A quick update on my attempt to get myself to running a 5K, through the Watch to 5K program. My wife and I have had a packed week with family visiting. Fun, but on the go showing them the island. There was no time for running, and today I have decided to take the day off, rest, and catch up things before the week begins.

Tomorrow I’ll start back up.

🫠 Having a slow morning. Our wonderful family guests left yesterday and today feels like a day of rest and catching up on a few things that need doing.

🫠 Having a slow morning. Our wonderful family guests left yesterday and today feels like a day of rest and catching up on a few things that need doing.

Especially for @jean and @Miraz. Waves this morning from the cliffs near to Ho’okipa Beach.

πŸ€• My grandson was firing a water gun (UK: water pistol) last night. In an attempt to get away I quickly turned and walked straight into a glass door. My head is still feeling it this morning. Ouch!

πŸ€• My grandson was firing a water gun (UK: water pistol) last night. In an attempt to get away I quickly turned and walked straight into a glass door. My head is still feeling it this morning. Ouch!

The Clean Up Crew - a flock of white egrets chasing the mower as the grass is cut.

A lot of white egrets on a mown lawn with a mixture trees and bushes around. A patch of blue sky with storm clouds brewing.

The Wall that Heals

A little over two weeks ago The Wall that Heals, a touring replica of the Vietnam Wall Memorial hosted by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, arrived in Maui. It was here for five days, and I went to visit it the day before it left. I saw the actual Memorial in Washington DC almost forty years ago, and although then I knew no one connected with the war and indeed little about the war, I found the Wall very moving.

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A table outside set for dinner last night, with friends having just arrived from out of State. Although a fire was lit in the fire pit and chairs set around it, a stormy evening dissuaded anyone (apart from myself) from hanging out around it.

A table outside but undercover set for dinner. A fire pit with chairs around it at the end of the table.

Well that was an unintended and interesting experiment today. In getting ready to take our visitors out today I left my phone at home. I realized that I didn’t have it with me on our first stop. For the most part I did not miss it, in fact I noticed that my biggest concern was that it was indeed at home and not dropped and so lost somewhere (I had a leather version of Apple’s Wallet attached to the phone’s back, and so there was an added concern of the cards in the wallet). But at times I did notice a niggle, an itch for my phone. I also notice now the sense of relief and comfort at having it back in my orbit.

I have intentionally left my phone behind before, but I rarely have I forgotten it. In this day an age of awareness around people’s reliance and attachment to their phone, I was interested in just how I reacted to having unintentionally left it behind.

πŸš— We have family visiting for a week and so we’re heading out today to show them some of the island.

This small island is full of microclimates. Overcast and wet here, sun where we are heading.

πŸš— We have family visiting for a week and so we’re heading out today to show them some of the island.

This small island is full of microclimates. Overcast and wet here, sun where we are heading.

Well I’m having another break/halt on progress with the Watch to 5K program that I am following. The cause this time is a migraine. I have been getting them for many years, forty five to be exact, though of late their frequency has diminished. Still when I do get them they last for three days and doing something strenuous like running is just too uncomfortable. Hoping to be back out there again soon.

β˜• Trying a third cup of coffee this morning as a remedy against this migraine that I have been nurturing since yesterday.

β˜• Trying a third cup of coffee this morning as a remedy against this migraine that I have been nurturing since yesterday.

πŸ˜” I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. It was warm and comfortable. That was as unusual for me, as I am not normally one to lie around in bed. I am feeling a little bleh as well, which surely contributed towards me not wanting to move.

πŸ˜” I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. It was warm and comfortable. That was as unusual for me, as I am not normally one to lie around in bed. I am feeling a little bleh as well, which surely contributed towards me not wanting to move.

This afternoon’s rainbow, with a second very faint one just above it. 🌈

A rainbow over a hedge with a dark sky. A propane tank is in the middle of the hedge. A lawn in the foreground has the shadow of a roof on it.

Another Watch to 5K run under my belt, ending my second run through (pun not intended) of the second week. I felt a little stiff to start off, and was careful to pace myself better this time. By the end I had not quite run as far as last time, but felt better in myself.

How I'm Capturing the Photographs for the Travel Stories

A slide being projected onto a wall in a darkened room. When I set off on my travels in the mid 1980’s, I took a SLR camera with me. From my memory I had two lenses, a 35mm and a zoom lens the size of which I cannot remember. I believe that I also had a couple of filters with me. I did not know a lot about photography, though had been reading a little on the subject, and wanted to take the best photos that I could to remember and give me a flavour of my time away.

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