The Bunker Tuesday 22nd June, 2021

All credit to the artist(s) 🎨

There is only a partial view of the bunker here, but I didn’t want to lose an opportunity to capture any record of The Bunker that I had.

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Another of those mornings when although we live a mile away from the ocean, I can hear the waves crashing against the cliffs. 🌊

The big swell is starting to arrive this evening. My wife and I headed down to Ho’okipa to catch the first waves coming in. Apparently it will get bigger as we go into the weekend. The road and shore line was covered in a mist of water thrown up by the surf.

I was out walking and listening to an episode of the Tricycle Talks podcast. The podcast is an offshoot of the Buddhist magazine Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. In the middle of the podcast there was an advertisement for other offerings that Tricycle currently has, during which it was mentioned that Tricycle started 34 years ago. I remember when the first issue of the magazine was published. There was a lesson in impermanence for me.

Waves at Ho’okipa this evening. The calm before the storm, before the arrival of the big swell coming in in a couple of days. Something for the For the Pacific Wave Appreciation Society to look forward to.

Dusk at Ho’okipa this evening. The island of Moloka’i is visible in the distance.

The orange and yellow glow of sunset over the ocean. A cloudless sky, rocks and pools in the middle ground with a beach in the foreground.

I love this quote, the imagery, from author Steve Edwards from over on Bluesky.

I’ve had enough of villain origin stories. Show me how that old man next door who sits in his lawn chair under a shade tree all summer–with a bowl of water for the neighborhood dogs–achieved enlightenment.

The Bunker: Tuesday 24th January, 2017

All credit to the artist(s) 🎨

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🤕 After four days, the migraine that I have been nursing finally appears to be dissipating. I’ve been getting them for almost fifty years. In that time their intensity and frequency has varied. What has remained constant is that they come out of nowhere, start with with an aura around my eye until I can hardly see anything, that goes and then a thud of varying strength makes it presence felt. Nausea is probably present as well, perhaps a weak feeling through my body. The best treatment is usually silence, rest and no strong light. I have never had any luck with medication, both allopathic or alternative.

🤕 After four days, the migraine that I have been nursing finally appears to be dissipating. I’ve been getting them for almost fifty years. In that time their intensity and frequency has varied. What has remained constant is that they come out of nowhere, start with with an aura around my eye until I can hardly see anything, that goes and then a thud of varying strength makes it presence felt. Nausea is probably present as well, perhaps a weak feeling through my body. The best treatment is usually silence, rest and no strong light. I have never had any luck with medication, both allopathic or alternative.

Stories from the Road: Hitchhiking Memories

After mentioning some of my hitchhiking experiences in earlier posts, I came across this article by Hilary Bradt in The Guardian. In it she talks about her own hitchhiking experiences. At the age of eighty two she has been hitchhiking every decade of her adult life. While the mind can very easily go to possible dangers of standing beside the road waiting from a lift from a stranger, especially for a loan woman, or for that matter the dangers of picking up a complete stranger, I would argue that such incidents rarely happen.

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The Bunker: Monday 13th June, 2016

All credit to the artist(s) 🎨

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The Bunker: Thursday 28th April, 2016

All credit to the artist(s) 🎨

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I’m currently listening to A Charlie Brown Christmas (Expanded Edition) by Vince Guaraldi Trio. I love this soundtrack and the associated Peanuts TV special. I’ll be watching it again this year. 🎄

The album cover for the soundtrack to A Charlie Brown Christmas with Charlie Brown, Lucy and Linus dancing around a Christmas Tree, with Snoopy on the top.

My wife: “I went into the bedroom to get my phone, now I can’t remember what I wanted it for.”

Me: “Count it as one less thing to do.”

I’m sitting by myself at home listening to a Windham Hill Christmas Collection.

An album cover depicting a snowy forest scene under the title “Windham Hill Christmas Collection.

Letting Go of What I Can’t Get To

I’m talking here of my online life. Over the years I have tried various Read Later services, in the process building up a veritable library of articles that I don’t have time to read right now and so will put aside, neatly categorized, ready to be read later. In time that list gets too long despite my best attempts at working through the articles, so I declare bankruptcy and delete everything or prune the articles, keeping those that I must have and to…read later.

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The Bunker: Friday 1st April, 2016

All credit to the artist(s) 🎨

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The Bunker: Sunday 27th December, 2015

All credit to the artist(s) 🎨

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The Bunker

On the north shore of the Hawaii island of Maui, in the middle of a field that sits on the edge of cliffs dropping down into the waters of the Pacific Ocean, sits a small rectangular brick building that I call The Bunker. I have no idea of its original usage. Whatever that was, it now sits empty and its walls have become a canvas for unknown artists, at least unknown to me.

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