The land is starting to dry out after taking a real drenching last night. The cool air along with the dampness in it produced a few wispy clouds of mist in the valley this morning. It looked quite beautiful.

First I watched the skies darken over the ocean. Then the hazy sign of rain out at sea, the water changing a dark grey in reflection of what was happening above.

As the rain got closer to land, the boundary between cloud, rain and ocean diminished until it completely disappeared into a grey wall. By then the encroachment onto land had started.

And now it is pouring with rain, above us, around us. We needed it, and the pressure in the air feels as though it has lessened as well.