👋 …and suddenly it is all over. The build up, the preparation, the day, the eating, the cleanup, and all that is left are memories and feeling of a meal well eaten.
Of course there is time spent with family and friends - appreciated and not taken for granted. For now though, Thanksgiving is wrapped up until next year.
I was listening to an episode of the Metta Hour with Sharon Salzberg podcast yesterdday, and Sharon said something like (I’m paraphrasing),
…and there is the conflict in the world today, in fact what about the conflict that is within individuals…
Hearing that made me understand the often quoted,
World peace starts with inner peace,
in a whole new way. Yes there is conflict in this world right night, seemingly (from where I am sitting) everywhere I look, but what about the conflicts that I battle with within myself? And then the inner conflicts that everyone around me might have?
It can sound trite in a world of war and threatened authoritarianism, but by how much would the world be different if we each tried to fix our inner conflicts? If we held an awareness of how one’s conflicts can affect behaviour, and so not take the words of others so personally?
What does that look like? Being able to operate, just, while between time spent sleeping and feeling nauseous. There might be some aching going on in the background? But it does not really develop any further.
I’ve said this before on this website, for example here and here. So why again? As much as anything, I repeat myself because I need to remind myself.
There is something unintuitive about meditation. Meditation is a method for reprogramming our heart into different ways of being. We are swimming up stream, going against the flow. It’s hard work, and as such we might want to try and make things happen, force change.
The sun has caught my face today, I can feel it. First out in the garden, clearing the planter boxes of weeds which had overgrown them due to neglect.
Next to the beach for a walk, and then just to sit and watch life go by - the surfers, children playing in the shore break, parents chatting, visitors on the look out for turtles.
Finally back home to finish the planter boxes.
A good day. Now I can feel tiredness creeping up on me as the fresh air and exercise from the day leave their mark.
The weather can be beautiful at this time of year, perfect. Yes there can be days of rain in the part of Maui where we live. That’s welcome, one because we need it, and two because for me days and days of sun can get a little old. But when the trade winds wind down, when the sun does not beat too strongly, there is a quality to the light and temperature that feels…well, perfect. Indeed, inspiring as well. Today is such a day.
I spent some time tinkering with my website this afternoon, and sending out some gratitude to various people who make it possible. I’m happy with how it’s looking…until I’m not and the next tinkering session. 😉
I had a dream last night in which a good friend, Maique Madeira, was sitting on the floor reading Harry Potter to his daughter, surrounded by a larger group of intent listeners. Not only that, but through the power of the internet, people were listening all over the world (I remember an Apple HomePod Mini positioned next to Maique, which I assume was doing the transmission?). I also assume that by the power of the internet Maique’s reading was being simultaneously translated into whichever language people around the world understood?
We’ve had a lot of rain over the last two days. With that I’ve felt an increased pressure in the air, and I have put that down to headaches that I have been having. Initially I thought that it was because I was tired, but I think not know. I’ve mentioned this before. Increased pressure in the air, normally I find when storms are brewing, gets my head hurting directly above my nose, a thumping pain. Once the rain has passed and the air has cleared, I feel better, lighter.
🌧️ We are waking up to rain this morning, a lot of it. I hope that the rest of the island is getting this as it needs it. We live in the wetter part of Maui, and sometimes I can drive fifteen, twenty minutes from here and I go from rain to sun and blue skies.
🌧️ We are waking up to rain this morning, a lot of it. I hope that the rest of the island is getting this as it needs it. We live in the wetter part of Maui, and sometimes I can drive fifteen, twenty minutes from here and I go from rain to sun and blue skies.