Dan Rather sadly, almost helplessly says it all, Awakening to Tradegy.

Harvested turmeric sitting in a colander after being washed

Harvested turmeric after being washed.

I was doing some reminiscing online a couple of days ago, checking in on some organizations that I use to be a part of when I lived in Portland, OR. Specifically I was looking through the pages of The Transition Network and Transition US, movements to build resilient communities reimagined by the communities themselves.

In doing so I came across this Flickr page of photos of the Northwest Transition Summit that took place in Seattle - when, I can’t remember now? - and which I was a part of. It was wonderful to look through the photographs and see people who I have not been in touch with for some time now. Happy and inspiring times.

The “End of an Era” Indeed

Sean Heber has just published this post over at the Iconfactory website, following the pulling of Twitterrific from both the iOS and MacOS app stores. This was prompted by Twitter unceremoniously cutting access to the platform for third party apps. The ”End of an Era” indeed. When I think of the early days of Twitter, I think of Twitterrific. I signed up to the platform within its first year, though I don’t think that I really understood what I had signed up for?

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Boats on the river in India

I am not sure where this was taken, except that the country is India. I believe that it’s either the Lilajan River in Gaya, or the River Ganges in Patna. Like other recent photos that I’ve posted, it was taken in 1989.

Photo capture of a slide projected onto a wall.

I was in bed by 8:30pm last night. Not far off Maui Midnight (9:00pm), but still very early for me. I slept well. I put it down to the acupuncture that I had earlier in the day. There is nothing like waking up from a deep, restful sleep.

It’s not the tools that you use, it is the content that you produce.

I’ve just subscribed to Craig Mod’s January pop-up newsletter Walking TOKIO TŌKYŌ TOKYO² — Winter Edition. Running from January 16th through to the 23rd. That’s it. Subscribe and enjoy the read and exploration.

Horse and cart and bus on road near to Bodhgaya, Bihar state, India

Another photograph from my travels through the Indian/Chinese subcontinent between 1989 and 1990. This was taken near to Bodhgaya, Bihar state, India, possibly on the road on the way to the town. From the height of the photograph I wonder if I am sitting on the roof of a bus?

Photo capture of a slide projected onto a wall.

I’m sitting at home reading a book. Next door my stepdaughter is hosting a party. People are beginning to arrive. There is the sound of music. Voices are getting louder as they compete with the music.

As I sit here reading I find myself thinking, ”parties are so much work, not too host (through they can be a lot of work to host), but just to be at, to attend.” That’s the introvert in me talking.

This evening I am happy with my book. At least for now. We will be heading over to some friends’ house for dinner later. That could also feel like work, though not so much.

Kathmandu from across the Bagmati river

Kathmandu from across, I think, the Bagmati river. Like other photographs that I have posted this week, this was taken in 1989 during my travels through the Indian/Chinese subcontinent. Photo capture of a slide projected onto a wall.

Swayambhunath through the mist

Swayambhunath, on the edge of Kathmandu, through the mist. This photograph was taken in 1989 and is a photo of a slide projected onto a wall.

Well while I didn’t get out to see the Jaws surf break yesterday that I had spoken about, some people were surfing those monsters and others got to take photos of the day.

I did get to see some slightly smaller, though still big waves further down the coast. Plenty of people turned out to watch as well. No worth while photos of the waves though. An iPhone 13 Mini’s camera does not do them justice.

Cars parked up to view the big north shore swell

Sunset over a Tibetan monastery with prayer flags near Kathmandu Nepal

Sunset over a Tibetan monastery with prayer flags near Kathmandu, Nepal, taken towards the end of 1989.

This image is a photograph of a slide projected onto the wall and then cropped and straightened in order to correct the perspective.

Finished reading: The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro. A beautiful and tragic story. I was drawn back to the book. 📚

Travels through the Solo/Khumbu Region

Last night I went back through some slides from my 1989/90 travels through Pakistan, China, Nepal & India. I have numerous slides, and they are in an ill arranged mess at the moment. As I loaded up the carousel to put into the projector, I had little idea as to what I would be looking at, even whether I would recognize the images. My fears of not recognizing images were unfounded.

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John Lydon’s, formerly of the Sex Pistols, band PiL (Public Image Limited) will be competing against five other acts to represent Ireland in the Eurovision Song Contest. The band has described the song as a

Love letter to Lydon’s wife of nearly five decades who is living with Alzheimer’s.

The song is called Hawaii. I like it. While I am not very knowledgeable about all of Lydon’s output, it is very different from many of the songs that he is more well known for.


When you hear the word, “Quiet,” what does it bring up for you. Home Fear Avoid A Refuge Your Nature Happiness Trauma Rejection Peace Noise Need Sensitivity Introvert Left Out Don’t Fit In other? This list is not meant to be exhaustive. Just some words that came to me through watching my own and others’ reaction to quiet. What does come to mind when you think of quiet, and why?

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A big swell is on its way to the north shore of Maui. Surf of 40 to 50 feet is expected, with it peaking tomorrow. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Pe’ahi Jaws Big Wave surf competition happens during this time. I am no surfer, but when these big waves come in I stand there in awe of this natural phenomenon.

I’ve got behind on my email over the Holiday period - yes, I know that that officially ended a week ago! - and am now playing catch up, and boy am I finding it frustrating. Last year was good for me and email management. I need to chip away at the backlog, do a few and then take a break. Trying to do it all at once is just too much. My mind looks for excuses to do something else!