March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge

Day 2: Weather, suggested by @pcora

We’ve been having terrible weather of late. Continual wind and rain, with the occasional glimpse of sun. Cold as well.

Heavy grey clouds approaching over the garden as the next wave of rain comes in

🌧️ It’s pouring out there. β€œOut there,” is outside of my truck. I have come to off load the recycling, but it is raining so much that for now I am not venturing out.

March 2023 Photoblogging Challenge

Day 1: Secure, suggested by @mandaris

A plant behind a secure window in Florence, Italy.

A plant in a window which has a metal mesh stopping anything from falling out or getting in

February 2023 newsletter letter

February 2023 Welcome to my February 2023 newsletter. This month has been dominated for me by travel to Europe. A solo journey made up of two parts. First I stopped for a week in England to visit my mother. From there I travelled down to Portugal for two weeks. Nothing specific was planned for the England leg of the trip. I simply spent some quality time with my mother, did some odd jobs for her around her apartment, and allowed myself to rest and get over jet lag which I find can hit me pretty hard when I travel east to Europe.

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Well that will teach me. I saw a passage earlier today that I liked, and thought that I would build a blog post around. “I’ll remember where the text is," I said to myself, “I’ll pick it up later."

Remembering it now and wanting to write that post, I have no idea where I saw it. Lesson learnt. Next time I will bookmark it, copy and paste it somewhere where I’ll find it, or simply write it down.

And in a funny way, I still wrote a blog post around it.

It’s cold, wet and windy today. February is going out with a bang.

Resting in the Anonymity of Travel

Yesterday I landed at JFK airport in New York after a seven and a half hour flight from Lisbon. The previous night I had spent at an airport hotel in Lisbon due to my early departure the next day. Although someone was sitting next to me on the flight to JFK, we both kept to ourselves, eating, reading, and watching movies on the inflight entertainment. I arrived in New York at lunchtime, but my onward flight to home in Hawaii did not leave until the next morning, and so I had booked an overnight stay at the TWA Hotel connected to Terminal 5 at JFK.

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πŸ§ͺ Doing a little testing of's status updates.

🚧 The spam bots appear to be on overdrive for the last couple of days. The amount of junk e-mail dropping in has significantly increased.

🚧 The spam bots appear to be on overdrive for the last couple of days. The amount of junk e-mail dropping in has significantly increased.

πŸ’†β€β™‚οΈ I’ve just had a massage to ease two days of travel out of me. I’m still less than 24 hours home and feel as though I have a leg in two continents.

Leaving a Book Before I Finish It

I stopped reading a book recently, and for some reason that process of putting the book down sits very uncomfortably with me. The book had been recommended to me by a friend a number of years back. I purchased it at the time, but ever since it has languished, other titles jumping the queue. I finally picked the book up a month or so ago. I wanted to enjoy the story because it had been recommended to me, but I found the plot rambling, as though it was trying to keep going by padding itself out.

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πŸ›¬ Getting there. I’ve not long landed in Honolulu. Waiting for my final flight, to Maui. What time is it?!

A few views of the TWA Hotel at JFK early this morning. There are always people walking around taking pictures here. The retro sixties look is so well done.

The sunken lounge. Sunken lounge at TWA Hotel at JFK

The old checkin desks that are now used for hotel checkin. The bag conveyor belt is running behind the desks, though they carry nothing. Old checkin desks now used for hotel checkin

The walk way connecting the hotel to Terminal 5. The walk way connecting the hotel to Terminal 5

Oh jet lag! I guess that I might as well get up? πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ₯±

Tonight’s layover, TWA Hotel at JFK.

Abstract image of New York City for the TWA Hotel, modeled on the 1960’s

πŸ›Έ Up, up and away.

I’m starting the flights back home. It’ll take me a couple of days to get there. I’ll miss Portugal. I missed it last time that I left and I’ll miss it this time. See you again soon.

There was a haze of dust from North Africa (sand from the Sahara?) hanging over Lisbon this evening, as I crossed the Vasco da Gama Bridge.

πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ The morning cloud and mist is burning off. It feels as though it will be a warm afternoon.