January 2023 newsletter letter

January 2023 I start this newsletter at an airport hotel on the edge of San Francisco airport, and continue it at 41,000 ft (12,496.8 m) as the aircraft approaches the west coast of Ireland. London in a little under an hour and a half. I’m guessing that I will finish this letter in the middle of the night in England while dealing with the disorientation of jet lag. Hello, and welcome to my January 2023 newsletter.

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Back On The Road Again

I started this post yesterday. I am now on solid ground, though will be back in the air in a few hours. Living in Hawaii makes getting back to Europe a long journey. Anyway, on with the post… I write this at 30,000+ feet over the Pacific Ocean, en route to San Francisco. Maui has been experiencing some heavy rain over the last couple of days, and the last hour has been a bumpy climb away for the islands.

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Travel is a funny beast, thinking here especially of international travel. Waiting around, crossing timezones, completely messes with my sense of time. Where did it go? What time is it? I sit here watching the busyness and speed of a southern Californian freeway, while I sit waiting for the next stage - the day just passing by while I remain still.

What is it with pens? I had it with me, along with my notebook, when I was upstairs, but now I cannot find it anywhere. At least that is the story that I am telling myself.

Waking up to this this morning - rain, rain and more rain. A harder version of yesterday it would seem.

⛈️ Lightning lighting up the sky tonight.

⛈️ Lightning lighting up the sky tonight.

It’s wet outside.

Flooding in the garden due to heavy rain

🥚 Watching eggs boil.

🥚 Watching eggs boil.

🌧️ Well I guess that is the end of the dry spell that we have been having? It’s pouring outside.

🌧️ Well I guess that is the end of the dry spell that we have been having? It’s pouring outside.

Well MarsEdit made short work of moving the blog posts caught up in this mistake from last night. I’m grateful for that this morning.

I realized this morning that yesterday I sent a handful of blog posts to my podcast website, which is currently on hiatus, instead of here to my main blog. I’ll correct that later by bringing those posts over. Meanwhile the error that caused that should also be fixed (until it slips my attention again).

🥱 Waking up feeling a little drugged this morning. I’m putting it down to the acupuncture that I had yesterday. I’ll ease myself into the day.

🥱 Waking up feeling a little drugged this morning. I’m putting it down to the acupuncture that I had yesterday. I’ll ease myself into the day.

Last night Jupiter, Neptune, the Moon, Venus and Saturn were all in a line in the Western sky. I stood outside for a while to see them all before Venus & Saturn disappeared below the horizon, but cloud foiled those plans.

Tonight they are in a slightly different alignment, though still visible. However, right now the cloud appears more abundant than last night.

The ocean is about a mile and a half away, at the bottom of some high cliffs. When all is silent I can hear the waves breaking.

I might live in Hawaii, but it is cold here on Maui right now. I’m sitting outside to read with a beanie on, a fleece with two layers underneath and I can feel the cold air against my nose.

🧘 Sitting in the darkness and silence of early morning.