I don’t know why I expressed concern over the way switching to Daylight Savings time in this post? I live in Hawaii. In Hawaii there is no move to or from Daylight Savings time. The clocks just stay the same through the year.

Perhaps I had some cellular trauma from when I did live in countries and States which observed the time changes? Perhaps the effect of the jump forward of one hour played havoc enough with my sleeping patterns for my mind to just jump to fear, blanking out for a moment where I actually am now?

Anyway, for now all is good. The US crossed into Daylight Savings time just over a week ago and I would have been none the wiser had I not been reading the news.

Following my earlier post about my woes with Safari’s Hide My Email feature, I have finally tracked down the problem. I had disabled AutoFill, under Safari -> Preferences -> AutoFill, specifically Using information from my contacts. This is from using 1Password which I found rendered this feature in Safari unnecessary for me. I am slowly moving away from using 1Password and so reenabled ‘Using information from my contacts’ and Hide My Email showed its face again.

I was back out running today, and I was looking forward to doing so…which I will take as a good sign. I found myself Upcountry here on Maui and so I went to a playing field up there to complete the next run in the Watch to 5K program. The weather was just right - overcast, next to no wind and a comfortable temperature that cooled me down as I did my circuits. The first run felt stiff and then I eased into it, not going too fast so as to exhaust myself, but keeping a steady pace.

I won’t be running again until Thursday. I have a colonoscopy on Wednesday and so my time will be taken up with other things before then…πŸ’©

Monday March 11, 2024 Newsletter letter

Monday March 11, 2024 This week has felt like a real mixed bag - work being done on the house, a visit to the doctor - both of which have follows this coming week….And then for my wife’s birthday we spent a night on the island of Oahu, in Honolulu. The Hawaii equivalent of a visit to the big city. Maybe by some world cities standards Honolulu is a baby, but for me coming from rural Maui the island metropolis is a visual and aural stimulant.

Continue reading β†’

Two images inside the Honolulu Museum of Art.

A hallway with stone flooring, wooden doors, and aged walls, leads to a bright courtyard with a fountain.

A courtyard framed by an arched doorway, featuring a red door, greenery, a pond and a stone path.

Last Friday, March 8th was meant to be a Watch to 5K today, but I was in Honolulu to celebrate my wife’s birthday and so no running happened. The flip side is that I walked a lot over the day and a half that we were in the city - I was exhausted by the time that we got home and slept for an hour - and so feel that at least I kept some momentum going.

Today, Sunday, another run day, my excuse thus far is rather more prosaic. I’m just busy with things that need to get done and I don’t feel comfortable taking a break (which might be hard to get going again from). I might get out to run this evening…if not, it is tomorrow.

I find the Hide My Email feature on MacOS Safari very frustrating. I can set up a hidden email address manually with no problem, but I don’t think that I have ever seen it work in Safari? No pop up appears offering me to create a Hide My Email address.

Graffiti faces seen around China Town in Honolulu.

Graffiti on a doorway of a face, big eyes, triangular nose, with a concerned and worried expression. Various scribbles around and a padlock and chain hikding the door locked.

A couple of graffiti, cartoon faces on a street wall, one white, one black, both happy, cheeky looking with various other scribbles and writing over and around them.

Now this is something that I had not seen or tasted before. A green Matcha (green tea) IPA. We had been gifted a sushi meal at Islander Sake Brewery in China Town, Honolulu, and they served as this Matcha IPA from Kyoto. I think that this is the brew? Very tasty, and certainly a striking colour.

Two small glasses of green matcha beer, an IPA, with the server in the background serving two other customers.

Yesterday we visited the Honolulu Museum of Art to see an exhibition of David Hockney prints, both old and new. I had wanted to see this exhibition and with my wife’s birthday a couple of days before the exhibition closes, it made for good timing for a reason to head over to Honolulu to view it.

A huge David Hockney painting with two images of himself sat in chairs viewing prints that he has created.

In China Town, Honolulu yesterday evening.

Drawing of a blue and red Dragon on a door with the words, Dragon Upstairs

πŸ•‘ Oh no. I just found out that daylight savings starts at 2:00am this Sunday. Clocks springing forward an hour = sleep messed up for a few days.

πŸ•‘ Oh no. I just found out that daylight savings starts at 2:00am this Sunday. Clocks springing forward an hour = sleep messed up for a few days.

πŸ›Œ Those mornings when I just want to throw the sheets back over me and stay where I am…in bed.

πŸ›Œ Those mornings when I just want to throw the sheets back over me and stay where I am…in bed.

🌧️ Today has been an unexpectedly wet day. I saw that wind was on the cards, but it has come with a strong dose of rain as well, heavy rain. A very wintry day.

🌧️ Today has been an unexpectedly wet day. I saw that wind was on the cards, but it has come with a strong dose of rain as well, heavy rain. A very wintry day.

I’m sitting in the truck after the first run of week three of the Watch to 5K program. It is my second time going through week three due to various pauses in the program through illness and visitors.

I’ve moved to a different running venue, a playing field. It is flatter than the park that I have been running in. With the running intervals starting to get longer, I wanted to move to more even ground. The times felt good today, and I tried to throttle back on the tendency to go out of the blocks as though my life depended upon in. I’m trying to tell myself, slow, steady progress.

While not always easy, I am starting to notice a difference in my comfort with the running. I’ll chalk that up as progress.

πŸ¦₯ Slowing down at the end of the day listening to Bedtime Beats playlist on Apple Music.

πŸ¦₯ Slowing down at the end of the day listening to Bedtime Beats playlist on Apple Music.