Day 8 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Yonder, suggested by @jidabug

Inverness, CA.

A wooden pier jutting out into Tomales Bay from a house in Inverness, California

Ruminations on Travel and Place

Wednesday of last week I went back over to Lahaina to spend the day volunteering. It was hot, very hot, but rewarding. As I drove home I was reflecting on where I had been for the day. I had traveled across a good part of Maui in traveling from my home to Lahaina. Let me try and give some perspective… My home is on the north east shore of Maui.

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🩻 A hospital goes from a place that I rarely see, to one that becomes quite familiar. A chest X-ray just completed this lunchtime, with a follow up doctor’s visit tomorrow morning. All to see how my healing from pneumonia is progressing.

🩻 A hospital goes from a place that I rarely see, to one that becomes quite familiar. A chest X-ray just completed this lunchtime, with a follow up doctor’s visit tomorrow morning. All to see how my healing from pneumonia is progressing.

Day 7 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Panorama, suggested by @dejus

The audience in Portland welcoming His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 2013.

The audience of a large arena welcoming His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Portland. Everyone has Khatags, white silk scarves, around their necks, a traditional Tibetan greeting

Note to self: Do actually look at your ToDo list! 🤦🏼‍♂️

Day 6 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Well, suggested by @val

I think that this must have been a well? Now inside a hotel on Lake Como.

Standing above what might have been a well, now inside a hotel on Lake Como

I stepped outside this evening to a clear night sky, and there traveling overhead was a trail of Starlink satellites. That was the first time that I had seen them. It looked like a trail of Christmas lights floating across the sky. It was quite a sight. I’m now on the look out for the next sighting with the aid of this website.

I like Manuel Moreale’s analogy of seeing the online world as a mirror of the physical one.

Day 5 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Forest, suggested by @ovr

The woodland leading down to the river Avon from Durdham Downs in Bristol, my stomping ground when I was growing up.

Woodland leading down to the river Avon from Durdham Downs in Bristol

Sunset this evening from our lanai.

Sunset view from our house with red and grey clouds

Hiking Haleakala Crater

I spent yesterday hiking Haleakalā Crater with a friend. The mountain sits at just over 10,000ft in altitude. The crater that is there today is not a classic volcanic crater, but rather a large erosional valley. It is believed that two valleys, Ko‘olau to the north and Kaupō to the south, expanded into the remains of a much larger volcano, possibly 12,000ft high, creating the crater that is there today.

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Day 4 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Orange, suggested by @ekcragg.

An orange cloth, along with other items, in a china bowl on a shelf

😮‍💨 Exhausted but happy after a day hiking through Haleakala crater today.

😮‍💨 Exhausted but happy after a day hiking through Haleakala crater today.

Day 3 of the September Photoblogging Challenge: Precious, suggested by @odd.
Precious memories of past travels, this in Nepal, 1989 (photo of slide).

Bus with a lot of people sitting on the roof, somewhere in Nepal in 1989

I spent this afternoon working in our yard. As an aside from this story, I have never quite got use to Americans calling what surrounds their house a yard. In the UK it is a garden and when you are working out there, you are gardening.

Anyway, I was out in our yard pushing a wheelbarrow backwards and forwards, going to the shed for tools, and was wondering how far I was traveling just by walking around the garden. In steps (pun not intended) my Apple Watch. I set it to measure an open ended walk, and carried on working.

A little while later a vibration on my wrist told me that I had just hit the one mile mark. I was really quite surprised, and it showed me the exercise that I can do just by being in the garden.

Day 2 of the September 2023 Photoblogging Challenge.
Buildup - suggested by @V_
Miami, FL

A black and white photograph of cranes appearing above a single story building with an abstract mural painted on it

Day 1 of the September 2023 Photoblogging Challenge.
Abstract - suggested by @greghiggins
Volterra, Italy

A large red metal circle standing upright in the middle of a field in Volterra, Italy

August 2023 Newsletter letter

August 2023 Well after a run of 14 newsletters, the last one being at the end of April this year, I have not sent a newsletter for three months now. April and May found my wife and I in Portugal, based in Alcácer do Sal where we have a town house. At some point during our two month stay I became unwell. Initially it appeared to be hay fever, allergies which I escape here in Hawai’i.

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