There is a big storm crossing the island right now, I believe the rest do the State as well.
Last night lightening was flashing all around us. No thunder or rain. This morning the air felt heavy, waiting to break with something. Since mid-morning the rain has been falling, at times heavily. Lightening and thunder have been right above us. Thunder shaking the house. Lightening taking the electricity out briefly.
We’ll see what the rest of the day has install for us.
I’m very grateful this morning for MarsEdit, enabling to easily edit multiple links in blog posts, following some changes elsewhere. Thank you @danielpunkass
I haven’t watched any games in this Football World Cup. If England had got to the semifinals, I might have done. Having said that, I see now that Argentina have “won”. I say that as I don’t see how a tournament can be won my a handful of shots at the goal at the end of a game. How about just saying, “well done both teams. You have shown your excellence in the game. This year it is a draw.”?
Having said all of that, any tournament in any sport is just a construct made up of limitations (time, etc) and quite probably outside interests as well - tennis has its tie break rules, golf has its sudden death, etc.
I just like how a cricket game can be played for five days and the result can still be a draw. Surely the joy is in the playing, and the watching the skill of the players?
We’ve just driven home from a Christmas party. Are my eyes aging or are car lights brighter? I don’t enjoy driving at night these days (though new glasses have made it more comfortable).
Aircraft lights are bright. We live in flight path of airplanes coming to Maui. Not at under carriage down, final descent, but just as they are arriving over the island. At night they come in with lights on, and they are noticeable from a long way off.
I went to my men’s group for the first time for a while last night. The break was for a number of reasons, some of which I am not completely sure of myself yet, but it was good to be back.
I’ve seen 2 shooting stars tonight. Right now the sky is dark and speckled with the white light of stars everywhere, the red tinge of Mars breaking the mold.
After a long time seeing members of using the service, I have finally decided to try out Readwise. The subscription might decide it for me, as in a little too much, but I have 30 days to decide…now that is a generous trial period.
We watched Amsterdam last night and really enjoyed it. The film is based on the 1933 Business Plot in the United States which intended “to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and install Smedley Butler as dictator.” I had never heard of this episode before, and so I learned something new just in exploring the background story of the movie afterwards.
The film had a star studded cast, not in itself a guarantee of a good film, and required some concentration to follow the plot - maybe a cause for a what appears to be a lukewarm reception that the movie has received? However, I felt that it was well acted, funny in places, and cleverly filmed. 🍿
Every year around this time I look out for my first sighting of a Humpback Whale, on their return to Hawaiian waters from Alaska to calf. That sighting is usually either a spout of water or a breaching whale. This year it was a water spout as I was driving home.
I find that there is something magical in having these gentle giants swimming in the waters around the islands, and I would guess that I am not the only one?
After the stillness of the last week, Maui, at least the north shore of the island, is experiencing very strong winds. My wish is that these winds would dial themselves down a notch. Wind helps to keep the islands cool. Strong winds hinder standing up straight and unweighted things staying where they should do.