Clean up done. Sitting quietly now.

Yesterday evening a collection of friends - kids, parents, grandparents - came over to play on the water slide that my son-in-law had constructed in a large natural bowl that sits on our property. There were a few collisions, but no injuries. My wife barbecued a delicious meal. Conversation continued into the night, while the kids (and adults) played in my step-daughter’s swimming pool next door.

Finished reading: The Cybernetic Tea Shop by Meredith Katz πŸ“š

πŸ“ I'm grateful for journalling.

πŸ“ I'm grateful for journalling.

πŸ₯± Waking from an afternoon nap.

πŸ₯± Waking from an afternoon nap.

This afternoon my wife and I took a two and a half mile walk in Upcountry Maui. The cloudy weather created just the right conditions for walking.

A lot of the land that we were walking by belongs to Oprah. Indeed most (all?) that is in this photograph belongs to her.

Upcountry Maui. A single track, twisty road winds between hilly fields with low lava rock walls

I stopped on the return leg to take a photograph looking across to West Maui, the Pacific Ocean and the island of Lana’i.

Looking across Maui to West Maui, the Pacific Ocean and the island of Lana’i

After all the praise for The Bear that I have read on, I took out a subscription for Hulu. I don’t regret doing so. I’m, we are thoroughly enjoying it.

On a clear night, we are blessed with a wonderful view of a star filled sky. Tonight, just before turning in, I stopped to stair up at the glittering patterns above me, and the vastness of heavens that our tiny planet sits in. I find something quite calming and humbling viewing that site.

Reupholstering a couch today. Learning as I go. Patience is one of those lessons!

Strips of cloth and the side of a couch. The strips of cloth will go to replace the current cloth in couch’s side. It is weaves into place

Some days I wonder what I have achieved from my meditation practice? Sleepy, wandering mind, replaying that incident from yesterday.

Providing this does not become a habit as in, “great, it’s rest time,” I believe that what is gained is just showing up. There are so many other things that I (you) could be doing, and I decided to meditate. I am building a habit, building a muscle. So don’t become disillusioned if some sessions didn’t go as well as you hoped. You showed up.

Going in…looking to retrieve some images off of my step-daughter’s old computer. 🫣

Dismantling an old white Apple laptop on the floor. The keyboard is off, the hard drive out, the keyboard lies at an angle. Screws, screwdrivers and other bits and pieces lie around

When I am unwell, I quite often find that I loose my taste for coffee. It comes back in its own time as I heal. As I recover from pneumonia I had started making myself a cup of coffee in the morning, but wasn’t really enjoying it. So when my acupuncturist suggested that I stay away from coffee for now and instead have some green tea, I thought, “I can do that.” For a while, all has been good.

Now in the morning, as I make my wife’s coffee alongside my green tea, I am starting to warm to the aroma of the coffee. My mouth is starting to search for the coffee taste. I sense some challenges ahead.

The upside of this is that if I am wanting coffee, I take that as a positive sign of improvement.

πŸ•³οΈ I am slowly surfacing, climbing out of the hole. I have not written on my blog for about a month. Much has happened, but I have simply not had the bandwidth to post. I've been unwell since May 20th, but did not get a diagnosis, of pneumonia, until June 7th - traveling saw to that delay. I've lost a lot of weight, and energy is up and down. But although I won't be exerting myself too much anytime soon, pneumonia can have a slow recovery time, I am sensing a slow improvement.

πŸ•³οΈ I am slowly surfacing, climbing out of the hole. I have not written on my blog for about a month. Much has happened, but I have simply not had the bandwidth to post. I've been unwell since May 20th, but did not get a diagnosis, of pneumonia, until June 7th - traveling saw to that delay. I've lost a lot of weight, and energy is up and down. But although I won't be exerting myself too much anytime soon, pneumonia can have a slow recovery time, I am sensing a slow improvement.

This double rainbow, the second can be seen faintly above the first, appeared outside our house this morning. 🌈

A double rainbow, the second can be seen faintly above the first, seen from our house this morning

The Sunday bikers are making there way through AlcΓ‘cer this morning. It sounds like a scene from Mad Max out there.

A Stone in Time

There is a remote road on the far west side of the Brecon Beacons National Park in South Wales. Sealed but single tracked, with an occasional passing place. You are unlikely to see anyone there unless they are out hiking those barren hills. On a cold, wet day, the sort of day that I think about as I write this, isolation is the dominant feeling. And then you see a stone standing there, just off the road, but not of the road’s time.

Continue reading β†’

Absolutely perfect timing. The grandkids and family arrive today…and I get a migraine. It started last night, and will probably last for three days. They usually do. I haven’t had a migraine for a while now, and this one feels as though it is making up for lost time.

Well I had a lovely, unexpected surprise today. Years ago, or so it seems, there was an iOS app called Clear, a minimalist List keeping app. It appears that, also a while ago, I signed up for news of updates to the app. I stopped using the app, and the app dropped off the App Store.

Well today an email dropped into my Inbox, right out of the blue, announcing a new beta of the app available on TestFlight. It is now rebranded as Clear: Treat Yourself. While I’m unsure if I still will use the app, I have it installed to explore and test. If you are interested, here is the link to the beta.