A room with a view at night with Jupiter looking on. The Pantheon, Lisbon.

Pantheon, Lisbon at night with Jupiter

🍰 Enjoying a quiet rest and a piece of cake.

😠 An unexpected morning of rebooking flights after our Wednesday flight was canceled.

A room with a view. The Pantheon, Lisbon.

Pantheon Lisbon

🧹 Cleaning and reading operating manuals. I find it irritating when instructions manuals don’t have the answers that I’m looking for.

πŸš— It’s a roady sort of day.

Face peeling off the wall, Lisbon.

Face peeling, Lisbon

πŸ’€ We slept in. Haven’t done that in a long while. We were tired.

Sitting tired in a hotel room after a day running round Lisbon getting jobs done. We both feel as though we achieved a lot. Still a few more i’s to dot and t’s to cross, but will take today as a win. Once rested, we’ll head out and to get a bite to eat.

πŸš— On the road to Lisbon.

πŸ₯± An early start.

Last night by the rive Sado at sunset in Alcacer do Sal. A couple of these were contenders for my entry to Micro.blog’s A Day in the Life photo challenge.

Alcacer do Sal Rio Sado at sunset Alcacer do Sal Rio Sado at sunset Restaurant AlcΓ‘cer do Sal at sunset

A Day in the Life
6:54pm, Thursday October 13th, 2022
River front, Alcacer do Sal, Portugal Coca Cola Alcacer do Sal Portugal

When I am traveling my posting and time spent keeping up with RSS feeds definitely diminishes. Time writing as well. As much as I enjoy the travel, I also miss the creativity that comes with the other.

πŸ”§ Making sure things work.

Wandering around Alcacer do Sal at lunchtime. Alcacer do Sal

Quiet, friendly, Alcacer do Sal

sleepy, good food Alcacer do Sal

and hot β˜€οΈ Alcacer do Sal

πŸ‘ Waking up to the sound of sheep this morning.

πŸš— We’ve arrived at Alcacer do Sal. It’s late. It’s dark, but we have arrived.

✈ Awaiting big the calling of our flight. Portugal next stop. This is a long trip.

πŸ•¦ Finishing off the final bits n pieces before we leave.