🌧️ I'm surprised that we haven't floated away following the rain last night, and this morning for that matter.

🌧️ I'm surprised that we haven't floated away following the rain last night, and this morning for that matter.

Today was a day of unexpected necessity. We are looking after my stepdaughter’s dog, Bronx, while she is away for work. Last night he threw up on a rug in our house while we were watching White Lotus.

So this morning I went to rent a carpet cleaner. The rug is looking better and is now drying. A residue stain is visible, though thankfully Bronx happened to be sick under a coffee table, so it should not be too apparent.

πŸ₯— A day of sharing food with good friends. What more is needed?

πŸ₯— A day of sharing food with good friends. What more is needed?

The Accompanying Letter

Since February this year I have been sending out a monthly newsletter, via Micro.blog’s newsletter feature - that is except for March where growing pains with the new system caused a hiccup in output. With each newsletter, along with the selected blog posts from the past month that I share, I also write an accompanying letter to the subscribers. I have no plan when I sit down to write the letter.

Continue reading β†’

🎧Saturday afternoon listening to the latest version of @hemisphericviews

🎧Saturday afternoon listening to the latest version of @hemisphericviews

✍️ Am writing. It feels good.

✍️ Am writing. It feels good.

Well despite the good weather yesterday, last night carried on the stormy weather from the previous night. As dusk fell constant the lightening flashes lit up the clouds over Haleakala. The light display continued through the night. Quite spectacular, though interestingly there was no thunder. While we received less rain than the night before, the south shores of Maui and the island of Moloka’i were issued with a flood advisory until 7:45am this morning.

Again, all is calm this morning.

☹️ I keep thinking that it is Friday...

☹️ I keep thinking that it is Friday...

This morning was the calm after the storm. The storm was last night. I was woken up to rain drumming down on the roof. I just lay in bed listening to this furious, high tempo deluge falling on us, and feeling grateful that I was inside. Each time the rain took a pause, I found myself feeling exhausted, as though I had in some way been dragged into energy of the beat.

Ironically the same sound that woke me up, eventually lulled me back to sleep.

πŸ’‘ That moment when the penny drops.

πŸ’‘ That moment when the penny drops.

☎️ A morning of research and sitting on the telephone.

☎️ A morning of research and sitting on the telephone.

Today has been a funny day. I feel as though I never really got going.

🌦️ Watching sun light shine through misty rain.